Current Auction
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Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #5090 AUSTRIA Flight Covers 1915-18 collection of 18 covers and cards from Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation Corps on the Adriatic, with various "Fliegerstation" (Seaplane) and submarine station markings from "Grado" (Trieste), Pola, Puntisella, Cosada, Fiume, Sebenico, Curzola, Kumbor and Cattaro, with examples of mail flown by Seaplane through FPO 406 at Fiume to Pola (from there to Laibach), cachets inscribed "I & R Coastal Naval Air Station Sebenico" and others, fine and undoubtedly scarce group, all well described on partially decommissioned exhibit pages
| $950.00 Bidding Closed |
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