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Lot #5321
1925-60 collection of 11 covers or cards on exhibit pages, including a picture postcard sent from Mogadiscio to Giumbo, showing "Kismayo/E.A.P." transit pmk, 1931-39 usages with Italian Somaliland franking, censored mail to Danzig and Hamburg, with mixed franking Italian East Africa and Somaliland adhesives, British Occupation E.A.F. registered cover used locally in Chismayo to a British officer at the Agricultural Office of Jubaland, B.M.A. Somalia cover from Kismayu to Malmo, Sweden, pre-Independence usages to Mogadiscio and Aden, fine and representative group (Oltre Giuba (Trans-Juba) was a short lived Italian colony in the south-western part of today's Somalia. The Colony was awarded to Italy in 1924, with part of the northern portion of the Kenya territory, commonly called Jubaland or Trans-Juba, ceded to Italy)
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