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Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #5172 FRANCE French Forces Abroad 1889-1921 collection of 55+ covers or cards on exhibit pages, showing various usages on territories occupied or represented by France before and after World War One, Alsace-Lorraine, Egypt, Hungary, Crete (1901 "La Sude", "Hierapetra"), Poland ("French Mission at Polish Army Headquarters"), Luxembourg, Lithuania ("Mission Militaire Francaise en Lituanie"), China (Tientsin and Shanghai 1938-39 "Forces de Terre Francaise en Chine", "1er Battalion de Marche de Chine"), Spain (1936-38 card and cover from torpedo boats "Simoun" and "Curagan" based at Tangier and Toulon during the Spanish Civil War), Serbia (1917), Great Britain (1915-18), West Indies (Castries, St. Lucia and Kingston, Jamaica showing cachets and endorsements "Anglo-French Naval Division of the West Indies"), Italy (Rome 1917 "Mission Militaire Francaise en Italie"), Russia, including one from Siberia, also United States (1917-18 "Centre Naval de New York"), fine and interesting presentation, varied and well described
| $1,900.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5173 FRANCE French Forces Abroad 1918-20 collection on 9 exhibit pages, with 20+ covers or cards showing French Military Missions deployed after the Armistice in various areas of Italy (Taranto, Rome, Venice, Verona and Torino), Serbia, with various markings, including "French Railway Liaison Mission for the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes", French Army and Navy in Salonika, "Base Navale de Salonique Service", "Transit" and other handstamps, also mail from Thrace (Gumurdjina), Macedonia and Bulgaria, last with "Occupation Corps in Bulgaria" military cachet, addressed to the head of the Belgian Mission in Sofia
| $900.00 Bidding Closed |
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