Lot #810 ISRAEL Revenues 1948 Consular Tax stamps, 5pr blue green, sheet of 20, n.h., v.f. (Bale SR.Rev.201, $18,000) **
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #811 ISRAEL Revenues 1961 2L red and black, sheet of 100, third column with black value omitted, n.h., v.f. **
$300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #812 ISRAEL Revenues 1961 Proofs in green and red, set of 11, also varieties including 5p with blue center, center omitted single, center omitted block of 16 (on card paper), gutter block of four with center omitted, and 100p block of four with center in pink, plus Treasury Stamps, 20m orange, imperf. blocks of six and eight, and 100m purple imperf. blocks of six (2) with designs shifted, n.h., fine-v.f. group **
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #813 ISRAEL Army Stamps 1948 unissued Israel Army stamps, two different composite photo essays, both with 15m Lion of Judah, 30m Menorah, 45m Sword and Olive Branch designs, but with different 75m (one with Sword and Spade, the other with Spade, Sword and Scroll), all from the estate of the designer O. Wallish, v.f. and rare, each signed Muentz, with his 1982 certificate E
$1,800.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #814 ISRAEL Army Stamps 1948 Israel Army stamps, composite photo essay of the approved designs, with 10m Ancient Warrior (TSVAO instead of TSVAI spelling error), 15m Menorah, 20m Stockade and Tower and 50m Sword and Olive Branch, plus single photo essay of 15m Sword, Olive Branch and Magen David (rejected design), all from the estate of designer O. Wallish, v.f., signed Muentz with his 1982 certificate for the composite proof and 2013 Tsachor certificate for both E
$1,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #815 ISRAEL Army Stamps 1948 Israel Army stamps, color trials of the final design by O. Wallish (printed by Levin Epstein in July 1948), five different imperf. composite horizontal strips of four on gummed paper, with 10m (with the TZVAO instead of TZVAI spelling error), 15m, 20m and 50m, each with large margins on three sides, in blue, green, purple, light blue and dark orange, last two with some scattered stains, otherwise v.f. and scarce group, signed Muentz, with 2005 Tsachor certificate P
$6,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #816 ISRAEL Judaica 1919 cover from "Podkamiem" (near Brody) in Eastern Galizia, addressed to the American Mission (of the Jewish National Committee) in Vienna (formed to oversee the immigration of Jews from Galizia to the United States), carried by private courier, with franking prepaid with a Jewish National Fund adhesive (Herzl), also two Austrian stamps added in Lwow (24.8.19), sent via Krakow, with Censor label removed from left, another added on back, fine example of this private service, Mikulski certificate
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #817 ISRAEL - WORLD WAR II and HOLOCAUST 1940-41 three registered covers, two to the United States, one to Argentina, sent from French Concentration Camps, Camp de Gurs (two) and Camp Recebedou, with oval "Surete Nationale Camp De Recebedou" and "Camp de Gours" censor markings, backstamped on arrival. Through that period, these camps were primarily used to hold German Jews deported from Rhineland and Saar, and Jews that resided in France before the war, but did not hold French passports
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #818 ISRAEL - WORLD WAR II and HOLOCAUST 1941 four registered covers from USA to Camp de Gurs, Basses Pyrenees, France, addressed to either "Monsieur Le Commandant" or "Officer in Charge", transit and arrival pmks, some with German censor markings (The French government established the Gurs camp before war with Germany and well before the occupation of France in June 1940. Originally, Gurs served as a detention camp for political refugees and members of the International Brigade fleeing Spain after the Spanish Civil War. In early 1940, the French government interned about 4,000 German Jewish refugees as "enemy aliens," along with French leftist political leaders. In June 1940, Gurs fell under the authority of the Vichy regime, which eventually closed the camp in 1943. Almost 22,000 prisoners passed through Gurs, of whom over 18,000 were Jewish)
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #819 ITALIAN STATES Parma 1859 80c olive bister, Sperati Reproduction, with handstamp on reverse which partially shows through, with 2014 Sismondo certificate
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #820 ITALIAN STATES Roman States 1852 1sc rose, unused with full original gum, full to large margins all around, minute hinge thin, otherwise a v.f. example of this rare stamp, with 2007 Raybaudi certificate (Sass.11) * Catalog #11 Catalog Value €7,000
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #821 ITALIAN STATES Roman States 1852 8b black on white, pane of 25, margins all around to just touching at upper right, 7 stamps hinged, balance n.h, fine-v.f. and scarce piece, with 2007 Raybaudi certificate (Sass.9, catalogue value for hinged singles) */** Catalog #9 Catalog Value €25,000
$4,750.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #822 ITALIAN STATES Roman States 1867 3c black on gray, bottom right sheet corner margin block of six, margins just clear at top, top two stamps hinged, rest n.h., minor toned spots at upper left, otherwise fine and scarce positional piece, with 2007 Raybaudi certificate (Sass.15; catalogue value for hinged block and two singles) */** Catalog #13 Catalog Value €21,000
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #823 ITALIAN STATES Roman States 1867 3c black on lilac gray, unused left sheet margin block of four, full original gum, h.r., margins in at top and right, natural gum creases, bottom left stamp v.f. A scarce block, signed Emilio Diena, also Scott's Stamp and Coin Co. handstamps, with 2007 Raybaudi certificate (Sass.14) * Catalog #13a Catalog Value €37,500
$2,900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #824 ITALIAN STATES Roman States 1867 10c black on vermilion paper, left margin horizontal pair, margins all around to just in at bottom of left stamp, right stamp v.f., h.r., with 2007 Raybaudi certificate (Sass.17; catalogue value for singles) * Catalog #15 Catalog Value €9,000
$950.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #825 ITALIAN STATES Tuscany 1851-52 2cr gray blue, horizontal strip of five, used, full to clear margins all around, v.f. and rare multiple, signed Colla (Sass. 5e; catalogue value for ordinary shade) O Catalog #5 Catalog Value €22,000
$2,800.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #826 ITALIAN STATES Tuscany 1860 10c reddish brown, unused with full original gum, margins all around, fresh and v.f., signed Kneitschel, Diena, etc., with 2006 Sismondo certificate (Sass.19f, Euro 11,000) * Catalog #19 Catalog Value $4,800
$1,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #827 ITALIAN STATES Tuscany 1860 10c dark brown, unused without gum, margins all around, fresh and v.f., signed Sottoriva, with his 2009 certificate (Sass.19b, Euro 2,750) (catalogued as unused without gum) (*) Catalog #19 Catalog Value $1,100
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #828 ITALY 1862 20c indigo, left margin vertical strip of three, top stamp imperf. on three sides, upper right corner diagonally cut, bottom stamp completely imperforate on all sides, middle stamp imperf. At bottom, l.h., signed Diena, with his 1992 certificate ("Unique") (Sass.2mb, unpriced) *
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #829 ITALY 1862 10c bistre, used in combination with Sardinia 5c green (Sass.13E), on large part of FL sent from Torino to Gressoney (Jan.1.63), both tied by Torino cds, fine combination franking, signed "Un.Filatelica Naz. Soc. An.Roma", with 2007 Raybaudi certificate (Sass.1)
Catalog #17
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #830 ITALY 1863 15c blue, type I, incomplete impression, "C. - Postale - 15" missing at top, unused with full original gum, small h.r., margins all around, v.f., if not the finest known example of this error, signed Chiavarello, Diena and Sorani, with their individual certificates (Sass.12f, Euro 22,000+) *
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #831 ITALY 1865 10c bistre, used in combination with Sardinia 5c green (Sass.13E), on small cover sent from Casale to Fobello, both tied by Casale cds, with arrival on reverse, fine and scarce combination franking, with 2007 Raybaudi certificate (Sass.1)
Catalog #17
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #832 ITALY 1899 large registered cover, originally from Cleveland to New York City, with 1c U.S. franking at top, sent via Torino, with Italian 25c and 1L, three of each, tied by cds, re-addressed to Berlin, with arrival (15 June) pmk on back, cover creases and folds, some toning, otherwise fine and interesting item
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #833 ITALY 1928 (25 May) large lettersheet "R.N. Citta di Milano - Spedizione Artica", with 11 different stamps, incl. 1.75L brown, 1.25L St. Francis and 1.,25L Special Delivery, each canceled by the special Arctic Expedition 25.5.28 cds, with dateline "Kings Bay 17-8-28", fine and interesting Polar Philately item
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #834 ITALY 1941 Rome-Berlin Axis, Hitler & Mussolini unissued 10c brown, 20c red and 25c green, sheets of 50, n.h., v.f. (see note in Scott) (Sass.457A-C, Euro 21,250) ** Catalog #413-15var
$3,750.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #835 ITALY 1945 AMG VG, 60c green, vertical strip of four, shifted overprint, diagonal at bottom, also a strip of three, middle stamp with overprint virtually omitted and displaced diagonally to bottom (result of a pre-print crease) (Sass.6gad, Euro 5,000) **
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #836 ITALY Flight Covers 1933 Balbo Trans-Atlantic flight cover from Rome to Copenhagen, franked with 5.25+19.75L "I-Long" triptych, appropriate cachet, Registry box, transit and arrival pmks on back, v.f., signed Diena, etc., with 2003 Caffaz certificate (Sass.Euro 4,250)
Catalog #C48
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #837 ITALY Flight Covers 1933 Balbo Trans-Atlantic flight cover from Firenze to Chicago, franked with 5.25+19.75L "I-Ques" triptych, appropriate cachet, Registry label, flown to Reykjavik and from there by ship to New York and Chicago, with eight transit and arrival pmks on back, v.f., signed Bolaffi, etc., with detailed 2018 Longhi certificate. Rare cover, correctly franked for delivery in Europe, but delivered to the United States (Sass.Euro 5,000+ for European destination)
Catalog #C48
$1,800.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #838 ITALY Flight Covers 1933 Balbo Trans-Atlantic flight cover from Rome to Washington, franked with set of two "I-Bani" triptychs, Registry box and "Registered" hs, transit and arrival pmks on back, faint toning, otherwise v.f. and attractive Balbo cover with the set of matching triptychs
Catalog #C48-49
$3,250.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #839 ITALY Flight Covers 1934 Rome-Buenos Aires Flight, registered cover franked with 10L overprint and additional franking, flight cachet applied on both sides, with arrival (2 Feb 34) on back, v.f. (Sass.A59, Euro 1,100)
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #840 ITALY Zeppelin Flights 1933 registered and flown cover addressed to Friedrichshafen, franked with 5L Zeppelin stamp and three other stamps, Registry label and appropriate Roma flight cachet and red arrival pmks, v.f.
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #841 ITALY Special Delivery 1922 60c on 25c rose red, double surcharge, basic stamp misperforated, h.r., unpriced in Scott (used catalogues $2,000) * Catalog #E11b
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #842 ITALY Special Delivery 1922 60c on 50c rose red, vertical pair, bottom stamp without surcharge, l.h., scarce, * Catalog #Sass.E6e Catalog Value €3,000
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #843 ITALY Special Delivery 1925 1.25L dark blue, imperforate sheet margin vertical pair, n.h., v.f., signed Bolaffi, ** Catalog #Sass.E12b Catalog Value €1,280
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #844 ITALY Postage Dues 1955 8L lilac, also Parcel Post, seven diff. horizontal pairs, complete as issued, n.h., fine-v.f. (Sass. S.112, Pacchi in Consessione 5/14, Euro 950) ** Catalog #J85, QY5-11 Catalog Value $837
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #845 ITALY Postal Stationery 1877 "Busta Parlante" envelope with 20c franking (uncanceled), Series "8", unused with all adverts on both sides, unusually fresh, customary diagonal slit, fine and delightful rarity, signed Diena, with his 1952 certificate (Sass.2, Euro 75,000)
$12,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #846 ITALY Italian Social Republic - Verona Postage Dues 1944 overprint color errors, set of six, n.h., v.f., with 1983 Raybaudi certificate, ** Catalog #Sass.47A/58A Catalog Value €5,100
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #847 ITALY Italian Social Republic - Verona Postage Dues 1944 overprint inverted, complete set of 10 values, n.h., fine-v.f., signed Raybaudi, ** Catalog #Sass.47a-59a,52Aa Catalog Value €5,250
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #848 ITALY Italian Social Republic - Brescia Special Delivery 1943 2.50L orange, types II-III se-tenant vertical pair, n.h., v.f., with 1983 Raybaudi certificate, ** Catalog #Sass.20/II-III Catalog Value €3,750
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #849 ITALY LOCAL ISSUES - Merano 1918 2h rose, 5h olive green, 10h ultramarine (oltremare chiaro), three different, large margins, last one with sheet margin at right, tied by "Algid 27.XI.18" cds on large piece, v.f., signed Richter, also Raybaudi, with his 2002 "Gold Certificate", O Catalog #Sass.1,2,3a Catalog Value €10,200
$1,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #850 ITALY LOCAL ISSUES - Merano 1918 2h rose, 5h olive and 10h ultramarine, used, last two canceled on piece, v.f., signed Raybaudi, with his 1999 certificate for two stamps on piece, O Catalog #Sass.1-3 Catalog Value €7,000
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #851 ITALY LOCAL ISSUES - Merano 1918 5h olive, used, v.f., signed Raybaudi, with his 1992 certificate, O Catalog #Sass.2 Catalog Value €4,000
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #852 ITALY LOCAL ISSUES - Merano 1918 10h ultramarine, modified cliche (semi-circle at upper right corner inverted), canceled "Algund", fresh and v.f., signed Raybaudi, with his 2006 and Dr.Helmuth Avi certificates. A very rare stamp, only a few recorded, O Catalog #Sass.3A Catalog Value €6,000
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #853 ITALY LOCAL ISSUES - Merano 1918 2h green (horizontal pair), 5h dark blue, 10h brick red, used, v.f., signed Raybaudi, O Catalog #Sass.6-8 Catalog Value €5,500
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #854 ITALY LOCAL ISSUES - Merano 1918 2h green, 5h dark blue, each with complete offset on back, used, v.f., pencil signed, O Catalog #Sass.6f,7f Catalog Value €1,350
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #855 ITALY ITALIAN OFFICES IN CHINA - Peking 1917-18 Pechino, 10c, 20c, 25c, 50c, 1L and 5L, six different high values, blocks of four, each canceled by Poste Italiane Pechino-Cina, tied on pieces, fine-v.f., some pencil signed (Sass.11-16, Euro 4,460 as used singles)
Catalog #15-20 Catalog Value $2,420
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #856 ITALY ITALIAN OFFICES IN CHINA - Peking 1919 "$2 dollari" on 5L blue and rose, surcharge type III ("Pechino" 11 1/2mm wide, instead of 13mm) usual centering, fresh color, l.h., fine and scarce, with 1981 Diena certificate (Sass.29, Euro 35,000) * Catalog #30b Catalog Value $20,000
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #857 ITALY ITALIAN OFFICES IN CHINA - Peking Postage Dues 1918 Pechino, surcharges 8c/20c, 12c/30c and 16c/40c, three different blocks of four, each canceled by Poste Italiane Pechino-Cina 24.5.19 pmks and tied on pieces, pencil signed Diena, etc., fine-v.f. (Sass.S6-8, Euro 9,680 as used singles)
Catalog #J6-8 Catalog Value $5,340
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #858 ITALY ITALIAN OFFICES IN CHINA - Tientsin 1917 Tientsin, 2c on 5c green, 4c on 10c rose, each canceled by "R.R.Poste Italiane Tientsin-Cina 20.9.17" on pieces, fine-v.f., signed Chiavarello, etc. (Sass.1,2, Euro 2,800) O Catalog #1,2 Catalog Value $1,000
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #859 ITALY ITALIAN OFFICES IN CHINA - Tientsin 1918-19 2c on 5c (2), 8c on 20c (2), 10c on 25c, 40c on 1L, also Postage Dues 12c on 30c (2), paying 94c on registered cover used in 1922 from Tientsin to Genova, with four-line "RR. PP Italiane-Tientsin Poste Cinesi" cachet, departure and arrival pmks, fine and scarce cover from Tientsin (40c on 1L and Postage Dues are listed but unpriced on cover)
Catalog #Sass.17,19,20,22,S7
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #860 ITALY ITALIAN OFFICES IN CHINA - Tientsin 1922 (10 June) large registered cover from Tientsin to Milano, franked with six different surcharges, tied by cds, with transit and arrival pmks (Sass. Euro 4,450)
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #861 ITALY ITALIAN OFFICES IN CHINA - Tientsin Postage Dues 1918 surcharges 8c/20c, 12c/30c and 16c/40c, three different, each canceled by "R.R.Poste Italiane Tientsin-Cina 22.7.22" pmks and tied on pieces, pencil signed Diena and Raybaudi, fine-v.f. (Sass.S6-8, Euro 2,420) O Catalog #J6-8 Catalog Value $1,335
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #862 ITALY ITALIAN LEVANT - General Issue 1908 Local Issue for Constantinople, 1pi on 25c blue, overprinted "Piastre" instead of "Piastra", usual centering, canceled on piece, signed Raybaudi, with his 2003 certificate (Sass.4d, Euro 3,000) O
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #863 ITALY ITALIAN LEVANT - General Issue Postage Dues 1922 Local Issue for Constantinople, 10c-5L set of six, used, usual centering, fine, 2L with Diena and Raybaudi certificates (Sass.S1-6, Euro 6,500) O
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #864 ITALY ITALIAN LEVANT - Durazzo 1921 (15 Mar) registered cover franked with unoverprinted 20c and 1L, tied by "Posta Militare 50" cds, repeated alongside, supported by "Posta Militare 50" registry label, sent to Switzerland, showing return address of Durazzo, with Basel arrival pmk, signed Raybaudi
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #865 ITALIAN COLONIES General Issues for all Colonies Air Post Officials 1934 Roma-Mogadiscio Servizio di Stato, complete set of four, from Cyrenaica, Eritrea, Somalia and Tripolitania, further overprinted "Saggio" (Specimen), n.h., v.f., with Raybaudi certificate (Only 100 sets were overprinted "Saggio" for presentation purposes) (Sass.SA1S) S Catalog #CBO1S
$3,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #866 ITALIAN COLONIES Eritrea 1903 1c-5L, set of eleven (complete according to Sassone), mostly l.h., few usual perf. flaws, fine, * Catalog #19-27,29,33 Catalog Value $3,315
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #867 ITALIAN COLONIES Eritrea 1910-29 Government Building at Massaua, set of four perf. 13 1/2, also set of three perf. 11, n.h., usual tropical gum, post office fresh, fine-v.f., signed Raybaudi, Sorani, with their 1997-98 certificates, rare (Sass. Euro 3,775) ** Catalog #47-50,47a,49a,50a Catalog Value $2,082
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #868 ITALIAN COLONIES Eritrea Parcel Post 1916 25c-4L, six values, h.r., some tropical toning or light stains, otherwise fine (Sass.PP3-8) * Catalog #Q3-8 Catalog Value $2,367
$650.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #869 ITALIAN COLONIES Fiume 1918 50f violet and lilac (Parliament), type III, with sheet margin at left, n.h., v.f., signed Diena, ** Catalog #Sass.14/III Catalog Value €3,200
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #870 ITALIAN COLONIES Fiume 1918 3k violet and gray, handstamped overprint type II, n.h., fine, with 1961 Oliva and 1996 Raybaudi certificates, ** Catalog #Sass.19/II Catalog Value €4,400
$550.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #871 ITALIAN COLONIES Fiume 1918 5k brown, handstamped overprint type II, n.h., v.f., with 1993 Sorani certificate, ** Catalog #Sass.20/II Catalog Value €4,400
$475.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #872 ITALIAN COLONIES Fiume 1919 3c gray brown, right margin single, perf. 10 1/2, n.h., v.f., with 2006 Raybaudi certificate (Sass.C33/I, Euro 2,500) ** Catalog #28a
$475.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #873 ITALIAN COLONIES Fiume 1919 30c violet, perf. 10 1/2, n.h., v.f., with 1995 Raybaudi certificate (Sass.C39/I, Euro 2,500) ** Catalog #34a
$475.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #874 ITALIAN COLONIES Fiume 1919 2cor bright blue, perf. 10 1/2, n.h., v.f., with 1995 Raybaudi certificate (Sass.C45I, Euro 2,500) ** Catalog #40a
$475.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #875 ITALIAN COLONIES Fiume 1919 Franco Surcharge, 55c on 1cor orange ocher, poor quality grayish paper, n.h., v.f., signed Sorani, with his 1990 certificate (for a pair from which this originated) (Sass.A83, Euro 3,600) ** Catalog #66var
$550.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #876 ITALIAN COLONIES Fiume 1919 "Franco" 55c on 10cor olive perf. 10 1/2, top margin single, n.h., v.f., with 1998 Diena certificate (Sass.D87/I, Euro 3,000) ** Catalog #70var
$300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #877 ITALIAN COLONIES Fiume 1920 overprinted and surcharged in black or red ("Regenza Italiana der Carnaro") 25c indigo (black overprint), also red overprint and 1L surcharges on 25c blue and 1L on 25c indigo, three different, n.h., fine-v.f., first and last signed Raybaudi, also with 1992 Diena certificate for top value (Sass.147,148,148a, Euro 3,000) ** Catalog #113,118,118a Catalog Value $2,290
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #878 ITALIAN COLONIES Fiume 1920 new printing, surcharged 10L on 20c ocher (bottom line 20.5mm instead of 22.5mm), n.h., fine and rare, less than 400 issued, with 2008 Raybaudi certificate (Sass.146A, Euro 6,500) ** Catalog #121var
$1,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #879 ITALIAN COLONIES Fiume Special Delivery 1920 30c rose and 50c slate blue, unissued colors set of two (they were issued "reversed", 30c slate blue and 50c rose), n.h., fine-v.f., with 1989 Raybaudi certificate (Sass. E1A-2A, Euro 5,000) ** Catalog #E2-3var
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #880 ITALIAN COLONIES Fiume Postage Dues 1918-19 6f green and black, top margin single, and 12f green and black, n.h, fine, various signatures, with photocopy of a 1990 Diena certificate (Sass.S1-2, Euro 3,600) ** Catalog #J1,2 Catalog Value $2,700
$600.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #881 ITALIAN COLONIES Fiume Postage Dues 1918-19 12f green and black ("C" watermark), right sheet margin single, n.h., fine, with 1961 Oliva certificate, ** Catalog #J2var Catalog Value $1,600
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #882 ITALIAN COLONIES Fiume Postage Dues 1921 "Valore Globale" surcharges, set of 10, n.h., fine-v.f., with 1997 Raybaudi certificate for the two high values (Sass. S15-24, Euro 6,000) ** Catalog #J15/26var
$950.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #883 ITALIAN COLONIES Oltre Giuba 1926 San Francesco, 5+2.50L horizontal pair, variety imperf. between, l.h., fine, signed Colla, etc. (Sass.28b) * Catalog #28var Catalog Value €5,000
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #884 ITALIAN COLONIES Tripolitania Air Post 1934 Circuit of the Oases, complete set of seven, n.h., top two values signed Sorani, with his 1999 certificate (Sass. Euro 3,500) ** Catalog #C38-42,CE1-2 Catalog Value $1,050
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #885 ITALIAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES Italian Occupation of Montenegro 1941 Overprinted and surcharged on stamps of Yugoslavia, 1.50d red, se-tenant vertical strip of four, showing four different proofs of the overprint, including "Montenegro" only, "Montenegro" twice (one Cyrillic) with date, Cyrillic "Montenegro" with "Occupazione Italiana" and Cyrillic "Montenegro" with date, n.h., folded between stamps, v.f. and rare, signed Raybaudi **
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #886 ITALIAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES Italian Occupation of Montenegro 1941 unissued 50p orange, n.h., fine, with 1986 Raybaudi certificate (for a block of four from which this single originated) ** Catalog #Sass.14A Catalog Value €3,200
$575.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #887 ITALIAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES Italian Occupation of Montenegro 1941 unissued 50p orange, left margin block of ten, n.h., fresh and v.f., with 1987 Raybaudi certificate. Only 50 issued, this multiple representing 20% (!) of the available stamps, ** Catalog #Sass.14A Catalog Value €32,000
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #888 ITALIAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES Italian Occupation of Montenegro 1941 overprinted on 40d green (n.h.) and 50d grayish blue (l.h.), set of two, v.f. and extremely rare, with 1979 Fiecchi and 1983 Raybaudi certificates, */** Catalog #Sass.PA 8I,8II Catalog Value €125,000
$11,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #889 ITALIAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES Italian Occupation of Montenegro 1942 Red Cross, overprinted in black, set of four, n.h., fine-v.f., only 400 printed, with 1990 Diena certificate, ** Catalog #Sass.32-35 Catalog Value €6,500
$850.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #890 ITALIAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES Italian Occupation of Montenegro 1942 Red Cross, overprinted in red, set of four, n.h., v.f., only 200 printed, with 1990 Diena certificate, ** Catalog #Sass.36-39 Catalog Value €15,000
$2,200.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #891 ITALIAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES Italian Occupation of Montenegro 1942 1d yellow green, small "Lire" overprint, well centered, n.h., fresh and v.f. example of this rarity, with 1993 Raybaudi certificate, ** Catalog #Sass.48A Catalog Value €42,000
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #892 ITALIAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES Italian Occupation of Montenegro 1943 Commemoratives, Postage and Air Post complete, 16 values, sheets of 50, n.h., fine-v.f. (Sass.60-69,PA26-31) ** Catalog #2N33-42,C18-23 Catalog Value €27,500
$3,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #893 JAPAN 1907 Russian 3k stationery card with additional 1k franking addressed to Japan, canceled by Tsuruga 11.1.07 cds on arrival, with additional 10.1.07 transit and framed "Paquebot" handstamp, some card toning on the address portion, interesting usage
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #894 JAPAN 1948-49 Definitives, watermarked 2y-500y (10 different), n.h., fine-v.f., ** Catalog #425/36 Catalog Value $1,330
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #895 JAPAN 1950-52 Definitives, watermarked 2y-500y (9 different), l.h., fine-v.f., * Catalog #511/521B Catalog Value $1,379
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #896 JAPAN Japanese Offices in China 1914-21 1/2s-1y, fifteen values, h.r., fine-v.f., * Catalog #33/47 Catalog Value $511
$300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #897 JAPAN Japanese Offices in China 1921 two covers used from Tsingtao to USA, one franked with single 10sen; the other with block of 6x3s and single 2s, all tied by "Tsingtao I.J.P.O." cancels, one with Sundbury, Ohio arrival, cover flaws, otherwise fine
Catalog #36,37,42
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #898 KOREA 1946 Issue, imperforate singles, complete set of five, unused without gum as issued, v.f. (*) Catalog #69-73var
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #899 KOREA 1951-52 United Nations 500wn Korea - Italy (without crown) imperforate souvenir sheet of two, blue country emblems (also portions of flags and names of countries) and inscriptions inverted, red portions of flags printed on reverse, suggesting this sheet found its way out of the printers through a back door (printer's waste), some creasing, otherwise fine, very rare and dramatic error, ex-Cunliffe, Sagar collections, with 2009 Philatelic Foundation Certificate * Catalog #154a-155a
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #900 NORTH KOREA 1950 North Korean Flag, 6w red & blue, 1w pale green, 1w red orange, three different sheets of 100, folded between stamps, unused without gum as issued, fine-v.f., (*) Catalog #16,21,22 Catalog Value $3,100
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #901 NORTH KOREA 1954 picture postcard, registered and flown from Chung Zin to Czechoslovakia, franked with imperf. 6w and pair of 70w, minor toning, otherwise fine and scarce registered postcard
Catalog #16,48
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #902 NORTH KOREA 1954 picture postcard to Czechoslovakia, franked with imperf. 5w on 6w, supplemented on face with pair of 40w scarlet, fine and scarce card
Catalog #42,44
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #903 NORTH KOREA 1956 cover headed "Central Committee of the Red Cross Society of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea", franked with three imperf. stamps and addressed to Red Cross Central Agency for Prisoners of War in Geneva, fine
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #904 LATVIA 1768 (16 Mar) outer FL from Riga to Pernau, with straight-line framed "Riga" handstamp, with departure and arrival (the next day) docketing, fine and scarce early strike. The framed postmark of Riga in Latin letters was introduced in 1767 and continued in use only for one year (Dobin 01/0.001, rarity factor "6")
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #905 LATVIA 1838-39 two FLs, one from "Post-Hilgensfer" (sent 3 Jan.38) to Ubbernorm, the other from "Post-Stackeln" (1 Nov.39) to Terickaten, all in the Lifland gouv., with clear markings, red wax seals, dates inserted by hand, fine and rare pair of covers, neatly written-up on exhibition page and stated "the earliest recorded date of postmark" for each
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #906 LATVIA 1938 two unexploded 2,02 Ls booklets, one with 18 November 1938 cancel on front cover, v.f.
