Current Auction

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ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #5001
United States - International Registration Labels
1904 (11 Mar) 90c stationery entire envelope, registered from Boston to Tsingtau, China, sent via Seattle, where Registry Exchange label was added (only 10 recorded), handstamped "Return Receipt Requested", with "Old Home Week" labels, transit and Tsingtao (15 Apr) arrival pmks on back, scarce inbound registered mail from the United States to Kiauchau
Bidding Closed
Lot #5002
United States Postal Agency in Shanghai, China
1905 (1 Aug) American Postal Agency Shanghai, China, Official Business legal size envelope sent free of postage to Postmaster, Seattle, Wash., with "Registered U.S. Postal Agency Shanghai, China" datestamp, transit and arrival pmks on back, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5003
United States Intervention in China
1900-41 Postal History of the American Forces in China, exhibit documenting the history of the American military involvement in China, from participation in the multinational intervention to suppress the Boxer Uprising until the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The story gives emphasis to the large variety of postal markings used on mail from the U.S. Army, Navy and Marine personnel deployed to China, with earliest and latest known postmarks, Registered mail, incoming markings, various Military Stations, studies of rates and other relevant information, eloquently conveyed by Mr. Kugel, who spent several decades acquiring this material. The collection includes a cover from General Chafee (commander of the U.S. forces in China Relief Expedition) to General Randolph in South Carolina, forerunner mail sent through the Japanese Post Office, U.S. Postal Station in Tientsin, registered cover from Germany, with rare "Received Military Postal Station No.1 China" pmk (less than 5 recorded), plus many others. With over 180 covers and cards, this collection can be easily transformed into a gold-medal presentation
Bidding Closed
Lot #5004
United States Intervention in China
1900 (20 Sep) Legation of the United States of America, Peking, China diplomatic cover sent from Peking without postage, assessed Postage Due of 2 cents when handled at the Military Postal Station in Tientsin, with "Due Cents" and "2" in blue crayon, returned to sender, with Oct.4 M.P.S. No.1 arrival, fine, one of the only two (!) recorded examples of the Due marking on China Relief Expedition mail
Bidding Closed
Lot #5005
United States Intervention in China
1900 (20 Sep) cover to Port Carbon, Pa, endorsed "Soldier's Mail", franked with C.E.F. Indian stamps prepaying the UPU rate, nevertheless not recognized and assessed Postage Due of 2 cents when handled at the Military Postal Station in Tientsin, with "Due Cents" and "2" in blue crayon, fine, with arrival (21 Oct) pmk on back, one of the only two (!) recorded examples of the Due marking on China Relief Expedition mail
Bidding Closed
Lot #5006
United States Intervention in China
1904 (30 June) cover from New York to Kobe, Japan, franked with 5c Louisiana-Purchase, seized by the Russians during its Trans-Pacific journey on "S.S. Calchas", recaptured during the Russian retreat from Southern Manchuria in August, when it received "Delayed in Transmission having been Intercepted by Russians on board "CALCHAS", various blue crayon markings, finally arriving Kobe on 9 Sep 04, filing fold and some hinge marks, interesting cover used during the Russo-Japanese War
Bidding Closed
Lot #5007
United States Intervention in China
1905 (28 July) cover from Captain John Pershing (later General "Black Jack" Pershing, commander of the AEF in WWI), an observer in the Russo-Japanese War attached to General Kuroki Tamemoto's Japanese First Army in Manchuria, initially addressed to his wife care of American Legation in Tokyo, forwarded care of "Taft Party" in Manila (where then Secretary of State William Howard Taft was on an inspection tour), transit and arrival pmks, some cover wear, scarce and appealing item
Bidding Closed
Lot #5008
United States Intervention in China
1906 (15 June) cover (opened for display) from Buffalo, NY to Batavia, Dutch East Indies, with a manuscript direction "Please forward to Pekin, China", backstamped at Batavia, Weltevreden and Soerabaja, Hong Kong, Tientsin, Peking, where it was endorsed "Not in American Legation Guard, Peking, China", turned over to the Japanese Post Office and returned back to sender after five months. A well traveled cover
Bidding Closed
Lot #5009
United States Intervention in China Yangtze River and South China Naval Patrols
1935-41 collection on exhibit pages, 25 covers or cards showing postmarks of the U.S. Naval patrols on the Yangtze and Pearl Rivers. There are pmks from "U.S.S. Luzon", "U.S.S. Monocacy", "U.S.S. Guam", "U.S.S.Mindanao", official mail from "U.S.S. Oahu" to the Commanding Office of "U.S.S. Wake", sent 4 December 1941 and "Unable to Deliver COMSOWEST-PAC" (applied in Australia in late 1942), and others, mixed condition, scarce lot. (The U.S. Navy's Yangtze Patrol was a naval force with minor combat power, mostly serving as a constabulary and diplomatic force. "YangPat" was gunboat diplomacy made manifest, with "U.S.River Rats" doing their best to defend American lives, interests, and property in China, until WWII)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5010
United States Intervention in Northern Mexico
1916 partial exhibit of 30 covers and cards, including unused picture postcards, letters, War Department Penalty envelope, YMCA Patriotic envelopes, Soldier's Mail, etc. Also included is a cover from the Dominican Republic, sent 1918 to the Secretary of the Navy, with "Head of Military Government Santo Domingo" cachet, "Passed by Censor" hs, with arrival marking, plus a cover from a Marine Sgt in Camaguey, Cuba, sent via the Civil Post Office in Manati to Cincinnati on 16 March, 1920
Bidding Closed
Lot #5011
United States Intervention in Haiti Naval and Maritime Mail
1927-29 collection of 30+ covers or cards, U.S. Navy and U.S.M.C. in Haiti, ship markings include "U.S.S. Seattle", "U.S.S. Smith Thompson", "U.S.S. Camden", "U.S.S. Brooks" and others, departure markings Port-au-Prince, Gonaives, "U.S.Marine Corps Port au Prince", official Navy handstamps, Field Hospital, machine cancels, mixed condition
Bidding Closed
Lot #5012
United States Intervention in Nicaragua Naval and Maritime Mail
1896 large cover "Legation of the United States" corner card cachet, franked with 20 Centavo regular issue, tied by indistinct pmk, addressed to Commander F.Handford "U.S.S. Alert", Corinto, Nicaragua, little toning, otherwise fine, with Corinto, May 19, 1896 pmk on back (on 2nd May 1896, a force of about 100 American and British marines from the USS cruiser "Alert" and British "Comus" landed in Corinto to protect foreign interests)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5013
United States Intervention in Nicaragua Naval and Maritime Mail
1926-29 collection of 100+ covers or cards, mostly U.S. Navy in Nicaragua, ship markings include "U.S.S.Tulsa", "U.S.S. Trenton", "U.S.S.Salinas", "U.S.S.Richmond", "U.S.S.Denver" and many others, departure markings of Bluefields, Corinto, Managua, etc., few registered, some better markings, mixed condition
Bidding Closed
Lot #5014
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF)
1917-23 collection on 48 exhibit pages (three frames), with 94 covers and cards selected to represent the Standard Postmarks used on mail from the U.S. military personnel in Europe. There are Steel, Machine and Large Rubber "U.S. Army Postal Service" cds, Military Postal Express Service cds, American Red Cross markings, Postal Express Service (PES), sub-station cds, "Received from Army Bordeaux", Italian Service with large "U.S.- A.P.O." and "Posta Americana Franchigia Militare" A.P.O. pmks, two covers showing different "U.S. Postal Agency Siberia" cds, Third Army "A.P.O.710" pmks (only about a half dozen examples recorded with these markings), American Forces in Germany "A.F.G." on official War Department "Headquarters American Forces in Germany" cover, low-number APOS, some with Postage Dues added on arrival, cover with 2c from AEF booklet (APS certificate) and much more, mixed condition, mostly fine or better
Bidding Closed
Lot #5015
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF)
1917-20 "Over There", U.S. Forces Abroad in WWI and its Aftermath, the original exhibit, offered mostly intact, with 130+ covers and cards organized in three parts to show U.S. troops in transit and U.S. Forces during and post-WWI in Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Austria, Monaco, Ireland, Montenegro, Turkey, censored mail, Service with the British Army, including Air Service Post Office, special units in France, including a letter from an American pilot with the "Lafayette Flying Corps", American Red Cross, U.S. Navy, Registry markings, Incoming mail, special stationery envelopes and cards, Armistice Day (11 Nov 1918) pmks, American Commission to Negotiate Peace cover, special rates and services and much more. A historical presentation, with a large number of seldom offered items
Bidding Closed
Lot #5016
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF)
1917-22 Mail to and from Foreign Destinations, 32-pages exhibit, with 42 covers or cards, AEF mail to Malta, Belgian Congo, Ceylon, China, Manchuria, Japan, Dutch East Indies; incoming AEF mail from Dominican Republic, Greece, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Denmark, Latvia, Tunisia (addressed to a member of the 4th Regiment of the U.S. Air Service in Nantes), China, also AEF from a Polish Volunteer in France, AEF mail to Isle of Man, Canada, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Panama, Argentina, Uruguay, Ireland, Great Britain, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Serbia, fine and extraordinary assembly
Bidding Closed
Lot #5017
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF)
1917 (29 Dec) American Expeditionary Forces/Office of the Commanding General cover, with "General Pershing" and "Soldier's Letter" added, "A.E.F. Passed as Censored" handstamp, addressed to Mrs. Cora Nye in Wellesley, Mass., accompanied by a corresponding stationery letter, marked "Personal" and signed "John J. Pershing", both mounted on an exhibit page (General John Joseph "Black Jack" Pershing gained fame after leading U.S. forces in pursuit of Pancho Villa in Mexico. He served as commander of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) during World War I. When General Pershing returned home, Congress made him only the second person (after George Washington) to be honored with the rank of "General of the Armies of the United States.")
Bidding Closed
Lot #5018
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF)
1918 "Soldier's Mail" cover to USA, via APO 785 (then located at Allerey, France), clear strike of "U.S. Army Post Office 11 Nov 1918", with AEF censor cachet alongside. Examples of mail with Armistice Day pmks are difficult to find (the staffs at the Military Post Offices were too busy celebrating to be processing the mail)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5019
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF)
1918 Traveling Post Offices, selection of seven covers or cards on exhibit pages, with "From T.& C. R.P.O.West" (Tours & Chaumont), "Bordeaux-Vierzon-Paris R.P.O.", "Dijon-Marseilles R.P.O.", "Le Mas & Tours M.P.E.S.", various censor markings, mixed condition. The TPO markings of the AEF during WWI are extremely rare, only about a dozen or so recorded
Bidding Closed
Lot #5020
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF)
1919-23 collection on 16 exhibit pages, with 30 covers and cards examining the use of postmarks inscribed "Third Army" or "3rd Army", presented in numerical order by APO numbers, providing designations of military units, the towns in which the Post Offices were located and the dates during which the Third Army postmarks are recorded, showing earliest and latest recorded usages, censor markings, destinations, etc., all meticulously described, with extensive information provided for each item
Bidding Closed
Lot #5021
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF) Registered Mail
1917-21 accumulation of 47 covers or cards in stock book, showing postmarks used by the AEF on registered mail, various Regular Issue frankings, Registered boxes, origins and destinations, provisional double circle pmks, Censored mail, MPES markings, parcel wrappings, YMCA covers, incoming mail, one returned to sender with "Organization Disbanded" hs, Officer's mail, covers from military hospitals, "Personal Receipt Demanded" markings, plus many more, mixed condition, excellent basis for exhibit (considering the vast amount of AEF mail available to collectors, only a handful of registered covers are known)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5022
United States Army at War - World War I (AEF) Naval and Maritime Mail
1917-19 U.S. Naval Shore Bases in Europe, collection of 37 covers and cards on exhibit pages, variety of markings, including "Soldier's & Sailors Mail" March 1, 1919 pmk on card from Azores, "U.S. N. Base 13", covers from "U.S. Naval Base Nine" and "officers Mail" from Capt. Connelly U.S. Naval Post Officer, "Gibraltar, Spain", others from Ireland, Wales, England, France, Scotland, "U.S.N. Air Sta. La Trinite, Fr.", "U.S. Naval Base 14 France", sent by a sailor on "U.S.S. Lake Daraga", "Base No.8" (St. Nazaire), "U.S. Naval Port Office, Antwerp, Belgium", "American Naval Base Pauillac, France" on cover to England, framed "Trouve a la boite" hs, also two cards from "Porto Corsini" Seaplane patrol station, various censor marks, mixed condition, scarce and seldom offered assembly
Bidding Closed
Lot #5023
Occupation of Germany by U.S. Forces after WWI Military Mail
1918-23 single frame (16 pages) exhibit, with 38 covers or cards, variety of MPES (Military Postal Express Service) markings, censored mail, APO numbers, Third Army cachets and pmks, including the rare "A.F.G." (American Forces Germany) in the bulls-eye of the duplex mark, Registered mail, some with impressive franking, card from the Rhine Flotilla, endorsed "Sailors Mail", also inbound mail, Military Mission in Berlin, etc., mixed condition, highly interesting presentation
Bidding Closed
Lot #5024
United States Army in Poland Military Mail
1919 selection of 13 covers or cards showcasing the American presence in post-WWI Poland, showing various free-frank markings, Postal Express Service No.975, with A.E.F. censor handstamps, card sent via APO 702, with 3c franking, American Red Cross M.P.E.S. No.702 corner cacheted cover with 2c franking, with official letterhead, sent from Warsaw to Granger, Texas, bilingual "American Relief Administration Mission for Poland" covers, one addressed to Hawaii; American Army and Navy in Danzig, one with "U.S. Navy Port Office Danzig, Germany" handstamp (possibly the only recorded example), fine and rare group of military mail from Poland (following World War I, the United States extended substantial aid to war-torn European countries through financial assistance, food, clothing, and technical support. This relief effort, initiated in Belgium in 1914, was later expanded to other nations, including Poland, which faced the challenges of the Bolshevik invasion and widespread infectious disease epidemics)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5025
