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ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #5395
SERBIA Serbian Troops in Russia
1916-19 four exhibit pages with 6 covers or cards showing mail from Serbian soldiers, volunteers serving in the Russian army, military and patriotic cards from Ekaterinoslav, Kagul (Bessarabia), Odessa with straight line censor handstamp "SERB.V.KONT" (Serbian Military Control), censored card from the "First Serbian Volunteer Division in Russia", sent from Voznesensk to Tunisia; only reported illustrated Serbian patriotic postcard of the "Second Serbian Volunteer Division in Russia"; "Canadian Siberian Expedition" patriotic envelope from a soldier at Yugoslav Volunteer HQ at Vladivostok to his friend of the 1st Battalion, Second Yugoslav Regiment based in Chelyabinsk, franked on back with Imperial and Kolchak stamps, fine and most unusual group
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