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #907 LATVIA 1938 3s brown orange, two vertical pairs, each variety imperf. at bottom, different shades, fine-v.f. ** Catalog #200var
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #908 LATVIA Air Post Semi-Postals 1932 imperforate singles, complete set of five used in 1937 on registered cover, flown from Riga to Germany, filing fold away from the stamps, part of backflap missing, otherwise fine-v.f., with arrival pmk
Catalog #CB9-13
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #909 LATVIA Air Post Semi-Postals 1933 Issue, complete set of four used with additional franking (on back) on registered and flown cover from Riga (13 July) to Locarno, Switzerland, fine-v.f., with arrival pmk
Catalog #CB21-24
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #910 LATVIA Air Post Semi-Postals 1933 Airships, perforated set of four, used in 1937 on registered, flown cover from Riga to Switzerland, v.f., with Kreuzlingen arrival pmk
Catalog #CB21-24
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #911 LEBANON 1948 UNESCO, Postage & Air Post, set of 10 gutter blocks of 20, n.h., fine-v.f., ** Catalog #220-24,C141-45 Catalog Value $1,290
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #912 LEBANON Air Post 1953 100p Lockheed Constellation, imperf. trial color proof in red violet, sheet of ten on gummed paper, n.h., faint margin toned spots, still v.f. and rare P Catalog #C182P
$300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #913 LIBERIA 1979 UPU, 8c-80c four different, printed alongside of Yemen Arab Republic designs (three different) on large printer's sheet, folded between stamps, unusual P
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #914 LIBYA 1878 (11 June) FL from Tripoli, Barbary, sent to Malta, with the very rare "P.P." in blue, fine usage from Tripoli to Malta, with arrival docketing
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #915 LIBYA 1921 5c black and green, imperf. horizontal pair, with center shifted to the right, margins all around, n.h., tiny toned spots on gum, still v.f., with 2008 Raybaudi certificate (Sass. 23h) ** Catalog #22c,var Catalog Value $1,000
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #916 LIBYA 1926 Pictorials, 15c brown & orange, perf. 11, unwatermarked, center inverted, block of four, n.h., fresh, fine-v.f., signed Bolaffi, etc., with 1957 Diena and 1966 Bolaffi certificates. A rarity (Sass.62a, cat. Euro 72,000+) ** Catalog #52b Catalog Value $27,000
$7,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #917 LIBYA Issued under French Occupation - Ghadames Air Post 1949 100fr lilac and rose, error of color, n.h., v.f., with handstamp guarantee (Sass. A6A, Euro 6,000) ** Catalog #3NC2var
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #918 LIECHTENSTEIN 1912-15 Prince Johann II, set of three, also 25h dark blue and ultramarine, h.r., fresh, fine-v.f., * Catalog #1-3,3a,3b Catalog Value $1,162
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #919 LIECHTENSTEIN Semi-Postals 1936 Postal Museum souvenir sheet of four, 34 unused and 8 used (First Day Cancels), all n.h., v.f., **O Catalog #B14 Catalog Value $2,320
$300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #920 LITHUANIA 1852 (18 Mar) value letter from Wilno, sent via Rezhitsa to Yanopol, with departure postmark and three-line handstamp applied at Rezhitsa post office "it was received in Rezhitsa/in good condition and the weight is correct/11 March/Postmaster" (with signature), also an arrival docketing (in Polish), intact seal of "Wilenskaya Gubernia Pocht. Kontora"
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #921 LITHUANIA 1919 Berlin Issue, 75s red and bistre, center inverted, imperf. sheet margin block of eight, n.h., v.f., with 2002 PFC ** Catalog #57var
$160.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #922 LUXEMBOURG 1906 10c scarlet, two souvenir sheets of 10, distinct shades, h.r., fine-v.f., * Catalog #82a Catalog Value $900
$240.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #923 LUXEMBOURG 1923 10fr deep green, single from the souvenir sheet, n.h. (usual gum), fine (YT 140) ** Catalog #151 Catalog Value €1,000
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #924 LUXEMBOURG 1926-35 Grand Duchess Charlotte, 5c-1 1/4fr yellow, 23 different bottom sheet margin blocks of four, each stamp with security punch and overprinted Specimen in red, n.h., fine-v.f. S Catalog #159/181S
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #925 LUXEMBOURG 1950 Grand Duchess Charlotte, 5c-3 1/2fr, nine different blocks of four, each stamp with security punch and overprinted Specimen in red, n.h., fine-v.f. S
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #926 LUXEMBOURG 1950 Grand Duchess Charlotte, 5c-3 1/2fr, eleven different blocks of four, plate proofs on card, 5c and 50c green discolored, others fresh, v.f., rare P
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #927 LUXEMBOURG Semi-Postals 1935 Intellectuals, complete set, n.h., fine-v.f., ** Catalog #B65A-Q Catalog Value $1,100
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #928 LUXEMBOURG Flight Covers 1937-39 three registered and flown covers, each franked with set of six, first one used in combination with 50c Belgium and sent to Berlin, others to New York, fine-v.f.
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #929 MEMEL 1920 4m on 2fr orange & pale blue, block of four, upper left Type II, used on piece, fine se-tenant multiple, signed Dr.Petersen, Bohne, GPSY O Catalog #31,31a
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #930 MEMEL Lithuanian Occupation 1923 15c on 50c, variety missing horizontal bars under "Cent", l.h., fine, signed Stolow, with APS certificate (Mi.234.IV, Euro 700) * Catalog #N83var
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #931 MEXICO 1861 1/2r black on buff, overprinted "Tampico," horizontal strip of four, large margins all around, pen cancelled and affixed on undated outer FL, left stamp creased, little toning, fine, with 2008 Scheller certificate
Catalog #6
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #932 MEXICO Air Post Officials 1932 50c dark blue & claret, with "Servizio Official" overprint, l.h., v.f., with 1980 MEPSI certificate, only 100 printed, * Catalog #CO18 Catalog Value $1,000
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #933 MONACO 1949 UPU, perf. and imperf. souvenir sheets of three and four, n.h., fine-v.f. (YT blocs speciaux 2,2a,4,4a) ** Catalog #245-245A,C31-33 Catalog Value €920
$240.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #934 MONGOLIA 1898 red band cover franked with Russia 7k blue, tied by "Urga Pocht. Kont." cds (Tchilingirian Fig.444), addressed to China, with Russian "Dun-Fu-Yu Peking" and additional firm chops on the other side, ex-Wortman
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #935 MONGOLIA 1943 Issue, paper with network, complete set of eight, used, fine-v.f., scarce, O Catalog #75-82 Catalog Value $3,528
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #936 MONGOLIA 1953 Marshal Cholbalsan, 11 different, mostly used, last two unused (n.h.), some creases and minor perf. flaws, mostly fine-v.f., *O Catalog #104-106,108-115 Catalog Value $1,780
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #937 MOROCCO 1982 King Hassan 2d, 3d and 5d (each dated "1982" in margin), also Coins type 3d, total of four different imperforate blocks of four, n.h., v.f. **
$130.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #938 NETHERLANDS 1852 King William III, selection including 5c blue (27), 10c lake (12) and 15c orange yellow (2), various shades and cancels, occasional flaws possible, mostly v.f. (catalogued as the least expensive varieties) O Catalog #1-3 Catalog Value $1,545
$375.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #939 NETHERLANDS COLONIES Curacao 1873-1902 Issues, complete except for 2 1/2c on 30c, mostly without gum as often, few minor things, otherwise fine-v.f. (catalogued as unused without gum) (*) Catalog #1/29 Catalog Value $956
$130.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #940 NETHERLANDS COLONIES Surinam 1898-1909 three covers to Switzerland and Italy, last two registered, mostly fine
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #941 NORWAY 1930 imperforate essays, selection of 12 proofs, with or without gum, various designs, mostly v.f. E
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #942 OMAN 1978 75b on 250b, variety surcharge inverted, vertical pair with horizontal interpanneau margin between, n.h., v.f., extremely rare, probably only five gutter pairs exist (SG 214var) ** Catalog #190Cvar
$1,800.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #943 PANAMA 1921 Centenary of Independence, complete set, overprinted Specimen in red, with security punches, n.h., fine-v.f. S Catalog #220-231S
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #944 PANAMA 1924 Arms, complete set, overprinted Specimen in red, with security punches, n.h., fine-v.f. S Catalog #234-243S
$120.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #945 PANAMA 1936 4th Postal Congress of the Americas and Spain, complete set including Air Post, overprinted Specimen with security punch, n.h., fine-v.f. S Catalog #278-287S,C21-26S
$120.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #946 PANAMA Air Post 1947-53 selection of 15 different, handstamped "Muestra", n.h., v.f., signed Kessler, Sanabria S
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #947 PARAGUAY Air Post 1930 2.85p dark blue, block of four tied on piece by two boxed cachets "Por Zeppelin Primer Vuelo America del Sur, Norte America Europa - Mayo 1930 Republic Del Paraguay" (illustrated in Sieger, No.62Aa)
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #948 PARAGUAY Zeppelin Flights 1935 two covers, two different flights, including first Shuttle flight, each attractively franked, with appropriate cachets and markings, addressed to Hermann Sieger in Germany, v.f. (Si.328,332)
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #949 PERU 1872 incoming mail, cover from the United States to Lima, paying 44c with horizontal pairs of 15c bright orange (152) and 2c red brown (146), also single 10c brown (150), tied by circle of wedges cancels and "Portchester N.Y. Mar 14" cds, red "New York 24 Mar 15" credit datestamp, Lima backstamp, minor flaws, still v.f. and colorful cover paying double the 22c rate by American Packet then British Packet via Colon
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #950 POLAND 1801 cover addressed in Polish to a junior officer in Kiev, showing on back a straight-line "Zhitomir" in Cyrillic (used only 1799-1801), nearly intact wax seal, minor age stain at top, rare cover from Zhitomir (a city in Ukraine, but with considerable Polish population)
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #951 POLAND 1860 (4 Sep) cover franked with Russia 10k brown & blue (perf. 12 1/2), tied by a well struck "134" numeral in rectangle of dots, with corresponding ROWNO departure pmk on back, addressed to a Countess Choloniewska in Janow (via Berdyczew), overall toning, otherwise fine
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #952 POLAND 1860 10k rose & blue, unused with gum (which is not original), delicate pastel color, intact perforations, minute toned specks, fine, (*) Catalog #1 Catalog Value $2,400
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #953 POLAND 1860 10k rose & blue, used, two distinct shades, each canceled by a different "1" Warsaw numeral pmk in concentric circles and squares, the latter with curled bottom, nice colors, fine O Catalog #1
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #954 POLAND 1860 10k rose & blue, used, two distinct shades, each canceled by a "1" with curled bottom Warszawa pmk, nice colors, one with a horizontal crease, otherwise fine O Catalog #1
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #955 POLAND 1860 10k rose & blue, used, two distinct shades, canceled "1" and "295" in concentric circles, minute flaws, also a single with trimmed perforations O Catalog #1
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #956 POLAND 1860 10k rose & blue, canceled "97" (Zamosc), nice pastel colors, usual perforations, fine and rare stamp O Catalog #1
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #957 POLAND 1860 10k light blue & rose, added blue frame for inner oval, canceled "1" in concentric rings, exceptionally well centered for issue, tiny toned speck at bottom right, fine example of this variety, with 1999 Mikulski certificate, O Catalog #1c Catalog Value $1,400
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #958 POLAND 1860 10k rose and light blue, canceled "1" in concentric rings, exceptional centering for issue, nice colors, variety showing outer line completely missing, also defective inner frame and partly omitted numeral at bottom left, signed Wiatrowski (Fi.1a) O Catalog #1var
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #959 POLAND 1863 Russia 10k stationery entire envelope, embossed indicia on back, canceled by "135" in rectangle of dots, with corresponding "Starokonstantinov" departure pmk on front, addressed to Warszawa, with red arrival and "3/P" (3:00PM) on back, wax seal removed, overall toning, rare usage from Starokonstantynow
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #960 POLAND 1865 Russia 10k brown & blue (unwatermarked), tied by "16" in concentric circles on large part of outer FL from Ruda Gozowska to Warszawa, with bilingual departure handstamp alongside, faint arrival markings in red, fine appearance
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #961 POLAND 1870 Russian 10k stationery entire envelope with indicia at left, canceled "162" in concentric rings and addressed to Helsingfors, Finland, with boxed "ANK 18/1" arrival alongside, fine usage from Radomsk to Finland
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #962 POLAND 1871 Russia 10k brown & blue (horizontally laid paper) tied by "1071" numerals in truncated triangle of dots on outer FL from Tomaszow to Warszawa, with merchant's departure datestamp and Warszawa (8 Dec) arrival markings, rare usage from Tomaszow
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #963 POLAND 1871 Russia 10k brown & blue (horizontally laid paper) tied by "1115" numerals in truncated triangle of dots on cover from Khmelnik, via Kielce, Lublin and Piaski to Suchodaly, with departure and arrival datestamps in Cyrillic letters on back, overall toning, scarce triangular cancel from present-day Ukrainian village to Poland
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #964 POLAND 1871 (11 June) outer FL to London, franked with Russia 1k, 5k and 20k (horizontally laid paper), tied by "1034" numerals in truncated triangle of dots, with corresponding "Ozorkow-Kalish" two-line departure datestamp in Cyrillic, merchant's oval in blue, red "Franco Aus Russland" and arrival pmks, filing fold through the middle stamp, still a fine cover from Ozorkow to England, showing rare pre-philatelic markings
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #965 POLAND 1872 (27 Nov) FL (written entirely in Yiddish), franked with Russia 10k brown & blue (horizontally laid paper), tied by "1097" numeral in truncated triangle of dots, corresponding "Szydlowiec" two-line departure datestamp in Cyrillic (struck twice on back), Warszawa arrival on front, rare
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #966 POLAND 1874 Russia 10k stationery, small entire envelope (slightly reduced at top) with additional 3k franking, canceled "1043" numerals in truncated triangle of dots, addressed to France, with boxed "St. (station) UNEYEV" (Uniejow), with Kalisz transit, Postal Car and French arrival pmks, rare usage of the "1043" numeral cancel from Uniejow
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #967 POLAND 1875 10k stationery entire envelope with indicia at right, canceled by "1173" numerals in truncated triangle of dots, sent to St. Petersburg, with Chorzele April 12 1875 departure datestamp struck twice on back, also St. Petersburg arrival (19 Apr), filing folds and some toning, rare cancel and undoubtedly extremely rare usage from Chorzele (a town near the Orzyc River in Przasnysz County, in the Province of Masovia)
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #968 POLAND 1875 (13 Dec) registered cover franked with Russia 1k, 10k and 20k (horizontally laid paper), tied by "1017" numerals in truncated triangles, with corresponding "Jablonie gouv. Warszawa" departure datestamps in Cyrillic on back, with Warszawa arrival pmk, also in Cyrillic at top, cover is missing the backflap, otherwise fine and splendid cover from Post Station Jablonie, ex-Faberge collection, with 1998 Mikulski certificate
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #969 POLAND 1905 cover to Vienna, franked with Russia 3k and 7k, used in combination with Austrian 25h Franz Josef (showing signs of being previously used), all tied by Cyrillic "Warszawa Exp. No.3", filing fold away from the stamps, fine and truly remarkable example of postal fraud, where a previously used Austrian stamp was used in place of short-paid 4k, with Wien arrival (18.10.05), signed Rachmanow
$300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #970 POLAND 1916 unissued "Gen-Gouv. Warschau" overprint on 3pf Germania, h.r. at top, v.f., extremely rare, signed Schmutz *
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #971 POLAND 1918 20pf ultramarine, canceled on piece by "Sosnowice 20.2.19" cds, well centered, fresh and v.f., signed Schmutz ("ultramaryna 12a"), with 1989 Jungjohann certificate (Fi.12aa, Zl 10,000) O Catalog #21a Catalog Value $2,250
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #972 POLAND 1919 3h bright violet, I-45, thin "Z" variety, l.h., v.f., signed Rachmanow, Dr.Kronenberg, Bloch, etc. * Catalog #41var
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #973 POLAND 1919 10h magenta, I-36, n.h., v.f., signed Mikstein, etc. (Fi.33, 4,400zl) ** Catalog #44
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #974 POLAND 1919 10h magenta, I-15, thin "Z" variety, h.r., v.f., signed Dr.Kronenberg (Fi.33, 2,500zl) * Catalog #44var
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #975 POLAND 1919 10h magenta, form I-40, canceled on piece, v.f., signed Taipale, etc., with 1999 Dr.Kronenberg certificate, O Catalog #44 Catalog Value $500
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #976 POLAND 1919 90h red violet, I-37, h.r., well centered, v.f., signed J.Barry, Dr.Kronenberg and Mikulski, * Catalog #50 Catalog Value $1,500
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #977 POLAND 1919 90h red violet, h.r., well centered, v.f., signed Mikulski, * Catalog #50 Catalog Value $1,500
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #978 POLAND 1919 1kr carmine, form I, thin "Z' variety, also form IIB, h.r., the latter dried gum, otherwise v.f., signed Dr.Kronenberg, etc. (Fi.45,45I,II, 1,140zl) * Catalog #51,51var
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #979 POLAND 1919 10kr deep violet, form IVB, position 14, barest trace of a light hinge mark, well centered, fresh, v.f., signed Mikstein, Mikulski, etc. A perfect example of this popular Polish rarity, * Catalog #55 Catalog Value $14,000
$7,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #980 POLAND 1919 10kr deep violet, form IVB, position 17, canceled on small piece by bilingual "Krakow 1a 12.1.19" cds, v.f., signed Rachmanow, Koopman, etc., with 1999 Dr.Kronenberg certificate, O Catalog #55 Catalog Value $13,000
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #981 POLAND 1919 15h dull red, I-58, also thin "Z" variety, I-24, h.r., signed Dr.Kronenberg, the latter slightly creased, with additional L.Schmutz signature (Fi.35, 610zl) * Catalog #56,56var
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #982 POLAND 1919 20h dark green, 30h dull violet, form II, positions 82 and 59 respectively, used, the latter on piece, signed Mikstein, etc., with 1997 Dr.Kronenberg certificate (for 30h), O Catalog #57,59 Catalog Value $560
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #983 POLAND 1919 20h dark green, I-69, n.h., v.f., signed Mikstein, Dr.Kronenberg, etc. (Fi.36, 3,200zl) ** Catalog #57
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #984 POLAND 1919 25h blue, IIB-68, h.r., well centered, slightly glazed gum, still v.f., signed Mikstein, Bloch, Landre, etc. (Fi.37II,6,200zl) * Catalog #58 Catalog Value $2,000
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #985 POLAND 1919 25h blue, form II-B-62, canceled on piece by "Biala 14.II.19" pmk, well centered, v.f., signed Mikstein, also Mikulski, with his 1989 certificate, O Catalog #58 Catalog Value $1,600
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #986 POLAND 1919 30h violet, IIB-65, n.h., v.f., signed Mikulski, etc. (Fi.39a, 8,000zl) ** Catalog #59
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #987 POLAND 1919 Gniezno surcharges, set of two, h.r., fresh, fine-v.f., signed Jungjohann and Dr.Kronenberg, * Catalog #77-78 Catalog Value $600
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #988 POLAND 1921 Constitution, 4m carmine rose (error), h.r., slightly disturbed gum, otherwise fine, signed Schmutz ("karminowy") * Catalog #158a Catalog Value $600
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #989 POLAND 1924 Arms of Poland, imperforate singles 1gr-15gr, 25gr-40gr, ten different without the usual printer's obliterations, unused without gum, v.f., each signed Schmutz (Fi. 4,450zl) (*) Catalog #215/225var
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #990 POLAND 1924 Arms of Poland, imperforate singles 2gr, 5gr, 15gr and 50gr, four different, with the usual printer's obliterations, unused without gum, v.f., each signed Schmutz (Fi.800zl) (*) Catalog #215/225var
$100.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #991 POLAND 1927 Frederic Chopin, 40gr deep ultramarine, imperforate single, large margins all around, unused without gum, v.f., signed Schmutz (Fi.225P1,1,500zl) (*) Catalog #243var
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #992 POLAND 1927 Congress of Military Medicine set of three, imperforate singles, n.h., v.f., with handstamped guarantee marks (Fi.230-32nz, 15,000zl) ** Catalog #246-48var
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #993 POLAND 1927 Julius Slowacki, 20gr rose, imperforate single, n.h., v.f., signed Gryzewski (Fi.233nz,1,800zl) ** Catalog #249var
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #994 POLAND 1927 Pilsudski, 20gr magenta, Moscicki, 20gr red, imperforate singles, n.h., v.f., the former signed Rachmanow (Fi.226,227nz, 2,150zl) ** Catalog #249var
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #995 POLAND 1928 Henryk Sienkiewicz, 15gr ultramarine, vertical gutter pair, n.h., also used single with crossed bars cancel, signed Schmutz (Fi.1,650zl) ** Catalog #257
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #996 POLAND 1928 25gr red brown, Vienna forgery, block of six imperf. vertically, n.h., v.f. ** Catalog #260var
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #997 POLAND 1944 "Wodzowie" (Leaders), set of three top sheet margin, corner blocks of 10, unused without gum as issued, n.h., v.f., signed Dr.Kronenberg (Fi.5,500zl) (*) Catalog #341-43
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #998 POLAND 1944 "Wodzowie" (Leaders) imperforate proof sheetlet of three in dark blue, v.f., scarce P Catalog #341-43P
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #999 POLAND 1944 25gr red, line-perf. 11, unused without gum as issued, n.h., v.f. (Fi.1,700zl) (*) Catalog #341var
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1000 POLAND 1945 5zl on 25gr overprinted "22.I.1863", sheet of 30, unused without gum as issued, l.h. in margin, stamps n.h., v.f., scarce multiple (catalogued as the least expensive color variety) (Fi.347a,5,400zl) (*) Catalog #362
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1001 POLAND 1945 Lodz Issue, 1zl dark blue, 5zl red, imperforate singles, large margins, n.h., v.f. (Fi.358P1, 360P1) **
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1002 POLAND 1947 "Swiat Pracy" (World of Labor) booklet with four imperforate deluxe sheets, v.f., rare (Fi.9,000zl) P Catalog #413-16P
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1003 POLAND 1960 Olympics, imperforate top sheet corner margin se-tenant block of four, without embossing, unused without gum as issued, v.f., signed Laszkiewicz (Fi. 2,200zl) (*) Catalog #917aP
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1004 POLAND 1960 Centenary of the first Polish Stamp, sheetlets of four, with matching Serial Numbers, n.h., v.f. (Fi.2,200zl) ** Catalog #909-13
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1005 POLAND 1978 First Polish Astronaut, Z.Jankowski, prepared but not issued sheetlet of eight, n.h., v.f. (Fi.6,200zl as singles) **
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1006 POLAND Semi-Postals 1946 International Bureau of Education, two souvenir sheets of three, n.h., v.f., ** Catalog #B49c Catalog Value $850
$190.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1007 POLAND Semi-Postals 1952 unissued 45+15gr brown, without "Lenin" above "Poczta", disturbed gum and marginal repairs, looks unused, sold AS IS * Catalog #B94a
$130.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1008 POLAND Flight Covers 1918 two flown covers, each franked with set of three, flown from Krakow (31.III.18) to Wien, the other from Wien (26.IV.18) to Lemberg, with Polish arrival pmks, fine-v.f., with Matl certificate
Catalog #C1-3
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1009 POLAND Flight Covers 1926 (1 Apr) Warszawa to Westerplatte/Gdansk, flown card with vertical strip of three of 10gr green, variety imperf. between top and middle stamps, used in combination with 2x2gr, 5gr and 25gr stamps, red "Durch Eilboten Expres" label and "Mit Luftpost befordert Flugpostampt Danzig 5" handstamp, fine and possibly only known card with 10gr L.O.P.P. imperf. between, ex-Boonshaft
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1010 POLAND Flight Covers 1928 (24 Aug) registered and flown cover from Warszawa to Paris, franked with 5gr, 10gr, 25gr and 50gr L.O.P.P. surcharges, used in combination with 2x45gr, charged additional 50gr, with boxed "Pobrano/Percu" handstamp, some adhesive residue on back, ex-Boonshaft
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1011 POLAND Flight Covers 1932 two flown covers, one from Warszawa to Wilno, the other from Lwow to Riga, each with first flight "Warszawa-Wilno-Riga-Tallinn" cachet and appropriate arrival pmks, fine-v.f.
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1012 POLAND Flight Covers 1946 selection of 10 covers, mostly GB franking, various patriotic cachets, flown to USA, Egypt, Chicago (addressed to Charles Cwiakala), fine-v.f.
