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Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #5391 SERBIA Serbo-Bulgarian War 1885-86 selection of seven military stationery cards used from Bela Palanka, Belgrade, FPO 3 and FPO 4, also Nish and Leskovac, both special military postal cards supplied free to the troops and sent to Belgrade, with arrival pmks (Rasic states that "Fieldpost correspondence of the Serbian army during this short war is rare") (Serbia and Bulgaria, both felt that the Treaty of Berlin should have awarded them more territories at the Ottoman Empire's expense. King Milan Obrenovic demanded that Bulgaria cede some of its territory to Serbia and declared war. A swift Serbian victory was expected, but Prince Alexander of Bulgaria won the decisive battle at Slivnitsa (Nov 17-19, 1885), defeating the invading Serbs and subsequently pursuing them back into Serbia. He accepted an armistice only when Austria intervened in Serbia's defense. Milan abdicated in 1889, passing the Serbian crown to a regency in the name of his son Alexander)
| $450.00 Bidding Closed |
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