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ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #5262
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 (6 Mar) 2p registered letter to Cambridge, canceled "Army Post Office P.B.1", with corresponding Registry label, violet "X11" censor and London arrival (16 Mar) datestamp (Postage was not required for cards and letters up to 4 oz within the theatre and the British Empire, but the Registry fee (2 pence minimum) had to be paid. Registered covers from the North Russia Campaign are quite scarce, less than 10 (!) recorded
Bidding Closed
Lot #5263
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 (16 May) cover to England, franked with 1p-10p George V, seven different, tied by "Army Post Office P.B.2" cds, with corresponding Registry label, violet "X20" censor mark, fine and attractive
Bidding Closed
Lot #5264
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 (30 Aug) cover addressed to Klivy, Minsk province (then under Polish Occupation), franked on back with single 50k Coat of Arms, tied by Archangelsk departure cds, "Opened by Censor/Base Censor No.1" British label, also with Polish censor handstamp, signed Mikulski
Bidding Closed
Lot #5265
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 (20 Sep) Field Service Post Card to England, Army Post Office P.B.2 departure and violet "Passed by Censor No.35R" hs alongside, fine. Fieldpost cards were not supposed to be censored, this card may be the only recorded exception
Bidding Closed
Lot #5266
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 (23 Sep) "On Active Service" Russian 5k stationery card with the additional 15k franking, canceled "Army Post Office P.B.2", sent from Archangel to England, with violet "Passed by Censor No.35R" hs. Also included is 5sh Seahorse, sheet margin single canceled on piece by "APO PB 12 Sp 18, 19" cds, with censor hs alongside, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5267
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 Travelling Post Office (12 July) YMCA corner card cacheted cover endorsed "Officer's Mail", sent by U.S.Capt. Montgomery (with the American North Expeditionary Corps) to his wife in Minneapolis, with "Army T.P.O. No.1 / N.R.E.F." pmks, violet "Passed as Censored" handstamp at bottom, fine. In October 1918, the British Intervention Forces in North Russia found a functioning railway car and used it to carry mail on a weekly basis between Murmansk and Soroka. When the Transportation Corps arrived in April 1919, a special TPO postmark was supplied to be used on mail processed on the train. Only five (!) examples of this cancel have been recorded
Bidding Closed
Lot #5268
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 (2 July) Registered 2p stationery entire envelope addressed to Montreal, with corresponding Registry label, two strikes of "P.B.33" (located in Pechenga (a small town in Murmansk oblast, Northwestern European Russia), red London transits and Montreal (9 Aug) arrival pmk, censor label at right, fine. Registered mail from the North Russia campaign is seldom encountered, especially from the P.B.2 (Archangel) post offices
Bidding Closed
Lot #5269
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 incoming mail, card and two covers to the British Expeditionary Force in Russia, one from France, addressed to Brig.General F.W.H.Walshe HQ Archangel, others from England and India, the latter marked on back "Evacuated U.K.", with "Army Post Office P.B.2" and other markings, fine. Incoming mail to N.R.E.F. are scarce (General Walshe served with Denikin and Wrangel during the Russian Civil War and was Aide-de-camp to King George V, between 1920 and 1928)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5270
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 two "On His Majesty's Service" covers, one addressed to Officer of Records N.R.E.F. Archangel, with "Royal Army Service Corps" hs, "Field Post Office P.B.55" (located at Beresnik), Passed by Censor No.30R, with Army Post Office P.B.2 (Archangel) arrival pmk on back. The other cover is addressed to London, bears Army Post Office P.B.66 (located at Oberzerskaya), censored "X20"
Bidding Closed

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