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1013 POLAND Postage Dues 1919 5h and 25h rose, blocks of four, used, well centered, v.f., signed Schmutz
Catalog #J1,J5
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1014 POLAND Postage Dues 1919 10h rose red, IIA-63, well centered, canceled on piece by bilingual Krakow pmk, tiny toned spot at upper left, v.f. example of this rare and undervalued stamp, only 150 printed, with his 1987 Koopman and 2004 Mikulski certificates ("Rarity of Krakow Issue because only 150 of the 10 heller have been overprinted. From those, only a few are canceled") O Catalog #J2 Catalog Value $6,500
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1015 POLAND Postage Dues 1919 25h and 40h rose, used, v.f., signed Schmutz and Herbert Bloch, O Catalog #J5,J7 Catalog Value $335
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1016 POLAND Postage Dues 1919 30h rose red, IIA-19, well centered, canceled on piece by bilingual Krakow pmk, v.f., signed Mikulski, with 1999 Dr.Kronenberg certificate, O Catalog #J6 Catalog Value $1,200
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1017 POLAND Postage Dues 1919 1k ultramarine, canceled on piece by "Krakow 4e 29.II.19" cds, v.f., signed Mikstein, Koompan, etc., rare stamp, O Catalog #J8 Catalog Value $4,750
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1018 POLAND Postage Dues 1919 15h on 36h, 40h on 42h, used, the latter canceled on piece, v.f., signed Mikstein, with 1999 Dr.Kronenberg certificate (For J12), O Catalog #J11,12 Catalog Value $362
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1019 POLAND Postal Stationery 1859 1 1/2k unused postal stationery entire envelope (99x58mm), red bilingual imprint (Kasa Glowna Pocztowa) at upper right, with signatures of Kurmanowicz and Bobinski on the inside, also 10k za lot, unused entire, imprint at upper left, folded vertically and horizontally away from indicia, fine
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1020 POLAND Postal Stationery 1859 Second type, 1 1/2k (98x57mm) red, unused stationery entire envelope, pointed backflap, well detailed impression of the indicia at upper right, signed on the inside of the flap by postal officials (Kurmanowicz and A.Bobinski), also a cut square forgery, fine
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1021 POLAND Postal Stationery 1860 10k black, entire stationery envelope, imprint at upper left, unaddressed, folded, with some faults, manuscript "Timbre Polonais", fine appearance
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1022 POLAND Postal Stationery 1860 3k blue, entire stationery envelope (145x80mm), imprint at upper left, unaddressed, fine-v.f.
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1023 POLAND Military Mail 1919 (3 May) French military mail "Tresor et Postes" cancel, with violet "Mission Francaise de Pologne / gare Repulatrice de lodz" cachets struck on both sides, little toning, fine and unusual item, dealing with French Military protection of a Lodz train station
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1024 POLAND Polish Offices in Danzig - Port Gdansk 1928-30 25gr yellow brown, vertical pair, faint "Specimen" overprint in violet, unused without gum, v.f., signed Ryblewski, Schmutz S Catalog #1K18S
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1025 POLAND Polish Offices in Turkish Empire 1919 "Levant" overprints, complete set of 12, canceled by "Poczta Polska Konstantynopol 1 XI 19" cds on unaddressed envelope, fine-v.f., with 2000 Ceremuga certificate ("1st Printing with aniline ink") (catalogued as used off cover), O Catalog #2K1-12 Catalog Value $1,460
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1026 POLAND Polish Offices in Turkish Empire 1919 "Levant" overprints, eleven different (missing 15f red), used, fine-v.f., signed Jungjohann, O Catalog #2K1-3,5-12 Catalog Value $1,350
$350.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1027 POLAND Polish Occupation of Cieszyn and Zaolzie 1941 (28 Oct) 1fr stationery card from Roanne, France to German occupied Lublin, with red censor handstamp, sent by a Polish soldier (with French Army), writing from a military hospital located in Free France. The sender "Aspirant" (cadet) Gorski, arrived with a transport of sick Prisoners of War. He probably escaped from Poland to France and joined the French Army, captured by the Germans and released due to illness or injury to the Vichy authorities. Roanne Railroad station was the final destination for transports carrying French POWs and Marshall Petain himself visited Roanne to greet the arriving POWs on several occasions. A rare historical item
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1028 POLAND Polish Army in the Soviet Union 1942 50k brown "Dojdziemy", unused single with specially prepared booklet (numbered 821), v.f. (of the 1,000 booklets printed, most have been destroyed)
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1029 POLAND Generalgouvernement - WWII German Occupation 1942 Birthday, eight sets of sheets of 25, n.h., fine-v.f., ** Catalog #Mi. 89-91 Catalog Value €1,200
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1030 POLAND Generalgouvernement - WWII German Occupation 1943 (5 Jan) card from Lwow to Lisbon (thanking for the parcel of sardines), franked with 30gr adhesive, tied by Lemberg departure cds, with military censor cachet and additional markings, including Lisbon arrival (25 Jan), fine usage
$130.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1031 POLAND Warsaw Uprising 1944 cover endorsed "Poczta Polowa" with clear handstamp "Poczta Polowa Warszawa Pld" and Boy Scout Emblem in violet blue, addressed to Mazowiecka 6, filing fold ending in cover tear at top, otherwise fine
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1032 POLAND Gross-Born Offlag IID 1944 Days of the Sea souvenir sheet, special cancel at bottom, creases and small tears, otherwise v.f. (Fi.Blok 4, 1,200zl) (*)
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1033 POLAND Gross-Born Offlag IID 1944 Olympics souvenir sheet of three, with special pmks at bottom, fine-v.f., rare (Fi.Blok 5) (*)
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1034 POLAND Polish 2nd Corps in Italy 1945 National Anthem souvenir sheets, set of three, n.h., fine-v.f. **
$130.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1035 POLAND Polish 2nd Corps in Italy 1945 National Anthem souvenir sheets, set of three, n.h., fine-v.f. **
$130.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1036 POLAND Polish 2nd Corps in Italy 1946 National Anthem, 3+247L carmine, unissued souvenir sheet, n.h., v.f., signed Raybaudi, with his 1992 certificate (Sass.3A,Euro 2,750) **
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1037 POLAND Polish 2nd Corps in Italy 1946 Anders souvenir sheet of four on white ungummed paper, considerable shift of designs to top, 45gr and 55gr overlapped, n.h., v.f., with 2023 Raybaudi certificate (Sass.1Aaa, Euro 13,000) **
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1038 POLAND Polish 2nd Corps in Italy 1946 Anders souvenir sheet of four on gray ungummed paper, 45gr omitted, n.h., v.f. (Sass.1b, Euro 8,500) **
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1039 POLAND Polish 2nd Corps in Italy 1946 Anders souvenir sheet of four on gray gummed paper, Polish Eagle emblem omitted from top, n.h., v.f. (Sass.1a, Euro 1,400) **
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1040 POLAND Polish 2nd Corps in Italy 1946 souvenir sheet of four, Polish Eagle omitted at top, canceled "Poczta Polowa 18.VI.1946", small hinge stain just showing through at top, otherwise v.f., signed Raybaudi, with his 2010 certificate, O Catalog #Sass.F1a Catalog Value €1,300
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1041 POLAND Polish 2nd Corps in Italy 1946 selection of six sets of four imperforate essays, submitted by various artists, fine-v.f., scarce group, with 2023 Dr.Avi certificates O
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1042 POLAND Polish 2nd Corps in Italy 1946 sets of four on white and gray paper, used on two Registered covers addressed to Athens and Chicago, fine-v.f.
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1043 POLAND Polish 2nd Corps in Italy Air Post 1946 5zl on 2zl red brown, surcharge inverted, block of four canceled on piece, usual centering, signed Raybaudi,
Catalog #Sass.PA1b Catalog Value €1,400
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1044 PORTUGAL 1810-46 stampless letters, selection of 19, many different including Napoleonic era letter from a French soldier sent from Valladolid to Valencia with red "Bau Gal Arm. De Portugal" handstamp, others with markings from Lisbon (1812) to London, Vianna do Minho, Lisboa to Genova, Valencia to Porto, Figueroa, Coimbra, Braga, Barcelona to Porto, numerous transits and forwarding markings, "Via di Nizza" and others. In addition, there are two stationery cards, one used in 1889 from Funchal to Hamburg, other in 1903 from Angra to Amsterdam, as well as a 1917 censored cover from Ponta Delgado to USA, mostly fine
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1045 PORTUGAL 1895 St. Anthony, complete set, used, fine-v.f., O Catalog #132-146 Catalog Value $1,154
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1046 PORTUGUESE COLONIES Angola Air Post 1945 Emergency Issue, flown cover from Lobita to Luanda, with 10c franking, supplemented with 2x90a green, one on front, the other uncanceled on reverse, fine-v.f.
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1047 PORTUGUESE COLONIES Angola Air Post 1945-47 Provisional Issues, selection of five covers, mostly to Luanda, one addressed to Novo Redondo, franked with 90c Air Postal Tax stamp, three with additional stamps, mixed condition, appropriate markings, fine
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1048 PORTUGUESE COLONIES Azores 1894-95 Prince Henry & St. Anthony (missing 80r and 150r), unused, first set without gum, others h.r. or disturbed gum as usual, fine-v.f., *(*) Catalog #65-77, 78/92 Catalog Value $1,426
$290.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1049 PORTUGUESE COLONIES Funchal 1926 (24 Oct) picture postcard from Funchal to Germany, franked on face of the card with Portuguese 20c and 80c, used on combination with Germany 5pf green, all tied by "Deutsche Marine Schiffspost" cds, v.f.
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1050 PORTUGUESE COLONIES Macao 1863 (13 Nov) complete folded letter from Macao to "Capt Gio Andrea Bollo" in Genova (Manoglia), written in Italian, date-line Macao, sent via Hong Kong, with red Nov 14, 63 Hong Kong paid in red (front) and green on back, also Alexandria (13 Dec), with Ancona (5 Jan) and Genova (6 Jan, 64) arrival pmks. Also on front, boxed "Piroscafi Postali Italiani" and "P.D.", charged "8" (decimes) in red crayon. The letter has been affected by aging at bottom, with toning going through part of the text, otherwise well preserved, scarce early letter from Macao, interesting contents
$1,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1051 PORTUGUESE COLONIES Portuguese India 1913-1921 Ceres Issue, 1r and 4 1/2r, inverted inscriptions, horizontal strips of five, n.h., fine **
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1052 ROMANIA 1939 King Carol I, seven different unexploded booklets showing denominations of 59L, 89L, 158L, 198L, 208L, 278L and 358L, diff. panes & postal advertising interleaves, back covers advertising "Galleries Lafayette", or postal rates, some usual staple rust, mostly fine-v.f. and rare
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1053 ROMANIA Postal Tax Stamps 1932 Aviation Fund, 50b-2L, set of three, imperf. blocks of four, 1L n.h., balance hinged, fine-v.f. and rare */** Catalog #RA19-21var
$575.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1054 ROMANIA Postal Tax Stamps 1932 Aviation Fund, 2L ultramarine, imperf. sheet margin block of 18, one stamp hinged, balance n.h., few natural gum bends, v.f., only 200 printed, this being the largest known multiple */** Catalog #RA21var
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1055 RUSSIA 1766 (22 June) outer FL from St. Petersburg to Pernau, with straight-line "St.Petersbourg" ("v" for "u"), with departure and arrival (8 July) docketing, minor ageing tone spots, excellent early strike, with Dobin's (2000) certificates ("rare early postmark of St. Petersburg"). The straight-line postmark of St. Petersburg in Latin letters was introduced in 1765 and used only for one year (Dobin 01/01.001a, rarity factor "8")
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1056 RUSSIA 1812 (26 July) complete FL datelined "Bieszenkowicze" (today a small city in Belarus), full text in French, from an officer with Napoleon's Army, on the way to Kamen, addressed Brigadier General Count de Castellane in Ardes, charged "16" (decimes), interesting contents discussing Napoleon's movements in Russia and personal matters, fine and scarce historical document, with full transliteration and German translation
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1057 RUSSIA 1820 (ca) FL opened for display, with handstamp "Vasilkov" (Kiev gov.) to Mirgorod (Poltava gov.), endorsed "via Belaya Tserkov", scarce usage, showing a handwritten routing (when there were several possible routes, postal clerks used endorsements of preferred route)
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1058 RUSSIA 1836 (1 July) FL from St. Petersburg (pre-printed business text, also written in German) to Bordeaux, red L.P.B. 5 and framed "Hollande par Thionville" and arrival cds on back, fine
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1059 RUSSIA 1845 (5 May) 10k stationery entire envelope with black indicia on backflap, canceled by pen, with boxed St. Petersburg departure datestamp in red, sent to Tetyshi (Kazan gouv.), fine
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1060 RUSSIA 1849 An autograph mourning envelope sent by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Emperor Nicholas I, to His Royal Highness Prince Wilhelm of Prussia, uncle of the king, in Berlin. With her wax seal and the rare oval postmark of the Office of the Postal Director in St. Petersburg (15.2.49), which managed mail to and from the imperial family. Illustrated in Rossica No.177
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1061 RUSSIA 1849 (10 Jan) cover (petition) from Odessa to Riga, with boxed two-line ornamental departure datestamp (without year), intact wax seal of the Odessa Post Office and boxed "arrived in Riga 22 January 1849", fine and scarce (Dobin 1.11, rarity factor "6")
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1062 RUSSIA 1850 (6 May) registered cover containing a secret report (repaired with archival tape) sent from Baku to Emperor Nicholas I in St. Petersburg. Inscribed "into his own hands." The postmark has the town and month misspelled (only recorded example). Postage was 43 kopecks (2x20 kopecks for weight and 3 kopecks for the receipt). With the wax seal of the Baku District Post Office. Illustrated in Rossica No.177
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1063 RUSSIA 1852-55 two stationery entire 10k envelopes, indicia on backflap, each canceled by pen, first sent locally in Moscow, bearing "Polucheno : Utra" (received in the morning); the second sent from Moscow to St. Petersburg, departure datestamp on front, with round "Polucheno Pold" (received in the afternoon) on back, wax seals mostly intact, some toning, otherwise fine-v.f.
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1064 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown and blue, large margins all around, indistinct cancel, v.f. O Catalog #1
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1065 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown & blue, margins all around, canceled by "374" in rectangle of dots (Khorol, Poltava Province), v.f., signed Ebel O Catalog #1
$300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1066 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown & blue, thin paper, margins all around, canceled by "254" in rectangle of dots (Slutsk), v.f., signed Friedl O Catalog #1
$350.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1067 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown & blue, thin paper, canceled "52" (Sebezh) in rectangle of dots, large margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Raybaudi certificate O Catalog #1
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1068 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown & blue, thin paper, Plate II, canceled single line "Mitawa", margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Mikulski certificate O Catalog #1
$325.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1069 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown & blue, canceled on piece, deep color and large margins all around, v.f., with Raybaudi certificate O Catalog #1
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1070 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown & blue, thick paper, used, v.f., with Raybaudi certificate O Catalog #1
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1071 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown & blue, thick paper, used, v.f., signed Kosack, etc., with Raybaudi certificate O Catalog #1
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1072 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown & blue, thin paper, canceled "239" (Libava) in rectangle of dots, large margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Raybaudi certificate O Catalog #1
$325.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1073 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown & blue, thin paper, canceled "220" (Kamrat) in rectangle of dots, large margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Hovest certificate O Catalog #1
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1074 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown & blue, thin paper, canceled on piece by "241" (Tukkum) in rectangle of dots, large margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Hovest certificate O Catalog #1
$350.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1075 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown & blue, thick paper, canceled "54" (Alexandrov) in rectangle of dots, large margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Hovest certificate O Catalog #1
$325.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1076 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown & blue, thick paper, canceled "180" (Novoalexandrovsk) in rectangle of dots, large margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Diena certificate O Catalog #1
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1077 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown & blue, thick paper, canceled by oval "Tula" postmark, margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Hovest certificate O Catalog #1
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1078 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown & blue, thin paper, used, margins all around, v.f., with Mikulski certificate O Catalog #1
$325.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1079 RUSSIA 1857 10k brown and blue, margins all around, placed upside down on cover, tied by Berdyansk datestamp, addressed to Odessa, cover mending and slight toning, otherwise fine
Catalog #1
$1,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1080 RUSSIA 1858 20k blue & orange, thick paper, canceled by pen on cover addressed to St. Petersburg, with straight-line "Boguchar" departure handstamp on back, date completed by hand, with "Polucheno 20 March 1858" (afternoon) applied on arrival, some hinge marks at sides of the envelope, with wax seal on back, fine and rare Russia No.3 on cover, probably only known from Boguchar, ex-Mikulski collection, with 2021 Buchsbayew certificate,
Catalog #3 Catalog Value $13,500
$9,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1081 RUSSIA 1861 10k stationery entire envelope, with embossed indicia on back, canceled "484" in rectangle of dots and sent from Kashin to Elisavetgrad, with departure and arrival pmks on front, fine internal usage
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1082 RUSSIA 1862 10k brown & blue, tied by "30" in diamond of dots (Nizhny Novgorod Yarmark) on FL to St. Petersburg, with "Nizhny Novgorod Yarmark" Post Office (3 Aug 1862) departure cds and 10 August arrival pmks on back, fine scarce usage from the temporary post sub-office at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair
Catalog #8
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1083 RUSSIA 1869 (2 Oct) outer FL from Odessa to Vienna, franked with 1k, 3k and 10k (horizontally laid paper), tied by red departure pmks, with "frankirovano" (franked) and Moscow transits, all in red, small Wien arrival pmk on back, fine
$130.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1084 RUSSIA 1871 (7 Oct) FL from Odessa to France, franked with 3k, 5k and 20k (horizontally laid paper), tied by cds, with boxed "Aus Russland Franco" and blue French entry markings, "Breslau 2410 V Berlin" train station, Marseille transit and Montpellier arrival pmks
$130.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1085 RUSSIA 1871 (7 Jan) an invitation to a Winter Palace ball sent to Eugene Schuyler, Secretary of the American Legation in St. Petersburg, from the Ministry of the Imperial Court, Direction of Ceremonies "By order of His Majesty the Emperor, the Grand Master of Ceremonies has the honor to inform Mr. Schuyler that His Majesty invites him to a ball which will take place at the Winter Palace on 11 January about 9 o'clock in the evening. Arrive by the Emperor's steps facing the Admiralty. Come in uniform. In case of an obstacle R.S.V.P"
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1086 RUSSIA 1874 (3 Jan) registered cover from the chancellery of Maria Feodorovna, wife of future Emperor Aleksander III, to the Viault Este women's shoe store in Paris, wax seals reading "Chancellery of Her Imperial Majesty the Tsarevna." Registered mail to France required five wax seals. The postage was paid in cash in the amount of 32 kopecks (2x10 kopecks for weight, 7 kopecks for registration, and 5 kopecks for a receipt). Illustrated in Rossica No.177
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1087 RUSSIA 1875 (4 July) registered cover (petition) from Ushchitza to Kamenetz, paying 39k with three each 3k and 10k, fine-v.f., with arrival pmk on back
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1088 RUSSIA 1876 (14 Mar) wrapper from England (British franking faulty) to Emperor Alexander II in St. Petersburg, postmarked at the Office of the Postal Director which oversaw mail to and from the Imperial family. Illustrated in Rossica No.177
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1089 RUSSIA 1877 (31 May) large registered cover (petition) from Novgorod to St. Petersburg, paying 39 kopecks with 1k, 8k and 30k (horizontally laid paper), filing folds and some toning on back, full wax seal and arrival pmk, scarce franking
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1090 RUSSIA 1882 (17 Feb) cover from Moscow to Ireland, franked on back with 1k (2) and 5k, tied by departure cds, with Dublin arrival alongside, carelessly opened with some creases, otherwise fine, uncommon destination (Ireland)
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1091 RUSSIA 1884 3.50r black & gray, 7r black & orange, unused with original gum, h.r., fine, * Catalog #39-40 Catalog Value $2,000
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1092 RUSSIA 1886 (15 Dec) registered cover sent from St. Petersburg by Charles Heath to his niece in Chesham, England (Heath, an Englishman, spent most of his life at the Russian court as a tutor, first to the younger children of Emperor Alexander II and then to all the children of Emperor Alexander III. On the backflap of the envelope he wrote K.O.Gis, the Russian version of his name, and Anichkin Palace, his place of residence)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1093 RUSSIA 1886 (28 May) residency permit issued by the Liteiny Women's Gymnasium under the auspices of the Office of the Institutes of Empress Maria. The certificate grants Mr. Thormeyer, a French language teacher at the Gymnasium, permission to live anywhere in the Russian Empire for a period of one year starting 2 October 1885. It is signed by the school's inspector and bears the school seal. A 60 kopeck revenue stamp was attached on front and on back is a 30k St. Petersburg city government stamp, canceled by a police hs, also showing Thormeyer's address. A second police hs gives his address as the Peterhof palace (Thormeyer was hired as the French tutor for the children of Emperor Alexander III on 14 August 1886 when the Imperial family was at the Peterhof palace, their summer residence)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1094 RUSSIA 1887 (10 Feb) registered cover sent by the secretary of Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich in St.Petersburg to the Secretary of the Zoological Society of London. The wax seal reads, "Administrative Office of His Imperial Majesty Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich." Grand Duke Nicholas was a grandson of Emperor Nicholas I. He was murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1919. Illustrated in Rossica No.177
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1095 RUSSIA 1887 (6 Sep) registered autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich in Moscow to Count Alexey Borisovich Perovsky in Carlsbad, Austria. Backflap embossed with imperial crown and "Ilinskoye," the name of the country estate near Moscow belonging to Vladimir's brother Grand Duke Sergey. Illustrated in Rossica No.177
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1096 RUSSIA 1887 (4 Dec) small registered cover from Vitebsk to Varvara Shebeko in Paris, franked on back with pair of 7k blue, showing an interesting backflap imprint and full wax seal on reverse (Shebeko was the companion and confidante of Catherine Dolgorukova, second wife of Emperor Alexander II. Shebeko orchestrated the affair between the Tsar and Dolgorukova which lasted from 1865 until their marriage in 1880, shortly after the death of the Emperor’s first wife. After the Emperor was assassinated in 1881, Shebeko and Dolgorukova settled in Paris)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1097 RUSSIA 1889 (8 Aug) cover and letter sent to Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich at his estate in Ilinskoye near Moscow, via Khimki station on the Nikolai Railway. Postmarked in Postal Wagon No.34 (Kostroma-Moscow rail line). The sender, Daria Tyutcheva, former lady-in-waiting to Empress Maria Alexandrovna (mother of Sergey and wife of Emperor Alexander II) informs Sergey about the illness of her sister Anna, who had been lady-in-waiting to Empress Maria from 1853 to 1858 (when Daria replaced her), after which she was Sergey's governess (Anna died on 11 August 1889 in Sergievsky Posad. Sergey was assassinated by a terrorist bomb in 1905. Anna and Daria were daughters of the poet Fyodor Tyutchev). Illustrated in Rossica No.177
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1098 RUSSIA 1889 Horizontally Laid Paper, 4k rose, groundwork inverted, neat partial 1895 St. Petersburg cancels, well centered, fresh and v.f. example of this error, with 2000 Mikulski certificate. A rarity from Imperial Russia, only a few recorded, O Catalog #41a Catalog Value $16,000
$9,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1099 RUSSIA 1890 (25 Jan) registered cover sent from Tiflis to Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolayevna (born Princess of Montenegro), in St. Petersburg. (Anastasia, known as "Stana," was the daughter of the King of Montenegro. She married George Maximilianovich, Duke of Leuchtenberg, in 1889, divorced him in 1906, and married Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolayevich in 1907. She and her sister Militsa introduced Rasputin to Empress Alexandra). Illustrated in Rossica No.177
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1100 RUSSIA 1890 (9 Dec) registered cover sent from the office of the St. Petersburg Postal Director to Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich on his yacht "Tamara", care of the Russian Consulate in Colombo, Ceylon. With the wax seal of the "St. Petersburg pochtamt", transit Brindisi and Colombo (12.1.91) pmks (Grand Duke Alexander and his brother Sergey toured the Mediterranean and Black Seas and the Indian Ocean for seven months until their mother's death on 31 March 1891 forced an early return to Russia. For an account of the trip, see 23,000 Miles in the Yacht "Tamara" by G. I. Radde). Illustrated in Rossica No.177
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1101 RUSSIA 1890 (20 Dec) wrapper front sent from St. Petersburg to Grand Duke Sergey Mikhailovich on his brother's yacht "Tamara" care of the Russian Consulate in Colombo, Ceylon (Sergey and his brother, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, toured the Mediterranean and Black Seas and the Indian Ocean for seven months, until their mother's death on 31 March 1891 forced an early return to Russia. For an account of the trip, see "23,000 Miles in the Yacht "Tamara" by G. I. Radde. Sergey was murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1918)
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1102 RUSSIA 1891 (29 Jan) registered cover sent from St. Petersburg by Prince Alexander Petrovich Oldenburgsky to Charles Rabourdin in Hericy, France, with embossed seal reading, "Offices of the Courts of His Highness Prince Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg and His Wife, Her Imperial Highness Princess Eugenia Maximilianovna." (the prince was the great-grandson of Tsar Paul I, and the Princess was the granddaughter of Tsar Nicholas I. The prince's son, Peter Alexandrovich, married Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, sister of Tsar Nicholas II, in 1901. Prince Alexander was an adjutant general, commander of the Imperial Guard and medical chief of the Russian Army in WWI. Rabourdin, a Crimean War veteran, was an archaeologist and poet)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1103 RUSSIA 1891 (5 July) registered cover sent by the future Emperor Nicholas II to his cousin Prince George of Greece in Athens, forwarded to Bernstorff Palace in Gjentofte near Copenhagen. Inscribed "from the heir apparent Tsarevich.", postmarked at the Nizhny Novgorod railway station in Moscow, with Odessa, Athens, Brindisi, Copenhagen and Gjentofte transit and arrival markings. One 5k stamp has been removed (Nicholas was returning from his nine-month trip to Asia. While he was in Japan, an assassin who tried to kill him was thwarted by Prince George, his traveling companion. George returned to Europe via America while Nicholas went home via Siberia. George was the son of King George I of Greece. He lived with his uncle in Bernstorff Palace). Illustrated in Rossica No.171
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1104 RUSSIA 1891 (25 June) cover from a French jeweler at the "French Exhibition in Moscow", franked with 10k dark blue and showing a good strike of Moscow "French Exhibition" temporary postmark, sent to Vienna, re-addressed to Paris, fine (a few temporary offices were opened at special events, such as Congress and Exhibitions, including this one)
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1105 RUSSIA 1893 (14 May) cover from Washington DC to Colonel and Mrs. William P. Orr in Piqua, Ohio, with enclosed invitation from Senator and Mrs. Calvin S. Brice to a dinner and ball for Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich at the Corcoran House on Lafayette Square. The Grand Duke, who arrived in New York on 25 April, was on a goodwill visit in honor of the 400th anniversary of America's discovery, and to thank the USA for its help during the Russian famine of 1892. (Orr was an Ohio businessman and Brice represented Ohio in the Senate from 1891 to 1897, during which time he rented the Corcoran House), illustrated in Rossica No.177
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1106 RUSSIA 1894 (8 Apr) registered cover sent from the court office of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich in St. Petersburg to his wife Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna in Coburg, Germany, with a wax seal reading "Office of the Court of His Imperial Majesty Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich." (Grand Duke Vladimir was a brother of Tsar Alexander III. They were in Coburg for the wedding of Grand Duke Ernst of Hesse and Princess Victoria Melita ("Ducky") of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, which took place on 7 April. Ernst was the brother of the future Empress Alexandra of Russia, and Ducky was the granddaughter of both Queen Victoria and Tsar Alexander II. Nicholas and Alexandra became engaged at this event on 8 April), illustrated in Rossica No.177
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1107 RUSSIA 1895 signed autograph letter from Queen Olga of Greece (formerly Grand Duchess Olga Konstantinovna of Russia) to Countess De La Warr, on mourning stationery embossed with "Olga" and crown
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1108 RUSSIA 1896 (12 Nov) autograph cover sent to Gatchino by Grand Duke George Alexandrovich in Abas-Tuman, postmarked at the Office of the Postal Director (Grand Duke George, who was heir to the throne, lived in the Caucasus from 1891 until his death from tuberculosis in 1899, the envelope is palace stationery and bears George's wax seal. The addressee, Ferdinand Thormeyer, had been George's tutor), illustrated in Rossica No.166
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1109 RUSSIA 1896 (9 Dec) autograph cover, sent from Abas-Tuman to Gatchino by Grand Duke George Alexandrovich. The envelope is palace stationery and bears George's wax seal. The addressee, Ferdinand Thormeyer, had been George's tutor
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1110 RUSSIA 1897 (3 Feb) registered cover sent by Alexander Vasilyevich Astashev, commander of the Imperial yacht "Zarnitsa" in Batum, to the German-owned varnish manufacturing company Conrad Wm. Schmidt (F. A. Glaeser) in London (during World War I, this company was sold to British owners and was renamed London Varnish & Enamel Co. The "Zarnitsa" was built in 1891 and was acquired by Grand Duke George Alexandrovich in 1896. The yacht was docked in Batum for his use. George lived in Abas-Tuman, a small town in Georgia, until his death in 1899, when the yacht was inherited by his brother, Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich. Astashev was murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1918)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1111 RUSSIA 1897 (12 Oct) registered cover sent by the St. Petersburg Postal Director to the Emperor of Russia (Tsar Nicholas II) in Darmstadt, Germany. Postmarked at the Office of the Postal Director, which managed mail to and from the imperial family, and in Darmstadt on arrival. The wax seal reads."St. Petersburg Postal Director". Nicholas and Alexandra were visiting her hometown to dedicate the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, a chapel for the private use of the Russian imperial family when they were in Darmstadt. Illustrated in Rossica No.177