United States Expeditionary Force in North Russia
1918-19 selection of 14 covers or cards on exhibit pages, expertly described showing progression of U.S. involvements, commencing with Troops in Transit (AEF units withdrawn from France and sent to Archangel), "Received from H.M. Ship/No Charge to be Raised" Naval mail, Field Post Offices, including "FPO BP 11" (Soroka), "FPO PB 33" (Pechenga), "FPO PB 44" (Bakharitza), "FPO PB 55" (Bereznik), "FPO PB 66" (Oberzerskaya), "FPO PB 77" (Emetskoye), "FPO PB 88" (Kem), "FPO PB 99" (Kola), incoming mail from Detroit and Toledo, variety of censor markings and endorsements, mixed condition, mostly fine or better
Bidding Closed
Lot #5026
United States Expeditionary Force in North Russia
1918 (24 Nov) cover endorsed "Soldier's Mail", sent to Wisconsin, "Field Post Office P.B.66" departure pmk, "X20" censor hs, fine, extremely rare usage from "Oberzerskaya" (about 120km south west of Archangel, located on the rail line fought over by the Red Army and the counter-revolutionary Whites, with a high level of fatalities)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5027
United States Expeditionary Force in North Russia
1919 (10 July) American YMCA cover addressed to a soldier in North Russia, departure postmark "Third Army A.P.O. 740", with "Missent in Archangel P.B.Nr.4" hs applied on arrival, additional markings indicate that the postal service searched for the addressee who was probably in Murmansk, fascinating journey from a U.S. trooper with the Third Army in Germany to another with the AEF in North Russia, only recorded example of "Missent in Archangel PB Nr.4" marking
Bidding Closed
Lot #5028
United States Expeditionary Force in North Russia
1919 (3 July) YMCA corner card cacheted cover endorsed "American Soldier's Letter", canceled "Army T.P.O. No.1 / N.R.E.F.", addressed to Chicago, violet "A.E.F. Passed as Censored" cachet, minor cover tears, fine. The Traveling Post Office No.1 operated on a weekly schedule on the rail line between Murmansk and Soroka. Only five such covers have been recorded, one from a British and four from U.S. soldiers
Bidding Closed
Lot #5029
United States Expeditionary Force in North Russia
1919 (26 Apr) YMCA North Russian Expeditionary Forces corner card cacheted free-frank envelope, endorsed "soldier's mail", sent through the British P.B.2 Army Post Office to Pontiac, Mich., Censor label and oval hs, minor cover wear, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5030
United States Expeditionary Force in North Russia
1919 (11 Feb) legal size envelope with pre-printed "Rev. John S.Landowski Chaplain - (unit designation excised) Infantry U.S.N.A.", endorsed "Officer's Mail", sent through the P.B.2 British Army Post Office to New York, censor's signature and hs, minor cover wear. This is the only recorded Personnel corner card cover with printed information necessary to secure the free frank from North Russia
Bidding Closed
Lot #5031
United States Expeditionary Force in North Russia
1919 (11 Apr) YMCA corner card cacheted cover from Bereznik to USA, canceled "Field Post Office P.B.55", roughly opened and resealed by censor, with letter (extensively censored), noting "this has been one of the most hotly contested fronts in N.Russia", fine usage
Bidding Closed
Lot #5032
United States Expeditionary Force in North Russia Naval and Maritime Mail
1918-19 selection of 11 covers or cards from "U.S.S. Des Moines", "U.S.S. Olympia", "U.S.S. Eagle II", "U.S.S. Yankton", "U.S.S. Sacramento" and Hospital ship "Braemar Castle", three different locations ("Kola", "Yukanski" and "Archangel" recorded from U.S.S.Des Moines), cover from U.S.S.Olympia is marked "Official Business" and is addressed to the Secretary of the Navy, "Passed by Censor" handstamp, one of the covers has been redirected to "U.S.S. Sacramento" and is the only recorded cover to a U.S. Warship in North Russia, mixed condition, all expertly described on exhibit pages
Bidding Closed
Lot #5033
United States Expeditionary Force in North Russia Naval and Maritime Mail
1919 two small covers to Danville, Ill., each endorsed "Soldier's Mail", canceled "U.S. Navy", sent from "U.S.S. Yankton" (a converted yacht, the ship carried two naval officers to Murmansk and when Rear Adm. Newton A. McCully arrived to take command of U.S. forces in North Russia, he took up residence on the "Yankton". During its stay, the ship took no active part in the military operations against Bolshevik forces located nearby, but served on patrols, with duty as radio ship at Murmansk, and as a military passenger transport between Murmansk and Archangel)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5034
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1918-20 balance of the exhibit on 13 pages, with 20+ items, beginning with shoulder patches of the American Expeditionary Force Siberia and American Expeditionary Force North Russia (Polar Bears), two special "Safe Arrival" cards for troops that accompanied General Graves from California and two from the second contingent (only 6-8 of these cards have been recorded), forerunner mail, AEF Troopships (USAT "Sherman" and USAT "Thomas"), large piece of a Registered Return Receipt package from A.E.F. Siberia to Toledo, with 1c, 5c, 10c (2) and Special Delivery 10c (one of only two examples of Special Delivery stamps used on AEF Siberia mail), Money Order coupons from Verhneudinsk, Khabarovsk, Spasskoye and Vladivostok showing "U.S.Postal Agency Siberia M.O.B." pmks, Field Service cards, Christmas Card (only recorded), Instructional handstamp inscribed "Not in Am.E.F.Siberia Address" on card from Japan, arrival postmarks of USPA Siberia branch stations in Khabarovsk and Spasskoye, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5035
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1918-20 selection of six covers sent by members of the Russian Railway Service Corps, the first Americans to go to Siberia. Included is a cover from Tsuruga, Japan, handstamped "Paquebot", sent by Col. Emerson care of American Consul in Harbin, with Russian franking, also a cover with 3c U.S. franking, U.S. Postal Agency Siberia to Duluth, Mn (both opened and resealed by censor, with additional handstamps), cover (reduced at left) paying 1.50r with Russian franking on both sides, Irkutsk-Krasnoyarsk TPO 198 departure datestamps, addressed to Omsk, incoming mail to RRSC, one from Altoona, Pa, the other from Nagasaki, Japan. A rare group (the Russian Railway Service Corps in Russia was a semi-military organization of American railway engineers and technicians formed by the Department of State in September 1917 at the request of the Provisional Government of Russia to operate the Trans-Siberian, Chinese Eastern, and Ussuri Railways. The first contingent of 350 men under the command of Colonel George Emerson arrived in Vladivostok on December 14, 1917. Shortly thereafter, they left for Nagasaki, Japan, because of unsettled conditions. In March 1918, the Corps returned to Russia and began its work under the direction of John F. Stevens, Chairman of the Advisory Commission of Railway Experts to Russia and later President of the Interallied Technical Board)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5036
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1918-19 selection of five covers to USA, each showing a different censor tape or handstamp, including personal markings (Lt.B.J.Cryer; Capt., 31st Infantry), one Japanese lettersheet, two with Russian franking, one charged 8c U.S. postage due on arrival, all mounted on two exhibit pages, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5037
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1918 (18 Sep) cover from a Pvt. Clinton R. Lamb "R.E.F. in Siberia", posted from Manila, violet "Paquebot" and "Passed by Censor" handstamps, censored "O.K. 1st Lieut.31st Inf.", addressed to Bloomfield, Colo., with Oct.26, 1918 arrival and redirected to Ft. Collins, censor label at left, stated to be the only recorded AEF Siberia cover forwarded on a ship to Manila, instead of waiting for one to the U.S. The free franking privilege was nevertheless honored and the letter was delivered to the mainland
Bidding Closed
Lot #5038
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1918 "U.S. Postal Agency Shanghai China", cover and postcard showing earliest (25 Sep 1918) and latest (17 Oct 1918) uses of the USPA Shanghai pmks by the AEF Siberia, both neatly described on exhibit page, each with framed censor cachet, endorsed "Soldier's Mail", fine and scarce
Bidding Closed
Lot #5039
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1918 (20 Dec) "Soldier's Mail" cover to California, with clear "U.S. Postal Agency Siberia" duplex steel postmark and the No.3 in the barrel, framed censor handstamp, minor cover mending, otherwise fine. This small steel handstamp with "3" in the killer bars is the scarcest and only recorded (!) of all known Siberian AEF cancelations (illustrated in Van Dam's handbook, page 165)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5040
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1918 (28 Oct) YMCA corner card cacheted cover, endorsed "Soldier's Mail A.E.F. Siberia", canceled "U.S. Postal Agency Siberia", framed "A.E.F. Siberia Censored", additional violet "Censored W.J. Burianek 1st Lieut. Of Inf." personal handstamp, minor backcover faults, otherwise fine, possibly the only recorded example of this censor mark
Bidding Closed
Lot #5041
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1918 (1 Oct) registered cover to San Francisco, paying 1r (3x15k, 2x25k and 5k Postal Savings stamp), tied by "Suchanski Rudnik Prim." departure pmks, corresponding "Soutchanski Roud. Siberie, Russie d'Asie" Registry label, showing return address of a Sgt Halper, Med.Dept A.E.F. Siberia, with Yokohama transit and arrival pmk on back, opened and resealed by censor, fine (the Suchan Campaign involved clearing and subsequent occupation of the mining region around Suchan (currently Partizansk) in a climatically-unforgiving region of Siberia during the Russian Civil War)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5042
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1919 cover with "Russian Railway Service Corps" cover card cachet franked with 3x50k Imperial Arms, sent by Col. G.H. Emerson (general manager of the Great Northern, head of the RRSC) to his wife in St. Paul, Minn., self-censored, with "Passed by Military Censorship A.E.F. Siberia" and framed Russian censor handstamps, minor backflap tears, otherwise fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5043
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1919 (3 July) cover endorsed "Soldier's Mail A.E.F. Siberia", canceled "U.S. Postal Agency Siberia", framed "A.E.F. Siberia Censored" handstamp, red "Fred Baily" personal handstamp, fine, one of only 6 (!) recorded
Bidding Closed
Lot #5044
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1919 "War Department Headquarters American Expeditionary Forces Siberia", two different official business envelopes, each endorsed "Soldier's Mail", each with a different censor cachet, one sent by Capt. Chapman, with letter to his mother in Pacific Grove, Calif., minor cover faults, scarce
Bidding Closed
Lot #5045
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1919 (9 Dec) Canadian YMCA corner card cacheted envelope (with letter), sent to Brooklyn, endorsed "Soldier's Mail", U.S. Postal Agency Siberia departure cds, with censor handstamp, fine and rare Canadian YMCA stationery envelope used by an American soldier in Siberia
Bidding Closed
Lot #5046
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1919 (21 Sep) "Officer's Mail" cover to London, franked with pair and block of 6x1c green, tied by U.S. Postal Agency Siberia departure cds, self censored by Maj.H.Melosky, "Passed by Military Censorship A.E.F.Siberia No.7" (C-14), additional C-1 unit cachet, minor cover wear, fine. This is the only recorded example of a double-weight letter (5 cents for the first ounce and 3 cents for an additional increment) to a foreign address. Although soldier's mail was usually free of postage, this did not apply for foreign destinations
Bidding Closed
Lot #5047
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1919 Special Stationery Official Business envelopes, three different sizes, each with a different "U.S.Postal Agency Siberia" departure pmk, both "Soldier's Mail" and "Officer's Mail" endorsements, sent to USA, fine-v.f.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5048
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1919 (6 June) Roessler cover with 3c Victory franking, tied by U.S. Postal Agency cds, with oval "Passed as Censored" hs below, v.f., attractive Roessler cover, one of only 19 recorded
Bidding Closed
Lot #5049
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1919 (24 Feb) cover (slightly reduced at left), paying 2c with 2x1c Columbians, tied by duplex pmks, with faint "Passed as censored" hs below, addressed to Willard Wylie in Beverly, Mass., minor cover flaws, unusual if not the only recorded franking from Siberia
Bidding Closed
Lot #5050
United States Postal Agency in Siberia
1920 (8 Mar) cover sent by a Red Cross employee in Vladivostok to Manila, franked with single 2c carmine, tied by departure duplex, with "A.E.F. Siberia Passed as Censor" cachet (C-11) , slight toning, fine and scarce, late usage on cover to the Philippines
Bidding Closed
Lot #5051
United States Postal Agency in Siberia Registered Mail
1920 (27 Feb) American Red Cross cover from Vladivostok to Worcester, Mass., franked with block of 4x2c carmine and 10c orange, tied by U.S. Postal Agency Siberia departure pmks, with "Registered" box (chipped lower left corner) alongside, further endorsed "Registered", censor handstamp, additional departure and Mar 31, 1920 arrival pmk on back, minor cover wear, fine and rare, latest recorded date for Registered mail from USPA Siberia (approximately 25 registered covers from Siberia are stated to exist)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5052
United States Postal Agency in Siberia Registered Mail
1920 (11 June) War Department Headquarters American Expeditionary Forces, Siberia cover, endorsed "Soldier's Mail", franked with 10c orange, tied by "U.S Postal Agency, Siberia Registered" pmk, sent by Capt. Chapman to his wife in Pacific Groves, Calif., "Registered" box and A.E.F. Siberia Censored Handstamps, July 5 arrival pmk on back (approximately 25 (!) registered covers from USPA Siberia have been recorded)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5053
