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ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #5349
POLAND Military Mail
1914 three covers with Austrian franking, two canceled "Miechow" (date filled-in by hand), addressed to Krakow, last one from "Wolbrom", each with "K.u.K. Militarzensur" handstamps, fine. This provisional pmk was used at Miechow and Wolbrow, from 5-14 September, 1914 when the Austrian troops were withdrawn to meet the threat from the Russian invasion of Galicia
Bidding Closed
Lot #5350
POLAND Military Mail
1919-20 selection of seven covers or cards, showing various Fieldpost markings, including registered cover from "Twierdza Grodno", "Poczta Polowa" to and from the troops in Warszawa area, registered cover from Ostrowo, various censor markings, etc.
Bidding Closed

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