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1112 RUSSIA 1899 (11 Nov) registered cover inscribed "From the Chancellery of Her Imperial Majesty Empress Maria Feodorovna", sent from St. Petersburg to Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. With paper seal reading "Chancellery of her Imperial Majesty Empress Maria Feodorovna", illustrated in Rossica No.166
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1113 RUSSIA 1899 (14 May) autograph cover sent from Gatchino by Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna to her former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope has an embossed crown and Olga's wax seal
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1114 RUSSIA 1899 (7 June) signed autograph cover and letter sent from by Grand Duchess Yelisaveta Mavrikievna in Strelna to her father in Bad Gastein, Austria. Postmarked at the Office of the Postal Director, with an embossed crown on the envelope backflap and on the notepaper, which also has the embossed signature Yelisaveta. The letter is addressed to His Highness Prince Moritz von Sachsen-Altenburg in Wildbad-Gastein
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1115 RUSSIA 1899 (24 June) cover sent by Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna in Peterhof to the palace of her brother Grand Duke George Alexandrovich in Abas-Tuman. The addressee, Ferdinand Thormeyer, was visiting his former pupil George who had died of tuberculosis two days before this letter arrived. Olga was in Peterhof for the baptism of her niece Grand Duchess Maria Nikolayevna. Illustrated in Rossica No.166
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1116 RUSSIA 1900 (29 Mar) autograph envelope sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich in St. Petersburg to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope has an embossed crown, Michael's cipher and a wax seal ("Adjutant on duty"). Michael was named adjutant to Tsar Nicholas II in 1899. He was heir to the throne
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1117 RUSSIA 1900 (1 Jan) autograph mourning envelope sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich in St. Petersburg to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope has an embossed crown and Michael's cipher (Michael became heir to the throne when his brother Grand Duke George died of tuberculosis in the Caucasus in June 1899. Michael was murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1918)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1118 RUSSIA 1900 (3 July) autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich from Krasnoye Selo to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. Postmarked at the Office of the Postal Director, the envelope has an embossed crown and Michael's cipher and wax seal. The Office of the Postal Director oversaw mail to and from the imperial family. Michael, heir to the throne, was in Krasnoye Selo for the annual review of the army by the Tsar
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1119 RUSSIA 1900 (3 Sep) autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich from the Imperial hunting preserve at Spala to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope is stationery from another imperial hunting preserve at Belovezh and is so embossed. The Spala post office was open only for a few weeks in September or October when the imperial family was hunting there. In 1900 they arrived on 30 August and left on 14 September. This is one of only three recorded covers from Spala, illustrated in Rossica No.166
$240.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1120 RUSSIA 1901 (22 Mar) registered cover sent from Ivanov-Bor to General Baron Vladimir Frederiks, Minister of the Imperial Court, in St. Petersburg. The envelope was resealed with paper seals of the Office of the Minister of the Imperial Court. Frederiks was minister from 1897 to 1917
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1121 RUSSIA 1901 (4 Apr) an address card that accompanied a parcel insured for 100 rubles sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich from St. Petersburg to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. With the St. Petersburg pochtamt wax seal for foreign insured mail, and a second seal reading "Office of His Imperial Majesty and Heir to the Throne Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich." (the parcel contained "Easter eggs," made by the Imperial Porcelain Factory). Illustrated in Rossica No.166
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1122 RUSSIA 1901 (19 Aug) autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich from his estate at Brasovo to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope has an embossed crown and Michael's cipher. Michael inherited the estate from his brother George, who died in 1899, making Michael heir to the throne
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1123 RUSSIA 1901 (27 Feb) registered cover sent from St. Petersburg to Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. Postmarked at the 11th city branch office, envelope imprinted with "From the Administrator of His Imperial Majesty's Palace." (the palace in question was the Anichkov, home of Emperor Nicholas II's mother. The administrator from 1897 to 1912 was Maj. Gen. David Alexandrovich Ozerov. The 11th city branch office was the post office closest to the palace. Thormeyer tutored the children of Emperor Alexander III from 1886 to1899)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1124 RUSSIA 1901 (3 Nov) money letter sent by Andrey Alekseyevich Kudinov from St. Petersburg to Copenhagen. The letter contained 303 rubles. Postage was 75k (20k for weight, 40k for insurance, 10k for registration and 5k for sealing wax). The correct insurance fee was 30 kopecks. The letter was mailed at the 11th city postal branch office which was the closest to the Anichkov Palace (in 1878, Kudinov was appointed chamber-Cossack (bodyguard) of future Empress Maria Feodorovna. He lived in the Anichkov Palace in her service until his death in 1915. In 1912 Tsar Nicholas II commissioned Faberge to make a statuette of Kudinov)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1125 RUSSIA 1901 (21 Mar) autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich from Tsarskoye Selo to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope has an embossed crown and Michael's cipher and wax seal. Michael was heir to the throne
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1126 RUSSIA 1902 (22 July) cabinet photograph by Levitsky of the Russian imperial family, sent as a postcard from St. Petersburg to La Paz, Uruguay by an Argentinian naval officer. The photograph shows Nicholas and Alexandra and their first four children: Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia (born 5 June 1901). Levitsky's name is embossed in the lower right corner
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1127 RUSSIA 1902 5k red violet, vertically laid paper, groundwork inverted, lightly canceled, well centered with nice margins, fresh color, one slightly shorter perf. at top, still very fine. This is a great rarity, ex-Ferrary, Rothschild and Goss collections, possibly one of only two existing examples, O Catalog #58b Catalog Value $30,000
$14,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1128 RUSSIA 1902-05 2k green, variety Groundwork Omitted, used in combination with 1k and 7k Arms on back of a registered cover sent locally in Riga 7.5.07, with oval Railroad cancels, corresponding Registry label on front, filing fold away from the stamps, fine and extremely rare Groundwork Omitted on cover, with 2021 Buchsbayew certificate
Catalog #56b
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1129 RUSSIA 1903 (9 Aug) registered autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich, who was attending the 1903 grand army maneuvers near Pskov, to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The postmark (only recorded example) reads "Pochtovo-Telegr.Otden/ Glavn.Kvartira" (the final day of the maneuvers). It was applied at the headquarters of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, who commanded the maneuvers. This is the only(!) recorded registered mail from army maneuvers. The envelope has an embossed crown and Michael's cipher and wax seal. Michael was heir to the throne. Illustrated in Rossica No.165
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1130 RUSSIA 1903 (10 Sep) signed autograph postcard sent from the Imperial hunting preserve at Belovezh, by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich to his former tutor in Carouge, Switzerland (the message reads, "10/23 Sept. 1903. My Dear Siocha (a nickname for Thormeyer), We leave today for Skernevitse (another hunting preserve). Sad to leave here. Hunting was remarkably good the whole time. In all, I killed 2 aurochs, 2 elk, 12 deer, 10 goats, 7 boars, 4 foxes, 1 rabbit. After tomorrow I leave from Warsaw for Libau and expect to be in Fredensborg (Denmark) by Sunday. Goodbye. Your M. A."). The photograph shows the Imperial Belovezh palace, illustrated in Rossica No.166
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1131 RUSSIA 1903 (31 Dec) autograph cover sent from Athens, by Princess Alice of Battenberg to Empress Maria Feodorovna in St. Petersburg, postmarked at the Office of the Postal Director, with embossed "Alice" and crown on the backflap (Princess Alice was a great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria, a niece of Empress Alexandra, and the mother-in-law of Queen Elizabeth II. She married Prince Andrew of Greece on 6 October 1903)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1132 RUSSIA 1903 (2 Nov) autograph cover sent from Ramon, by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope is stationery, with Michael's seal from Olgino, his sister Grand Duchess Olga's estate near Ramon
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1133 RUSSIA 1904 (19 Apr) autograph cover and signed note sent from St. Petersburg by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope has an embossed crown and Michael's wax seal, illustrated in Rossica No.166
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1134 RUSSIA 1904 (1 June) cover from St. Petersburg to Mt. Afon in Turkey. The envelope, stationery of the Chancellery of Her Imperial Majesty Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and the Administrative Office of the August Children of Their Imperial Majesties, is addressed to the father-superior of the Holy Monastery of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Virgin. The seal on back reads, "Chancellery of her Imperial Empress Alexandra Feodorovna". Imperial mail was postage-free only within Russia, so postage was due. Illustrated in Rossica No.171
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1135 RUSSIA 1904 (16 June) picture postcard from Evreux, France to Her Majesty the Tsarina, Empress of Russia in St. Petersburg. Postmarked at the Office of the Postal Director. Unfortunately, the French stamp was removed, obliterating most of the Evreux postmark. With large oval green handstamp of the Chancellery of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. The message reads, "The sender would be delighted if Her Majesty deigned to condescend to exchange postcards." Illustrated in Rossica No.171
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1136 RUSSIA 1904 10k dark blue, background inverted error, with further variety imperf. at bottom, which is explained by the fact that the stamp has a pre-print paper fold (plis d'accordeon), which made it shorter, escaping perforation at bottom, possibly only 5/10 can exist, with Mikulski and Buchsbayew certificates ** Catalog #60a,var
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1137 RUSSIA 1905 (4 Jan) postcard with a photograph of Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich taken at the Winter Palace costume ball in February 1903, mailed to Brussels from St. Petersburg
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1138 RUSSIA 1905 (23 Apr) postcard sent from St. Petersburg to Ferdinand Thormeyer, in Carouge, Switzerland. The sender was Maj. Gen. David Alexandrovich Ozerov, administrator of the Anichkov Palace, home of Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna. The painting on the back by Samokish shows members of the Blue Cuirassiers, the guards' regiment to which Grand Duke Michael belonged
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1139 RUSSIA 1905 (25 Sep) postcard sent from St. Petersburg to Ivanovo-Voznesensk by a crew member on the imperial yacht "Strela" owned by Grand Duke Alexey Alexandrovich, the head of the Russian Navy. With handstamps reading "Yacht Strela". The message reads, "From the day you receive this postcard, write to me at the old address: Petersburg, Guards equipage, 2nd engine company, Petersburg Guards Garrison." The Guards equipage served as crews on imperial yachts. The "Strela" was built in 1891 and was used for trips to Peterhof, Kronstadt and Revel
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1140 RUSSIA 1905 (14 Dec) registered cover sent from the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg to the Russian Imperial Mission in Copenhagen. Inscribed "Palais d'Hiver" (Winter Palace). With a paper seal of the Palace Administration, located at the Winter Palace (Lt. Gen. Sergey Ivanovich Speransky was head of the St. Petersburg Palace Administration from 1891 to 1914)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1141 RUSSIA 1906 (7 Jan) autograph cover sent by Grand Duchess Ksenia Alexandrovna from Yalta to her former tutor in Carouge, Switzerland. Ksenia and her husband Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich lived at Ai-Todor, near Yalta. They were virtual prisoners because of revolutionary disturbances in the area
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1142 RUSSIA 1906 (14 May) postcard sent from Milford Haven, Wales to Charles Gibbes in St. Petersburg, with arrival docketing. Also included is an autograph cover and notecard sent in 1901 by Countess Elizaveta Vladimirovna Saburova Mr. Gibbes, who was at her daughter Alexandra Andreyevna Shidlovskaya's Volchy estate near Volokonovka (Gibbes, an 1899 Cambridge graduate, taught English in Russia from 1901, and served as the English tutor to the children of Tsar Nicholas II from 1908 to 1918. He accompanied the Imperial family when they were sent to Siberia in 1917 and was one of the first to visit their execution site in Yekaterinburg in the summer of 1918. Afterwards he lived in Harbin where he converted to Russian Orthodoxy and became a priest, adopting the name Nicholas in honor of the late Tsar. He returned to England in 1937)
$190.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1143 RUSSIA 1906 (23 May) postcard sent from Milford Haven, Wales to Charles Sydney Gibbes in St. Petersburg (Gibbes taught English in Russia from 1901, and served as the English tutor to the children of Tsar Nicholas II from 1908 to 1918)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1144 RUSSIA 1907 (23 Mar) cover front sent from the Office of the Postal Director in St. Petersburg to Maria Feodorovna, Empress of Russia in Biarritz, France. The Dowager Empress arrived in Biarritz in March and stayed for several weeks. One of only two recorded covers with this postmark canceling the stamps
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1145 RUSSIA 1907 (10 Dec) registered autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich from the telegraph office in Gatchino Palace to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The registration label (only recorded example) reads Gatchino Palace. Illustrated in Rossica No.166
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1146 RUSSIA 1907 (21 June) beautiful and decorative envelope & lettersheet franked with 7k, tied by Zmeinogorsk, Tomsk cds & sent to Kalyvanskoye, Siberia, v.f. and delightful cover
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1147 RUSSIA 1908 (21 Aug) registered cover from St. Petersburg to Nicolas Johnson in Paris. The printing on front and the wax seal read, "Administrative Office of His Imperial Majesty Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich." (Nicholas Johnson and Grand Duke Michael were graduates of the Mikhailovsky Artillery School. In late 1912 Michael chose Nicholas as his private secretary. Arrested at Gatchina on 7 March 1918, both were soon exiled to Perm and executed by the Communists on 13 June), illustrated in Rossica No.171
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1148 RUSSIA 1908 (25 Apr) registered autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich from the telegraph office in Gatchino Palace to his former tutor in Carouge, Switzerland. The registration label (only recorded example) reads Gatchino Palace telegraph office. Illustrated in Rossica No.166
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1149 RUSSIA 1908 (13 Nov) signed autograph postcard sent from Pavlovsk by Grand Duchess Yelisaveta Mavrikievna to the wife of General von Loewe at Gern castle in Eggenfelden, Lower Bavaria. The German inscription above the message reads, "From Grand Duchess Constantine of Russia, Princess of Saxe-Altenburg." (the Grand Duchess was the wife of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich (a nephew of Tsar Alexander II). She was the royal patron of the Russian Blue Cross, a charitable organization which established schools, asylums, and hospitals for poor or ill children. Grand Duchess Vera Konstantinovna was Konstantin's sister)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1150 RUSSIA 1909 (22 Dec) registered cover sent from Khabarovsk to Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland, then forwarded to Orel. When the cover arrived in Carouge, Thormeyer was visiting Grand Duke Michael in Orel. Thormeyer's brother Emile re-addressed and forwarded the cover to "Ferdinand Thormeyer with His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich in Orel, Russia," also adding his personal handstamp (the Tsar transferred Michael to Orel a few months earlier in response to his affair with Natasha Wulfert. The sender was Paul Pilicier, a native of Switzerland, who taught French at the Khabarovsk Women's Gymnasium and the Khabarovsk Corps of Cadets)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1151 RUSSIA 1909 (10 Dec) autograph cover sent from St. Petersburg by Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna to Ferdinand Thormeyer at the residence of her brother Grand Duke Michael in Orel. Thormeyer was visiting his former pupil, who from 1909-1911 was in semi-exile in Orel as commander of the 17th Chernigov Hussar Regt. The Tsar had transferred Michael to Orel in response to Michael's affair with Natasha Wulfert, a commoner
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1152 RUSSIA 1909 (14 Oct) registered postcard sent from Yalta by Albert Niquille, the Swiss tutor of Grand Duchess Ksenia's children, to Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland (the message reads, "Ai-Todor 13 Oct. 1909. Dear Monsieur Thormeyer, This photo will undoubtedly remind you of familiar territory. It is here that after having studied dry conjugations, we limbered our spines with archaeology. The day this photo was taken, the bottom of an amphora was unearthed. Needless to say, the news of this amazing discovery made a noise in Landerneau." Ksenia and her husband Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich lived at Ai-Todor, near Yalta. Niquille returned to Switzerland in the spring of 1917), illustrated in Rossica No.166
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1153 RUSSIA 1909 (9 Feb) registered "Money Letter" cover (for 2 rubles), franked on back with 1k, 10k and 20k and sent from "Bulaevo", station on the Siberian Railway, with corresponding blue label No.74 Bulaevo Siberian Railway, stamps canceled by "St. Bulaevo Siberian", with mostly intact wax seals and St. Petersburg (15 Feb) arrival, minor cover tears, fine and rare usage
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1154 RUSSIA 1910 (7 Apr) registered cover sent by Emile Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland to his brother Ferdinand who was visiting former pupil Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich in Orel. By the time this cover reached Orel, Ferdinand had moved to St. Petersburg to visit Michael's' sister Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna at her mansion at 46 Sergievskaya street. The cover was received by Ferdinand on 4 June
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1155 RUSSIA 1910 (3 May) cover sent by Emile Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland to his brother Ferdinand who was visiting former pupil Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna at her mansion at 46 Sergievskaya street in St. Petersburg. Olga's mansion had been owned by Field Marshal Prince Alexander Bariatinsky, the Caucasian Viceroy. Tsar Nicholas II bought the house and gave it to his sister as a wedding present in 1901
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1156 RUSSIA 1910-17 two postcards sent from Abas-Tuman with photographs of the palace of Grand Duke George Alexandrovich, son of Emperor Alexander III, who lived in Abas-Tuman in the Caucasus because of his tuberculosis and who died in 1899. Also, a third postcard sent from Abas-Tuman showing the chapel erected at the site where Grand Duke George Alexandrovich died
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1157 RUSSIA 1911 (6 Apr) registered autograph cover sent from Orel by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. From 1909-1911 Michael was commander of a cavalry regiment in Orel. The Tsar had transferred him there in response to Michael's affair with Natasha Wulfert, a commoner
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1158 RUSSIA 1912 (2 Nov) large registered cover from St. Petersburg to Grand Duke Michael's former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in La Chapelle near Carouge, Switzerland. The printing on front and the wax seal read, "Administrative Office of His Imperial Majesty Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich." Illustrated in Rossica No.166
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1159 RUSSIA 1912 (2 Aug) signed autograph picture postcard to Pernov from the imperial yacht "Standard", sent by Baroness Sophie von Buxhoeveden, lady-in-waiting to Empress Alexandra. Postmarked "Rejd-Standard" ("Standard roadstead", one of three recorded examples). The message reads, "Greetings from the Standard, Sophie." (every summer from 1906-1914, Tsar Nicholas II, his family and retainers spent several weeks cruising on the imperial yacht along the southern coast of Finland between Kotka and Vyborg. The yacht was anchored in Pitkopas Bay when this card was written. During the summer visits of the Tsar, a temporary post office, subordinate to the Vyborg post office, operated on Hurppu pier, five miles from Pitkopas Bay. It used the "Rejd-Standard" postmark in the Finnish design with modern style dates. It opened no later than 1912 and permanently closed after the 1914 visit. Buxhoeveden documented her presence on the yacht during this summer in her 1938 autobiography "Before the Storm"). Illustrated in Rossica No.174
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1160 RUSSIA 1912 (29 Dec) cover sent from St. Petersburg by the Office of the Jubilee National Album in Commemoration of the 300-Year Reign of the House of Romanov, to the governor of Vyatka province in Vyatka. Sent at the printed matter rate of 2 kopecks. The paper seal on the back reads, "For the Jubilee Celebration of the 300-Year Reign of the House of Romanov (Office of the Jubilee National Album) 1613/1913." The red handstamp on the front means "Personal Information." Illustrated in Rossica No.171
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1161 RUSSIA 1912 (1 Mar) cover from St. Petersburg's Nikolai railway station to Yalta and forwarded to Sukhum. No postage was charged. Printed stationery with heading "Formed under the august patronage of His Imperial Majesty Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich, the committee for the construction in St. Petersburg of a church in commemoration of the three-hundred-year reign of the house of Romanov." The handstamp on the back has the same wording (the Cathedral of the Fyodor Icon of the Mother of God was built on Poltavskaya street near the Nikolai station between 1911 and 1914. It was closed in 1932 and used as a dairy plant. After major restoration work the cathedral reopened in 2013), illustrated in Rossica No.171
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1162 RUSSIA 1913 (15 Feb) registered autograph cover from St. Petersburg, sent by Prince Felix Yusupov to the Bank of Nyon, Switzerland. The printing on front reads, "Home of His Highness Prince Yusupov, Count Sumarokov-Elston, St. Petersburg, 94 Moika Quay", the location of his palace (Yusupov, the richest man in Russia, participated in the murder of Rasputin on 17 December 1916)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1163 RUSSIA 1913 (6 Sep) cover sent from Kristiania, Norway to Empress Maria Feodorovna on her yacht "Polar Star" in Copenhagen. The Empress sailed to Copenhagen in September and stayed until 22 December
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1164 RUSSIA 1913 (20 Sep) three picture postcards sent by Ferdinand Thormeyer to his brother in Carouge, Switzerland during Ferdinand's' visit to his former pupil Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna at her Olgino estate. The cards, which were mailed in an envelope, show Olga's paintings, signed "OA 1912"
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1165 RUSSIA 1913 (15 Dec) signed autograph postcard sent from Pavlovsk by Grand Duchess Yelisaveta Mavrikievna to the "Hereditary Prince" in Altenburg, Germany. Postmarked at the imperial mail delivery section of the St. Petersburg post office. The message reads, "Happy New Year! Aunt Elisabeth." (Grand Duchess Yelisaveta Mavrikievna, formerly Princess Elisabeth of Saxe-Altenburg, was the wife of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich (a nephew of Tsar Alexander II). Their main residence was the Pavlovsk Palace. The addressee, Georg Moritz, was the oldest son of her brother Ernst II, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg. The house of Saxe-Altenburg became extinct when Georg died. The photograph on the back shows Elisabeth's youngest child, Princess Vera Konstantinovna)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1166 RUSSIA 1913 (24 Dec) postcard with New Year wishes sent from St. Petersburg by Alexandra Kossikovskaya (Dina) to Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The card shows one of Grand Duchess Olga's paintings, signed "OA 1912." (Dina was lady-in-waiting to Olga when she became the girlfriend of Olga's brother Grand Duke Michael. Michael wanted to marry her in 1906, but the Tsar refused, Dina was dismissed and the police prevented a secret marriage in 1907. She died destitute in Berlin in 1923)
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1167 RUSSIA 1913 (27 Mar) large registered "value letter" cover (for 100 rubles and cash-on-delivery for 300r), used locally in Moscow, franked with Romanov adhesives 1k, 3k, 4k, 70k, 1r and 5r, paying 6.78r, red "Cash on Delivery" handstamp and blue registration label with number "408" of the "25th" Moscow town Post sub-office, intact wax seals and arrival pmk on back, considerable cover wear and tears away from the stamps, rare commercial usage of the 5r Romanov
Catalog #104
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1168 RUSSIA 1915 (21 Apr) registered charity picture postcard with Romanov franking (1k, 2k, 4k and 7k), paying 14k from St. Petersburg to France, with St. Petersburg registry "363" of "44th" Post sub-office, two censor cachets and 18.5.15 Bourbon-l'Archambault arrival pmk, scarce registered postcard to France
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1169 RUSSIA 1915-19 1r two imperf. proofs on gummed paper, one with dark brown background displaced to left, the other with greenish background, slightly displaced center, v.f. P
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1170 RUSSIA 1916 (31 Dec) official card sent by the Chancellery of Her Imperial Majesty Alexandra Feodorovna and the "Administrative Office of the August Children of Their Imperial Majesties", in the Winter Palace in Petrograd, to a prisoner Semyon Averyanov in the Saratov temporary hard labor prison. With the only recorded example of the postmark of the "Petrograd Winter Palace telegraph office" and handstamp of the "Chancellery of Her Majesty Empress Alexandra Feodorovna". The printed message on the back reads, "Notice. By command of Her Imperial Majesty Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, your petition has been forwarded by the director of the Chancellery of Her Imperial Majesty to the Minister of War." The handstamp, dated 9 January, reads, "This information has been given to me.", signed by Averyanov and Deputy Warden Nazarov. Averyanov was probably freed by the Provisional Government's amnesty in March 1917. Illustrated in Rossica No.171
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1171 RUSSIA 1917 1r imperf., two different panes of 22 , one with inverted background, the other with background significantly displaced, n.h., v.f. ** Catalog #131e,var
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1172 RUSSIA 1918 70k brown, imperforate single, ample margins, close but in places, l.h., v.f., rare imperforate stamp, with Buchsbayew certificate * Catalog #150a
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1173 RUSSIA 1919 (28 Apr) registered cover sent from Yekaterinburg by Alexander Maximovich Simonov to Charles Sidney Gibbes, Secretary to the British High Commissioner in Siberia, at the British Consulate in Omsk, then forwarded by diplomatic bag to Vladivostok, with Yekaterinburg and Omsk (both of which were under White Russian control) transits, handstamped to indicate that postage of 1 ruble, 5 kopecks (the correct registered letter rate) was paid in cash, there being no stamps available. Also with manuscript "opened by me H. Davison." (Simonov was editor and publisher of the newspaper "Yekaterinburg Week" and until 1917, a member of the city council. Gibbes had been the English tutor of Tsar Nicholas's children. In January 1919, he accepted a position with Sir Charles Eliot, British High Commissioner in Siberia. He moved to Omsk briefly and then on to Vladivostok. Hugh Davison was British vice-consul in Vladivostok)
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1174 RUSSIA 1922 Star surcharges, seven different perforated cross-gutter panes of 100, five with full margins all around, some wrinkles and marginal flaws, stamps n.h., fine-v.f. ** Catalog #216/22
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1175 RUSSIA 1925 definitives (watermarked), 5k lilac, top sheet corner margin pane of 20, horizontal invalidating perforations, n.h., fine-v.f. ** Catalog #308var
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1176 RUSSIA 1933 Baku Commissars, 35k ultramarine, variety imperf. at top, canceled to order, v.f. and rare (Zagorsky 348Pa) O Catalog #522var
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1177 RUSSIA 1934 (6 Jan) signed autograph postcard sent from Ballerup, Denmark by Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna to Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The message reads, "Dear Siocha (Thormeyer’s nickname), The three postcards you sent me are quite pretty. Here we are re-celebrating Christmas. Good weather - sun every day then Venus rises. You say you can also see it. I think of you when I look at it. Old Countess Blucher spent the afternoon here. I won’t be able to write letters while the house is full of people. All my friendship and greetings, dear Siocha. I embrace you, Olga. I have only two Pro Juventute stamps." (Olga, a stamp collector, lived in Ballerup from 1932 to 1948 before moving to Canada. The card shows Olga's painting "Harbinger of Spring", signed Olga, dated 1931. Pro Juventute postage stamps were issued in Switzerland to raise money for children), illustrated in Rossica No.166
$90.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1178 RUSSIA 1935 Tolstoy, 20k perf. 11, three vertical pairs imperf. between, used, slightly different shades, fine-v.f. O Catalog #579avar
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1179 RUSSIA 1937 definitives, 30k claret, imperf. single, n.h., heavy gum crease, otherwise fine (Zagorsky 577Pa, 62,000rub) * Catalog #618b Catalog Value $950
$325.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1180 RUSSIA 1938 Red Army, 80k Stalin Reviewing Cavalry, variety imperf. at bottom, canceled to order, heavy wrinkles, fine (Zagorsky 495Pb, 40,000rub) O Catalog #634var
$120.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1181 RUSSIA 1944 Heroes of the Civil War, 30k green, vertical pair imperf. between, small h.r., fine (Zagorsky 838, 50,000rub) * Catalog #943var
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1182 RUSSIA 1945 Moscow Academy, 30k horizontal pair imperf. between, h.r., fine (Zagorsky 884, 50,000rub) * Catalog #987a
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1183 RUSSIA 1946 Elections, 60k green, vertical pair, imperf. between and at top, used, v.f. (Zagorsky 934, 30,000rub) O Catalog #1028var
$120.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1184 RUSSIA 1946 20k light brown, horizontal strip of three, imperf. vertically between the stamps and at left, heavy hinge remnants, creases, otherwise fine (Zagorsky 983Pb,150,000rub) * Catalog #1062var
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1185 RUSSIA 1946 25th Anniversary of the first Soviet stamps, 15k variety imperf. at right, canceled to order, small inclusion, otherwise v.f., rare (this variety is not to be confused with the smaller size of a stamp commonly cut from the souvenir sheet) O Catalog #1080var
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1186 RUSSIA 1947 Arms of the Soviet Union, 30k Belarus, top margin vertical pair imperf. between, used, v.f. (Zagorsky 1024, 60,000rub) O Catalog #1107var
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1187 RUSSIA 1948 three varieties, including Surikov imperf. at top, 30k Artillery imperf. at bottom (creased) and 60k Military Class, imperf. at top, used, fine-v.f. O Catalog #1201,1205,1208var
$190.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1188 RUSSIA 1957 Sputnik, 40k dark blue, left sheet margin block of 14, with seven varieties imperf. at left, n.h., folded between stamps, v.f., extremely rare (Zagorsky 2000Pc, 630,000rub) ** Catalog #1992var
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1189 RUSSIA 1957 Sputnik overprint, sheet of 100, n.h., folded between stamps, v.f., rare (Zagorsky 2011, 300,000rub) ** Catalog #2021 Catalog Value $4,000
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1190 RUSSIA 1990 Capitals, imperforate blocks of four, 12 different (missing Frunze; Riga and Erevan do not exist imperf.), n.h., v.f. ** Catalog #5854/5868var
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1191 RUSSIA Semi-Postals 1915 (19 May) registered picture postcard with attractive complete set franking, paying 21kop from Moscow to Switzerland, with Moscow Registry label No.343 or "25th" Post sub-office, two censor cachets and 15.6.15 Herisau arrival pmk, v.f.
