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ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #5014
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF)
1917-23 collection on 48 exhibit pages (three frames), with 94 covers and cards selected to represent the Standard Postmarks used on mail from the U.S. military personnel in Europe. There are Steel, Machine and Large Rubber "U.S. Army Postal Service" cds, Military Postal Express Service cds, American Red Cross markings, Postal Express Service (PES), sub-station cds, "Received from Army Bordeaux", Italian Service with large "U.S.- A.P.O." and "Posta Americana Franchigia Militare" A.P.O. pmks, two covers showing different "U.S. Postal Agency Siberia" cds, Third Army "A.P.O.710" pmks (only about a half dozen examples recorded with these markings), American Forces in Germany "A.F.G." on official War Department "Headquarters American Forces in Germany" cover, low-number APOS, some with Postage Dues added on arrival, cover with 2c from AEF booklet (APS certificate) and much more, mixed condition, mostly fine or better
Bidding Closed
Lot #5015
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF)
1917-20 "Over There", U.S. Forces Abroad in WWI and its Aftermath, the original exhibit, offered mostly intact, with 130+ covers and cards organized in three parts to show U.S. troops in transit and U.S. Forces during and post-WWI in Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Austria, Monaco, Ireland, Montenegro, Turkey, censored mail, Service with the British Army, including Air Service Post Office, special units in France, including a letter from an American pilot with the "Lafayette Flying Corps", American Red Cross, U.S. Navy, Registry markings, Incoming mail, special stationery envelopes and cards, Armistice Day (11 Nov 1918) pmks, American Commission to Negotiate Peace cover, special rates and services and much more. A historical presentation, with a large number of seldom offered items
Bidding Closed
Lot #5016
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF)
1917-22 Mail to and from Foreign Destinations, 32-pages exhibit, with 42 covers or cards, AEF mail to Malta, Belgian Congo, Ceylon, China, Manchuria, Japan, Dutch East Indies; incoming AEF mail from Dominican Republic, Greece, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Denmark, Latvia, Tunisia (addressed to a member of the 4th Regiment of the U.S. Air Service in Nantes), China, also AEF from a Polish Volunteer in France, AEF mail to Isle of Man, Canada, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Panama, Argentina, Uruguay, Ireland, Great Britain, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Serbia, fine and extraordinary assembly
Bidding Closed
Lot #5017
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF)
1917 (29 Dec) American Expeditionary Forces/Office of the Commanding General cover, with "General Pershing" and "Soldier's Letter" added, "A.E.F. Passed as Censored" handstamp, addressed to Mrs. Cora Nye in Wellesley, Mass., accompanied by a corresponding stationery letter, marked "Personal" and signed "John J. Pershing", both mounted on an exhibit page (General John Joseph "Black Jack" Pershing gained fame after leading U.S. forces in pursuit of Pancho Villa in Mexico. He served as commander of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) during World War I. When General Pershing returned home, Congress made him only the second person (after George Washington) to be honored with the rank of "General of the Armies of the United States.")
Bidding Closed
Lot #5018
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF)
1918 "Soldier's Mail" cover to USA, via APO 785 (then located at Allerey, France), clear strike of "U.S. Army Post Office 11 Nov 1918", with AEF censor cachet alongside. Examples of mail with Armistice Day pmks are difficult to find (the staffs at the Military Post Offices were too busy celebrating to be processing the mail)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5019
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF)
1918 Traveling Post Offices, selection of seven covers or cards on exhibit pages, with "From T.& C. R.P.O.West" (Tours & Chaumont), "Bordeaux-Vierzon-Paris R.P.O.", "Dijon-Marseilles R.P.O.", "Le Mas & Tours M.P.E.S.", various censor markings, mixed condition. The TPO markings of the AEF during WWI are extremely rare, only about a dozen or so recorded
Bidding Closed
Lot #5020
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF)
1919-23 collection on 16 exhibit pages, with 30 covers and cards examining the use of postmarks inscribed "Third Army" or "3rd Army", presented in numerical order by APO numbers, providing designations of military units, the towns in which the Post Offices were located and the dates during which the Third Army postmarks are recorded, showing earliest and latest recorded usages, censor markings, destinations, etc., all meticulously described, with extensive information provided for each item
Bidding Closed

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