United States Postal Agency in Siberia Naval and Maritime Mail
1918 (7 Sep) cover to Grand Rapids, Wisconsin, franked with Russian adhesives paying 30k, tied by oval "Vladivostok-Tsuruga Parakh." datestamps, endorsed "Soldiers Mail", with additional penciled message continuing on reverse, little toning, otherwise fine (during the forerunner period, the arrival of supply ships was uncertain, but regular mail service between Vladivostok and Japan and from there to the rest of the world was available to those willing to pay for it. The Vladivostok-Tsuruga Steamship pmk was used by ships of the Russian Volunteer Fleet and the Chinese Eastern Railway Maritime Company. It is one of the scarcest postmarks on AEF Siberia mail, with only a few examples recorded)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5054
United States Postal Agency in Siberia Naval and Maritime Mail
1919 (5 Mar) picture postcard to San Francisco, endorsed "Sailor's Mail" and "U.S.N. Radio Stn Russian Island c/o American Consul Vladivostok, Siberia", "U.S. Navy" departure pmk, card processed by "USS Brooklyn" which was at Vladivostok at that date, fine and rare usage from a U.S. Navy radio station which operated on Russian Island (10 miles southeast of Vladivostok in Peter the Great Bay)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5055
United States Postal Agency in Siberia Naval and Maritime Mail
1919 (30 May) YMCA corner card cover to San Diego, showing "U.S.N.Radio Sta. Vladivostok, Siberia, c/o Amer.Consul" return address, franked with 3c violet and 7c black (the original stamp had fallen off and was replaced by a hinged-on copy to restore a similar appearance), "Registered Return Receipt Requested" handstamp at bottom, two strikes of "U.S.Navy Registered" datestamps on back, with June 23 arrival pmks alongside. A rare cover, postmarked on either "USS Brooklyn" or "USS New Orleans", the only two U.S. warships at Vladivostok on that date
Bidding Closed
Lot #5056
United States Postal Agency in Siberia Naval and Maritime Mail
1919-20 Marine Corps Mail from AEF Siberia, two covers and postcard displayed on exhibit page, with "U.S.S. Albany Vladivostok Siberia" (1 March 1920) cover endorsed "Marine Mail", a YMCA envelope to Utica, NY, with "U.S.S. New Orleans Vladivostok Siberia" (4 July, 1920), card to Honolulu, endorsed "A.E.F" (Apr 15, 1919) censored and charged "Postage Due 2 Cents" on arrival, mixed condition, extremely rare group, only four examples of Marine Corps mail are recorded from Siberia
Bidding Closed
Lot #5057
United States Postal Agency in Siberia Naval and Maritime Mail
1920 (3 May) cover with letter (dated 20 Apr) to Chicago, endorsed "Officers' Mail" and "USS So.Dakota Vlad.Siberia", corresponding "U.S.S.South Dakota" May 3 1920 departure pmk alongside. The stationery lettersheet was originally headed "HQ American Expeditionary Forces Siberia", amended to read "Navy Department, American Naval Intelligence Officer Vladivostok" (The U.S.S. South Dakota, was an armored cruiser commissioned in 1908. It played a pivotal role in this nearly forgotten piece of American history, an armed conflict with Russian Bolsheviks in Siberia. By 1st April, 1920, the entire AEF was evacuated from Siberia)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5058
United States Postal Agency in Siberia Naval and Maritime Mail
1920 (23 Mar) cover (slightly reduced at right) to West Chester, Pa, franked with 2c carmine, tied by U.S. Postal Agency Siberia departure cds, showing the return address of "U.S.A.T. So.Bend Vladivostok, Siberia", framed "A.E.F. Censored" cachet, fine. This cover is the only recorded use from the AEF Troopship from Siberia and the second latest date for mail from USAP Siberia (The United States Army Troop Ship "South Bend" made only a single trip to Siberia in order to evacuate the 31st Infantry. She arrived in Vladivostok on 20th March and departed on 31st March, 1920)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5059
United States Postal Agency in Siberia Prisoner of War Mail
1918-19 selection of five pre-printed bilingual (Cyrillic and French) and U.S. "Base Prison Camp A.E.F. Siberia" POW cards, each with U.S. Postal Agency Siberia departure and various Censor markings, sent by Austro-Hungarian and German POWs from AEF administered POW Camps at Krasnaya Rechka, mixed condition, extremely rare (only a few AEF Siberia cards are recorded from the Krasnaya Rechka POW camp incarcerating 2,000 Germans captured in World War I, about 1,500 of them officers)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5060
United States Postal Agency in Siberia Prisoner of War Mail
1919-20 two cards from Pervaya Rechka POW Camp, one addressed to Austrian Tirol, bearing Russian and Japanese censor markings, the other card is sent from Hungary to Vladivostok and addressed to an inmate at the Japanese POW camp, extremely rare
Bidding Closed
Lot #5061
United States Intervention in South Russia
1919-22 selection of eight covers or cards on exhibit pages, with "American Relief Administration" cover from Tiflis, forwarded via APO 975 through the U.S. Army Courier Service to Urbana, Ohio, American Committee for Relief in the Near East covers from Tiflis and Giumru (Armenia), mailed via the British APO (SX 22 at Batum, or Y1 at Constantinople), American Naval presence in South Russia, with "U.S.S. Chattanooga", "U.S.S. Noma", "U.S.S. Overton" and "U.S.S. Smith Thompson" markings, including ""Sevastopol Russia", "Batum Russia", "Constantinople Turkey", etc., mixed condition, very rare group of mail from the U.S. Forces in South Russia (which were committed not to become involved in the Russian Civil War)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5062
United States Army at War - World War II
1941-48 Postal Markings of the American Base Forces, large part of originally 10-frame exhibit with 220+ covers or cards (some pages or items have been removed by Mr. Kugel to use in other exhibits), presented in numerical order, based on the APO numbers assigned by the Army, Navy and the Marines, mail from Newfoundland, Bermuda, Trinidad, Jamaica, St. Lucia, Bahamas, Antigua, British Guiana, Greenland, Iceland, Aruba, Curacao, Northern Ireland, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Peru, Australia, Fiji, Canton Island, Christmas Island, French Polynesia and New Guinea. Also included are examples of mail from Hawaii and Philippines. An extraordinary array of "American Base Forces" markings, Registered Mail, some unusual frankings, censor markings and more. Covers are described in detail, showing remarkable reach of the U.S. Army and Navy during WWII
Bidding Closed
Lot #5063
United States Army at War - World War II
1942-45 "The ALCAN Highway Project", a single frame (16 panes) exhibit of 27 covers or cards, mail from various APOs along the route, mail from Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Official registered cover from the Office of the Chief of Engineers in Washington, D.C. to the Engineering Liaison Office on the Alcan Highway project, paying 30c Special Service fee, mail from HQ at Fort St. John, BC, others from Muskwa, Fort Nelson, Morris Lake, various "Free" frank letters from Watson Lake, Carcross, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, including Registered and censored mail, covers from engineering regiments on Canol Project, NWT, etc., mixed condition, very rare (following the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, American leaders were concerned with the vulnerability of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska to Japanese aggression. Military leaders proposed a land route that would transport troops and equipment to Alaska and isolated outposts that otherwise would have to be supplied by air and sea. Wartime necessity put into action prewar plans for the construction of a road through the Canadian wilderness from Dawson's Creek to Fairbanks. The U.S.Army sent an Engineer provisional brigade of approximately 9,000 men that included segregated African American units. A total of 10,607 U.S. Army Engineer soldiers worked on the road, of which 3,695 were African American. The difficulties encountered in building the Highway were enormous. First, the climate dictated that there were only four months of good construction weather, and even then poor conditions hindered topographic surveys, route reconnaissance, and construction itself. Frequent rain caused delays. Flies and mosquitos tormented the soldiers. The rest of the year brought extreme cold and deep snow. Second, soldiers were forced to live in tents year-round and frequently had to subsist on monotonous rations. Lack of heavy equipment, especially specialized machinery and tools, meant much of the clearing and transport work had to be done through arduous manual labor, exhausting soldiers already working extra shifts during the long summer days. Though the Japanese threat to Alaska and Canada that had prompted the construction of the Alaska Highway had faded by 1943, the road nevertheless served as a vital conduit for the construction of airfields and other military infrastructure. This infrastructure served not only routine coastal defense but also was a vital base to transfer Lend-Lease aircraft to the Soviet Union during the war. The highway opened to the public in 1948, allowing access to remote areas of Canada, and has become a popular scenic tourist route, a notable legacy for what was a significant military engineering achievement of U.S. Army Engineers)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5064
United States Army at War - World War II Naval and Maritime Mail
1923-41 U.S. Naval Mission to Brazil, collection of 26 covers or cards to USA, various Naval cachets and frankings, including a registered cover with "U.S. Naval Mission to Brazil c/o Foreign Station Post Office New York, N.Y." handstamp, franked with 3x500r definitive stamps, tied by "Navmis/Rio" cds, with 19 Aug 1940 arrival pmk, backflap partly missing, fine cover (prior to the outbreak of World War II in 1939, Brazil maintained positive commercial and diplomatic relations with both Allied and Axis powers. Despite its traditionally strong ties with the United States, by 1940 Brazil had become Germany's leading export market outside Europe and its ninth largest trading partner. Additionally, Brazil hosted significant and influential German, Italian, and Japanese diaspora communities. Following the U.S. entry into the war in December 1941, the Joint Brazil-U.S. Defense Commission was established and Brazil severed diplomatic relations with Germany, Japan, and Italy in January 1942, and allowed the establishment of U.S. air bases on Brazilian soil to counter Axis naval activities)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5065
United States Army at War - World War II Naval and Maritime Mail
1942 "World War II Pacific Navy Location Code Names", a single frame (16 pages) exhibit of 23 covers, mail from Sydney, N.S.W. ("Project Brashat"), Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides ("Button"), Manus, Admiralty Islands ("Chestnut"), Guadalcanal ("Club One"), Noumea, New Caledonia ("Epic"), Auckland, New Zealand ("Fulcrum"), Tulagi, Solomon Islands ("Ringbolt"), Efate, New Hebrides ("Roses"), Upulu, Western Samoa ("Strawhat"), etc., different Naval handstamps, censored markings, registered mail and more. A captivating insight into the identification system used by the U.S. forces in the Pacific, following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
Bidding Closed
Lot #5066
United States Army at War - World War II American Forces in Iceland
1941-43 collection of 27 covers or cards on exhibit pages, showing markings used by the American Army, Navy, U.S.Marine Corps and supporting forces in Iceland during World War II. There are earliest and latest recorded usages, "Marines Mail", "American Base Forces A.P.O. 810" pmks, covers with U.S. franking, one with 10c Special Delivery stamp, Registered Mail, "U.S. Navy" from the "U.S.S. Biddle", Fleet Air Base, etc., mixed condition, seldom offered. (Great Britain, which initially occupied Iceland to keep it out of German hands, needed her troops elsewhere, and requested that US forces occupy the island. On July 7, 1941, President Roosevelt announced that "The American Forces have landed in Iceland". The 1st Provisional Marine Brigade of 194 officers and 3,714 men from San Diego under the command of Brigadier General John Marston anchored off Reykjavik)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5067
1901-40 partial exhibit on pages, 18 covers or cards, including Official cover from Agana to Department of the Navy in Washington, D.C., incoming mail from Philippines, Hong Kong, double "Guam" duplex pmks on covers and cards with U.S. franking, Registered Mail, later pmks, Guam Guard Mail (M3,4) on locally addressed covers, later Guard Mail issues on cover, also a group of post WWII covers or cards, one sent in 1946 to a our own young Alfred Kugel
Bidding Closed
Lot #5068
UNITED STATES POSSESSIONS Philippines Naval and Maritime Mail
1898 (27 Apr) cover with "U.S.S. Olympia" handstamp to "Commanding Officer U.S.S. Naval Station Portsmouth New Hampshire", franked with Hong Kong "10 Cents" on 30c gray green (Scott 69), tied by departure cds, with Vancouver transit and Portsmouth arrival pmks on back. This cover was posted on "U.S.S. Olympia" (Commodore Dewey's flagship) on the afternoon of the day Dewey sailed from Hong Kong for the Philippines. Four days later, May 1, 1898 the Battle of Manila Bay, the U.S. Navy defeated the Spanish Pacific Fleet, resulting in fall of the Philippines and contributing to the final U.S. victory in the Spanish-American War. The resounding American victory made Commodore George Dewey a national hero
Bidding Closed
Lot #5069
1905-45 "Midway Island Mail", a single frame (16 pages) exhibit of 35 covers or cards, with a 1913 cover franked with 2c Parcel Post, canceled "Midway Island H.Isls", other steel duplex pmks with similar markings used 1905-18, one sent to Guam, Naval usage, "U.S.S. Simpson", "U.S.S. Avocet", first Navy flight from Pearl Harbor to Midway and back, Naval Maneuvers mail, Pan-Am Survey Flight (June 18, 1935 and Aug.13 to J.T.Trippe), straight-line datestamps, private cachets, Defense Battalion pmks, Naval Air Base and Registered covers, 1942-43 Marines and U.S. Navy markings, mixed condition, interesting collection
Bidding Closed
Lot #5070
1913-17 eight covers or cards, including two registered covers from Vlone to Austria and Germany, franked with the Provisional Government adhesives, WWI usages from Durazzo, Skrapak, Korytsa and Valona, all written-up on exhibit pages, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5071
1919-26 selection of 29 covers or cards used during the Second Provisional Government and Republic, variety of frankings and destinations, well described on 18 exhibit pages, with respect to rates, origins and destinations, some outstanding items include a censored cover from Elbasan to Sacramento, with 2x5c green Parcel Post Postage Dues, registered cover from Lushne to Sydney, Australia, new value surcharges on cover to USA, Romania, Money Order with 25q surcharge, 1923 Pictorials on covers, various provisional surcharges, scarce overprints, two Air Post covers, etc., fine lot