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1192 RUSSIA Semi-Postals 1922 Philately for Children, second issue, complete set of six, including imperf. 1k orange (with certificate), l.h. or h.r., fine-v.f., * Catalog #B24-29 Catalog Value $790
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1193 RUSSIA Semi-Postals 1922 Philately for Children, set of six complete, l.h., fine-v.f., signed Dr.P.Jemchouhin, etc., * Catalog #B24-29 Catalog Value $790
$300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1194 RUSSIA Semi-Postals 1922 Philately for Children, set of six complete, l.h., 1k corner crease, otherwise fine-v.f., signed Lester Glass, Stolow, * Catalog #B24-29 Catalog Value $790
$260.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1195 RUSSIA Semi-Postals 1922 Philately for Children, second issue, 1k orange, perf. and imperf., n.h., v.f., with Raybaudi certificates, ** Catalog #B24,29 Catalog Value $1,450
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1196 RUSSIA Semi-Postals 1922 Philately for Children, second issue, 1k orange, imperforate horizontal sheet margin pair, n.h., v.f., ** Catalog #B29 Catalog Value $1,450
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1197 RUSSIA Air Post 1923 1r, 5r and 10r, three imperf. panes of 25, n.h., v.f. ** Catalog #C2,4,5
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1198 RUSSIA Air Post 1924 15k on 1r red brown, surcharge inverted, large margins all around including sheet margin, lightly hinged, fresh and v.f., signed Mikulski, Dr.P.Jem, etc. (Zagorsky 61Ta) * Catalog #C8a
$950.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1199 RUSSIA Air Post 1930 50k gray blue (error), n.h., exceptionally well centered, v.f., ** Catalog #C23a Catalog Value $900
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1200 RUSSIA Air Post 1931 50k gray blue (error), left sheet margin block of four, exceptionally well centered for this issue, n.h. and post office fresh, v.f. and splendid block, signed Mikulski (Zverev $25,000) ** Catalog #C23a
$7,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1201 RUSSIA Air Post 1934 Civil Aviation, 10k green, corner margin horizontal pair imperf. between, used, few natural wrinkles, v.f., O Catalog #C46a Catalog Value $1,250
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1202 RUSSIA Air Post 1934 Airships, complete set of five, tied by Jan 31 cds on registered cover, flown in 1935 from Moscow to Germany, fine-v.f., with arrival (Feb.4) on reverse
Catalog #C53-57
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1203 RUSSIA Air Post 1935 Moscow-San Francisco 1r on 10k (Levanevsky), n.h., v.f., ** Catalog #C68 Catalog Value $1,275
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1204 RUSSIA Air Post 1935 Moscow-San Francisco flight, 1r on 10k, lower case Cyrillic "f", n.h., v.f., pencil signed, ** Catalog #C68b Catalog Value $2,250
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1205 RUSSIA Air Post 1937 Jubilee Aviation Exhibition, 20k variety imperf. at left, used, v.f. (Zagorsky 474Pc, 70,000rub) O Catalog #C70var
$350.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1206 RUSSIA Air Post Officials 1922 12m and 24m surcharges, horizontal se-tenant pairs (type I-III), the former with margin at left, n.h., minor perf. separations, fine-v.f., signed Goznak, etc. (catalogued as singles, without premium for se-tenants) ** Catalog #CO1-2
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1207 RUSSIA Air Post Officials 1922 12m on 2.25r, type I, position 19, surcharge inverted, h.r., v.f., signed Mikulski, with photocopy of his 1985 certificate. A rare stamp, only one sheet of 25 printed, * Catalog #CO1a Catalog Value $7,500
$4,750.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1208 RUSSIA Air Post Officials 1922 120m on 2.25r, two horizontal se-tenant pairs (types I-III), l.h., v.f., signed Romeko, etc. (catalogued as singles, without premium for se-tenants) * Catalog #CO3
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1209 RUSSIA Air Post Officials 1922 600m on 3r, vertical pair, h.r., v.f., signed Romeko * Catalog #CO4
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1210 RUSSIA Air Post Officials 1922 600m on 3r, two singles, l.h., v.f., signed Mikulski, etc., * Catalog #CO4 Catalog Value $520
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1211 RUSSIA Air Post Officials 1922 600m and 1,200m surcharges, l.h., v.f., signed Goznak, etc., * Catalog #CO4,CO7 Catalog Value $1,560
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1212 RUSSIA Flight Covers 1935 1r on 10k (Levanevsky) Moscow-San Francisco overprint, used on registered and flown picture postcard (Sigismund Levanevsky) from Moscow, via San Francisco, addressed to Mr. Arens, Consul General of the U.S.S.R. in New York, with bilingual "Special Air Flight Moscow-San Francisco through the North Pole" cachets, with New York (Sep 17) arrival pmks, perfectly fresh and v.f., signed Bolaffi, with copy of his certificate. (three Soviet fliers, Sigismund Levanevsky, George Baidukov and Victor Levchenko, took off from Schlovsky Military Airport near Moscow in the red-winged Soviet monoplane "O 25" at 6:30 A.M. on a 6,000 mile non-stop flight to San Francisco, via the North Pole. Flying over Siberia and 700 miles across the Arctic Ocean, the plane developed problems, and on radio instructions, the fliers returned to their base. Mail was later forwarded by airmail)
Catalog #C68
$7,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1213 RUSSIA Dornier Do-X Flights 1930 DO-X flight cover to Chile, franked on both sides with Russian, German and Brazilian (Condor) adhesives, appropriate markings, with Leningrad, Rio de Janeiro, Chile markings, scarce three-country combination
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1214 RUSSIA Zeppelin Flights 1931 North Pole cover and card franked with the imperforate set of four, addressed to the North Pole, with appropriate cachets and cancels, v.f.
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1215 RUSSIA Postage Dues 1925 2k, 8k and 10k, three different imperforate singles (lithographed), l.h., v.f., rare (Zagorsky D11,14,15Pa) * Catalog #J12,15,16var
$3,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1216 RUSSIA Officials 1909 (6 Nov) registered cover from Livenhoff to Dwinsk, franked on back with 3x7k blue, also with 15k Official added on arrival and tied by 7.11.09 Dwinsk pmk, minor toning and cover defects, still a fine and rare combination, with 2013 Hovest certificate
$160.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1217 RUSSIA Revenue Stamps 1783 (Catherine II, the Great), stamped revenue paper, 5k black indicia struck at upper right corner, unused and unfolded, watermarked all-over (Double-Headed Eagle with inscriptions at top and bottom), horizontally laid paper, exceptional condition
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1218 RUSSIA Revenue Stamps 1796 (Catherine II, the Great), stamped revenue paper, 10k black indicia struck at upper right corner, some text at top, watermarked all-over (Double-Headed Eagle with inscriptions at top and bottom), horizontally laid paper, folded horizontally, exceptional condition
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1219 RUSSIA Military Mail 1898 3k red, unaddressed stationery card with two strikes of "Polevaya Pochta na Manevrach" (Field Post Office on Maneuvers), struck in blue oval, dated 18.VIII.98, v.f. and scarce temporary Field Post Office strike
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1220 RUSSIA Military Mail 1901 (1 Aug) picture postcard with 3k red, tied by boxed Field Post Office on Maneuvers Field Post Office No.2 of the Western Corps, addressed to St. Petersburg and canceled on arrival, v.f., rare
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1221 RUSSIA Russian Provisional Locals - Kustanai 1920 (31.8) registered parcel card franked with 3x15k and 20k, each handstamped with a large "P" (rubles), total franking 65r (overpayment of 2.50r) to Petrograd, with 20.9.20 arrival pmk; also a registered fragment (28.7) with 2x10k, 15k and 2x50k (last two not handstamped), fine
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1222 RUSSIA Sakhalin 1903 (25 Aug) registered 14k stationery entire from Sakhalin to Denmark, with clear Aleksandrovsk cds, Vladivostok Primor. Transit, v.f. and rare usage from this remote island, subject of prolonged dispute between Russia and Japan
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1223 RUSSIA Sakhalin 1907 (8 Mar) cover from Port Aleksandrov in Sakhalin to Austria, franked on reverse with single 10k, "Vladivostok Primor." transit and arrival cds, v.f. and rare usage from this remote island, subject of prolonged dispute between Russia and Japan
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1224 RUSSIA Russian Offices in China 1909 (21 Aug) cover franked with 7k dark blue (red Kitai overprint) tied by Shanghai Poste Russe departure cds, repeated alongside, sent to a well known merchant in Bukhara, with elaborate violet handstamp and "Staraya Bukhara" arrival pmks, some cover edge faults, otherwise fine, uncommon destination (Bukhara from Shanghai)
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1225 RUSSIA Russian Offices in China 1911 (30 Jan) underpaid picture postcard sent from Omsk to Chzhalantun Station, Chinese Eastern Railway, franked with 2x1k yellow, oval "Doplatit" (To Pay) applied in Omsk, with "2k" added in pencil, showing a perfect arrival strike of "Chzhalantun St.Kit.Vost.Zh.D.", v.f. and extremely rare usage, extraordinary incoming mail to Chalantung (an important center in northern Manchuria, handling all types of mail on Line 261/262, about mid-way between Harbin and Manchuli)
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1226 RUSSIA Russian Offices in China 1912 picture postcard, franked with 3k red, sent to Hailar, with well struck arrival in Hailar, station of the Chinese Eastern Railway (26 Feb 12), fine and scarce incoming mail to the Chinese Eastern Railway Station in Hailar (formerly a county-level city, Hailar is today an urban district that serves as the seat of the prefecture-level city Hulunbuir in northeastern Inner Mongolia)
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1227 RUSSIA Russian Offices in China 1915 (1 Aug) registered cover franked with 10k Semi-Postals, tied by Harbin departure cds, with two different Registry labels, one in Cyrillic, the other "Kharbin Poste Russe", sent to Switzerland, opened by censor in Irkutsk, with two corresponding handstamps, Petrograd transit and Zollikon arrival pmks on back, v.f., scarce usage of the Semi-Postal issue from Harbin
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1228 RUSSIA Russo-Japanese War 1905 (28 Jan) red band free-frank cover from Mukden to Riga, with military markings and arrival pmk on back, fine usage during Russo-Japanese War
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1229 RUSSIA Russian Offices in the Turkish Empire 1863 6l blue, four different, first two unused without gum, minor flaws as often, fine appearance *(*) Catalog #1,a-c
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1230 RUSSIA Russian Offices in the Turkish Empire 1865 10pa brown & blue, unused without gum, fresh and v.f., scarce unused, (*) Catalog #2 Catalog Value $800
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1231 RUSSIA Russian Offices in the Turkish Empire 1865 10pa brown & blue, numeral cancelation in blue dots, large margins all around, v.f., O Catalog #2 Catalog Value $750
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1232 RUSSIA Russian Offices in the Turkish Empire 1869 (24 June) FL from Constantinople to Taganrog, franked with 10k carmine & green, tied by blue grids, with corresponding departure pmk on back, filing fold away from the stamp, fine usage, with 2000 Paul Buchsbayew certificate
Catalog #11
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1233 RUSSIA Russian Offices in the Turkish Empire 1898 (29 June) receipt for a registered letter from Mt Athos, with violet "ROPIT SALONIKI" datestamp
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1234 RUSSIA Russian Offices in the Turkish Empire 1900-1905 4pa on 1k, 10pa on 2k, 2Pi on 20k, 5Pi on 50k and 7Pi on 70k, five different imperforate horizontal strips of five, each perforated "Obrazets," n.h., v.f. S Catalog #27/36S
$2,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1235 RUSSIA Russian Offices in the Turkish Empire 1904 (8 Nov) cover from Mont Athos, franked with Ottoman 1pi and sent to Starominskoya (Sea of Azov), used during the Russo-Japanese War, hence Odessa censor seal (green), also purple handstamp, plus "Refuse par la Douane" (refused by Customs) and returned to sender, bearing a boxed cachet on reverse, indicating that the cover was sent back after the war was long over, fine and interesting cover
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1236 RUSSIA Russo-Turkish War 1877 (31 Oct) registered 8k stationery entire envelope, franked on back with 5k and 10k Arms, sent from Tatarbunar (on the border of Russia and Romania) to Moscow, endorsed "Iz deistvuyushei Armii" (from active army), tied by departure cds, another "1 Nov" pmk alongside, with Moscow arrival markings, considerable wear and mended cover tears, otherwise fine. A scarce example of the Russo-Turkish War period mail from South Bessarabia, a region that had changed ownership in the aftermath of the war (Tatarbunar is in South Bessarabia, the Black Sea coastal region between Dniester and Prut rivers. It was a part of the larger territory ceded by Turkey to Russia in 1812. In 1856, after losing the Crimean War, Russia had agreed to transfer most of South Bessarabia to the Principality of Moldavia. Unlike the neighboring towns up and down the coast, Tatarbunar had stayed under Russian control. In 1877, Romania, the successor to the Principality of Moldavia, sided with the Russians against the Turks. It permitted the Russian main army headed for Bulgaria to cross the Romanian territory, and allowed some Russian troops to be deployed in South Bessarabia to protect Russian supply lines from possible Turkish incursions. As could be expected, once Russian troops had returned to South Bessarabia, they were in no hurry to leave once the war was over. The potential conflict between allies was avoided after Bismarck had persuaded the Romanians to return South Bessarabia to Russia, in exchange for the former Bulgarian territory of Dobruja as compensation. Tatarbunar, no longer a border town at the center of potential conflict, again became a sleepy provincial town in the Odessa Gubernia)
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1237 RUSSIA Russia Used in Asia 1900 (ca) selection of 26 different unused picture postcards, various Costumes (Buriats), Tombs, scenes from Khanate of Kokand, Samarkand, Margelan Province, etc.
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1238 Armenia 1920 25r on 3k maroon & gray green, perf. 11, also 50r on 10k dark blue & brown, perf. 11 and 12 1/2, horizontal strips of five, n.h., some faint toning, mostly v.f. (catalogued as hinged) ** Catalog #256,263,var Catalog Value $875
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1239 Armenia 1920 50r on 10k dark blue & brown (Russian semi-postal), three blocks of six, perf. 11 1/2, 12 1/2 and 13 1/2, n.h., four stamps with Erivan 21.11.20 cds, fine-v.f. (catalogued as hinged) ** Catalog #263 Catalog Value $900
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1240 Far Eastern Republic 1922 Fifth Anniversary of the Russian Revolution, overprinted in red "1917 7-XI 1922", 2k-10k imperf. sheets of 25, each showing curved "22" of "1922" (position 24), two partially adhered on French Consulate in Vladivostok affidavits, each with a consular seal on one stamp, 10k also with handstamps on back, all with some toning (these stamps were stored for many years in Shanghai), accompanied by a typewritten and signed statement from the Postal Authorities in Vladivostok confirming that 10,000 sets were overprinted. A unique group, */** Catalog #62-65,var Catalog Value $3,500
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1241 Far Eastern Republic 1922 Fifth Anniversary of the Russian Revolution, overprinted in black instead of red (proof) "1917 7-XI 1922", 2k-10k imperf. blocks of four, n.h. but disturbed gum with some usual toning, still v.f., unique set of proof blocks ** Catalog #62-65P
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1242 Far Eastern Republic 1922 4k rose, triple (!) red overprint triple, canceled on piece, little toning, otherwise fine, very rare O Catalog #63var
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1243 Far Eastern Republic 1922 5k claret, vertical block of ten, red overprint displaced downwards, lower right stamp with curved "22" of "1922", unused without gum, v.f. (*) Catalog #64,64var
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1244 Far Eastern Republic 1922 5k claret, imperf. horizontal block of six, overprint double, n.h., gum toning, otherwise fine, ** Catalog #64b Catalog Value $2,100
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1245 Far Eastern Republic 1922 5k claret, vertical block of ten, red overprint double and further displaced downwards, unused without gum, some inconsequential toning, otherwise v.f., probably unique multiple, (*) Catalog #64b Catalog Value $3,500
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1246 Siberia 1921 10k on 4k carmine, double overprint, h.r., fine and rare stamp, signed Dr.P.Jemchouhin (twice) and Champion * Catalog #51var
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1247 Siberia 1921 20k on 5r indigo, green and light blue, variety "top bar missing", h.r., slight overall gum toning, irregular perfs at bottom, fine and very rare stamp (with a stated printing of 15, only 1-2 of this variety can exist), signed Pappadopulo * Catalog #62var
$1,800.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1248 Siberia 1921 20k on 3k+4k semi-postal (1914 issue), block of four, h.r., lower left stamp showing doubling of surcharge, two stamps with small thins, otherwise fine-v.f., possibly the only known block of four of this value, signed Buchsbayew * Catalog #64,64var
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1249 Siberia 1921 20k on 3.50r maroon & green, imperforate block of four, lower left stamp with inverted surcharge, h.r., with some adhesions and gum toning, handstamped markings on back, signed Pappadopulo, Buchsbayew, one of only 2-3 known * Catalog #71,71var
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1250 Siberia 1921 20k on 7r dark green & pink, used imperforate horizontal pair, one stamp with inverted surcharge, inconsequential toning and small scissors cut between stamps, signed Pappadopulo. A rare tete-beche, one of only 2-3 known O Catalog #72,72var
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1251 South Russia 1919 7r and 10r imperforate singles, each with inverted center, h.r., v.f., with APS certificates ("printer's waste with inverted center, genuine") * Catalog #70var,71var
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1252 South Russia 1919 10r, four imperf. or part perf. singles, each with center displaced, double or triple, h.r., fine * Catalog #71var
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1253 Transcaucasian Federated Republics 1923 (31 May) registered Money Order (transmitting 5,300,000r) from Prishib (Baku prov.), franked with strip of 4x50k black star overprints, tied by cds, with Lenkoran arrival pmk on back, fine usage from present day Goytepe in Azerbaijan
Catalog #5
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1254 Transcaucasian Federated Republics 1923 (2 June) registered Money Order (transmitting 4,650,000r) from Prishib (Baku prov.), franked with 4x50k black star overprints, tied by cds, with Lenkoran arrival pmk on back, some toning, still fine usage from present day Goytepe in Azerbaijan
Catalog #5
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1255 Transcaucasian Federated Republics 1923 (24 May) registered Money Order (transmitting 12,100,000r) from Prishib (Baku prov.), franked with two imperforate 1r black star overprints, tied by cds, with Lenkoran arrival pmk on back, fine usage from present day Goytepe in Azerbaijan
Catalog #8
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1256 SAAR 1920 Overprints on Bavaria 5m dark blue and 10m green, right sheet margin singles, first l.h., imperceptible toned spots, the latter n.h., signed Bloch, the former with 1978 Friedl certificate, */** Catalog #38,39 Catalog Value $1,160
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1257 SAAR 1922-23 3c-3r imperforate, 13 different sheet margin singles, n.h., few with disturbed gum, mostly v.f. ** Catalog #99/115var
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1258 SAAR 1924 unexploded 4fr booklet, blue and brown covers, stapled at left, fresh and v.f. and rare,
Catalog #Mi.MH.1 Catalog Value €2,600
$1,100.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1259 SAAR 1924 unexploded 4Fr booklet with panes of 8x5c, 20c and 25c, first pane inserted upside down, stapled at left, fresh and v.f.,
Catalog #Mi.MH1 Catalog Value €2,600
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1260 SAAR Semi-Postals 1928 10fr Madonna, well centered, minute toning at bottom perfs, tied by 12.4.29 cds on registered (overfranked) cover to Augsburg, without arrival pmk, cover folded vertically (twice), fine and rare item, with 2015 Christian Geigle certificate (Mi.134)
Catalog #B15 Catalog Value €7,500
$2,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1261 SAAR Semi-Postals 1948 Flood Disaster souvenir sheets of four and one, used on separate "Saarbrucken" 12.10.48 First Day Covers, with additional franking added on both sides and registered to New York (prepared by Willibald Becker and addressed to Penny Black Stamp Company), with October 14 and October 15, 1948 arrival pmks, mostly v.f. and extremely rare set of FDCs (Mi. Block 1,2)
Catalog #B64a,CB1a Catalog Value €12,000
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1262 SAAR Semi-Postals 1948 Flood Relief souvenir sheet of four, 5f+5f (green) inverted and shifted downwards, n.h., tiny marginal abrasion, most probably a picked out natural inclusion ("eine winzige, belanglose Schurfung"), also a minute toned speck at upper left, still very fine and rare error souvenir sheet, only a few known, signed Arge Saar, with their 1976 certificate (Mi. Block 1K1) ** Catalog #B64a Catalog Value €15,000
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1263 SALVADOR 1889 (16 Mar) cover to England, franked with 1c green and 10c orange, each cancelled by a violet star, oval "Admon de Correos March 18 1889 La Libertad" and "Encaminado Por Blanck Y Trigueros" forwarding agent's in violet, cover tears and part of backflap missing, with New York transit and Leeds arrival pmks
Catalog #13,19
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1264 SAN MARINO 1892 5c on 10c ultramarine, surcharge shifted to bottom, canceled on piece by 25 June 1892 cds (First Day of Issue), well centered, fine and rare stamp, signed Colla and Dr.Avi, with their 2018 and 2023 certificates (Sass.8A,Euro 18,000) O Catalog #25b Catalog Value $12,000
$2,800.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1265 SLOVENIA 1941 0.25d black, overprinted by hand, right sheet margin single, n.h., fine and rare, with 1990 Diena certificate, ** Catalog #Sass.1A Catalog Value €8,000
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1266 SLOVENIA 1941 0.10d bright violet, overprinted type "B", n.h., fine, very rare, with 1995 Raybaudi certificate, ** Catalog #Sass.33B Catalog Value €30,000
$3,250.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1267 SLOVENIA 1941 0.50 on 1.50d rose, left sheet margin single, n.h., v.f., only 300 printed, with 1993 Raybaudi certificate, ** Catalog #Sass.41 Catalog Value €6,000
$850.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1268 SLOVENIA 1941 25p-20d, set of 15, n.h., few minor wrinkles mentioned for accuracy only, fine-v.f., only 567 complete sets issued, with clear 1993 Raybaudi certificate, ** Catalog #Sass.42-56 Catalog Value €12,000
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1269 SOMALIA 1923 surcharges, complete set of 11, n.h., usual centering, mostly fine or better, signed Raybaudi, with his 1997 certificate, ** Catalog #40-50 Catalog Value $489
$120.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1270 SOMALIA 1930 (ca) designs "Somalia Italiana" 10c Leopard, 5c Bay, 1L Lion, also 10c Leopard, 50c Lion and 1L Bay, imperforate sheetlet of six, top row orange, with center in brown, bottom row in orange only, large margins, small security punch, peripheral toning, fine-v.f., with 1994 Sorani certificate ("in my opinion, this sheetlet, the only one known to me, is genuine") P
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1271 SOMALIA 1955 Flowers, 1c Adenium, double impression, block of 4, n.h., v.f. ** Catalog #198var
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1272 SOMALIA Semi-Postals 1935 Visit of King Victor Emmanuel, complete set of 14, n.h., fine-v.f., top value signed Raybaudi, with his 1997 certificate (Sass. Euro 2,000) ** Catalog #B38-51 Catalog Value $815
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1273 SOMALIA Postage Dues 1906 5c-10L, complete set, 1L unused, 10L n.h., balance h.r., 5c thin, otherwise fine-v.f. (Sass. S1-11) *(*) Catalog #J1-11 Catalog Value $5,539
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1274 SPAIN 1812 (22 Feb) folded letter to France, with "No.31 Armee Francais en Espagne" handstamp, indicating the French base in Pamplona, fine usage from French occupied Spain during the Peninsular War
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1275 SPAIN 1832 (14 Nov) FL from Seville to London, with postscript added a few days later, indicating the letter was carried by the sender to Madrid, with "Par Estafetta" (branch post office) manuscript, supported by straight-line "Estaf.," "60 P.P. 3" and London (Nov 30) arrival pmks, fine and interesting letter, apparently unlisted in literature
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1276 SPAIN 1853-54 Madrid City Mail, 1 cuarto bronze, also 3 cuarto bronze, each with margins all around, splendid original and unaltered colors and impressions, tied by grid cancels on separate folded letters used locally in Madrid, red postmarks and corresponding docketing, v.f., signed in pencil by various experts including Enzo Diena, with his 1987 certificates, also 1997 certificates from CEM (Comision de Expertos de Madrid). A fabulous pair of rare covers, only a few recorded, none in such exceptional quality (Ed.22,23)
Catalog #17,18 Catalog Value $13,600
$9,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1277 SPAIN Local Issues 1937 "EPILA" souvenir sheet, five uncut sheets of 16 sheetlets of four, various colors on gummed paper, folded between stamps, fine-v.f. P
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1278 SPAIN Carlist Stamps 1873 1r blue, dark blue (with Tilde), ten used examples, mostly with margins all around, various shades and postmarks, one canceled on piece, signed Roig, Exfima, etc., occasional minor flaws, mostly fine or better, O Catalog #X2 Catalog Value $3,500
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1279 SPAIN Carlist Stamps 1874 1r violet, horizontal pair, unused with original gum, minute toning at top, still fresh and v.f., with 1977 Exfima certificate (catalogue value for singles) * Catalog #X3 Catalog Value $650
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1280 SPAIN Carlist Stamps 1874 1r violet, vertical pair, unused with original gum, v.f., with 1977 Exfima certificate (catalogue value for singles) * Catalog #X3 Catalog Value $650
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1281 SPAIN Carlist Stamps 1874 1r violet, three singles, each with a different cancel, one with Royal Crown and Fleur de Lis, others with cds and colored dots, first one creased, others v.f., each with 1977 Exfima certificate, O Catalog #X3 Catalog Value $975
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1282 SPAIN Carlist Stamps 1874 1r violet, margins all around, canceled by pen cross on coverfront addressed to Lastaola, with Guipuzcoa departure oval alongside, v.f., with 1977 Exfima certificate Catalog #X3
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1283 SPAIN Carlist Stamps 1874 1/2r rose, block of four, top stamps type I, bottom stamps type II, canceled on piece, minor creasing, otherwise v.f., with 1977 Exfima certificate
Catalog #X5
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1284 SPAIN Carlist Stamps 1875 50c green, single with red cancel, also vertical pair canceled by grids, minor flaws, otherwise fine, scarce used, with 1977 Exfima certificates O Catalog #X6
$120.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1285 SWEDEN 1870 (11 Jan) outer FL from Kalmar to London, franked with 1858 5o and 1862-72 20o (2). Transit and arrival pmks, fine and attractive cover, with 1983 Kaiser certificate (Mi.7a,16b)
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1286 SWEDEN 1924 UPU, complete sets of 15 (without the watermarked 10o), mostly l.h., fine-v.f., * Catalog #197-211,213-227 Catalog Value $1,261
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1287 SWEDEN 1924 UPU, complete sets of 15 (without the watermarked 10o), mostly l.h., fine-v.f., * Catalog #197-211,213-227 Catalog Value $1,261
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1288 SWEDEN 1924 UPU, complete sets of 15 (without the watermarked 10o), mostly l.h., fine-v.f., * Catalog #197-211,213-227 Catalog Value $1,261
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1289 SWEDEN 1949 UPU, selection of 18 different sketches privately executed on stamp size cards and mounted on large piece, also a "God Helg" label alongside E
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1290 SWITZERLAND 1889 5c stationery card, additionally franked with Standing Helvetia 20c orange, perf. 9 3/4x9 1/4, used in combination with 10c Arms, tied by Geneve 29.1.80 (wrong year-date, should have been "1889"), sent to Boudry, with 30.1.89 arrival pmk, fine and interesting combination franking, year-date error of pmk, with Pierre Guinand certificate
Catalog #Zu.61ad,66b
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1291 SWITZERLAND Semi-Postals 1912 Pro Juventute, set of three, l.h., v.f., * Catalog #Zu.I-III Catalog Value SFr 532
$180.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1292 SWITZERLAND Semi-Postals 1912 Pro Juventute, two different, l.h., v.f., * Catalog #Zu.I,III Catalog Value SFr 484
$120.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1293 SWITZERLAND Officials 1922-37 "Societe des Nations", 5fr ultramarine, sheet of 25, with central League of Nations pmks, stamps n.h., v.f., scarce multiple,
Catalog #2O28 Catalog Value $1,687
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1294 SWITZERLAND Officials 1922-37 "Societe des Nations", 10fr green, 5fr blue and 3fr orange brown, three different blocks of four, each with a central League of Nations pmk, stamps n.h., v.f.,
Catalog #2O30,2O35,2O56 Catalog Value $1,630
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1295 SWITZERLAND Officials 1923-30 For the International Labor Bureau, "S.d.N. Bureau International du Travail" overprints, 3fr-10fr, four top values, also 5fr blue, four different blocks of four, each with a central League of Nations pmk, stamps n.h., v.f.,
Catalog #3O23-26,3O31 Catalog Value $1,840
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1296 SYRIA Air Post 1950 Port Lattakia, imperf. sheet margin blocks of four, n.h., v.f. ** Catalog #C158-61var
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1297 SYRIA Air Post 1955 Rotary, six imperf. trial color sheetlets, including two composite sheets of two, n.h., v.f. P Catalog #C187-190P
$240.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1298 THAILAND Semi-Postals 1920 handstamped "Wild Tiger Corps", complete set of six canceled by bilingual "Nagorpathom 26.30.20" pmks on Royal Telegraph Form, folded between stamps, fine-v.f. O Catalog #B12-17
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1299 TRIESTE - ZONE A 1945 Issued under Yugoslav Occupation, surcharged 1L on 50c violet, vertical strip of three, numerals virtually omitted, n.h., v.f., with Cilio certificate, ** Catalog #Sass.4kb Catalog Value €3,300
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1300 TRIESTE - ZONE A 1952 10L Armed Forces Day, double overprint, n.h., v.f., only 100 printed, signed J.Bush (Sass.157b) ** Catalog #157var Catalog Value €1,800
$280.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1301 TRIESTE - ZONE A Parcel Post 1949 10L violet, unsevered pair, overprint with 5.5mm spacing, n.h., pencil notations on reverse, v.f., only 400 issued, with the majority being poorly centered, with J.Bush certificate (Sass.PP18A) ** Catalog #Q18var Catalog Value €3,000
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1302 TRIESTE - ZONE A Parcel Post 1949 50L rose, double overprint, usual centering, n.h., fine, only 100 printed, signed Mondolfo (Sass.PP21b) ** Catalog #Q21var Catalog Value €1,500
$220.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1303 UPPER SILESIA 1920 5pf on 15pf violet, four different surcharges, Types I-IV, each canceled on piece, handstamped guarantee marks, signed Dr.Kronenberg, fine and quite rare, O Catalog #10 Catalog Value $1,600
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1304 URUGUAY 1880-1943 selection on pages, with errors and varieties incl. part perf., imperf. between, proofs and essays incl. die proofs, interesting specialist lot *P
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1305 URUGUAY 1900-10 1c green, 5c dull blue (2) and 10c gray violet, four diff. blocks of four, imperf. between vertically or horizontally, first three unused without gum, fine-v.f., scarce (*)* Catalog #153,54,56var
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1306 URUGUAY 1900-10 1c green, vertical block of 10, imperf. horizontally, unused without gum, also a horizontal pair imperf. between, fine-v.f., scarce (*) Catalog #153var
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1307 URUGUAY 1924 Olympics, set of three blocks of four, each canceled "Colonia U.H. F.2/ 29 July, 1924", fine-v.f.
