Current Auction
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Images | Description | Current Bid |
| Lot #5302 HUNGARY Occupation Issues 1918-20 collection of 29 covers or cards on exhibit pages, registered mail with Baranya overprints, Serbian Occupation of Bacsa Territory, various military censor handstamps from Ofutak, Zombor, unauthorized overprints on Hungarian stamps used on covers, FPO markings applied to mail sent by Serbian soldiers during the Occupation of Temesvar, plus many others
| $950.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5303 HUNGARY Occupation Issues 1919 two covers with Baranya overprints, both with violet Censor markings, one used locally, the other Registered from Pecs to Paris, fine usage during Serbian Occupation
| $140.00 Bidding Closed |
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