Bidding Closed
Lot #5072
1928-38 collection of 36 covers or cards on 21 exhibit pages, various issues, Registered mail, souvenir sheets, Zeppelin and Flight covers, origins and destinations, unusual markings, one from the Italian steamship "Brioni", "Kingdom of Albania" overprints on covers and Parcel card, plus many others, fine and highly attractive representation
Bidding Closed
Lot #5073
ALBANIA Central Albania
1914-15 partial and well described 14-page exhibit with 24 covers and cards, showing various historical episodes in Albanian history, with Essad Pasha government, cover bearing two strikes of the commemorative postmark honoring the establishment of the local Senate, franked with 2x20para typewritten surcharges, sent from Durres to Trieste, covers franked with the Crescent handstamp in Arabic on new issue with bilingual "Central Albania" (in French and Albanian), one from Skrapar, another from Durazzo to Valona, others from Lesh to Shkoder, with rare "Scutarie d'Albanie" Registry label, another used in combination with Serbian franking, sent from Elbasan, to Pequin. There are covers and cards from North Albania, one to New York, others to France and Egypt (rare), South Albania registered cover from Valona to Santi Quaranta in "Autonomous Epirus", postal stationery, 1914 covers from Shkoder to Lesh, franked with two blocks of 4x2q Skanderbeg, tied by gold ink cancels, registered and properly franked cover with "The Arrival of Prince William" overprints, registered cover with 5g surcharge, used from Durres to Prag, two postcards showing the arrival of Prince and Princess in Durazzo, one mailed to a sailor on board "S.M.Torpedoboot 31" at the Austrian Naval Base in Pola, fine and valuable assembly
Bidding Closed
Lot #5074
ALBANIA Austro-Hungarian Occupation Flight Covers
1916 (17 Oct) 10q stationery card with additional franking, mailed from the Austro-Hungarian Army Base Post Office at Durazzo to Vienna, with red "K.u.K. Flugstutzpunkt Durz." military handstamp, additional markings, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5075
ALBANIA French Occupation of Albania
1917-18 French Administration of Korytsa, four covers addressed locally or abroad to France and England, one with "Commandant Militaire Censure" handstamp, two others with oval censor handstamps, mixed condition, cover to Paris with portion of address excised, scarce
Bidding Closed
Lot #5076
ALBANIA Italian Occupation of Albania
1914-43 The Italians on Saseno (Sazan), collection of 10 covers or cards, well described on exhibit pages, showing three stages of Italian Involvement on Saseno, from the first Military Occupation into the post-World War I period, followed by the formal annexation in 1923 and use of Italian postage on the island for the next 20 years. The collection includes censored mail, Fieldpost "Comando Distaccamento R.Marino Sasseno" markings, "Isola Saseno Comando", "Saseno/Isola", Registered cover used 12 Mar 1943 to Bazi, with a new unit cachet ("Headquarters Royal Navy Detachment Saseno"), mixed condition, unusual group (Italy occupied Saseno in 1914 and established a military post. After World War I, Albania formally ceded the island to Italy and it became administratively part of Lagosta, in the province of Zara. In those years the Italian authorities built a lighthouse and some naval fortifications, and populated the island with a few families of fishermen relocated from Apulia. The island was united with the Italian Governorate of Dalmatia in 1941 during World War II and ceded back to Albania in 1947)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5077
ALBANIA Serbian Occupation of Albania
1915 Serbian troops in Albania, eight covers and cards, including postcards written from Tirana to Knjazavac, covers with Serbian franking, straight line handstamps "TIRANE" and "ELBASAN", other military handstamps, registered mail. Tirana bilingual cds on Serbian postal stationery card to Praha, Tirana and Elbasan transit marks; cover to Debar, etc., fine and scarce group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5078
ALBANIA Kosovo Region
1942-43 selection of 11 covers or cards on exhibit pages, with registered cover from "Istok" to Palermo, POW card from Gjakove, registered cover from "Gjilan" to another Prisoner of War inmate at Stalag VIIB/I, card from "Liplanji" to a Concentration Camp in Bergamo, POW lettersheet from "Orahovac" (both extremely rare), registered "Express" covers from "Peje" to Cetinje and Ustica-Palermo, card from Prizren to Milano, flown, censored cover from Prizren "Posta Arjore" to Geneva (Diena certificate), large part of "Prizren Mandat Poste" (previously unrecorded marking) money order used to send 300francs, registered cover from "Prishtine" to Istanbul, finally a POW lettersheet from "Suva Reka", fine and uncommon assembly showing postal history of Italian Occupation of Kosovo
Bidding Closed
Lot #5079
ALBANIA Kosovo Region
1942 (14 Mar) registered, flown cover from "DECANE", franked with Italian Occupation stamps of Albania, tied by departure cds, with corresponding Registry label, addressed to a Prisoner of War held at Stalag XVII-B (located near Krems, Austria), opened by censor, various transit and Krems arrival pmks, fine and extremely rare usage from Decane (present day "Decan" in Kosovo)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5080
ALBANIA Kosovo Region
1942-43 (22 Jan) picture postcard from Ferizovic to Montalcone (Trieste), single 5q green tied by departure cds, boxed "Verificato per Censura" and arrival pmks. Also 1943 (11 June) registered cover to Ustica-Palermo, franked with 2x15q carmine, tied by "Ferizaj" departure cds, showing return address of "Stimplje-Ferizaj, Kosovo Albania", fine (the Slavic name "Ferizovic" was changed to Albanian "Ferizaj" in 1942)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5081
ALBANIA Kosovo Region
1943 selection of eight registered covers from Prizren and Peje to Palermo (care of "Internata Civile de Guerra"), one to Montenegro, different franking combination, censor handstamps and labels, mixed condition, scarce group of commercially used covers from Kosovo during Italian occupation
Bidding Closed
Lot #5082
ALBANIA Macedonia Region
1941 (14 June) registered and censored cover to USA, franked with 15q and 2x25q (minor flaws), tied by "Tetovo" (original Slavic name of the town) departure cds, with "Tetove" Registry label below, Italian censor handstamped, opened and resealed by U.S. censor, Italian transit and arrival (Aug 20, 1941) arrival pmks on back, cover roughly opened at bottom, rare usage (after World War One, Tetovo became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In 1941, during Axis occupation of Yugoslavia, Tetovo once again came under Albanian rule and after WWII reverted back to Yugoslavia)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5083
ALBANIA Macedonia Region
1942 (30 July) cover to Zagreb, franked with 25q dark blue, tied by "Tetove" (double circle with star at bottom departure cds, with Italian censor handstamp and "Verificato per Censura" label, additional markings on back, fine and scarce usage from Tetove to Croatia
Bidding Closed
Lot #5084
ALBANIA Montenegro Region
1942 (25 Mar) picture postcard ("Ulcin (Dulcigno)") to Torino, franked with pair of 5q green, tied by "Dulqin" cds, fine and scarce usage (during World War One, the present day town of Ulcinj was occupied by Austria, then Italy, and became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1920. From 1941-44 Ulcinj was under the Albanian administration and reverted to Yugoslavia after the war)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5085
ALBANIA Montenegro Region
1943 (23 July) registered cover to Banja Luka, Croatia, franked with 2x10q,15q,30q, tied by "Rozhaj" double circle departure cds, paying proper 15q letter and 50q Registry fee, with corresponding registry label, opened and resealed by Italian censor, with Brindisi transit and Banja Luka arrival pmks on back (showing return address "Rozhoje, Kosove, Albania"). An uncommon usage from this very small Rozhaj post office (only 15 letters posted according to official report noted in Phipps handbook)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5086
ALBANIA Montenegro Region
1943 (7 Feb) registered cover addressed to the Red Cross in Geneva, franked with single 65q red brown, tied by double circle "Dulqin" cds, with corresponding Registry label (showing "ULQIN"), opened and resealed by Italian censor, Shkodre and Milano transits, Geneva (15.III.43) arrival pmks, fine registered usage from present-day Ulcinj
Bidding Closed
Lot #5087
1920 Interallied Commission, French Forces Issue, official corner card "Commission Interalliee d'Administration de Plebiscite D'Allenstein Traite de Versailles Art. 94 & 95" cover, registered to Strasbourg, franked with 5pf, 10pf and 75pf Allenstein overprints, with "70" due charged in Karlsruhe, fine usage
Bidding Closed
Lot #5088
1920 Interallied Commission, Japanese Mission to Allenstein, card with "Delegation du Japon a Allenstein" cachet, also registered cover with "Dedrich Auguste, Mecanicien de la Delegation Japonaise a la Commission Interalie d'Administration et de Plebiscite s.Allenstein Allemagne" hs, fine and extremely rare examples of the small Japanese presence as member of the Allied and Associated Powers in Allenstein (Olsztyn)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5089
AUSTRIA Military Air Post
1916-18 collection of 21 covers or cards on exhibit pages, showing examples of mail service from various Flight companies on the Galician and Italian fronts, different Flight Squadron unit numbers, Air Unit cachets, Seaplane Bases, with examples of mail from Durazzo (Albania), FPO 406 (Fiume), Kumbor, Cattaro, Cosada, Zelenica, Pola, Sibenik, Puntisella, also Balloon unit markings from Pola, K.u.K.Feldpoststampt 173 and others
Bidding Closed
Lot #5090
AUSTRIA Flight Covers
1915-18 collection of 18 covers and cards from Austro-Hungarian Naval Aviation Corps on the Adriatic, with various "Fliegerstation" (Seaplane) and submarine station markings from "Grado" (Trieste), Pola, Puntisella, Cosada, Fiume, Sebenico, Curzola, Kumbor and Cattaro, with examples of mail flown by Seaplane through FPO 406 at Fiume to Pola (from there to Laibach), cachets inscribed "I & R Coastal Naval Air Station Sebenico" and others, fine and undoubtedly scarce group, all well described on partially decommissioned exhibit pages
Bidding Closed
Lot #5091
AUSTRIA Naval and Maritime Mail
1914-18 Danube River Flotilla during World War One, collection of 33 covers or cards presented on exhibit pages, variety of "K.u.K.Donauflottillenkomando" (imperial and Royal Danube Flotilla Headquarters), FPO markings, cachets of "SMS Leitha" and "Maros", the oldest monitors in the fleet, mailed from Giurgiu (Romania) and Orsovo (Hungary), others from "Koros" and "Szamos", censored mail from "S.M.S. Bosna" sent through the Black Sea to support activities in Ukraine, written by a crew member at Kherson on the Dnieper River. Numerous other monitor cachets are included, such as red "S.M.S. Temes", "Bodrog", "Inn", "Enns", "Barsch", "Compo", "Viza", also from patrol boats, Armed Steamers, Auxiliary vessels, Shore Station cachets, numerous censor and Naval markings, mixed condition, scarce (The campaigns of the Danube Flotilla could literally be called a backwater of the Great War. During Peacetime, the flotilla was responsible for enforcing the border with Serbia, patrolling the Danube down to the Iron Gates, up the Sava to the mouth of the Drina and sometime up the Drina (water level permitting) and occasionally up other tributaries of the Danube, mostly chasing smugglers. However, the flotilla gained a place in history when its ships fired the first shots of the war)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5092
AUSTRIA Naval and Maritime Mail
1916-17 Austro-Hungarian Submarines, three cards displayed on exhibit page, one from "K.u.K.Kriegsmarine Monarch", others from "U-6" and "U-21", sent from Cattaro, Sibenik and Pola, first one showing cachet of Headquarters of the I.& R Submarine Group in Gulf of Cattaro, very scarce
Bidding Closed
Lot #5093
AUSTRIA Naval and Maritime Mail
1917-18 Danube Flotilla River gunboats, three cards addressed to Vienna, each originating in Romania (Orsova, Turnnu-Severin and Braila), showing different cachets of Danube Flotilla Headquarters and "K.u.K.Etappenpostampt 348", "Hadtap Postahivatal 449" and "K.u.K.Feldpostampt 299" markings, fine and uncommon group displayed on exhibit page
Bidding Closed
Lot #5094
AUSTRIA Military Mail
1914 Registered cover from the abortive first Austrian invasion of Serbia, registered from "Loznica" to Skalice, franked with two Bosnian stamps and tied by framed "K.u.K.Militar Postampt Loznica" pmk, with Registered and "K.u.K. Militar-Telegraphen" handstamps, fine and rare registered cover from the Austrian foothold during the second invasion of Serbia (One of the bloodiest battles fought in the Balkans was the Battle of the Drina, near Loznica, Serbia. After a first failed invasion of Serbia where he lost 40,000 men, Oskar Potiorek, the Austro-Hungarian commander, launched a new offensive across the River Drina, where he faced strong Serbian defensive positions. A counterattack pushed the Austrians back to the Drina, but a small force remained at Loznica)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5095
AUSTRIA Austrian Naval Presence in China
1901 picture postcard to Vienna, with violet "S.M.S. K.u.K Maria Theresia" circular unit handstamp, with corresponding "Feldpost", showing Laxenburg (8.7.01) arrival pmk at bottom, fine. Also unused ppc "SMS Aspern"
Bidding Closed
Lot #5096
AUSTRIA Austrian Naval Presence in China
1914-17 registered "Legation D'Austriche-Hongrie en Chine" cover to Zurich, with "K.u.K, Marinedetachement in Peking" (9 Apr 1914) departure cds, postcard with 5f Hungarian franking, with similar departure pmk, addressed to Hungary, also three telegraph forms, including Chinese Imperial Post Registered article receipt, handstamped "K.u.K.Etappen Commando in Tientsin", also partial "Imperial Chinese Telegraphs" form and "The Submarine Telegraph Service" receipts made out to Austrian Legation Guards
Bidding Closed
Lot #5097
AUSTRIA Austrian Levant Military Mail
