| Lot #5296 GREECE Greek Campaign in Asia Minor 1919-20 selection of 12 covers or cards on exhibit pages, showing Field Post Office markings used in Smyrna, FPO 902, outbound mourning cover to Athens, straight-line and round cachets of "Military Pay Office of Smyrna base", "Railway Station Garrison" markings from Pountas and Monavak, Medical Corps cachets of Greek Red Cross, FPO 903 at "Magnesia", inscribed "Military Court Magnesia Division" (stated to be the only recorded military cachet from this location), FPO 915 and FPO 926, the former to Alexandria, other cachets from "Mikras Asias", also a cover from Xanthi to USA, mixed condition, excellent specialist group
| $750.00 Bidding Closed |
| Lot #5297 GREECE Greek Campaign in Asia Minor 1919-22 highly advanced 50 page exhibit, seventy covers or cards showing Greek Post Offices in Asia Minor, with a variety of cancelations and postal rates for domestic and foreign destinations (United States, Canada, Belgium, Egypt, France), large variety of markings, including elusive Greek High Commission in Smyrna, Kiniton, Voutza, Vournova, Alasata, Krini, Nymfeon (only three examples of this cds are recorded), Mainemeni (the only recorded cover with this pmk), Pargamus, Vaindirion, Kydonia, Thira (only cover reported), Ali-Aga (one of only three covers recorded), Soma, Adrsmyton Garrison, Sokion, Artaki (the only cover with this marking), Moudania with Turkish stamps and handstamp, Tsediz with negative Turkish handstamp, Panomos, Turkish Guenen, Same on piece, Garrison Kios, Dorileon, Karahissar bilingual, Panormos, FPO 905, FPO 940, FPO 907, different censor markings, Greek Red Cross, variety of military cachets, Air Force units, Naval Mail (HHMS "Kilkis" and "Chief of Fleet"), POW cover, TPOs mail and others. Truly an exceptional collection with great items and rarities from this fascinating area
| $9,500.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5298 GREECE Greek Campaign in Asia Minor 1919-22 collection on 18 exhibit pages, variety of postmarks and censor markings on 30 covers and cards, with or without Ottoman franking, used from Greek-occupied Proust, Panormos, including FPO 917, Guenon, different versions of "Greek M Military Censorship" handstamps, Ezine, Ousak, "Railway Station Garrison Baloukesir", "Garrison Kios", Dorileon, Kioutahia, Karahissar, FPO 905, FPO 906, FPO 915, fine (after World War I, the Greeks attempted to extend their territory beyond Eastern Thrace and Smyrna (Izmir). The Greek army launched an offensive in Anatolia against the nationalist Turks and advanced beyond the Afyonkarahisar-Eeskihir railway line towards Ankara. The Turks, however, commanded by Kemal Ataturk, defeated them at the Sakarya River (Sep 1921), assumed control of Smyrna and drove the Greeks out of Anatolia a year later)
| $1,800.00 Bidding Closed |