Catalog #282-84
$240.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1308 VATICAN CITY 1954 (15 Nov) registered cover to the United States, franked with 5x3L (on reverse), 6x100L Lombardo and St. Augustine set of two, fine-v.f., with transit and arrival pmks
Catalog #158,173,187-88
$250.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1309 VATICAN CITY Flight Covers 1934 Roma-Buenos Aires Flight picture postcard, mixed franking with Italy 3L, addressed to Buenos Aires, fine-v.f., rare
$1,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1310 VENEZUELA 1867 1/2c yellow green, canceled La Guaira, v.f., with 1987 PFC stating "postal forgery" Catalog #16
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1311 VIETNAM 1958-71 Family & Justice, also FAO, two different imperforate and gummed trial color proofs, sheets of 50; plus three additional imperf. strips of 10 (one reinforced), five different imperf. deluxe sheetlets and 1958 UNESCO six unaddressed FDCs and six unused airletters, plus 1942 Indochina with Viet-Nam overprints, 31 different on unaddressed covers, fine-v.f. P
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1312 VIETNAM Air Post 1952 five different imperf. sheetlets, with staple holes (from a booklet), v.f. P Catalog #C5/9P
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1313 VIETNAM, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Postage Dues 1952-55 handstamped on perf. and imperf. Ho Chi Minh stamps, 100d brown (18), 100d green (14) and 200d red (8), various shades and types of the triangular handstamp, unused without gum as issued, fine-v.f. (catalogued as the least expensive varieties) (*) Catalog #Mi.D1/10 Catalog Value €2,000
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1314 VIETNAM, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Officials 1956 Issue, blocks of four, unused without gum as issued, n.h., v.f., scarce, ** Catalog #O10-16 Catalog Value $1,000
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1315 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 (8 May) cover from Jagielnica (Yahilnytsia) to Vienna, with single 20h Austrian Postage Due on front and two additional 2x10h stamps on back, all tied by Polish language cds, with Ukrainian State Censor cachet in violet, additional censor label removed from left, fine usage, signed Mikulski
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1316 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 (23 Apr) cover from Trembowla (Terebovlia) to Vienna, with single 40h Austrian franking, tied by Polish language cds, with Ukrainian State Censor cachet in violet, additional censor label removed from left, fine usage
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1317 WESTERN UKRAINE 1919 cover from Bobrka (Bibrka) to Budapest, franked on both sides with two each 5h and 15h, first two uncanceled, the pair with "Provireno" censor handstamp of Bibrka, additional censor tape removed, rare usage, signed Mikulski
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1318 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1847-1950 collection in four White Ace albums, with New York and Providence Postmasters Provisionals, 1847 5c on cover, 1857 to 10c, 1861 24c, 90c Bank Notes, Bureau Issues with $1, $2 and $5 values, Trans-Mississippi to $2 ($1 and $2 used), Pan-Americans, 1902-3 to $1, Washington-Franklins, Coils, Panama-Pacific, 1922 Liberty to $2, White Plains souvenir sheet, Kansas-Nebraska, some booklet panes, plate number strips, 1 1/2c Harding cross gutter block of 16, etc., Back of book with Air Post, C1-6, C13-15 Zeppelin set, with additional $1.30, Lindbergh booklet pane, Special Delivery, Shanghai overprints, Parcel Post, numerous Plate No.Blocks, including Alaska-Yukon (perf.), nice selection of Commemoratives from the 1920s and 30s including 1938 Presidential Series to $5, Famous Americans, Air Post C7-10, etc., mixed condition with some faults possible, generally fine-v.f. and useful collection */**O
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1319 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1851-1962 collection in Scott album, with items selected for centering and quality, purchased individually from reputable dealers and auctions, with 1851 1c (types II and IV, with certificates), 3c orange brown, type I (PFC), 1857 1c (PFC) 3c and 10c (2, each with PFC), 1861 to 24c, also two Plate Proofs (with three PFCs), 1867 10c F. Grill with PFC, 1869 Pictorials to 15c, 1870 Bank Notes to 90c with several certificates, 1890 to 90c, 1893 Columbians to 30c, 1894-97 Bureau Issues to $1, 1898 Trans-Mississippi to 50c, Pan Americans, 1902-3 to $1, Louisiana Purchase, Washington-Franklins to $2, many nicely centered examples, Coils, Panama-Pacific, 1922-25 Liberty Series to $5, White Plains souvenir sheet, Kansas-Nebraska,1938 Presidentials, $5 Hamilton, etc., Back of Book with C1-6, Special Delivery, Registration Stamp and some Postage Dues, mixed condition, some faults or gum issues noted, generally fine-v.f. collection */**O
$6,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1320 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1857-2000 selection of used and unused singles and multiples, presented mostly on cards with Scott numbers and values, including 1857 3c red (25) with Lower Label and Right Diamond Block joined variety (Crowe certificate stating "unpunched perfs and stain"), and 3c red (No.26) with extra frame lines variety (Crowe certificate), 24c gray disturbed original gum, creased (Weiss certificate), 1861 5c brown yellow with Crowe certificate, 5c brown (some faults, disturbed gum with Weiss certificate),1867 Grills with Crowe certificates, 1869 15c, Bank Note Issues with 90c, Washington Franklins with some multiples including plate blocks, Coils including Scott 386 guide line pair with Crowe certificate, 2c imperf. Harding used, graded Gem 100J, 1923 30c graded "XF 90J", plus a selection of modern Postal Counterfeits in panes, with 37c Flag and Forever Liberty Bell (5), all with Crowe certificates. Back of book with Air Post including $1.30 Zeppelin, Postage Dues, Shanghai overprints, with well centered 14c on 7c, Officials including Treasury 1c-15c, Newspaper Stamps with 1879 $6 (thin), with Crowe certificate, Duck Hunting including RW45 graded "98", etc., mixed condition noted, high catalogue and resale potential *O
$1,900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1321 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1861-1960 balance of a consignment on display cards, 1861 Issue to 30c, 1867 10c yellow green, F.Grill (reperforated, with PFC), 1869 Pictorials, 1870-88 Bank Note issues, 1890 90c orange (with certificate), 1893 Columbians to 10c, 1894-95 Bureau Issues to 50c, Pan-Americans, Louisiana Purchase, Washington-Franklins with some exceptionally centered singles, Coils, 1922-25 $5 Liberty, Kansas-Nebraska, few modern perf. or color shift errors, etc. Back of book, C1-6, Special Delivery, Postage Dues and more, mixed condition with some faults possible, mostly fine-v.f. */**O
$2,600.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1322 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1869-1980 large collection in three Scott Specialty albums and on pages, many hundreds of used and unused singles and sets, with 1869 Pictorials to 15c, duplicated selections of Commemoratives and Regular Issues, Columbians to 6c, Pan-Americans, Louisiana Purchase, Coils, sets to $5, White Plains souvenir sheets, Air Post (C1-6,C18, etc.), Back of book, Special Delivery, Postage Dues, Duck Hunting stamps, U.S. Possessions, Canal Zone, Philippines and much more, mixed condition, inspection recommended, high catalogue value *O
$3,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1323 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1869-1975 balance of a consignment, with 1869 including 15c (2), 24c and 30c (2), 1893 Columbians with 2c "broken hat" variety, 50c, $1, $2 and $5 unused, $3 and $4 used, 5c Jamestown plate block of six (heavy hinge reinforcements), Washington-Franklin $5 green and black, 1938 $1 bright magenta plate block, 1975 DW Griffith with brown omitted (2007 PSE certificate), etc. Back of book, with C1 plate block of six, Parcel Post to $1, 5c Parcel Post Postage Due plate block, 10c Postal Savings stamp plate block of six, Locals including Teese and Co (Scott 137L1) block of 52, Wells Fargo Newspaper block of ten, Swarts 2c red pane of 25 (2010 PFC), Hussey 1c rose sheet of 46 (2011 PFC) and 1c black sheet of 30 (2011 PFC), plus a selection of 12 Duck Hunting Plate Blocks, mixed condition with faults noted, generally fine or better *O
$1,900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1324 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1893-1976 collection of used and unused in two Scott Specialty albums, duplicated Commemoratives, with unused Columbians to 8c, Trans-Mississippi low vales, Louisiana-Purchase and Jamestown, White Plains souvenir sheets, etc. Regular issues, mixed condition, Liberty series to $5, Kansas-Nebraska, Air Post, Special Delivery, Postage Dues, etc. *O
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1325 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1893-1975 balance of consignment with 70+ sheets and large multiples, including two panes of 50x1c Columbian (hinged or n.h.), 2c Louisiana Purchase Plate block of 20, 2c Hudson-Fulton, Regular Issues, with Scott 527, also 532 pane of 25 with "Wilson Roulette", 1926 13c Harrison pane of 50 and plate block of six and others. Additional Commemoratives are from the 1920s including Molly Pitcher, 2c Huguenot-Walloon and 1c Lexington-Concord, Kansas 1c and 1 1/2c, Nebraska 2c, Aeronautical Conference, Von Steuben, National Parks, etc. Back of book Special Delivery, Officials with 6c Interior, pane of 50, Parcel Post 1c and 2c, Revenues including 1940 2c Documentary, $10 without overprint sheet of 100, I.R. Overprint on 1c and 2c, Duck Hunting stamps (4 better sheets), 50c Savings Stamps, Playing Cards, a nice selection of Carriers & Locals, including Cincinnati City (pane of 25), Penny Express 5c red and 5c blue, Boyd's City Express, Adams & Co. Express, Allen's Dispatch sheet of 100, Northern Mutual se-tenant sheet of 35, Pomeroy, Crosby's, Wells Fargo Publishers' Paid, etc., mostly n.h., some usual minor flaws or perf. separations, fine-v.f., high catalogue value */**
$3,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1326 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1900-1960 balance of a consignment housed in carton, with a nice collection of Plate Blocks in a Scott album, including better items, singles, Commemoratives and Regular Issues, substantial back of book, with Revenues, War Savings Stamps, etc., duplication, mixed condition, mostly fine or better, solid lot with excellent break up value *O
$2,900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1327 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1920-2000 selection of 50+ sheets, mostly EFOs, with dramatic perf. shifts, color shifts, tagged or untagged, double transfers (20c Olympics), imperf. Forever Baseball sheets, Kiss Prints, Offsets, some better Precancels, Dull Gum, also two recalled "Legends of the West" in folders, fine-v.f., high acquisition cost **
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1328 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1936 Farley sheets, selection of 27 uncut perf. and imperf. sheets (stored flat), with souvenir sheets, minor duplication, unused without gum as issued, unfortunately with some toning and usual edge wear, still fine or better (*) Catalog #752-771
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1329 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1938 Presidential Issue, group of sheets of 100, including 2c (6), 3c (6), 4c (6), 4 1/2c (42), 5c (11), 6c (4), 7c (4), 8c (4), 9c (5), n.h., fine-v.f. (catalogued as singles) ** Catalog #806/814 Catalog Value $3,520
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1330 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1950-2000 Gutter Snipes, selection of 45 mostly different sheets, n.h., fine-v.f., scarce group **
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1331 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES Air Post 1926-52 selection of 20+ sheets of 50, with C10 (2), C11 (2, one with seven "open door" varieties), C16 (2), C20-22, C25-31, C46, etc., n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $5,500+ ** Catalog #C7/46
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1332 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES Revenue Stamps 1942 Wine Stamps 1/5c-$10, selection of 59 different, 100 of each (sheets of 50 or 100), unused without gum as issued, fine-v.f., cat. $30,000+ ** Catalog #RE108/203
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1333 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES - Postage Lots 1940s-80s many thousands of unused singles and some multiples, packed into 32 large Ziplock bags, contents vary, stamps from 1c-42c in different quantities, also booklets, coil rolls, Plate Blocks, unsorted and uncounted, face value estimate $5,000+ **
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1334 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES - Postage Lots 1950-2020 balance of a consignment in two cartons, sheets, including many high values (several $5 sheets of 100), self-adhesives in denominations up to $19.95, Air Post to $14, Forever stamps, etc., some pre-canceled sheets and Officials (including $5 sheet) not counted, face value $10,000+ **
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1335 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES - Postage Lots 1980-2000s selection of 17 high face value sheets, or Plate Blocks, ranging from $2-$18.30, about half self-adhesive, fine-v.f., face $2,500+ **
$1,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1336 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES - Covers and Postal History 1845-1930 selection of 275+ covers, including stampless, registration, advertising, postal stationery, Air Post, etc., many already priced, with a nice variety of franking and destinations, fine-v.f. and ideal for a retailer
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1337 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES - Covers and Postal History 1922-35 balance of a consignment, with FDCs including 1922 25c Niagara Falls (cat. $650) with AFDSC certificate, and 50c Arlington, Lexington-Concord and Norse-American sets on single covers, Washington-Bicentennial, National Parks and 1938 Presidential Series to $5 (all on single covers), Air Post with Zeppelin including 65c on card, block of four on cover and $2.60, two separate covers (one legal size), C18, plus three Experimental flight covers, fine-v.f.