1916-18 Austro-Hungarian Military Mission to Turkey, collection of 40 covers and cards on exhibit pages, markings of mortar and howitzer batteries supporting Turkish defenders at Gallipoli, official mail from "Imperial and Royal Military Representative in Constantinople", registered and censored mail from Pera, Courier Post via German Military Mission in Aleppo, Transport and logistical support markings, Austrian Base at the construction railhead of the Baghdad Railway (near Konia), cachets of Base Commander in Taurus-Amanus and Branch Gasoline Depot in Bosanti, Fieldpost cover from "Bir-es-Seba" (Beersheba) and "A.O.K.4" (Jerusalem), cachets of origin from Representative of the 1st Expeditionary Corps for German and Austro-Hungarian Troops (Aleppo), Mobile Hospital (Jerusalem), Army Group "Jilderim", detachment operating the "Bekleme-Pyrgos" cable car system, "Deutsche Feldpost 663" (then located at Nazareth), "K.u.K.Feldpostampt 452" from Diyarbakir and Damascus
Bidding Closed
Lot #5098
BELGIUM Military Mail
1915-17 "Corps Expeditionnaire Belge en Russie" (Belgian Expeditionary Corps of Armored Cars), collection of 65+ covers or cards on pages and loose, showing variety of markings in Cyrillic and in French, incoming mail, destinations, unit cachets, some detailed information, also copies of the actual vehicles, troops in transit, research articles and variety of other collateral material, mixed condition, interesting group, excellent exhibition potential (following an agreement between King Albert and Tsar Nicholas, the entire Armored Corps of about 400 vehicles was transferred to the Russian Front, where it saw action against German and Austrian forces. In early 1917, the ACM got caught up in the Russian Revolution. Unable to cross German territory to return to Belgium, the men traveled home via Ukraine and Siberia on a trans-Siberian train, arriving in Vladivostok on 20 April 1918. Five days later they boarded U.S. Army Transport ship "Sheridan", arriving in San Francisco on 12 May 1918 where they were greeted as heroes)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5099
BELGIUM Military Mail
1919 (14 July) folded mourning announcement (Freiherrn Ferdinand von Wolff-Metternich) sent from Xanten during Belgian Occupation, with 5pf franking, violet "Cantonement de Xanten Armee Belge d'Occupation" unit cachet, fine and extremely rare
Bidding Closed
Lot #5100
1842-45 (ca 1842-43) two covers and an official receipt from Sarajevo to Constantinople, showing negative intaglio marking of "Bosna" (Turkish for Sarajevo). The distance charge was based on route hours, which accounted for mileage and road conditions. These letters to Constantinople would have cost 217 paras (5 piaster and 17 paras) each, some edge toning, otherwise fine (the Imperial edict of 12 Ramasan 1256 (14 October 1840) led to substantial improvements in the Ottoman postal system, with a network of contracted dispatch rider (Tatar) routes. Some historians believe that the word "Tatar" comes from the word "Tartyr" (that which pulls)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5101
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Rajokovic Merchant Courier
1847 (In 1846, Spiro Rajkovic introduced a regularly scheduled service for carriage of letters and packages between Sarajevo and Bosanski Brod. Letters were stamped "SARAGLIO" (Italian for Sarai), with date below. In time, the Ottoman authorities objected to this unofficial service, banning the use of this postmark at the beginning of 1848 and shutting down the service entirely at the end of that year) A FL sent from Brod to Sarajevo by Rajkovic Merchant post, with "Saraglio 26 May" hs applied on arrival (Tchilinghirian handbook states that "about six stampless letters are known, all from 1847, with this handstamp")
Bidding Closed
Lot #5102
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Rajokovic Merchant Courier
1847 (12 Nov) complete FL sent from Sarajevo to Pest, bearing Rajkovic Merchant post handstamps "Saraglio/12 Nov", disinfected at Slavonski Brod quarantine station where the Quarantine hs was applied. One of only two outbound letters recorded from Sarajevo sent abroad, with Rajkovic Saraglio dispatch
Bidding Closed
Lot #5103
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Rajokovic Merchant Courier
1848 (18 Apr), complete FL sent from Sarajevo to Brod. By this time, the use of the "Saraglio" handstamp was forbidden. However, this letter was delivered to Slavonski Brod, where it was fumigated at the Austrian quarantine station and the backstamp was applied
Bidding Closed
Lot #5104
1866 (Oct) home-made envelope sent by the Ottoman post from Sarajevo to the Ministry of Religion in Constantinople. Very attractive Duloz four color franking totaling 13 1/2 piastres, all tied by double circle Arabic "Bosna" (Turkish name for Sarajevo), with Stamboul Nov 1, 1866 arrival pmk on reverse, cover refolded, with some mending at bottom, otherwise most impressive and rare
Bidding Closed
Lot #5105
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Austro-Hungarian Consular Post
1852-55 two FLs, one from Vienna, franked with 9kr First Issue, sent via Brod in Slavonia using a forwarding agent in Brod for mail to be redirected by Consular Post to Sarajevo. The address portion includes "Saraglio" in manuscript. The second cover was written in Sarajevo, and carried to Brod in Slavonia where the 10Kr Austrian postage was charged, arrival pmk of Trieste applied on reverse. Postage was paid by sender to the forwarding agent at Brod by merchant agreement
Bidding Closed
Lot #5106
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Austrian Occupation
1878-87 collection of 30 covers, cards, Money orders and Telegrams, neatly written-up on 18 exhibit pages, with fieldpost markings "K.u.K. Hauptfeldpostampt d.II Armee", "Feldpost-Expositur No.1" and "18" (First Division in Sarajevo, 18th Division at Mostar), incoming mail to an Austrian engineering Sargent in Mostar, "K.u.K.Etappen-Postampt" cds from various FPOs (Kiseljak, Bihac, Livno, Gorazde, Maglaj), Registered mail with Bosnian franking, cover from FPO No.V (Zenica) to Italy, military franking not recognized and cover charged penalty rate of 50c Postage Due at "Mel", Money Order for 24 Gulden from FPO No.6 (Trebinje) to Opuzen, Dalmatia, another with Hungarian franking from Livno to Spalato, also receipts for money orders, cover and FL with Hungarian franking, canceled "K.u.K. Etappen-Postampt XI" from Banjaluka, No.VII from Kiseljak), covers used during Muslim Uprising (1882), also "K.u.K. Milit.Post XXXII Serajevo", registered FL from Banjaluka to Trieste, etc. A fine showing (in 1878, as a consequence of an international summit in Berlin, Austria-Hungary was permitted to occupy the troubled Ottoman provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. An invasion by 150,000+ troops, was followed by four decades of civil administration and eventually in 1908, annexation by the Habsburg Monarchy)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5107
1880 (1 Apr) FL from Mostar to Trieste, with K.u.K.Milit.Post 13 Mostar departure cds, with uncanceled Austrian 5kr red at bottom, franking not recognized, charged "10" in blue crayon,. With boxed "T", Zara transit and Trieste arrival pmks on back. Since first Bosnian stamps were issued on 1 July, 1879, Austrian franking was no longer valid for postage, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5108
1883-1916 two exhibit pages, showing different types of "NEUM" single circle and serifed letters postmarks, one on the 5kr (1867 Franz Josef) single stamp, then picture postcard, single circle sans-serif (one of only two known, with Ferchenbauer certificate), also double circle postmarks, one on piece dated 1906, others to Wien and Budapest (sent by a soldier in a coastal defense unit during World War I)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5109
1885 (20 Apr) Money order form (sending 200 guldens) to Metkovic, paying the correct fee of 40 kreuzer for amounts of 150 to 200 gulden, postage paid by 15Kr+25Kr litho, both tied by "K.K.Milit.Post XXXII/Sarajevo" cds, with arrival (24.4.85) on back, fine usage from Sarajevo to Metkovic
Bidding Closed
Lot #5110
1885-89 exhibit page, with 1889 (16 June) registered cover from Sarajevo to Pest, paying the correct postage with 15kr (Lithographed), tied by "K.K.Milit.Post XXXII/Sarajevo" cds, various crayon markings, also Money Order for 150 Guldens, sent in 1885 (6 July) from Zvornik to Vienna, franked with a horizontal pair of 15kr (Litho), tied by "K.K.Milit.Post XX/Zwornik" cds, filing fold well away from the stamps, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5111
1886 (11 July) money order for 150 Gulden, addressed to Hungary, franked with 5n rose red, pair of 10n blue, single and strip of three of 25n violet (all Lithographed), tied by Military Administration "K.K.Milit.Post XXXVII/ F0ca" cds, repeated alongside, with "Szinyer-Varallya" (16.7.86) arrival pmk on back, filing fold causing some paper splitting, the form itself with creases and tears, still fine and colorful first issue franking, considered to be one of the outstanding postal history items of Bosnia
Bidding Closed
Lot #5112
1891 (2 Apr) registered outer FL from Mostar to Liebenau, franked with a block of 10x2kr orange (Lithographed), canceled by K.und K. Milit. Post 13 Mostar departure datestamps, with Graz arrival pmk on back. Cover has been cleaned (stamps lifted and replaced), fine and remarkable franking. Large multiples of Litho printing are seldom seen on cover, this may be the largest recorded
Bidding Closed
Lot #5113
1893 (2 Feb) 5kr stationery entire envelope uprated with 2x2kr+2x3kr litho, registered from Janjici to Sarajevo, paying correct rate of 5kr+10kr registration fee, all tied by "K.K.Milit.Post XXVIII/Janjici" cds with "Sarajevo 2.2" arrival datestamp on back, fine and colorful combination
Bidding Closed
Lot #5114
1894 (27 Sep) registered cover from Bosanski Brod to Italy, correctly franked on the reverse with pair of 10kr (Typo), paying 10kr postage and 10kr registry, tied by oval "K.K.Milit.Post.XXXI/Bos.Brod" departure datestamp, repeated on front, with Sospirolo arrival (29 Sep), some toning, otherwise fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5115
1896 (5 Aug) registered cover to Vienna, franked with single 25n violet, tied by "K K.Milit. Post. XXXII/Sarajevo" departure cds, with "R nr. 207" and "Recommandirt" by hand, paying triple-weight registry rate (3x5kr+10kr for registration), v.f., extremely scarce usage of 25n violet on commercial, non-philatelic mail, one of the most outstanding items in Bosnia's postal history
Bidding Closed
Lot #5116
1897 (4 Nov) registered cover from the German Consulate in Sarajevo to Cassel, franked with 20kr olive (typographed), tied by "K.K. Milit.Post.XXXII/Sarajevo" departure pmk, with 17.11.98 arrival pmk on back, blue "Kaiserlich Deutsches Konsulat in Serajevo" embossed label, various directional crayon markings, fine and rare commercial usage of 20kr Typo issue
Bidding Closed
Lot #5117
1898 (1 Apr) a wedding invitation envelope sent from Sarajevo to Sisak, correctly franked with 2kr typographed, canceled by double circle Military Administration Sarajevo cds, fine and scarce usage of single 2kr franking paying printed matter fee
Bidding Closed
Lot #5118
1898 (22 Mar) small cover to Wiener Neustadt, franked with 2Kr+3Kr typo printing, each tied by "K.K.Milit.Post XXXIX/Zupanjac" cds, v.f., with 26 March arrival, v.f. and attractive cover to Austria
Bidding Closed
Lot #5119
1899 (15 June) registered cover to Zurich, franked with single 20n gray green, tied by "K.und K.Milit. Post. XXXII/Sarajevo" departure cds, with "R nr" and "Recommandirt" typewritten at bottom left, paying the correct rate for registered mail to a foreign destination (10kr+10kr for registration), v.f., scarce single franking usage, with 17.VI.99 arrival pmk on back
Bidding Closed
Lot #5120
1900 (23 Feb) registered cover from Banjaluka to Sarajevo, franked with single and horizontal pair of First Issue 5kr red and single 2kr yellow, paying 17kr (equivalent of 34h), used in combination with 1900 1h Eagle, with framed Banja Luka departure datestamps and corresponding arrival (25.2.00) on back, v.f. and spectacular mixed franking of first and second issues during the transitional period
Bidding Closed
Lot #5121
1900 (19 Feb) 2kr stationery card, used in combination with 1900 1h gray, paying the required 5 heller rate from Rudolfsthal to Vienna, fine and scarce mixed issues franking (Kreuzer and Heller Eagle issues)
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Lot #5122
1902 (12 Dec) Value declared letter, originally containing 4,000 gulden in banknotes (8,000 Kronen), sent from Sarajevo to Rudolf Friedl in Vienna. The basic postage was 1.65 Kr + 1.92kr for insurance, total of 3.57kr paid with 3x1kr dark rose, plus single 2h, 5h and 50h, all tied on back by octagonal "Sarajevo-Filiale" datestamps, repeated on front, with intact wax seals, minor backflap tears, fine and elusive high value franking
Bidding Closed
Lot #5123
1906 (24 Oct) large part of a registered cover (bottom half of the front/address portion missing), with intact Registry and private pharmacist's labels, franked on reverse with the complete set of 16 (all values current at that time), with Third Coat of Arms (with black denominations) where appropriate and Second Issue stamps otherwise, sent from a pharmacy at "Brcka" to "Kral. Vinhorady" in Bohemia, "K.u.K. Milit.Post Brcka" departure and arrival pmks on back, philatelically inspired, nevertheless remarkable franking which includes the rare 5 krone stamp
Bidding Closed
Lot #5124
1918 Emperor Karl I, 2h-90h complete set of 13, n.h., fine-v.f.,
Catalog #128-40
Catalog Value $ 338
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Lot #5125
1918 1kr olive green, greenish paper, h.r., well centered, v.f.,
Catalog #141
Catalog Value $ 1,900
Bidding Closed
Lot #5126
1916 3h violet, prepared but not issued large Die Essay on thin card, v.f., rare
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Lot #5127
1905-07 (31 Apr) cover from Chile to Mostar, Bosnia, insufficiently franked and taxed on arrival with 50 heller Postage Due stamp, tied by Mostar cds, plus 1907 (15 June) cover from Italy to Sarajevo, insufficiently franked with 5x1c Italian stamps, taxed on arrival with 2x4h+5h+6h Postage Dues, undelivered and sent back to the sender at Palermo, both mounted and described on exhibit page
Bidding Closed
Lot #5128
1885-86 two registered covers to Austria and Germany, first franked on reverse with 2x10st and 30st (originally cut out, but now restored on backflap), tied by "Philippople" departure cds, with "Garkovo" transit and Vienna arrival pmks, the other with single 50st, tied by bilingual "Plovdiv" cds, endorsed "Charge", with intact wax seals and Mannheim arrival pmk on back
Bidding Closed
Lot #5129
BULGARIA Military Air Post
1915-16 German Seaplane and Airship Bases at Varna and Xanthi (near the Aegean Sea), four covers or cards, with "Kaiserliche Marine Seaflugstation Bulgarien", "Komando der Seeflugstation Xanti", "Luftschiffhafenbau Jambol" markings, one Registered "Deutsche Feldpost 185" cover with label, sent to Berlin, mixed condition, very scarce group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5130
BULGARIA Serbo-Bulgarian War Military Mail
