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Lot #5314
ITALY Italian Intervention forces in North Russia
1918-19 selection of 10 covers or cards on exhibit pages, variety of military markings "Corpo de Spedizione Russia Seettentrionale Comando" from Murmansk, "Penisola di Cola" (Kola Peninsula), "Medveya Gora" (350 miles south of Murmansk), incoming mail, the only recorded Registered cover from the Italian Expedition, sent via the British PB 1 Army Post Office (28 Jan 19) to Torino, incoming mail from Italy to "Murmania" (Murmansk), censor handstamps, one on card addressed to Asmara (Eritrea), fine showing (the Italian contingent of 1,350 men in the "Corpo di spedizione italiano in Murmania" was commanded by Colonel Sifola. Their mail was not postmarked, but rather endorsed with the special cachet (equivalent to "North Russia Expeditionary Corps Headquarters") which granted free-frank privileges. The Italians evacuated North Russia in September 1919)
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