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1338 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES - Covers and Postal History 1926-40 selection of 175+ cacheted FDCs in small box, some duplication, better items include Sesquicentennial (duplicated selection), three sets of Famous Americans (Linprint, Adam Bert, Frost), National Parks, APS Convention Beverly Hills (in sheetlets), etc., virtually all have catalogue values of $20 or higher, fine-v.f and nice group,
Catalog Value $4,300
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1339 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES - Covers and Postal History Naval and Maritime Mail 1908-10 collection of 70+ used or unused picture postcards, various Battleships of "The Great White Fleet" (nickname for the group of U.S. Navy battleships that completed the round the globe journey from December 1907 to February 1909, by order of President Theodore Roosevelt. The fleet consisted of 16 battleships, along with various small escorts and it earned its moniker for the stark white paint on its hulls), mixed condition, generally fine or better
$400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1340 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES - Covers and Postal History Offices in China 1911-27 group of seven covers and cards, balance of a collection, partly written up on pages, U.S. ships in China or Philippines, also 1868 letter "off Kobe, Japan" from U.S. Flag ship USS Piscataqua, Asian Squadron, written by Admiral Rowan (who also served in the Mexican-American and Civil Wars), interesting lot
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1341 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ARGENTINA Officials 1899-1940s large, specialized collection on pages and loose, with a strong showing of proofs of the 1899 Liberty & Coat of Arms, followed by Officials 1901 Liberty Head Issue, with large dies, trial colors, Composite Large Dies, etc. The balance of the collection comprises a large range of Liberty Head Issues on cover, some unused errors and varieties, 200+ covers and cards, interesting frankings, numerous Official Department stamps "M.A.", "M.G.", "M.J.I." and other overprints on documents, etc., some errors, interesting and seldom offered P
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1342 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS AUSTRALIA 1913-2005 collection in well filled Scott album, pre-1940s mostly used, with 1913 Kangaroos to £2 (£1 unused), 1915-36 Kangaroos to £2, Sydney Harbor Bridge set, then fairly complete through 2005 (some canceled), Back of Book with Air Post, Postage Dues with values to 5sh, Military Mail set of seven, Officials, Antarctic Territory, mixed condition with faults noted, otherwise fine-v.f. *O
$2,700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1343 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS AUSTRALIA 1913-93 collection on stock cards, with many better items, including Kangaroos to 10sh, etc. (Scott 19-37, 45-54, 60-76, 96-101, 113-26, 130-33, 147-74, 218-21, 314-31, 365-79, 394-417, C1-8, CO1, Postage Dues J1-20, J23-34, J36, J39-56, J64-83, J86-95, Officials O1-14, L1-93) and others. Scott O2 is accompanied by a 2012 Ceremuga certificate, l.h. or n.h., fine-v.f., */** Catalog #17/1356 Catalog Value $14,191
$3,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1344 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS AUSTRIA Zeppelin Flights 1930-33 collection of 42 covers or cards, virtually all different flights (occasionally both a cover and card from the same flight), all with Austrian franking, progression of South America Flights, also Egypt Flight, Polar Flight and others, each item identified by Sieger and Michel Catalogues, mostly v.f. A rare opportunity to acquire a collection of Austrian Zeppelin covers
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1345 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS BELGIUM 1849-1946 predominantly used collection on album leaves with a useful range of early sets to high values commencing with King Leopold issues including 1c and 40c proofs, 1875 5fr deep red brown used with Anvers cds, 1915-20 to 10fr, 1919 Helmet set to 10fr, 1931 set to 10fr unused, Semi Postals, Red Cross, other Commemorative issues, etc. A useful lot with a high catalogue value *O
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1346 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS BRITISH COMMONWEALTH 1942-50 British Occupation of Italian Colonies, M.E.F. overprints and surcharges, British Military Administration for Somalia, Eritrea and Tripolitania, dealer's stock of complete sets (seven of each) in stock book, with Postage Dues included, mostly n.h. (few occasional hinged stamps noted), generally fine-v.f., SG £6,450 */**
$2,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1347 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS BRITISH COMMONWEALTH 1948-50 selection of Silver Wedding and UPU sets on cards, also some Malaysian States and Papua New Guinea, l.h., fine-v.f., SG £1,200+ *
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1348 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS BRITISH AFRICA 1856-1930 collection from St. Helena through Zululand housed in a Scott Specialty album assembled by an old-time collector over 50 years. Strength of the collection begins immediately with a nice run of the 1856-1894 Queen Victoria stamps of St. Helena. Nearly complete 1860-1897 Sierra Leone with a mix of mint and used. Somaliland Protectorate and early Union of South Africa well represented, some duplication, cancels and varieties. Lovely array of Stellaland, Sudan and Swaziland. Closing out the album with a nice assortment of Transvaal through Tristan Da Cunha and Zululand, mixed condition, some faults noted, mostly fine or better *O
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1349 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS CANADA 1888-1972 collection on Scott album pages, with better items such as 1888 10c and 20c (45,46), scattered Jubilees (n.h.), 1898 20c green (84), KEVII 50c (95, l.h.), mostly n.h. Quebec to 15c, George V to $1, Coils, Scrolls, all other issues, sets to $1, Special Delivery, etc., selected for centering, generally fine-v.f., high catalogue value **
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1350 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS CHILE 1867-1910 selection with Columbus issues, various prints with 5c (18), 10c (12), 20c (1) and 1c (2), also the 20c value (5) reprints in blue, green and ochre on wmk paper, 1867 1c (3), 2c, 5c, and 10c (2), 1877-1900 values, 1900 and 1903 surcharges with varieties, 1904 Correos overprint with varieties, 1910 set to 10p, etc. Also Tierra Del Fuego Local Post 10c red unused *O
$600.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1351 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS CHINA - PRC 1950s-1997 selection of mostly complete set, early definitives, Provinces, blocks of four and larger, better souvenir sheets such as 1979 Girl with book, Flowers, Exhibition overprints, Horses, Flying Fairies, some booklets, 1980 Red Monkey, used singles and sets from the Cultural Revolution, including Poems, Ballet, three sets each of Mountains, also Goldfish, plus many popular items. In addition, there are covers, commercial and FDCs, some recent issues and more **
$9,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1352 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS CHINA - PRC 1985-2001 hundreds of mostly complete sets and souvenir sheets in a large stock book, one to five of each, few older issues, n.h., fine-v.f. **
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1353 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS CHINA - PRC 1998-2005 stamps and souvenir sheets, sheetlets, album with "Chinese Lunar Year" (other countries commemorating the events), booklets, etc. **
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1354 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS CINDERELLA 1900-15 United States and worldwide, collection of 750+ different in stock book, variety of subjects, Exhibitions, Trade Fairs, etc., with or without gum, mostly fine-v.f. *
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1355 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS CRETE 1898-1900 collection on pages, used or unused, including No.1, Russian Administration (33 different), also a block of four of 1m green, etc., mostly fine or better, cat. $3,000+ *O
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1356 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS CYPRUS 1880-1965 collection in stock book, used and unused singles and sets, shades, minor varieties, few covers (including 1948 Silver Wedding and UPU FDCs), better singles include 1sh green (Scott 6, h.r., small thin, with APS certificate), 30pa surcharge (17 used), values to £1 (110), used and unused 50th Year of Cyprus as a British Colony (123), Boy Scout souvenir sheets (three, one with inverted watermark), etc., rather disorganized, mixed condition, mostly fine or better *O
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1357 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS CYPRUS 1960-73 issues complete in blocks of four (1962 £1 in vertical strip of four), n.h., fine-v.f., SG £1,370+ **
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1358 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-20 collection on pages, mostly n.h., with a nice selection of Semi-Postals, with better items including rare 3kr, also 10k, Legion Post, overprints shifted, double and inverted varieties, with multiples including pairs, blocks of four, and two covers, all better items properly signed, fine-v.f. and high value collection */**
$6,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1359 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS CZECHOSLOVAKIA - LEGION POST IN SIBERIA 1918-20 balance of the specialized collection, with singles, multiples including sheets, perf. and imperf. varieties, trial color proofs, military postmarks, covers, postcards, telegrams, wrappers, postal stationery, censor markings, original photographs of legionnaires in Vladivostok and Krasnoyarsk, 1919 "Ceskoslovensky Dennik" published in Irkutsk, also informative philatelic articles, clippings and documentation, reference material, etc., ex-Cronin
$1,800.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1360 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS DUBAI 1960s collection of perf. and imperf. sets and souvenir sheets on cards, better items, Postage Dues, Red Cross, Malaria, J.F.K., Olympics, Space, World Cup, also selection of additional sets from Trucial States, plus better items from Jordan and Qatar, n.h., fine-v.f., Mi.Euro 4,750+ **
$1,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1361 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS EGYPT 1865-1991 collection in three stock books, early material includes "Posta Europea" FL, 1866 issue, stamps used in Constantinople, Smyrna, some varieties, Pyramid stamps used and unused, perf. varieties, reference items, imperforate block of four, 1921 imperforate pairs, Port Fuad set of four (used), Prince Farouk trials set of four (l.h.), values to £1 (used or unused), commemorative sets, occasional blocks of four, unexploded 120m booklet, 1953 selection of three bar surcharges, souvenir sheets, including 1956 Boy Scouts perf. and imperf. (n.h.), Postage Dues, British Forces in Egypt (incl. 1935 Silver Jubilee used), plus collections of UAR, 1948-1967 Gaza Occupation (some double overprints, including blocks of four), with covers (some better), plus selection of Suez Canal, mixed condition, generally fine or better. Overall a comprehensive holding of Egypt, with potential for further expansion *O
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1362 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS EGYPT 1866-1935 collection on stock cards, with 1866 imperf. proofs (two complete sets), used and unused selection with 4x5pi, 6x10pi, 1867 issue used to 5pi, 1872 issue with many nice items, Bulaq issue incl. tete-beche pairs, De La Rue issue with multiples, etc., through to 1927-37 issue incl. errors, varieties, multiples, cancelations, etc., also British Forces with 1935 1pi Jubilee Seal and much more. A fine and extensive collection, high catalogue value *O
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1363 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS EGYPT 1867-75 collection on pages, with four types of each value incl. 5pa (14 unused and 12 used), 10pa (16 unused and 18 used incl. block of four), 20pa (15 unused and 19 used), 1pi (21 unused and 19 used), 2pi (7 unused and 12 used), also the scarce 5pi brown (7 unused and 11 used); 1872 with unused multiples, 1874-75 with blocks of 5pa, 1pi, 2pi, 2 1/2pi and 5pi, fine and scarce group *O
$3,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1364 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS FALKLAND ISLANDS 1900-90s balance of a specialized collection on black Vario stock pages, album pages, cover album and others, with some earlier items, sheets, singles and sets, Ephemera (news clips, photographs, etc.), unused Postal Stationery, cards, aerogrammes, covers and FDCs, postcards, OHMS, censored and commercial mail, Falkland Islands Dependencies, etc., clean and useful accumulation *O
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1365 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS FIJI 1912-60s collection/accumulation of 200+ covers and cards, including George V stationery entire envelopes, one overprinted Specimen, few better items, destinations, later FDCs, with high value definitives and sets, mixed condition
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1366 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS FINLAND 1891-1914 Russian Issues, selection of mostly used to 7r (laid paper) and 10m (3), nice cancels, mostly fine or better O
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1367 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS FRANCE & COLONIES 1850-1970 collection of thousands used singles and sets in six Scott Specialty albums. France includes decent run of 19th century issues used along with solid early-mid 20th century general and semi-postal issues mint hinged. French Offices in China from Canton through Yunnan Fou well represented. French Offices in Egypt and the Turkish Empire have particular strength. Wonderful array of material across a wide range of French Colonial areas starting with the 1859-1886 French Colonies general issues, Anjouan, Benin, Cilicia, Dahomey, Diego Suarez, French Congo, French Guiana, French India, French Morocco, French Polynesia, French Southern and Antarctic Territories, Gabon, Indo-China, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Monaco, New Caledonia, New Hebrides, Nossi Be, Reunion, St. Pierre and Miquelon, Somali Coast, Syria, and Tahiti, with almost all French Offices and Colonies represented in some form. mixed condition, mostly fine or better *O
$2,800.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1368 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS FRANCE 1862-1950 selection on lot cards, with some early Empire, Sage, Merson, Olympics, etc., plus Semi-Postals with Surcharges, Samothrace, etc., Air Post, mostly hinged, some minor faults possible, fine-v.f., cat. $9,000+ *
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1369 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS FRENCH COLONIES 1850-1950 collection of thousands of used singles and sets in five Scott Specialty and two makeshift albums. Broad range of material from Alaouites to French Congo, French Equatorial Africa to French West Africa, Gabon to Madagascar, Mauritania to Senegambia, Niger, Senegal through general French Colonies in, nice selection of Wallis and Futuna Islands, Syria, Niger, New Caledonia, French Oceanica & St. Pierre and Miquelon, range of French Offices, etc., light duplication O
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1370 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS FRENCH COLONIES 1871-77 General Issue, mostly imperforate Ceres, selection of 45 mainly used stamps incl. a pair and strip of three, values to 80c, margins all around, different pmks incl. Cambodia, Martinique, numeral dots, etc., generally fine-v.f. O
$500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1371 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GERMAN STATES 1860-1920 selection on lot cards, mostly used, with Baden, Bavaria, Brunswick, Hanover, Lubeck, Prussia, Saxony, Wurttemberg, etc., all identified and prices by Scott, mixed condition. faults noted, mostly fine or better, cat.$12,000+ *O
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1372 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GERMANY 1872-1960 large collection on album and home-made pages, plus mostly on black 8x11 cards, good showing of Small and Large Shields, occasional earlier German States classics, regular issues and commemoratives, followed by extensive Semi-Postals, Air Post, French Zone issues, A.M.G., Berlin and some Soviet Zone locals, much duplication (two Ostropa souvenir sheets, Hitler perf. and imperf. and others), also Air post, some covers, an additional album with Se-tenants and combinations, occasional errors and varieties, mixed condition, duplication noted throughout, substantial catalogue value *O
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1373 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GERMANY 1872-1988 collection in two large Scott Specialty albums, virtually complete used, with most of the Large and Small Shields,1874 surcharges, 1900 "Germania" and 1m-5M Reichspost (65d,65A), Deutsches Reich (65C-79) complete, shades, varieties and errors, Inflation issues with many high priced singles (mostly signed Bloch, Dr.Oechsner, Infla-Berlin), many se-tenant pairs and strips of three or larger, perf. varieties, American Zone (Band and Netz overprints, mostly complete, including both 12pf gray blue, signed Schlegel), Federal Republic, Semi-Postals complete, with all the souvenir sheets (B33,68, also B58 Ten-Year sheet of four canceled Lorch 30.6.35 Last Day of Validity, plus Olympics, Derby and Hitler souvenir sheets), plus complete Air Post (C1-60), including the Zeppelin issues (C38,39,41,42 and 45 on individual flown Zeppelin covers), Officials and Franchise stamps; French Zone; Berlin (1948 Black and Red overprints, signed Bloch), plus complete DDR to 1982 (with all perf. and imperf. souvenir sheets, Goethe, Marx Engels, etc.), few minor faults possible, generally carefully collected, unusually nice and mostly fine-v.f. A splendid and comprehensive collection of used Germany, with many extras, high catalogue value O
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1374 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GERMAN AREA 1850-1945 collection on Scott Specialty album pages, Old German States with fairly complete Baden and Bavaria (1920s high values signed Infla) good section of Brunswick (1-11 and others, many signed Bloch, etc.), Hamburg, Hanover, Helgoland, Lubeck, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Oldenburg, Prussia, Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein, Thurn & Taxis, North German Confederation and Wurttemberg. Plebiscite issues include Marienwerder (missing 50pf), good collection of Memel, including Lithuanian Occupation, Schleswig, Upper Silesia, plus WWI Occupation issues (Belgium, France, Lithuania, Poland, Polish Offices in Danzig (Port Gdansk), 1919 Eupen and Malmedy complete (1N1-58), also WWII Issues for Luxembourg and Poland Generalgouvernement, few covers, some usual quality issues among the German States, but many with expert signatures, high catalogue value O
$1,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1375 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GERMANY - Post World War II Local Issues 1945-46 collection/accumulation in eight large albums/stock books, 7,500+ used and unused singles, sets, multiples, blocks and some sheets, also 250+ covers and cards, all neatly arranged and catalogued, with all areas represented including Dobeln, Finsterwalde, Fredesdorf, Glauchau, Grossraschen, Lubenau, Spremberg, Storkow, plus some private issues, mostly expertized by appropriate authorities, with many rare items, some not catalogued, truly an impressive holding of these interesting issues, generally fine-v.f., Mi. Euro 75,000+ */**
$9,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1376 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GERMANY - Covers and Postal History 1870-1945 selection of 600+ covers in small box, with German States, Empire, extensive Inflation period with many items described and priced, Third Reich, post World War II, etc., with mixed frankings, advertising covers, a nice amount of postcards, good variety of frankings and destinations, fine-v.f.
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1377 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GERMANY - Covers and Postal History 1915-45 selection of over 150 covers, mostly Fieldpost from World War I and World War II, most individually written up and priced, some ppcs, variety of frankings and destinations, fine-v.f.
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1378 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GREAT BRITAIN AND BRITISH COLONIES 1840-1960 collection in two Scott Specialty albums, Great Britain 1p black and 2p blue, a range of imperf and perforated Queen Victoria, line-engraved, many higher denomination including 1867 5sh, 1872-80 1sh, 1882-83 5sh & 10sh, 1883-84 2sh 6p, 5sh & 10sh and 1888-91 £1 stamps, KEVII to George VI issues. Commonwealth begins with Australia, 1913 through post-WWII, including 127-129 specimen overprints, Batum, British Solomon Islands, Brunei and Cook Islands with a nice variety of early issues to WWII, Cyprus includes a great range of early line engraved, overprinted stamps followed by general issues, mostly unused through early Elizabeth II period. Fiji leads off with 1871-72 issue stamps through George VI, Gibraltar includes a strong showing of early issues including 1sh overprint, etc. The second album includes a nice range of Labuan, Malta, Nauru, New Guinea and New Hebrides. New South Wales with a few 1850-55 singles, excellent range of 1854-63 issue, then Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia with similar strength in their early issues stamps represented in the collection. New Zealand gets underway with the 1862-1872 Chalon heads, continuing into the 1950s and a solid range of back of book is represented. Niue, Norfolk Island, North Borneo, North West Pacific Islands, Papua, Samoa and Sarawak with decent ranges of their stamps included. Some faults throughout but overall fine-v.f. Closer examination and viewing recommended *O
$3,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1379 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GREAT BRITAIN - OFFICES ABROAD 1870-1900 balance of a specialized collection, including 30+ covers and FLs, GB used in Peru, St. Thomas, Mexico, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Levant, etc., also loose stamps (130 items) on pages 1d-5sh adhesives, cancellations, including Malta and Gibraltar duplex cancels, Constantinople, Scarborough (Tobago), A-88 (Pacific Naval Station Petchili, China), Alexandria, Suez, "B32" (Buenos Aires), "C30" (Valparaiso), "C35" (Panama), "C37" (Caldera), St. Thomas, "C56" (Cartagena), Grey-Town (Nicaragua), Puerto Rico, "C81" (Bahia), "C82" (Pernambuco), Rio de Janeiro, Port-au-Prince, "E-88" (Aspinwall), "F-85" (Mayaguez), Smyrna, Ponce, Beirut, plus others, poor condition with faults noted, still a useful group O
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1380 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GRENADA 1875-99 Queen Victoria Issues, duplicated collection on pages, with used and unused singles, shades, perf. varieties, pmks, tete-beche pairs, etc., occasional flaws possible, mostly fine-v.f. *O
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1381 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS HONG KONG 1862-1900 selection of 300+ mostly used singles on stock pages, Queen Victoria 1863-71 12c (12), 96c brownish gray (6), 1880 5c on 8c, 10c on 24c, 1885 50c on 48c (3), etc., some useful cancels, mixed condition O
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1382 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS HONG KONG 1862-1970 collection made up of an old Hong Kong Philatelic Society auction lot and a N.C. Yang Stamps & Coins specialty Hong Kong album. Excellent run of mostly used from the 1862 first issue through the end of the Queen Victoria issues. Many duplicates throughout showcasing color varieties and different cancelations. Further strength from the Edward VII issues through the 1954-62 QEII series. The Hong Kong Philatelic Society lot features a wide range of Victoria through George V issue stamps focused on cancelations and related varieties. An excellent lot for the specialist interested in Hong Kong or someone interested to dive head-first into Hong Kong philately *O
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1383 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS HUNGARY 1858-1964 large collection in two volumes, used and unused singles and sets, strong in early issues with 1872 Lithographed and Engraved, watermark varieties clearly identified, later issues incl. souv. sheets, imperfs, some FDCs and much more *O
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1384 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS INDIA 1900s-50 selection of 30+ covers or cards, various frankings and destinations, flights and registered, redirected mail, mixed India+GB stamps, Censored cover to USA, charged 12c Postage Due, flown cover from Colaba to Venezuela, with 10c added on arrival and redirected, some high values, etc., mixed condition, interesting group
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1385 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS IRAN 1881-1981 collection of many hundreds, used and unused singles and sets, neatly mounted on Persiphila pages, in five well-filled albums, with Scott Numbers and catalogue values noted alongside, some duplication, pairs, blocks of four, also Air Post, Officials, Postage Dues and some reference and unlisted items, mixed condition, occasional flaws possible, generally fine-v.f., high catalogue value *O
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1386 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS IRAN 1903-1906 Provisional overprints, four panes of 24, also Provisoire handstamps, five used or unused panes of 12, plus two imperf. panes of 1c and 3c unused, with or without gum, total of 180 stamps, probably reprints, sold AS IS (*)
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1387 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS IRAN 1907-62 selection of mostly complete sets, generally definitives, on stock cards, also Air Post, 5kr Mohammed-Ali Shah Qajar block of four (unused without gum), l.h. or h.r., many n.h., occasional gum toning as often, few minor thin spots noted, mostly fine-v.f., */** Catalog #441/1179,C51/78 Catalog Value $9,882
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1388 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS IRAN 1920s-30s selection of better values on stock cards with 1929 1k, 2k and 1t, 1935 "Postes Iraniennes" 9c horizontal pair (Scott 822), and a diverse range of other better values, overprints and surcharges, also Air Post and Officials, fine lot *O
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1389 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS IRAN 1971-75 selection of mint sheets or large multiples including Scott No.1615-26 (50), 1650-1661 (100), 1768-1772 (50), 1820-1830 (66), also perf. and imperf. stamps and souv. sheets from Yemen commemorating Empress Farah, n.h., fine-v.f., ** Catalog #1615/1830 Catalog Value $7,500
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1390 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ISRAEL - Forerunners 1898-1915 collection of 88 covers or cards on pages, with Ottoman Administration (18), German Offices (26), Austrian Offices (26), French Offices (16) and Russian Offices (2), with variety of markings, Jaffa, Nasre, "Camp Imperial Jerusalem", "Bureau Ambulant Jerusalem", branch office pmks, also Jericho, Bethlehem and others, few Registry receipts, mixed condition, mostly fine or better
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1391 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ISRAEL - Interim Period 1948 overprints on Jewish National Fund labels, collection of 160+ singles and 30+ covers, neatly mounted on pages, with a nice selection of different colors (green, blue, brown), overprints and designs, mostly unused (hinged or without gum), also a small selection of varieties (mostly imperf.), fine-v.f. *O
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1392 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ISRAEL - Interim Period 1948 collection of 100+ covers and cards on large Yvert & Tellier pages, showing various JNF labels overprinted "DOAR" (Post), including Development & Defense, Theodore Herzl, Ben Yehuda, Weizmann, Technion, Parachutists, etc., issues for Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Registered and commercial mail, some interesting combinations, usages from Nesher Yajur, locals from Jerusalem (sixteen covers, some remarkable frankings included), Rishon Le Zion (seven covers, including 26 April, Nachlat-Yehuda, 27 April, "Kishon" variety, etc.), Tiberias, Registered cover with locally overprinted Mandate stamps, Sefad (two covers, used 6 May and 7 May), Nahariya Emergency Mail (thirteen covers, combination frankings, souvenir sheet, etc.), some phantasies included, but generally solid and very collectable material. There are additional 50+ covers, with military mail from the War of Independence, Haganah dispatches, censor markings, Red Cross, Doar Ivri stamps on parcel receipts, Postal Stationery with triangular handstamps, plus mail from the Sinai Campaign and later wars. An interesting and well developed collection of this area
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1393 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ISRAEL - Interim Period 1948 balance of a consignment on pages, mostly varieties, with a selection of Jerusalem including imperf. pairs, albino overprints, double perforations, overprinted vertically and spaced, vertical pair imperf. horizontally, overprinted on wrong color, multiples including strips of five (imperf. between two stamps), complete sheets, imperf. blocks of four, unoverprinted blocks of ten (2, one with design double and shifted, the other with dramatic fold-over variety), also "Doar Jerusalem" proofs, 5m and 10m composite in orange, 5m green (slightly reduced), 50m orange and 50m green (slightly reduced), mostly n.h., fine-v.f. */**
$2,200.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1394 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ISRAEL 1948-49 specialized collection on large Yvert & Tellier pages, stamps and covers of the Doar Ivri Issue, 1-9 singles (2), 1-6 with tabs, Tab Blocks, rouletted with tabs, imperforate singles, Plate Blocks, perforation varieties, dozens of better covers, Registered Mail, combination frankings, 1-9 FDCs (three, one signed by PTT officials, another with trilingual "State of Israel" hs, 250m with tab), 1-6 with Tabs on FDCs (3), rouletted with tabs FDC, Plate Blocks on covers, 250m and 500m (2) on registered covers, commercial mail, 10m vertical pair with tabs, stamps imperf. between, used on registered, flown cover to Zurich, plus many others. In addition, there is a selection of 1948 Holidays, with tabs, including complete set on cacheted, privately made FDC (Hakirya), top and bottom right sheet margin Tabs on individual FDCs, vertical gutter pairs used and unused, horizontal gutter tete-beche plate blocks of six on FDCs, numerous other covers and cards, 1949 issues, including (15 (2), 27 (2), 28-30 with tabs (n.h.), Petah Tikvah Tab block and single plus Tab on FDCs, Holidays with Tabs (28-30) on FDC, also on individual Tourism (7.11.49) covers, fine-v.f. A wonderful assembly for a specialist, with many gems included */** Catalog #1-30
$3,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1395 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ISRAEL 1948-50 balance of a specialized holding, with Doar Ivri varieties, Perf.10x10, Tab singles, handstamped "T", perf. 10x11 Tab blocks of 3m and 50m, 15m horizontal Tab strip of 10, imperf. between 7th & 8th stamps, double perforations, imperforate blocks and Tab blocks (10m value), vertical tab strip of 20, variety imperf. at right, other part perf. singles and multiples, mostly n.h., fine-v.f., excellent assembly, ideal addition for an advanced collector or dealer */**
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1396 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ISRAEL 1948-50 unexploded booklets, duplicated selection in various quantities, Doar Ivri (Bale B1 (2), 2A (7), 3, 3B), Coins (Bale 4 (31), 5 (35), 6 (69),6A (2), 6C (4) and 8 (12), n.h., fine-v.f.,
Catalog #Bale 1/8 Catalog Value $37,790
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1397 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ISRAEL 1948-52 First Day Covers, collection of 50, including Doar Ivri 1-9 singles (2), 1-6 with Tabs 4 (including two with Tsachor certificates) and singles, also set of six on individual unaddressed covers, Holidays set of gutter pairs on single cover, Tab singles on single cover, selection of plate number gutter blocks of six (3 sets), Road to Jerusalem with Tab (2), Flag with tab, Petach Tivkva with tab (2; one additionally franked with single), 1949 Holidays set of three with Tabs,1950 Independence Day, set of two with Tabs, Menorah (2 with tabs), etc., fine-v.f. and seldom seen group
$2,800.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1398 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ISRAEL 1949-70 specialized collection on large Yvert & Tellier pages, stamps and covers, with Coins Issues (17-22,38-43), with Tabs, including FDCs, Tete-Beche used and unused, Independence (33-34), with Tabs (n.h.), Tabs and Tab blocks on FDCs, UPU, tete-beche, with Tabs, FDCs, Negev (25), with Tab, Tab Block (n.h.), complete from there, Tab singles, Tab blocks, many FDCs with Tabs, tete-beche, including 1963 Freedom from Hunger sheet of 16, etc., fine-v.f. */** Catalog #1-30
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1399 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ISRAEL 1949-70s collection of plate blocks (19) and tab blocks (60+) in small album, better items include Petach Tikva and Flag (l.h. in margin, stamps n.h.) and several slightly better Zodiac plate blocks, mostly n.h., few slight stains noticed, generally fine-v.f. **
$140.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1400 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ISRAEL 1949-80 balance of the specialized collection on large Yvert & Tellier pages (four volumes), with unused sets, Tab singles, souvenir sheets, Air Post and Postage Dues, First Day Covers, many with Tabs, including some rare items, provisional markings, extensive First Flight covers, Post Office openings, Six-Day War covers, special events and much more. A vast, well researched collection, modern but interesting, with much historical value
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1401 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ITALY AND ITALIAN COLONIES 1859-1999 collection of thousands of mostly unused (hinged and n.h.) singles and sets in 6 large stock books, with Italy, including Kingdom, Republic, San Marino, Vatican City, Italian Colonies, Fiume, Trieste Zone A, etc., with many better items, souvenir sheets, modern booklets, postal stationery and much more, inspection recommended *
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1402 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ITALY 1862-1960 extensive collection in 11 Lindner albums and folder, with a huge selection of used and unused singles and sets, plus covers and postal history, with unusual cancellations, frankings, rates, postal stationery, publicities, censor markings, aerogrammes, flights, bisects, Express Mail, perforation varieties, unusual mixed frankings from 1920s-30s including covers with multiples of high values, Italian Colonies and Occupation issues including commercially used covers, Post WWII material with postally used commercial items and much more. Condition is mixed, mostly fine-v.f. A veritable treasure for a postal historian, dealer and collector alike *O
$13,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1403 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ITALIAN AREA 1860-1990 collection in two Scott Specialty albums, used and unused, general issues appear fairly complete along with Semin-Postals, Air Post, Pneumatic Post, Special Delivery, Newspaper, Postage Dues, Parcel Post well represented. WWI and post-WWII occupation stamps sections are also fairly complete, mostly unused. Italian Colonies album is rather sparse, but with reasonable selections of Italian East Africa, Italian Somaliland, Libya, Cyrenaica, Eritrea, Fiume, Montenegro, San Marino, Trieste and Tripolitania, minor faults possible, mostly fine or better *O
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1404 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ITALIAN AREA 1945-1951 Postal History, selection of 78 covers or cards, mostly Istria, Ljubljana, Fiume, Trieste Zone B, AMG-VG, etc., variety of frankings, combinations, censor markings, FDCs and others, mostly fine
$3,250.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1405 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ITALY - WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES 1941 Italian Occupation of Slovenia, Second Provisional Issue, collection of 10 postal checks, franked with Ljubljana surcharges, different frankings, censor markings and dates, fine-v.f., interesting lot
