Current Auction

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ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #5070
1913-17 eight covers or cards, including two registered covers from Vlone to Austria and Germany, franked with the Provisional Government adhesives, WWI usages from Durazzo, Skrapak, Korytsa and Valona, all written-up on exhibit pages, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5071
1919-26 selection of 29 covers or cards used during the Second Provisional Government and Republic, variety of frankings and destinations, well described on 18 exhibit pages, with respect to rates, origins and destinations, some outstanding items include a censored cover from Elbasan to Sacramento, with 2x5c green Parcel Post Postage Dues, registered cover from Lushne to Sydney, Australia, new value surcharges on cover to USA, Romania, Money Order with 25q surcharge, 1923 Pictorials on covers, various provisional surcharges, scarce overprints, two Air Post covers, etc., fine lot
Bidding Closed
Lot #5072
1928-38 collection of 36 covers or cards on 21 exhibit pages, various issues, Registered mail, souvenir sheets, Zeppelin and Flight covers, origins and destinations, unusual markings, one from the Italian steamship "Brioni", "Kingdom of Albania" overprints on covers and Parcel card, plus many others, fine and highly attractive representation
Bidding Closed

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