1885 (11 Dec) free-frank cover with South Bulgarian negative seal reading "Military Headquarters Plovdiv", with Belovo (18 Dec) arrival pmk on back, horizontal filing fold, fine cover with clear markings (King Milan of Serbia reacted badly to the territorial expansion of Bulgaria and launched an unprovoked attack on 14 November 1885. The Serbian army's advance was stopped after the Battle of Slivnitsa and Bulgaria began an offensive which took the city of Pirot. The Austrian minister intervened and brought the hostilities to an end on 28th November 1885)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5131
BULGARIA First Balkan War
1912-13 collection of 46 covers, cards, Parcel and Money Order forms, neatly displayed and written-up on exhibit pages, starting with first day of fighting, Field Hospital cachet on cover from Kaybilare (17 Oct 1912) to Rustchouk, numerous Army unit cachets, including "Bulgarian Army Occupation Forces Authority", "First Field Army and the Headquarters of the Cavalry Division", Field Hospital "Yambolska Military Hospital" (addressed to Geneva), Money Order for 9 Leva sent from "Gumurdjina" to Sofia, bilingual markings on cards and Telegraph form from "Kavala" (today, a city in northern Greece, the principal seaport of eastern Macedonia), also "Kechane", "Koukouch", "Lozengrad", "Okdjilar", "Porto-Lagos", "Pravechta", "Saray", "Soflou" and "Sofoulia" (one of only two recorded), "Tsaribrode", "Zaribod-Gare", various markings from "New Bulgaria", used in Xanthy, Dedeagatch, Soloun, other towns in Eastern and Western Thrace, few Registered (rare), also card and cover from the Second Balkan War, used from Odrin and Samokov, mostly fine. An insightful presentation (The First Balkan War was an unmitigated disaster for the Ottoman Empire. Bulgaria mobilized nearly 600,000 men and fielded a well equipped and professionally trained army, focusing on actions in Thrace and Macedonia)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5132
BULGARIA First Balkan War
1913 ("Liberated Towns") exhibit page with postcard and two 5st stationery cards with bilingual (Cyrillic/Latin) pmks, including "Alpolou" (18 Jan 1913), Dedeagatch (14 May) and "Dmotika" (9 Feb), first and last addressed to Sofia, the other to Smyrna, minor card creases, otherwise fine. The "Alpolou" marking is considered to be one of the rarest from this period, only two or three examples recorded
Bidding Closed
Lot #5133
BULGARIA First Balkan War
1913 (28 Feb) Ottoman Patriotic envelope (red Coat of Arms on reverse), sent from Lozengrad to Rousse, with red cachet in Cyrillic, reading "Hospital of the Community of St. George of the Russian Red Cross Society", bilingual arrival pmk (4.III.1913), fine and rare, if not unique marking (although not an active participant in the fighting, Russia provided humanitarian assistance to its Slavic brothers in Bulgaria during the conflict)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5134
BULGARIA First Balkan War Military Mail
1913 Second Macedonian Brigade and Third Army cachets used as postmarks, two picture postcards to Plovdiv and Sofia, the latter with a small negative "Chemins de Fer de la Turkuie D'Europe / Tcherkeskeui" (Railways of European Turkey) and two diff. HQ of the Third Army cachets, fine and extremely rare marking, one of only two recorded (On October 27th, the Railway Bridge at Tcherkesskeui, 50 Miles from Constantinople was blown up by the Bulgars, blocking the Turks' retreat. The railway from Constantinople to Lule-Burgas had been broken at Tcherkesskeui, only twelve miles northeast of Tchorlu, the Turkish headquarters, and fifty miles from Constantinople. The strength of the Turkish forces in the region was estimated at four army corps, about 150,000 men)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5135
BULGARIA First Balkan War Military Mail
1913 picture postcard with "Telegraph Postal Station / Tchorlou" cachet (Bulgarian Lion astride the Ottoman Crescent) cachet, addressed to Sofia, also 5st stationery card with a large cachet "Empire of Bulgaria Port Authority Dedeagatch" with Anchor in the middle, with Sofia arrival cds, fine and extremely rare military marking, one of only two recorded
Bidding Closed
Lot #5136
BULGARIA Bulgaria in World War I
1916-26 selection of 10 covers or cards on exhibit pages, with Patriotic Postcards used in Gumurdjina, Skopje, Sofia and Phillipople, Liberation of Macedonia commemoratives on covers, 1926 "Sub-Commission for Greek-Bulgarian Emigration in Bulgaria", corner cacheted registered cover to Switzerland, also unissued 50s and 1L stamps for the 1915 issue (not sold until 1921), fine (secretly courted by both sides in World War I, Bulgaria eventually decided in favor of the Central Powers, alongside Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. Bulgaria formally exited World War I on September 29, 1918, having lost some 90,000 soldiers over the course of the conflict)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5137
BULGARIA Bulgaria in World War I Military Mail
1915 (25 Dec) picture postcard from "Strumica" to Sofia, franked with 5s Ferdinand, tied by violet Strumica Censor cachet, minor toning, fine and scarce usage from Strumica (present-day Macedonia)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5138
BULGARIA Bulgaria in World War I Military Mail
1916 (21 Apr) military card to Sofia, with bilingual "Vardar" departure cds, violet Horse Artillery military unit cachet, fine and scarce usage from Vardar (present-day Macedonia)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5139
BULGARIA Bulgaria in World War I Military Mail
1916 picture postcard from "Veles" to Sofia, franked with 5s Ferdinand, tied by departure cds, with violet military cachet alongside, three-line censor cachet, fine usage from Veles (present-day Macedonia)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5140
BULGARIA Bulgaria in World War I Military Mail
1916-18 collection of 28 covers or cards, displayed and written-up on exhibit pages, showing Fieldpost markings, one from First Army Headquarters, sent to Vienna and signed by General Bojadieff, commander of the Bulgarian Army, mail from Occupied Turkish territory (Kouleli Bourgas, Odrin), Occupied Serbia (Alexinetz, Babouchnitza, Bela Palanka, Bitolia, Bolevatz, Bossilegrade, Demit Kapia Gare, Despotovetz, etc.), various bilingual pmks, censor cachets, destinations, POW mail, many interesting and uncommon markings, generally fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5141
BULGARIA Bulgaria in World War I Military Mail
1917 (26 Apr) picture postcard from "Udovo", with violet "Tsarstvo Bulgaria/Udovo/disinfected" cachet, fine and unusual locally used card from Udovo (present-day Macedonia)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5142
BULGARIA Bulgaria in World War I Military Mail
1918 (21 May) picture postcard from "Kichevo", faint departure pmk and violet military censor handstamp alongside, minor toning otherwise fine and scarce usage from Kichevo (present-day Macedonia)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5143
BULGARIA World War I - Occupation of Greece
1916-18 selection of 10 covers or cards on exhibit pages, with usages from several towns, including "Drama", card showing "Joint Bulgarian-Turkish Censorship Commission" cachet, also two Ottoman handstamps (signed Nakri), postmarks on cards from "Angista" (Greek Macedonia) and "Badama" (usage from the railway station), Dedeli, Kavala, "Khirka-Keul" and "Kozloukeuy", both in Greek Macedonia (only 1-2 of each recorded, signed Nakri), postcard from Seres to Tirnovo, with violet censor cachet, fine and rare assembly
Bidding Closed
Lot #5144
BULGARIA World War I - Occupation of Romania
1917-18 selection of 25 covers or cards on exhibit pages, censored cards from "Akkadanlar", "Baltchik", "Dobritch", "Kavarna", "Silistra", Bucharest, Braila, "Fitecchi", "Giurgiu", "Kalarasche", "Badabag", Hirsovo, "Isaccea", "Kara-Omer", Koustendja, "Matchin", "Medjidie", "Tcherna Woda" (Cernavoda) and "Toulcea" (Tulcea), most items with Bulgarian franking, variety of mostly bilingual pmks, different Censor cachets, military markings, etc., unusual assembly which included a large number of usages from small towns, seldom offered
Bidding Closed
Lot #5145
BULGARIA World War I - Occupation of Serbia
1917-18 selection of 43 covers or cards on exhibit pages, variety of postmarks applied on stationery cards, parcel forms and money orders, different censor cachets, including one from "Ochride" (hs applied in lieu of a postal marking), many usages from small towns, generally fine or better
Bidding Closed
Lot #5146
BULGARIA World War I - Occupation of Serbia Military Mail
1917 picture postcard and 5st stationery card used from "Rajan" (13 May 1917) and "Pizren" (19 Dec 1917), the former with bilingual "Zaribrod" and censor mark, fine and scarce usage
Bidding Closed
Lot #5147
BULGARIA World War II - Occupation of Greece
1941-43 selection of 26 covers or cards on exhibit pages, with usages from Field Post Offices, "Bouk Gare" (Railway Station), "Chaptchi", "Dede-Aghatche" (today Alexandroupolis), "Demir Hissar", "Drama", "Gumurdjina", "Kavala", "Krastopol", "Ksandi", "Ksanti", "Limen", "Liminadria", "Pravischte", "Sarichaban" and "Seres", many with Bulgarian franking, different bilingual pmks, censor markings and military cachets
Bidding Closed
Lot #5148
BULGARIA World War II - Occupation of Romania
1940-41 selection of 11 covers or cards on exhibit pages, registered cover from Silistra, others from Akandalar, Baltchik, Bey Bounad, Chabla, Dobritch, Kassam, Kardjali, Kavarna, Kioustendil and Toutrakan, fine lot
Bidding Closed
Lot #5149
BULGARIA World War II - Occupation of Jugoslavia
1941-43 selection of 52 covers or cards on exhibit pages, variety of Bulgarian postmarks from the occupied Jugoslav territory, presented in approximate alphabetic order, many usages from small towns, generally fine or better
Bidding Closed
Lot #5150
CORFU Italian Occupation
1917-43 selection of seven covers or cards on exhibit pages, showing World War I usages, censored mail from an Italian naval officer to Ancona, provisional "Base Navale Corfu" and censor cachets, regular Italian mail to Egypt, Fieldpost and military Registry label "110", two stationery cards overprinted "Isole Jonie", one with "Vinceremo" (We Shall Win) slogan cachet, fine and interesting group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5151
1898-1914 collection of 14 covers or cards written-up on eight exhibit pages, showing various usages from Crete, souvenir postcard from Hania, Ayuos Nikolaos, Iraklion, including Registered mail to England, Germany, cover from Therison, franked with provisional Revolutionary Government 20L stamp, 1905 postcard from Vamos to Therison, "Hellas" overprints on registered mail, Commemorative issues on covers from Canea and Rethymno, the latter to Egypt, fine and attractive presentation
Bidding Closed
Lot #5152
1919-20 French forces in Croatia, three cards showing different markings related to the administration of the Railway system, including "Armee Francaise D'Orient / Zagreb Sud", oval "Mission des Chemins de Fer Delegation de Zagreb", fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5153
CROATIA Semi-Postals
1945 Storm Division, three original artist's (Ota Antoni) designs (approximately 158 x 110mm), each painted on thin yellowish card (185 x 136mm), in issued colors, simulated perforations penciled all around without "Kn", first value denominated "3.50+100" (issued "50+50"), v.f. and unique set, with 1992 Ercegovic certificate (ex-Euro-Yu Collecting, cost £15,000)
Catalog #B73-75E
Bidding Closed
Lot #5154
CROATIA Local Issues
1919 (4 Feb) Medimurje, "SHS" local handstamps on three Hungarian adhesives, used on registered cover from Perlak to Mala Lubotica, with corresponding Registry label, red "Ekspres" in crayon, arrival pmk on back, minor cover abrasion, with handstamped guarantee mark (Medimurje is a small historical and geographical region in Northern Croatia between Mura and Drava rivers. It was occupied in late December 1918, proclaimed a part of the newly formed Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Since 1991, the region has been part of the Republic of Croatia)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5155
CROATIA Local Issues
1919 (10 Mar) Medjimurje local overprint on Hungary Harvester issue 2f block of four, used in combination with SHS overprint on pair of 20f, tied by Stridovar cds on registered cover to Zemun, corresponding Registry label, framed "Pregledala" censor datestamp and arrival pmk on back, fine and rare cover, with 2000 Zrinjscak HFS certificate
Bidding Closed
Lot #5156
CROATIA Issued under Italian Occupation
1941-42 two covers with Italian franking, one from Sibenik to Spalato, used in combination with unoverprinted Yugoslav 0.50d orange, bilingual departure cds; the other cover registered to Germany, stamps canceled by "Sibenico Poste (Dalmazia)", opened and resealed by military censor, with arrival pmk and showing return address "Sibenico, Dalmazia/Italia"
Bidding Closed
Lot #5157
CROATIA Issued under Italian Occupation
1942-43 cover and lettersheet to Italy, first with "Posta Militare No.10", with corresponding "Military Station Headquarters Zemun/Semiln", sent through FPO 10 to Pisa, the other with "Military Post Office/Metkovic", sent through FPO 91 to Piacenza, "Verificato per Censura" censor label, signed Schlenger, rare
Bidding Closed
Lot #5158
CZECHOSLOVAKIA Czechoslovak Legion Post in Siberia
1918-20 group of 35+ covers or cards, postcards, etc., variety of frankings, Fieldpost usages, censor markings, etc., mixed condition, many better items included
Bidding Closed
Lot #5159
CZECHOSLOVAKIA Czechoslovak Legion Post in Siberia
1919-20 three cards and cover, the latter addressed to Krasnoyarsk POW camp, others with various military markings, fine and well described on two exhibit pages
Bidding Closed
Lot #5160
CZECHOSLOVAKIA Czechoslovak Legion Post in Siberia
1920 registered cover from Zizkov to Major Hribek in Harbin, franked with imperf. Hradcany adhesives, tied by departure pmks, Russian Post Office Harbin (28.4.20) arrival datetamps on back, returned to sender, with Masaryk label and Czech Legion Post labels added at a later time. Also included are nine covers or cards, variety of frankings, postcards from the Rudolph Gaida uprising against Kolchak's forces, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5161
DANZIG Postal Stationery
1920 "30" on 10pf carmine, three different intact postal reply cards, reply portion unused, fine-v.f., scarce
Bidding Closed
Lot #5162
1920 collection of 24 covers or cards on exhibit pages, also issued stamps (used), various combination frankings, some quite elusive, Registered Mail, Masaryk stamps overprinted "S.O.", canceled Slezka Ostrava, both stamps excised and replaced on cover, postal stationery, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5163
1914-16 collection of 14 covers or cards written-up on seven exhibit pages, showing Registered mail from Ayii Saranda, Argyrokastro and Moschopolis; Autonomous Republic and Local Issues, including Albanian stamp overprinted at Koritza, Ottoman adhesive overprinted at Argyrokastro, Erseka and Moschopolis issues, World War I usages from Delvinon, Premeti, Tepeleni, Himarra, etc., excellent representation of the short-lived Autonomous Republic of Epirus
