Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #5034 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1918-20 balance of the exhibit on 13 pages, with 20+ items, beginning with shoulder patches of the American Expeditionary Force Siberia and American Expeditionary Force North Russia (Polar Bears), two special "Safe Arrival" cards for troops that accompanied General Graves from California and two from the second contingent (only 6-8 of these cards have been recorded), forerunner mail, AEF Troopships (USAT "Sherman" and USAT "Thomas"), large piece of a Registered Return Receipt package from A.E.F. Siberia to Toledo, with 1c, 5c, 10c (2) and Special Delivery 10c (one of only two examples of Special Delivery stamps used on AEF Siberia mail), Money Order coupons from Verhneudinsk, Khabarovsk, Spasskoye and Vladivostok showing "U.S.Postal Agency Siberia M.O.B." pmks, Field Service cards, Christmas Card (only recorded), Instructional handstamp inscribed "Not in Am.E.F.Siberia Address" on card from Japan, arrival postmarks of USPA Siberia branch stations in Khabarovsk and Spasskoye, etc.
| $6,750.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5035 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1918-20 selection of six covers sent by members of the Russian Railway Service Corps, the first Americans to go to Siberia. Included is a cover from Tsuruga, Japan, handstamped "Paquebot", sent by Col. Emerson care of American Consul in Harbin, with Russian franking, also a cover with 3c U.S. franking, U.S. Postal Agency Siberia to Duluth, Mn (both opened and resealed by censor, with additional handstamps), cover (reduced at left) paying 1.50r with Russian franking on both sides, Irkutsk-Krasnoyarsk TPO 198 departure datestamps, addressed to Omsk, incoming mail to RRSC, one from Altoona, Pa, the other from Nagasaki, Japan. A rare group (the Russian Railway Service Corps in Russia was a semi-military organization of American railway engineers and technicians formed by the Department of State in September 1917 at the request of the Provisional Government of Russia to operate the Trans-Siberian, Chinese Eastern, and Ussuri Railways. The first contingent of 350 men under the command of Colonel George Emerson arrived in Vladivostok on December 14, 1917. Shortly thereafter, they left for Nagasaki, Japan, because of unsettled conditions. In March 1918, the Corps returned to Russia and began its work under the direction of John F. Stevens, Chairman of the Advisory Commission of Railway Experts to Russia and later President of the Interallied Technical Board)
| $5,500.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5036 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1918-19 selection of five covers to USA, each showing a different censor tape or handstamp, including personal markings (Lt.B.J.Cryer; Capt., 31st Infantry), one Japanese lettersheet, two with Russian franking, one charged 8c U.S. postage due on arrival, all mounted on two exhibit pages, fine
| $900.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5037 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1918 (18 Sep) cover from a Pvt. Clinton R. Lamb "R.E.F. in Siberia", posted from Manila, violet "Paquebot" and "Passed by Censor" handstamps, censored "O.K. 1st Lieut.31st Inf.", addressed to Bloomfield, Colo., with Oct.26, 1918 arrival and redirected to Ft. Collins, censor label at left, stated to be the only recorded AEF Siberia cover forwarded on a ship to Manila, instead of waiting for one to the U.S. The free franking privilege was nevertheless honored and the letter was delivered to the mainland
| $675.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5038 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1918 "U.S. Postal Agency Shanghai China", cover and postcard showing earliest (25 Sep 1918) and latest (17 Oct 1918) uses of the USPA Shanghai pmks by the AEF Siberia, both neatly described on exhibit page, each with framed censor cachet, endorsed "Soldier's Mail", fine and scarce
| $600.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5039 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1918 (20 Dec) "Soldier's Mail" cover to California, with clear "U.S. Postal Agency Siberia" duplex steel postmark and the No.3 in the barrel, framed censor handstamp, minor cover mending, otherwise fine. This small steel handstamp with "3" in the killer bars is the scarcest and only recorded (!) of all known Siberian AEF cancelations (illustrated in Van Dam's handbook, page 165)
