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ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #5358
ROMANIA Military Mail
1917-18 Austro-Hungarian Occupation of Romania, 30 covers or cards on exhibit pages displaying various FPO markings used by the Austrian army in Romania, "K.u.K.Feldpostampt" unit handstamps from Bucharest, Braila, Dragasani, Focsani, Petresti, Giurgiu, including a registered cover from "Agentie der L.R.K. Priv. D.D.S.G. Giurgiu" (agent of the Danube Steam Navigation company at Giurgiu) to Vienna, other military mail from Caracal, Corabia, Craiova, Ploesti, Reni, Rimnicul-Sarat, "K.u.K. Kontrolkommission Verclorowa", "K.u.K.Schiffsstationkommando Turn Severin", Targoviste, etc.
Bidding Closed

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