Bidding Closed
Lot #5164
ESTONIA Military Mail
1919-22 selection of 14 covers or cards, showing British and French Army and Navy in Estonia following the end of WWI, showing markings of British "Military Mission Baltic States/Esthonia", card datelined "J.M.S. Curacao", sent from Reval, others with French Military Mission cachets, one from Reval sent by a sailor on the cruiser "Jules Michelet", also "Mission Navale Francaise en Finlande" covers, cards from the French Forces in East Prussia, mostly well described on exhibit pages
Bidding Closed
Lot #5165
1935-38 partial exhibit of 25 covers and cards, variety of "Posta Militare" markings, registered mail, provisional Italian postmarks ("Poste Imperiali Italiana.Harrar" and "Regie Poste Italiana/Gigi-Giga"), Italian stamps used on registered covers from occupied "Adua" and "Adigrat", military stationery cards used from "Debarek" and "Dabat", etc., mixed condition
Bidding Closed
Lot #5166
FRANCE Franco-Prussian War
1870-72 collection of 25 covers or cards on 12 exhibit pages, with Prussian Occupation of Alsace and Lorraine covers, including one from Colomiers to St.Helier, Jersey (unusual destination), others to France or Germany, one newspaper wrapper with single 4c gray (Points Up), German Fieldpost, including a Registered, "Charge" cover to Belfort, two cards with North German Confederation franking, military mail, including "Feldpost Corrrespondenzkarte" to Freiburg, charged "5sgr" on arrival in Hannover (free-frank privilege not recognized), Prisoner of War mail to France, sent by POWs held in camps in Dresden and Mains, two FLs with German markings on civilian mail, mixed France and Germany combination frankings, etc., mixed condition, mostly fine or better
Bidding Closed
Lot #5167
FRANCE Congress of Versailles 1919
1919 collection of 29 covers or cards, presented on 16 pages (one frame exhibit), inbound cover from Paris to the "Congres de la Paix" in Versailles, charged postage due on arrival, covers sent by members of the American delegation through the special APO service, special imprinted "American Commission to Negotiate Peace Mission for Germany" and other envelopes, personal cachet of Frank Lyon Polk, Undersecretary of State; Belgian, Chinese, British, Greek, French Peace Delegation letters, also Hedjazi Peace Delegation cover addressed to Colonel E.M. Housr at the Crillon, Italian Peace Delegation, Polish, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, Serb, Croat & Slovene, finally four covers from the German delegation, various cachets, special markings, registered mail and more
Bidding Closed
Lot #5168
FRANCE French Offices in China
1903-12 selection of ten covers or cards on exhibit pages, showing French military markings used during and after the Boxer uprising, including "Corps d'Occupation de Chine", "Corps Expeditionnaire", "Marine Francaise Chin-Van-Tao-Chine", French stamps with "F.M." franking, "Via Siberie" routing handstamps, French Forces in Tientsin, overprinted adhesives on soldier's mail to France, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5169
FRANCE French Intervention in North Russia
1919 (30 June) registered cover from Paris to a medical doctor in charge of a hospital at Archangel, endorsed "Mission Francaise due Russie du Nord", franked with 10c and 30c Sower, tied by departure cds and since the French did not operate its own post office in North Russia, the cover was addressed via the G.P.O. in London, censored at the base Post Office in Liverpool, various crayon directional markings, finally arriving in Archangel on 12 Aug 19
Bidding Closed
Lot #5170
FRANCE French Intervention in North Russia
1919 selection of seven covers or cards on exhibit pages, including a card datelined "Russia 3 December 1919" with "Mission d'Arkhangelsk Ravitaillment" (Resupply Mission) handstamp, cover sent by military pouch to the French embassy in London, from where it was forwarded to Paris, military cachets on covers to France reading "Compagnie de Skieurs" (Company of Skiers), one with "FPO BP 11" British Post Office (at Soroka) transit, cover to Theodore Champion with "Detachment Francaise d'Archangelsk" cachet, this applied on cover sent from the "Guyedon", protected cruiser at Archangel, also a censored cover sent through the Russian Post Office to Bordeaux, fine and scarce group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5171
FRANCE French Intervention in South Russia
1919 selection of eight covers or cards on exhibit pages, showing various French Military markings on mail from South Russia and Ukraine, including "Tresor et Postes" cds from Odessa, "Mission Militaire Francaise en Russie Front Sud-Ouest" handstamps, three postcards with "Mission Francaise Service a La Mer" Naval cachets from warships "Justice" and "La Scarpe", one with "Base Navale Francaise Sevastopol" handstamp, plus a picture postcard from Tiflis (at the end of December, 1918, French troops landed in Southern Russia to support anti-Bolshevik political and military movements in Ukraine and Crimea. The French military expedition ended in failure due to the prevailing conditions in the region, the arrogance of the mostly Algerian and Senegalese troops toward the local population and the strong xenophobic sentiment among the Ukrainian people. When the French Government was unable to provide sufficient equipment and personnel for large-scale military operations, the French army withdrew from Odessa and Crimea)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5172
FRANCE French Forces Abroad
1889-1921 collection of 55+ covers or cards on exhibit pages, showing various usages on territories occupied or represented by France before and after World War One, Alsace-Lorraine, Egypt, Hungary, Crete (1901 "La Sude", "Hierapetra"), Poland ("French Mission at Polish Army Headquarters"), Luxembourg, Lithuania ("Mission Militaire Francaise en Lituanie"), China (Tientsin and Shanghai 1938-39 "Forces de Terre Francaise en Chine", "1er Battalion de Marche de Chine"), Spain (1936-38 card and cover from torpedo boats "Simoun" and "Curagan" based at Tangier and Toulon during the Spanish Civil War), Serbia (1917), Great Britain (1915-18), West Indies (Castries, St. Lucia and Kingston, Jamaica showing cachets and endorsements "Anglo-French Naval Division of the West Indies"), Italy (Rome 1917 "Mission Militaire Francaise en Italie"), Russia, including one from Siberia, also United States (1917-18 "Centre Naval de New York"), fine and interesting presentation, varied and well described
Bidding Closed
Lot #5173
FRANCE French Forces Abroad
1918-20 collection on 9 exhibit pages, with 20+ covers or cards showing French Military Missions deployed after the Armistice in various areas of Italy (Taranto, Rome, Venice, Verona and Torino), Serbia, with various markings, including "French Railway Liaison Mission for the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes", French Army and Navy in Salonika, "Base Navale de Salonique Service", "Transit" and other handstamps, also mail from Thrace (Gumurdjina), Macedonia and Bulgaria, last with "Occupation Corps in Bulgaria" military cachet, addressed to the head of the Belgian Mission in Sofia
Bidding Closed
Lot #5174
FRANCE French Forces Abroad Military Mail
1900-45 collection of 190 covers or cards, neatly written-up on pages, covering various French Military Campaigns. Markings included those from pre-WWI training camps, Troops on Maneuvers, Occupation of Territory of Quang-Tscheou-Wan, The Boxer Rebellion, including China Expeditionary Corps and Naval markings from Cruisers "D'Entrecasteux" and "Vauban", cover to a French POW at St. Helena during Boer War, French Occupation of North China (1902-22), including via Siberia during the Russo-Japanese War, French Naval presence on Yangtse River, etc. There are covers from the Conquest of the South Algerian Oases in the Sahara, with some rare military cachets, further territorial expansion, mail from Brazzaville, Bangui, French Congo, military correspondence from Central and Northern Sudan, Tombouctou, Niger, Bamako, etc. Conquest and the Protectorate of Morocco is well represented, also suppression of Revolt in South Tunisia, French Military Mission I Siberia; 1918-20 Re-occupation of Alsace-Lorraine, Rhineland, Upper Silesia, Armee Francaise du Levant, French Navy in Spanish waters, Indochina, South Vietnam, etc. An interesting history lesson
Bidding Closed
Lot #5175
FRANCE French Forces in Crete
1905-09 two covers and card to France, various "La Canee" departure pmks, different military cachets, two franked with French Office in Crete stamps, postcard with 10c Sower, fine lot
Bidding Closed
Lot #5176
FRANCE French Forces in Turkey
1918 (1 Dec) cover, with letter from the French High Commissioner for Turkey, sent from the battleship "Diderot" to Paris, plus another cover sent on 15th December to Le Havre, with "Marine Nationale Saint-Nicolas" Naval cachet, each showing "Iere Escadre Cuirasse/ Diderot" departure pmks, some toning, mostly fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5177
1918-22 "Communist Revolution in Germany" exhibit on 13 pages, collection with 12 covers or cards and stamps on pieces, showing Workers, Soldiers and Sailors Councils, mail from Baden, Bordholz, red "Hammer & Sickle" overprints, provisional "Republik" handstamps, various labels, handstamps, etc. fine and interesting, seldom offered group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5178
1920-24 collection on 17 exhibit pages, with 25+ covers or cards showing European Boundary Commission Activity in the Aftermath of World War I, with "Commission de Delimitation" cachets in covers and cards, one from Lt. Col. Kobayashi to Paris, the only reported example of "Delegation Japon / La Commissaire / Basin de la Sarre" cachet, Eupen-Malmedy Territory, "Allied Boundary Commmission British Section Germany-Poland", "Frontieres Germano-Polonaise Traite de Versailles 1919" related to Posen and Danzig, also "Czecho-Slovakia-Poland" markings, Austrian Burgenland, Carinthia, Croatia, Arad, Macedonia, Greece, Albania and Epirus, including registered mail and more
Bidding Closed
Lot #5179
GERMANY Officials
1916 (11 Dec) 50M Deutsche Ozean-Reederei bond, serial No.340, with "Deutsche Versicherungsbank" handstamp, "Bezahlt" ms, folded, with two control punches at top, fine,
Catalog #Mi.WK2
Catalog Value €2,500
Bidding Closed
Lot #5180
GERMANY Military Mail
1919 "German Forces Defending the Eastern Borders Following World War I", single frame (16 pages) exhibit of "Grenzschutz Ost" (Border Protection East), 23 covers and cards, Fieldpost from the various German units operating against the Bolsheviks in East Prussia, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, various Fieldpost offices, including a registered cover from FPO 689 to the War Ministry in Berlin (one of only a few examples of "Grenzschutz" registered mail), fine and interesting account of the exploits of the German "Freikorps" Expeditionary forces fighting the Russian threat
Bidding Closed
Lot #5181
1916-18 German Troops in Allied Countries, collection of 33 covers or cards, showing mail from German troops in Austria-Hungary, including registered cover from Feldpoststation No.193 (Lemberg), postcard from Przemysl, German FPO 207 (Hermannstadt), others from Vukovar, Temesvar, Pola Naval Base, Cattaro, Military Mission in Bulgaria, with examples of military mail from Giumurdjona, Plevna, Plovdiv, Sistov, Varna, etc. In addition, there are 24 covers or cards from the Western Front (Luxembourg), Southeastern Front (Serbia and Romania) and 18 covers or cards from the Eastern Front (Belarus, Russia, South Russia, Pleskau, Finland), all expertly written-up and described on exhibit pages, with many exceptional and seldom seen items
Bidding Closed
Lot #5182
GERMANY Allied Occupation Issues
1945-49 "Restoration of Civil Mail Service in Allied Occupied Germany", large, all-encompassing exhibit of 270+ covers or cards, extensively described on 144 pages, starting with forerunners (two Third Reich covers serviced by Allied Military Post Office), Soviet Zone, with "Pochta" stamp on cover from Dresden to Meissen, "Postage Paid in Cash" covers and cards, Soviet Provisional Issues for Saxony, Hitler stamps blacked out and used on covers and cards from Dresden, Chemnitz, Zwickau, Weissbach and Auerswalde. Berlin-Brandenburg issues, East Saxony Numerals and Reconstruction Semi-Postals, both philatelic and commercial mail, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern locals, Saxony Land Reform and Reconstruction Issues, Numerals, "People's" Solidarity stamps, West Saxony Pictorials, Leipzig Fair Presentation sheet with folder, Thuringia Pictorials, Weimar National Theater souvenir sheets, extensive selection of AMG issues on cover, both British and German printings, censored mail, uses from Berlin, Postal Rates, mixed franking combinations with Allied Control Commission issues, perf. and imperf. souvenir sheets on registered covers, various definitives, high value frankings, French Zone General Issues, Baden, Rhineland, Wurttemberg, extensive Bizone Currency Reform overprints, complete set of 52 and unissued 1m-5m values, used (with handstamped guarantee marks, but would have to be re-expertized), variety of combination covers, studies of postal rates, Buildings issues, "Help Berlin" and other Commemoratives, Berlin overprints and Commemoratives on various covers (many addressed to Alfred Kugel), Saar with many better stamps on cover, Soviet Currency Reform handstamped overprints on cover, Goethe souvenir sheet on Registered cover, definitives series and finally the first Bundestag set on stationery lettersheet. A splendid presentation, wealth of material, many rare and seldom offered items included, excellent value
Bidding Closed
Lot #5183
GERMANY Allied Occupation Issues
1948 Buildings Series definitives, 2pf-5M, complete set of 28 (16pf and 24pf duplicated), used on four "Alfred Kugel" covers, registered and flown (4-5 Jan 1949) to USA, attractive group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5184
GERMANY French Zone Occupation - Baden Semi-Postals
1949 Freiburg Reconstruction, set of four, also perf. and imperf. souvenir sheets, used on three registered covers from Freiburg (30 Mar 1949) to USA, fine-v.f., with transit and arrival pmks (Mi.38A-41A,Block 1A+B, €1,600+)
Catalog #5NB1-4a,b
Bidding Closed
Lot #5185
GERMANY French Zone Occupation - Baden Semi-Postals
1949 Red Cross, set of four and imperforate souvenir sheet, used on flown covers to USA, the latter registered from Freiburg (30 Mar 49), fine-v.f., with transit and arrival pmks (Mi.42A-45A, Block 2. €2,900+)
Catalog #5NB5-8,8a
Bidding Closed
Lot #5186
GERMANY French Zone Occupation - Rheinland Semi-Postals
1949 Red Cross, set of four and imperforate souvenir sheet, used on two registered covers from Worrstadt (15 March and 25 March, 1949) to USA, v.f., with transit and arrival pmks (Mi.42A-45A, Block 1, €2,900+)