| $2,600.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5040 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1918 (28 Oct) YMCA corner card cacheted cover, endorsed "Soldier's Mail A.E.F. Siberia", canceled "U.S. Postal Agency Siberia", framed "A.E.F. Siberia Censored", additional violet "Censored W.J. Burianek 1st Lieut. Of Inf." personal handstamp, minor backcover faults, otherwise fine, possibly the only recorded example of this censor mark
| $650.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5041 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1918 (1 Oct) registered cover to San Francisco, paying 1r (3x15k, 2x25k and 5k Postal Savings stamp), tied by "Suchanski Rudnik Prim." departure pmks, corresponding "Soutchanski Roud. Siberie, Russie d'Asie" Registry label, showing return address of a Sgt Halper, Med.Dept A.E.F. Siberia, with Yokohama transit and arrival pmk on back, opened and resealed by censor, fine (the Suchan Campaign involved clearing and subsequent occupation of the mining region around Suchan (currently Partizansk) in a climatically-unforgiving region of Siberia during the Russian Civil War)
| $950.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5042 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1919 cover with "Russian Railway Service Corps" cover card cachet franked with 3x50k Imperial Arms, sent by Col. G.H. Emerson (general manager of the Great Northern, head of the RRSC) to his wife in St. Paul, Minn., self-censored, with "Passed by Military Censorship A.E.F. Siberia" and framed Russian censor handstamps, minor backflap tears, otherwise fine
| $625.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5043 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1919 (3 July) cover endorsed "Soldier's Mail A.E.F. Siberia", canceled "U.S. Postal Agency Siberia", framed "A.E.F. Siberia Censored" handstamp, red "Fred Baily" personal handstamp, fine, one of only 6 (!) recorded
| $230.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5044 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1919 "War Department Headquarters American Expeditionary Forces Siberia", two different official business envelopes, each endorsed "Soldier's Mail", each with a different censor cachet, one sent by Capt. Chapman, with letter to his mother in Pacific Grove, Calif., minor cover faults, scarce
| $450.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5045 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1919 (9 Dec) Canadian YMCA corner card cacheted envelope (with letter), sent to Brooklyn, endorsed "Soldier's Mail", U.S. Postal Agency Siberia departure cds, with censor handstamp, fine and rare Canadian YMCA stationery envelope used by an American soldier in Siberia
| $850.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5046 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1919 (21 Sep) "Officer's Mail" cover to London, franked with pair and block of 6x1c green, tied by U.S. Postal Agency Siberia departure cds, self censored by Maj.H.Melosky, "Passed by Military Censorship A.E.F.Siberia No.7" (C-14), additional C-1 unit cachet, minor cover wear, fine. This is the only recorded example of a double-weight letter (5 cents for the first ounce and 3 cents for an additional increment) to a foreign address. Although soldier's mail was usually free of postage, this did not apply for foreign destinations
| $1,600.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5047 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1919 Special Stationery Official Business envelopes, three different sizes, each with a different "U.S.Postal Agency Siberia" departure pmk, both "Soldier's Mail" and "Officer's Mail" endorsements, sent to USA, fine-v.f.
| $450.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5048 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1919 (6 June) Roessler cover with 3c Victory franking, tied by U.S. Postal Agency cds, with oval "Passed as Censored" hs below, v.f., attractive Roessler cover, one of only 19 recorded
| $140.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5049 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1919 (24 Feb) cover (slightly reduced at left), paying 2c with 2x1c Columbians, tied by duplex pmks, with faint "Passed as censored" hs below, addressed to Willard Wylie in Beverly, Mass., minor cover flaws, unusual if not the only recorded franking from Siberia
| $230.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5050 United States Postal Agency in Siberia 1920 (8 Mar) cover sent by a Red Cross employee in Vladivostok to Manila, franked with single 2c carmine, tied by departure duplex, with "A.E.F. Siberia Passed as Censor" cachet (C-11) , slight toning, fine and scarce, late usage on cover to the Philippines
| $700.00 Bidding Closed |