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1406 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS JAMAICA 1870-1945 accumulation in a red stock book with better values and blocks throughout, noted 1870 Queen Victoria 5sh (3), 1883-97 issue with shades and blocks, 1890 surcharge with errors, 1900 Falls pair in blocks, 1905-11 Arms 5sh (4), 2sh venetian red (2), KEVII 2d block of 36, 1912-20 George V definitives, shades and blocks to 5sh (5), War Stamp issues with varieties, Pictorials to 10sh, including multiples, 1923 Welfare, 1932 trio (5), 1935 Silver Jubilee with "Extra Flagstaff" and "Short extra Flagstaff" varieties, George VI to 10sh (8) and £1 (3), 1948 Wedding £1 (5), booklets; some additional duplicates of 1/2d, 1d, and 2 1/2d values in pairs and blocks with "SER.E" variety, Postal Fiscals 1855-74 1 1/4 and 3d, Officials, etc. A fine collection with high catalogue value *
$1,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1407 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS JAMAICA Revenue Stamps 1890s-1940 eclectic accumulation in a stock book with a range of the Postal Fiscals issues, bisects on piece, Revenues, Officials, Queen Victoria-QEII Judicial issues, with blocks, etc. Also included are Telegraph stamps, Cancelations, Red Cross stamp in its various forms, mixed condition, useful specialist lot *O
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1408 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS JAPAN 1876-1948 collection of used and unused singles, sets, souvenir sheets on pages, some better sets throughout including 1916 Ceremonial Cap 10s tied on small piece by a commemorative cancel, 1927 Map set unused, also a group of commemorative postcards, mostly fine-v.f. *O
$325.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1409 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS JAPAN 1883-1980 collection on pages, mostly unused, four volumes, with Regular Issues, scattered older Koban singles, 1914-25 to 1y, 1923 Earthquake imperfs, Empress Jingo 5y and 10y l.h. (188-89), coils and other sets, also 1948-52 both sets complete to 500y (425-36, 509-521B), Air Post complete (C1-43), Commemoratives complete from 1894, including Ceremonial Cap, also Letter Writing and Philatelic Week, National park, plus souvenir sheets, complete, including National Parks, 1936 New Year (222a, with glassine interleaving stuck to gum), Communications Day (C8), Boy, Moon (456) & Geese and Beauty sheetlets of five (422a,479a), etc. A clean and attractive collection of Japan, many n.h., mostly fine-v.f., with detailed inventory, cat. $23,885 *O
$3,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1410 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS JAPAN 1871-1980 collection in stock books, Regular issues, Commemoratives, Air Post, Souvenir Sheets (Parks, Lottery Issues, Flying Geese, Boy, Philatelic Exhibitions), Military Stamps, Offices in China, Offices in Korea, some covers and cards, few better, also FDCs, Mihon overprints (712-23S, with certificate, B12/31S, 18 different), Revenues, Postal Stationery, Booklets, occasional duplication, mixed condition, high catalogue value */**
$2,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1411 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS NORTH KOREA 1946-53 collection of 250 unused and 11 used stamps on six stock cards, with many scarce and some Scott unlisted items, including the controversial KSC No.3b (not counted), a number of pairs and blocks of four, generally fine-v.f., high catalogue value *O
$9,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1412 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS NORTH KOREA 1946-68 collection on pages, issues mostly complete, with many better items among earlier issues, some reprints, few used, also blocks of four, imperforate varieties, pairs, souvenir sheets, occasional proofs, covers, unissued items, etc., mostly fine-v.f., attractive collection *
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1413 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS LATIN AMERICA 1862-1970 collection housed in five Scott Specialty albums starting off with British Honduras and Canal Zone. Costa Rica is particularly strong, mostly complete from 1863-1970s including back of book areas. Guatemala, Bolivia, Honduras, Panama and El Salvador are also well represented. Nicaragua has its own dedicated album starting with the first issues of 1862-1882 through to the 1970s inclusive of air post, officials and postage due stamps. Some faults, overall fine-v.f. *O
$1,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1414 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS LATVIA 1871-1914 collection written-up exhibition style on pages, with 28 covers and cards with Russian franking, used mostly from Riga and Libau to England, United States, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, etc., with better items including three covers from Wenden, each used in combination with Imperial franking, one from Stockmannshof (used in 1892 to Riga), some censor markings, occasional flaws, generally fine-v.f., ex-Engel
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1415 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS LIBERIA 1930s-60s carton with hundreds of singles, sets, souvenir sheets, varieties, proofs, missing colors, etc., interesting old-time holding, much break-up value **
$750.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1416 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS LIBYA 1950-52 selection of complete sets, including 1950 Horseman and Postage Dues, 1951 overprinted sets for Cyrenaica, Tripolitania and Fezzan with both Postage Due sets for Cyrenaica and Fezzan, also the 1952 King Idris set and Postage Due set, l.h. or n.h., fine-v.f. */**
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1417 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS LUXEMBOURG 1850-1937 stock book with hundreds of used and unused, with 19th Century incl. Scott No.1 (8), 2, 7, 8, 19, 20 (5-10 of each), etc., also perforated issues, semi-postals, few souv. sheets, postage dues and officials, mixed condition, faults noted, high catalogue value *O
$700.00 Bidding Closed
1852-1987 collection housed in two Lighthouse albums leading off with 1852-59 first issues and continuing on with very few missing spaces through 1987. Some thoughtful duplication included with one or two mint/used examples within the Lighthouse mounts from the 19th century to the end of the collection. Nice run of German occupation issues, officials, postage due and telegraph stamps as well. A few faults in the earliest issues, overall fine-v.f. *O
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1419 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS MALAYSIAN STATES 1889-1959 Kelantan, Malacca, Pahang, Trengganu, collection of 200+ different on pages, with many better complete sets and singles, also $25-$100 overprinted "Specimen", few pages affected by minor toning, stamps generally fine-v.f., SG £10,200+ *
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1420 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS MALTA 1860-63 Queen Victoria, selection, with unwatermarked 1/2d buff unused, 1863-81 watermark CC 1/2d (19 part original gum to unused and 16 used singles), mixed condition *O
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1421 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS MIDDLE EAST 1957-80 Qatar and Kuwait, selection of sets in stock book, minor duplication, with Queen Elizabeth II issues, some blocks of four and souvenir sheets, apparently n.h., fine-v.f., SG £2,400 **
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1422 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS MIDDLE EAST 1960s-90s large collection of many hundreds of sets and souvenir sheets in two stock books, all areas represented, with better Oman, Jordan, Yemen, various Trucial States, Lebanon, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Dubai, etc., occasional older items, few Saudi singles used, some duplication, apparently n.h., fine-v.f. (Mi.Euro 16,000+) **
$3,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1423 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS MONGOLIA 1953-1960 dealer's stock on pages, mostly unused singles, few sets, various quantities up to 10 of each, some blocks of four and larger, good variety, with many better items, fine-v.f. */**O
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1424 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS MONGOLIA 1932 Issue, accumulation of 10-50 of each, some blocks of four and larger, also 10t variety showing double horizontal perforations at bottom, h.r. or n.h., fine-v.f., cat. $1,200+ */** Catalog #62-74
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1425 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS MONGOLIA 1969-75 surcharges and overprints, selection of 15 singles, each with a double overprint, n.h., v.f., scarce ** Catalog #551/871var
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1426 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS NATAL 1857-1909 collection of hundreds, used and unused, neatly assembled on black stock cards, strength in early Victoria incl. shades, perf. varieties, overprints and surcharges, some identified by SG numbers, also Edward to 10sh, some officials, etc., mixed condition, great specialist appeal *O
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1427 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS NEPAL 1899-1926 selection on exhibit pages and loose, including six 1899-1928 blocks (Ex-Kershaw), with 1a pin-perf. block of 12, 1926 1/2a used sheet of 64 with six tete-beche pairs, plus eight 1907-08 Siva Mahadeva registered covers. A fine group for the specialist *O
$325.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1428 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS NEPAL 1950-51 accumulation of hundreds of used and unused, various paper types, perforations, shades and colors, also 12 perf. or imperf. sheets of 36 (one larger), mostly fine-v.f. *O
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1429 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS NETHERLANDS AND COLONIES 1852-1986 collection in a Scott Specialty album, apparently complete used, with extensive 19th Century, including shades of first issue, imperf. and perf., numerous perf. varieties of William and Wilhelmina to 2.50g, 1898-1924 to 10g (55-86), 1g type I, strip of three (83a), 1913 complete to 10g (90-101), also perf. varieties, surcharges (104-105), 1923 Ascension (124-34), other definitive sets, 1934-30 Syncopated perfs Types A, B and C, complete (142a/192b), Semi-Postals, with nine different Syncopated perfs sets, souvenir sheets (B144a-45a on covers), Air Post, Postage Dues, Officials (O1-8), Court of Justice (canceled to order); also a nice collection of Netherlands Indies, plus miscellaneous Colonies, few minor faults possible, mostly fine or better, nice collection of used Netherlands O
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1430 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS Netherlands Indies 1864-1949 specialized collection on pages, used and unused singles and sets, stamps on cover, including No.1 and No.2, numerous perforation varieties, Definitves with high values, Commemoratives, Semi-Postals, Air Post, Postage Dues, also 120+ covers and cards, various destinations, interesting frankings, Registered mail and much more, attractive and well presented collection *O
$3,250.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1431 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS Surinam 1900-51 selection on cards, l.h. or h.r., few early sets missing high values, with Semi-Postals, Air Post and Postage Dues, fine-v.f. *
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1432 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS NEW ZEALAND 1855-2006 collection in well filled Scott album, nice selection of perf. and imperf. Chalon Heads, sets to 5sh, Christchurch Exhibition, KEVII to 1sh, George V sets, then fairly complete through 2006 (some used), souvenir sheets, Back of Book, Postal-Fiscals to £1 (1940-52 to £2), Semi-Postals, Air Post, Postage Dues, Officials, Life Insurance, Newspaper stamps, Ross Dependency, etc., mixed condition with faults noted, otherwise fine-v.f., cat. $38,000+ *O
$3,250.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1433 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS PAKISTAN Flight Covers 1950-80s selection of 30+ covers and cards, mainly later first flights, also some stationery, few better items, fine
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1434 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS PALESTINE 1918-32 collection of various singles and sets on cards and pages, with 1p indigo and 1p deep blue (SG 1,1b), 5m on 1p cobalt blue (2), 1918-20 overprints, 1920-21 issues (SG 47-57), numerous varieties, 1927 Issue (SG 90-103) used and unused, plus many others, fine-v.f. *O
$500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1435 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS PALESTINE 1918-45 specialized collection neatly organized on pages, fairly complete, better early items include 1918 1pi deep blue, control block of four, 5m on 1pi cobalt blue (with Muentz certificate), multiple E.E.F., Jerusalem issues and London Issues, with shades and varieties noted (including plate varieties, perforations, etc.), some multiples including 1927-42 issue in gutter pairs, Postage Dues including 1923 1m, 2m and 8m imperf. proof pairs, mostly hinged (some unused and used noted), small flaws possible, generally fine-v.f., an ideal lot for a specialist *O
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1436 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS PALESTINE 1918-48 collection on large Yvert & Tellier pages, with hundreds of used stamps showing various pmks on stamps of British Mandate, plus 100+ covers or cards, variety of frankings and destinations, including Holland, Switzerland, France, Germany, Iran (large correspondence), United States, Insured "Despatch Note" to Estonia (with local franking added on arrival), Egypt, etc., incoming mail from the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Latvia, Iran, Panama, Flights, Registered and commercial mail, censor markings, cover to Teheran, with "Missent to Basrah" hs, some locally used mail, etc., mixed condition, mostly fine or better
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1437 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS POLAND 1918-99 large collection on Scott album pages, unused singles and sets, with Warsaw and Lublin Issues complete, Krakow Issue, with low values and 2kr-4kr, also several thin "Z" varieties, few blocks of four, complete from there with Regular Issues, Commemoratives, some additional blocks of four, dozens of Plate Flaws and minor Fischer listed varieties, souvenir sheets, unexploded 2.2zl booklet, nice range of sheetlets, many n.h., clean and most attractive collection of Poland *
$1,800.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1438 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS POLAND 1918-95 collection on Scott album pages, used singles and sets, with Warsaw and Lublin Issues complete, Krakow Issue, with low values and 2kr-4kr, also several thin "Z" varieties, Regular Issues, Commemoratives, souvenir sheets, unexploded 2.2zl booklet, nice range of sheetlets, numerous plate flaws, seldom seen varieties and much more. A fine collection of Poland O
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1439 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS POLAND - Covers and Postal History 1830-75 stampless covers, selection of 15 different, with Russian, Austrian and German cancels, used from Lemberg, Krakow, Warszawa, Nieszawy, Przemysl, Rawa Ruska, Gnesen, Michalow, Suwalki, Piotrkow, Slonim, etc., mostly fine-v.f.
$230.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1440 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS POLAND - Covers and Postal History 1633-1864 collection of 53 different stampless covers, mostly written up exhibition style on pages, variety of postmarks and markings, with earliest being incoming letter to Archimado Guidoni in Posnania (16.5.1633), others include letters to "his Excellency Monsieur the Count de Dzuli, Grand Equerry to his Majesty the late King of Poland, duke of Lorraine, etc. (1773-1775)"; 1859 embossed cover used in USA to "Warsaw, Wyoming", others include bilingual markings such as Slupce, Wilkowicze, Siedlce, Kielce, Czestochowa, Plock, "Alexota 14 September" (envelope with contents), Brzesc, Suwalki and Lublin, all in red (some used during Napoleonic period), others include blue "Daleszyce", bilingual "Stoczek", embroidered ladies' cover from Lublin, via Warszawa and Berlin to Lauenburg, plus many others. One of the letters was sent 7.10.1864 from Warsaw to Konstanty Gorski, visiting professor of Polish Literature in Brussels. The letter was delivered two days later, having traveled by train and coach via Berlin. A fine group
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1441 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS POLAND - Covers and Postal History 1872-1918 collection of 28 covers or cards on pages, mainly "Austria used in Poland" exhibit, with commercial and military mail from Lwow, Krakow, Radom, Piotrkow, Lublin, Zamosc, Szczekociny, etc., some interesting bisects on registered mail in Radon, Krakow issue, including 25/80h to 2kr and four Newspaper stamps used on large piece of registered cover from Krakow to Sosnowiec, also stationery card and 10h Austria Postal remittance card, surcharged 15h and overprinted "Poczta Polska" (Fi.CA3), plus selection of bisects on Austrian stamps, used on pieces
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1442 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS PORTUGAL 1853-1992 collection in stock book and album, 19th Century mostly used, with occasional better items, some Regular Issues, numerous commemorative sets and souvenir sheets (including Legion sheet of eight), later issues include Azores, Madeira, etc., mixed condition among early items, balance fine-v.f. *O
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1443 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS PORTUGAL 1939-49 souvenir sheets, duplicated selection of 60, n.h. unless indicated, with Portuguese Legion (4), Lisbon Exhibition (3), Rowland Hill (14), 1941 4c-2e (8, one hinged), Postrider (2, one hinged), Brotero (3), Navigators (5), Carmona (6, three hinged), Naval School (2, one hinged), Castles (4, three hinged), Bank of Portugal (2), Madonna (3), Women (3, one hinged) and Princes (2), some minor wrinkles or slight toning possible, generally fine-v.f., */** Catalog #Mi. Block 1-14 Catalog Value €13,587
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1444 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS RUSSIA 1857-1917 selection of Arms issues with 1857 10k brown & blue, plate variety "short 1" of "10" at bottom left corner, three large margins canceled "9" in circle of dots, later issues to 10r, used, clean and mostly fine O
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1445 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS RUSSIA 1917 3.50r maroon & green, accumulation of 240 mostly complete sheets (50 in each sheet), unused without gum, mostly fine or better, huge catalogue value (*) Catalog #137b
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1446 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS RUSSIA Revenue Stamps 1869-1929 Stamped Revenue Paper, Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, collection of 78 different (four Soviet, others Imperial), mostly used, values to 50,000r, with various town handstamps (Lodz, Tiflis, St. Petersburg, Petrograd), four with invalidating punches, others intact, interesting and scarce group
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1447 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS RUSSIA - Covers and Postal History 1775-1871 small box of covers in plastic pochettes, neatly packaged and labeled, with stampless letters (76) from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tiflis, Tambov, Riga, Odessa and others, also FLs (73), various destinations and frankings, many with single 10k, sent to Finland, France, Norway (Christiania), Belgium, Italy (Genova), etc., also used in Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, etc., some interesting items, mostly fine or better
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1448 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS RUSSIA - Covers and Postal History 1866-1919 Russian Far East, collection on pages, with hundreds of stamps and 110+ covers, cards and picture postcards, clearly identified usages from Chita, Irkutsk, Verhne-Udinsk, Stretensk, Nerchinsk, Troitskosansk, Barguzin, Vladivostok, Berezovka, Borzya, Sobolinaya, Zabaikal-Obl, Asha, Ust-Kara, Ust-Uda, several items from Prisoner of War Camps (incl. three to Japan, with interesting censor and POW Society markings), registered cover from Vitim to Yokohama, Yakutsk-Obl and others, variety of rare usages, destinations, rates (some registered) and cancellations, mixed condition, nice collection
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1449 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS RUSSIA - Covers and Postal History 1904-05 Russo-Japanese War, collection mounted and partially written up on pages, 120+ covers or cards covering both the Russian (97) and Japanese (24) Army markings, with various theaters of operations, units, hospitals and usages generally well identified, with Japanese FPOs, China dispatches and various pmks, also a pencil-drawn map of enemy positions sent home by a Japanese soldier, etc., occasional wear and tear, fine-v.f. An excellent representation of Russo-Japanese War postal history, many ex-Dr.Casey
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1450 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS RUSSIA - Covers and Postal History 1904-05 Russo-Japanese War selection of 108 cards or picture postcards, also five covers, mostly military units in Manchuria, variety of army markings, some duplication, occasional faults, many fine-v.f. A useful specialist collection, many ex-Dr.Casey
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1451 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS RUSSIA - Covers and Postal History Ship Mail 1904-15 collection of 25 picture postcards and covers, ship markings of "Rybinsk-Nizhny", "Perm-Rybinsk", "Nizhny-Perm", "Astrahan-Kazan", "Nizhny-Astrahan" and "Astrahan-Nizhny", mostly fine
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1452 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS RYUKYU ISLANDS 1956-70 accumulation of full sheets in mint sheet files, also additional sets, small quantities in glassine envelopes, n.h., fine-v.f. **
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1453 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS ST. VINCENT 1861-81 an attractive used selection of Chalon heads (85) on stock pages, including 1861 unwatermarked 1d (5), later with values to 6d (24), 1sh (27), 1881 1/2d on 6d, etc., a variety of shades and perfs, some nice cancels, mixed condition, mostly fine and seldom offered O
$550.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1454 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS SCANDINAVIA 1851-1970 collection housed in five Scott Specialty albums including Denmark, Danish West Indies, Finland, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Denmark begins with 1851-62 first issues through to 1999, fairly complete into the 1970s with a mix of mint and used throughout. Norway has a decent representation of its early issues used continuing into the 1960s. Sweden starts off with a nice range of 1855-77 issue stamps and continues with decent completeness through the WWII issues, mostly used. Some faults throughout but overall fine-v.f. Closer examination and viewing recommended *O
$1,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1455 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS SCANDINAVIA 1944-1999 collection of Iceland and Norway, issues mostly complete (Iceland to 1980), definitives, commemoratives, Air Post, souvenir sheets, booklets, neatly displayed in a Lighthouse hingeless album, mostly unused, many n.h., fine-v.f. and colorful *O
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1456 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS SOMALILAND PROTECTORATE 1903-35 collection of used and unused singles and sets, neatly arranged in small stock book, with many better items incl. postage dues and parcel post, occasional toning as always, mostly fine-v.f. *O
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1457 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS SOUTH AMERICA 1843-1960 collection housed in six Scott Specialty albums starting off with a nice Argentina section of used and unused singles and sets from 1858-1960s. Bolivia through 1963. Brazil leads off with fine 1843 Issue 30r and 90r used along with a range of other numerals through 1964, fairly complete with a mix of used and unused including Semi-Postals, Air Post and Postage Dues. Additional strength within sections of Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. The collection finishes off with an entire album of Venezuela starting with the 1859-60 issue stamps all the way into the 1970s including back of book areas. Some faults, but overall fine-v.f. *O
$1,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1458 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS SOUTH AMERICA 1860-1960 collection housed in six Scott Specialty albums and one older Stanley Gibbons album. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela well represented from their early issues to mid-20th century with mostly used but some mint stamps in certain areas. Two dedicated albums focused on Nicaragua starting with 1862 first issue all the way through back of the book areas. Thousands of stamps in total with faults to be expected, but overall a fine-v.f. array of these South and Central American countries *O
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1459 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS SOUTH-WEST AFRICA 1929-39 selection on stock pages (54 bilingual pairs and 5 singles), including 1923-30 mixed settings with values to £1 in bilingual pairs, 1927-30 £1, 1927-30 to 5sh, etc., many n.h., fine-v.f., SG £1,487 */**
$350.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1460 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS SWITZERLAND Officials 1922-60 two stock books with used and unused singles and complete sets, League of Nations and International Labor Bureau canceled to order, others generally n.h., moderate quantities, with many better sets included, fine-v.f., high catalogue value **O
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1461 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS TANNU TUVA 1926-43 Issues, duplicated selection of hundreds, used and unused singles and sets arranged in a green stock book, with better surcharges (3x15k on 6k orange yellow, various types), also triangles, various 1930s Commemoratives, perf. and imperf., many unused (rare), also 1938 Modified Colors, Air Post Stamps, perforation varieties, four registered covers, Zeppelin stamps, plus others. In addition, there is an excellent showing of the elusive Coat of Arms and Government Buildings, reconstructed se-tenant block of four, plus additional pairs and strips of 25k and 50k blue green, strips of five of 25k black and slate blue, mixed condition, mostly fine-v.f., high catalogue value *O
$1,800.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1462 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS THAILAND 1950-2010 collection of hundreds of sets and souvenir sheets (perf. and imperf.), all neatly arranged in two large stock books, Regular Issues and Commemoratives, also some additional issues on cards, all apparently n.h., fine-v.f., Mi.Euro 10,000+ **
$2,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1463 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS TIBET 1912-75 collection of used and unused singles, multiples, covers, with a good showing of various forgeries, fake postmarks, private perforations, also genuine stamps, Officials, British Offices covers, Chinese (PRC) usages, Government in Exile stamps, mixed condition, well annotated and interesting lot *O
$1,400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1464 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS TRANSVAAL 1882-1904 collection on pages, used and unused singles, including 1878-80 with values to 2sh (2),1885 10sh, 1885 surcharges, 1902 to 5sh (unused part original gum), 1904-09 10sh and £1, plus others *O
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1465 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS TRISTAN DA CUNHA 1937-65 attractive collection on pages, including 1936 cover to England, franked with set of Edward VII, type VI cachet, 1937 Visit of H.M.S. Carlisle, large cover franked Edward VIII 1/2d and 1d, undated stampless cover with type VII cachet, 1940 Potato stamp 1d block of four, 1952 set, 1954 set, 1960 1/2d to 10sh, 1961 1/2c to 1r, 1963 re-settlement, 1965-67 set to 10sh (both) and £1, 3sh6p booklet with cancel on back cover (SG £300) and two others, also some unofficial reprints, etc., fine-v.f. *O
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1466 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS TRUCIAL STATES 1966-70 (South Arabia) Kathiri States of Seiyun, Hadhramaut, Mahra Sultanate of Qish and Socotra, hundreds of stamps in sheets, apparently complete sets, with Olympics, Paintings, Space, etc., n.h., v.f., some listed in SG, high catalogue value **
$700.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1467 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS TURKEY 1880-1960s accumulation of singles and sets in glassines and on auction lot sheets, early issues, souvenir sheets, betters Commemoratives, Air Post, few covers, etc., mostly fine or better */**
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1468 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS TURKEY Postage Dues 1863-1936 specialized collection on pages, hundreds of used and unused stamps, arranged in chronological order using Scott, Pulko and Barak catalogues, with 70 copies from the first issue, Duloz arranged by types and perforations, with some blocks of four and larger, imperforate and part perforate varieties, later issues with better stamps, Proofs, Specimen overprints, inverted and double overprints (Scott J59-62), fractional usages on pieces, "T" handstamps (approximately 100 different), also Turkey in Asia and Hatay, plus eight interesting covers, mixed condition, with many fine or better, high catalogue value. A wonderful collection, ex-John Larson *O
$4,500.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1469 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS VATICAN CITY 1929-2022 collection in two Scott Specialty albums, early issues incomplete, with occasional better items, mixed condition, from 1952-to-2022 complete n.h. (covering 70 years), including Air Post, Souvenir sheets, Back of book, fine-v.f. */**
$750.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1470 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS YUGOSLAVIA 1921-40s collection of mostly better sets and souvenir sheets, perf. and imperf. definitives, proofs of unissued designs, early Croatia, Montenegro, unused Postal card, etc., fine-v.f. */**
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1471 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1840-2000 Albania-Zanzibar, large collection in 72+ volumes, three ring-binders, computer-generated album pages, arranged in alphabetical order and covering the entire world, 50,000+ used and unused singles and sets, strong showing of European Countries, Andorra, Belgium, France and Colonies, Germany, German States, Plebiscite Areas, Danzig, Memel, Saar, Italy and Colonies, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Scandinavian Countries, Netherlands, Portugal and Colonies, Switzerland, East European Countries, particularly Albania, Poland, Romania, South and Central America, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Colombia, British Commonwealth, with better Australia and States, British Africa, British North America, also Independent Africa, Japan, Korea and much more. Condition is mixed, with some faults noted, there are many short or incomplete sets, few volumes of no commercial value, but there is substantial value in better items, hundreds cataloguing $100+, with souvenir sheets, occasional covers, solid holding with great potential for expansion or break by individual areas or countries, substantial value *O
$23,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1472 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1850-1930 balance of dealer's stock, mostly on cards with Scott numbers and values, with Great Britain 1p black (4), British Commonwealth including Bahamas, Barbados, British Guyana, Burma with George V to 10sh, Canada, Grenada, Gold Coast KEVII to 20sh, Hong Kong, Lagos, Leeward Islands, Malayan States, Maldives unissued, Malta, Tanganyika George V to £1, etc. Also with Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, early Liechtenstein, Iran, Norway, Switzerland with Standing Helvetias, Sweden, and more, mixed condition with some faults noted, generally fine-v.f. and high retail value *O
$1,300.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1473 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1850-1990 balance of a consignment, with collections in Scott albums, including China PRC (few better items, also many doubtful and obvious reproductions), Italy (two volume collection), Germany, Old States, Kingdom, Republic, Berlin, DDR, etc., in a large Minkus album, with thousands of used and unused, also hundreds of covers, collection balances, four stock books of Japan (some better items), miscellaneous sets, U.S. unused Postal Stationery, etc., inspection recommended *O
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1474 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1925-77 balance of a consignment, three cartons (banker's boxes) with collections of Israel (two Lighthouse albums 1948-76, early items singles, rest with tabs), United Nations complete, United States Bicentennial 1976 collection, with sets, souvenir sheets, imperforate and other specialty items, 1977 Silver Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth Reign collection, album with "golden replicas", U.S. FDCs, Plate blocks, some sheets, also miscellaneous items */**
$900.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1475 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS Worldwide Topicals 1960-80s Music on stamps, dealer's stock of 25 different items, 100 of each, with sets and souvenir sheets from Guinea, Grenada, Gambia, Trucial Countries, France, etc., n.h., v.f., high catalogue value **
$400.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1476 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COVERS and POSTAL HISTORY 1770-1800s selection of 55 stampless letters, various early markings, Andalusia, Catalonia, Madrid, Cadiz, Seville, Granada and others including Napoleonic Army, incoming mail to Spain from Italy, Austria and France, mostly fine or better
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1477 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COVERS and POSTAL HISTORY 1870-1940 selection of 275+ covers, including postal stationery, with a nice selection from Great Britain and British Commonwealth, Germany, Italy, Portuguese Colonies, Switzerland, etc., all priced with some written up for resale, nice variety of frankings and destinations, fine-v.f
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1478 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COVERS and POSTAL HISTORY 1900-70 selection of 300+ covers in small box, many priced, with better Canal Zone, France, Vatican including rare FDCs (1-13, E1-2, C16-23), French Colonies, South America, Eastern Europe, Egypt, Greece, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, etc., a mixed variety of frankings, destinations, topics (Red Cross, Sports, etc.), fine-v.f. and high retail value
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1479 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COVERS and POSTAL HISTORY 1909-18 collection of 160+ mostly used Zeppelin picture postcards (not flown by Zeppelin), views with Zeppelin in the air or moored at an air station, showing the early struggles of these giant oblong objects gliding through the air, almost always ending in a disaster. Most of these cards were issued at various Air shows, the 1909 International Aeronautical Exhibition (I.L.A.) and others, mostly in Germany, few other countries, many elaborate designs, embossing, extended cards, panoramic pop-up folding cards, pull-out postcards, some with additional labels, generally fine-v.f., many $100+ items, difficult to assemble
$7,000.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1480 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COVERS and POSTAL HISTORY 1930s-60s carton with hundreds, mostly in plastic pochettes, some priced for resale, many better items, inspection recommended
$450.00 Bidding Closed
Lot #1481 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COVERS and POSTAL HISTORY 1931-34 Antarctica, seven Wilkins expedition covers including five signed, with NY-Bergen, NY-London, NY-Spitzbergen, Bergen-North Pole, Bergen-Spitzbergen, etc., also five "Little America" photos signed by Bud Waite and five ppcs signed by Robert English, fine-v.f.