Catalog #6NB1-4,4a
Bidding Closed
Lot #5187
GERMANY French Zone Occupation - Wurttemberg Semi-Postals
1949 Red Cross, set of four and imperforate souvenir sheet, used on two flown covers from Isny (27 Apr 1949) and Tubingen (7 April 1949), fine-v.f. (Mi.40-43A, Block 1, €2,900+)
Catalog #8NB1-4,4a
Bidding Closed
Lot #5188
1948 Black overprints, complete set of 20, used on two registered covers from Berlin (7 Oct and 1 Oct 1948) to USA, fine-v.f., with arrival pmks (catalogued as used off cover, Mi.€2,400)
Catalog #9N1-20
Bidding Closed
Lot #5189
1949 Red overprints, complete set of 14, used on two "Alfred Kugel" covers, registered and flown (9 June 1949) to USA, v.f., with transit and arrival pmks
Catalog #9N21-34
Bidding Closed
Lot #5190
1949 Berlin Landmarks, complete set of 19, used on three registered and flown "Alfred Kugel" covers to St. Louis, fine-v.f. and attractive group, with transit and arrival pmks
Catalog #9N42-60
Bidding Closed
Lot #5191
1945 Berlin-Brandenburg, two covers, one franked with seven singles, six Rouletted, registered from Berlin-Wilmersdorf (28.12.45), v.f., with 2007 Bodo Stroh certificate,
Catalog #Mi.2B-7B
Catalog Value €1,500
Bidding Closed
Lot #5192
GERMANY Soviet Zone - Thuringia
1945 Christmas souvenir sheet of three, gray paper, canceled to order "Weimar 1" (24.12.45), with full original gum, l.h., v.f.,
Catalog #Mi.Block 1t
Catalog Value €3,200
Bidding Closed
Lot #5193
GERMANY Soviet Zone - Thuringia
1945 Christmas souvenir sheet of four, white paper without the rouletting (imperforate), n.h., minute thin speck, otherwise v.f.,
Box **
Catalog #Mi.Block 2S
Catalog Value €4,500
Bidding Closed
Lot #5194
GERMANY Soviet Zone - Thuringia
1945 Christmas souvenir sheet of four, gray paper, canceled on locally addressed "Erfurt 1" (24.12.45) cover, v.f. (catalogued as used off cover),
Catalog #Mi.Block 2t
Catalog Value €3,300
Bidding Closed
Lot #5195
GERMANY Soviet Zone - Thuringia
1946 Reconstruction, souvenir sheet of four, canceled to order "Ronnenburg" (13.10.46), with full original gum, also a set of imperforate singles canceled on unaddressed cover, v.f.,
Box Envelope
Catalog #Mi.Block 4
Catalog Value €1,700
Bidding Closed
Lot #5196
GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China
1901 (17 Mar) picture postcard endorsed "Feldpostkarte", with Japanese Office in China 10sn dark blue tied by "Tongku I.J.P.O." departure pmk, sent via "K.D.Feld-Postastation No.4" (18.3) to Wiesbaden with arrival (27.4.01) at bottom, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5197
GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China
1901 (24 Jan) registered cover (opened for display) from Peking to Berlin, franked on back with Chinese Imperial Post 1c, 4c, 5c, 10c, 20c and 30c, sent via the German Post Office in Peking, with unoverprinted 80pf Reichspost tied by "Peking Deutsche Post" departure cds, corresponding Registry label, arrival 8.3.01 pmk on back, fine and attractive combination, signed Steuer
Bidding Closed
Lot #5198
GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China Prisoner of War Mail
1916 (Jan-Feb) two registered "Service des Prisonniers de Guerre" covers sent through the civil post office in Tientsin to Begesch (today Bekes, Hungary), each with New York transits and returned back to Tientsin, one with "Inconnu" (addressee unknown) label, censored, minor cover wear, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5199
GERMAN COLONIES Boxer Rebellion-Petschili (North China) Fieldpost
1900-1901 collection on exhibit pages and loose, 29 covers or cards, with usages from Taku South Field Post Station, special cards used by the 3rd East Asia Infantry Regiment, Ship Mail from "SS Valdivia", Hospital ship "Savoia", German Naval hospital at Yokohama, others from "SMS Furst Bismarck", hospital ships "Gera", "Sweissenburg", "Kurfurst Fr.Wilhelm", "SS Andalusia", "SS Halle", "SS Phonicia", Field Post cards issued by the Kingdoms of Wurttemberg and Bavaria, complete Money Order card from "K.D.Feld-Poststation No.7" (Paotingfu), Marine Expeditionary Corps, card with Germany and Egyptian franking, sent from "SS Wittekind", etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5200
GERMAN COLONIES Boxer Rebellion-Petschili (North China) Fieldpost
1901-02 selection of 15 covers or cards, also 15 stamps, used mostly on pieces, canceled "K.D.Feldpostexped.Des Ostasiatischen Expeditionscorps" and "K.D.Feldpoststation", plus other markings, two from "S.S. Crefeld", Registered covers, displayed on exhibit pages, fine and scarce group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5201
GERMAN COLONIES German-Persian Military Mission
1916 (21 Jun) picture postcard ("Koot", a village on the Banks of the Tigris), datelined "Bagdad" and addressed to Berlin, franked with Ottoman pair of 10pa green, tied by departure cds, bilingual markings and framed censor handstamp on the address portion, with bilingual "Deutsch-Persische Militar-Mission" in red violet letters on the picture side, fine card, with 2000 Rolf Haspel certificate. Mail from the German-Persian Military Campaign is virtually non-existent, only a few pieces recorded (in 1914, Enver Pasha ordered his forces to move towards Persia and proceed through Tabriz to Dagestan, with the aim to displace the Russians from the Caspian Sea. The German operations were carried out by Wilhelm Wassmuss (the "German Lawrence") and Count Kanitz)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5202
GERMAN COLONIES German-Persian Military Mission
1916 (3 July) cover from Aleppo to Sweden (addressed to Ludwig Hedin, a family member of the famous Sven Hedin), "Mil.Miss.Aleppo" departure pmk, datelined in red "Aleppo 1 July", with faint but readable round bilingual "Deutsch-Persische Militar-Mission" handstamp in red violet, opened and resealed by Military Censor, with Stockholm (22 July) arrival pmks on back, fine (mail from the German-Persian Military Campaign is virtually non-existent, only a few pieces recorded)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5203
GERMAN COLONIES German-Persian Military Mission
1916 German-Persian Military Mission, two cards and cover addressed to Germany, showing different military markings, including "Staab von der Goltz Sondermission P" (Staff of von der Goltz Special Mission P (Persia) and others, showing Aleppo and Constantinople departure pmks, fine and scarce group. While these items probably did not originate from Persia, they were most likely posted by rear echelon members of the Military Mission
Bidding Closed
Lot #5204
GERMAN COLONIES German Military Mission in Palestine
1917-18 collection of 25 covers or cards, neatly written-up on exhibit pages, German Fieldpost in Jerusalem, "Feldpost A.O.K.4" with Registry label "Militar-Mission Feldpost 4.Armee", addressed to Vienna, another cover with Ottoman franking, endorsed "Feldpost" and addressed to Sweden (unusual destination), First Expeditionary Corps cards, one with "Feld-Flieger Abteilung" (Air Service) cachet, large part of a registered cover from "Bir-es-Seba", with "Feldpost d.Militar-Mission 1.Expeditionskorps No.164" Registry label, other cards from Beersheba, registered mail used by Austrian Army units with the German Mission in Jerusalem, A.O.K.4 dispatches from Jerusalem, Military Mission from Emmaus (El Kubebe), covers from Bethlehem, Haifa, official Registered Mail from the Prussian Survey Unit to A.O.K.8, with "Deutsche Feldpost 663" Registry label, mailed from Aleppo and Damascus, also Amanus and Rayak, as well as a registered cover from Amman, with "Deutsche Feldpost 372" Registry label (stated to be the only(!) recorded example of Registered mail from the German Forces in Transjordan), other FPO markings, possibly from a German liaison officer with the Turkish 8th Army in Dera and Amman, fine and rare archive
Bidding Closed
Lot #5205
GERMAN COLONIES German East Africa
1914 (1 Nov) registered cover franked with 1r carmine, tied by "Taveta Deutsche Feldpost" cancels, with provisional Registry label (name filled in by hand), sent via Karagwe to Amani, with transit and arrival pmks. Also included is a British East Africa & Uganda Protectorates 6c stationery card, with Taveta 1.X.14 pmk, endorsed "Feldpostkarte" and addressed to Amani, fine usage from Taveta, the only British territory to be occupied by Germany during World War One
Bidding Closed
Lot #5206
GERMAN COLONIES Witu Protectorate
1889 collection on pages, 108 mostly different stamps canceled on pieces, few pairs and three color combinations, mostly fine-v.f., scarce and seldom offered,
Catalog #Mi.1/60,D1/36
Catalog Value €19,800
Bidding Closed
Lot #5207
GERMAN COLONIES German South-West Africa Flight Covers
1914 Special Flight for Windhoek Exhibition (19 May) Usakos-Karibib flown picture postcard, franked with 25pf Yacht, canceled "Karibib D-SWA", with three line cachet "FLUGPOST USAKOS-KARIBIB 1.Flugzeug in Sudwest Befordert", addressed to Swakopmund, v.f. (The pilot, Bruno Buechner made only four mail carrying flights in Southwest Africa before his double-decker aircraft was requisitioned for the German war effort. This was the only official airmail flown in any of the German Colonies). A major rarity, only a few exist
Bidding Closed
Lot #5208
GERMAN COLONIES German South-West Africa Flight Covers
1914 Special Flight for Windhoek Exhibition (18 May) Swakopmund-Karibib flown picture postcard, franked with 5pf Yacht, canceled "Swakopmund Deutsche-Sudwestafrika", with single-line "Erste Flugpostersuch in D.S.W.A.", minor hinge marks, otherwise fine. (The pilot, Bruno Buechner made only four mail carrying flights in Southwest Africa before his double-decker aircraft was requisitioned for the German war effort. This was the only official airmail flown in any of the German Colonies). A major rarity, only a few exist
Bidding Closed
Lot #5209
1901-15 selection of 19 covers or cards, with "China" overprinted stamps used in Kiauchau, registered covers from Kaumi, one native Chinese envelope addressed to Albert Friedemann, others from Tapatur, Tsangkou, Mecklenburghaus, Tsingtau-Tapautau, Litsun, etc., Fieldpost markings, unusual bilingual "Tsingtao-China" cancel tying 1c Yacht on picture postcard, registered covers from Tsingtau-Tapautau, fine and appealing showing on exhibit pages
Bidding Closed
Lot #5210
1903 (21 Mar) specially prepared "Von Karneval Schutzencorps Kiautchschou" picture postcard to USA, with special "Postampt Prinz Karneval Tsingtau" handstamp, Yokohama transit and Milwaukee arrival pmks, fine and colorful, Friedemann unrecorded marking
Bidding Closed
Lot #5211
GERMAN COLONIES Marshall Islands
1908 two "Atoll" covers addressed to Capt.Domnick in Jaluit, endorsements read "Schooner Gaselle" and "Providence", each with arrival pmk, some filing creases away from the stamps, interesting, albeit philatelic, creations
Bidding Closed
Lot #5212
1896 (27 May) 1p Samoa stationery postcard, uprated with 1/2p Palm Tree, tied by Apia, Samoa departure pmk, sent via the German Post Office, where unoverprinted 10pf carmine was added to pay for further transmission to Berlin, message on reverse obliterated by pen, with ink slightly showing on front, with arrival pmk below, fine Apia combination franking
Bidding Closed
Lot #5213
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Occupation of the Channel Islands
1944 (22 Nov) "Feldpost" Radio Message card addressed to Vienna, datelined "Kanalinseln", Wilhelmshaven (24.11.44) dispatch cds, red censor mark, also a card from the same correspondence, dated 21.11.44, indicating acknowledgement of wireless message received, fine and extremely rare pair of cards from German Occupied Jersey
Bidding Closed
Lot #5214
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Occupation of the Channel Islands
1944 (9 May) cover (slightly reduced at left), endorsed "Feldpost" with corresponding departure pmk, violet "Kommandant der Seeverteidigung Kanalinseln" (Commander of Naval Defense Channel Islands) handstamp, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5215
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Occupation of the Channel Islands
1944 (Oct) three "Feldpost" Radio Message cards to Germany, datelined "Kanalinseln", each with Wilhelmshaven departure pmk, red censor marks, mixed condition, very rare group of cards from German Occupied Jersey
Bidding Closed
Lot #5216
1942 (11 Sep) "Feldpost" card with bilingual inscription (German and Cyrillic) indicating that this is a Postal Service for former Russian Prisoners of War, addressed to Vienna, with violet "Dienstelle Feldpostnummer 41460", departure pmk alongside, message portion indicates "Feldpost No.17576", little toning at bottom, extremely rare usage
Bidding Closed
Lot #5217
1939 (23 Mar) cover franked with 4kr overprinted "Wir Sind Frei", with label at bottom, tied by cds, with Propaganda slogan handstamps alongside, signed Cermak,
Catalog #Mi.17LS
Catalog Value €400
Bidding Closed
Lot #5218
1941-43 selection of four covers & cards to Germany, presumably from North Africa, various Palm Tree & Swastika handstamps, Feldpost markings, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5219
1944 cover franked with "Weinachten 1944" type I, tied by Feldpost departure pmk, addressee's FPO No. 68063B at left, minor cover wear, rare usage, signed Zierer,
Catalog #Mi.12 I
Catalog Value €1,600
Bidding Closed
Lot #5220
1944 Fieldpostcard used locally in Rhodes, with Italian 60c adhesive and "Weinachten 1944" type III, canceled by Feldpost (24.12.44) pmk, fine, signed Diena,
Catalog #Mi.12 III
Catalog Value €3,000
Bidding Closed
Lot #5221
1944 Italian stationery 30c RODI card, additionally franked with "Weinachten 1944" type III, used in combination with Vukovar (Mi.6) and Agram Inselpost overprints, tied by "Rodi Egeo 25.12.44" pmks, addressed locally, fine and attractive
Catalog #Mi.12 III
Bidding Closed
Lot #5222
1945 3pf Hitler stamp overprinted "Feldpost", tied by corresponding pmk, with FPO 24495 return address, signed Zierer, etc., extremely rare
Catalog #Mi.17
Bidding Closed
Lot #5223
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German WWII Fieldpost - East Prussia Postal Stationery
1945 (9 Apr) folded stationery lettersheet, Feldpost 9.4.45 pmk, showing addressee's FPO 15978B at left, fine and rare,
Catalog #Mi.F1
Catalog Value €1,500
Bidding Closed
Lot #5224
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German WWII Fieldpost - East Prussia Postal Stationery
1945 (5 Mar) two "Ostpreussen-Feldpost" cards, different origins and destinations, one with archival punches at left, fine and scarce,
Catalog #Mi.P2c,P2e
Catalog Value €2,000
Bidding Closed
Lot #5225
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 King George VI, crown with Star of David, set of six, also "This War is Jewsh War" and "Teheran", unused without gum as issued, fine-v.f.,
Catalog #Mi.1-8
Catalog Value €900
Bidding Closed
Lot #5226
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 King George VI, crown with Star of David, set of six, also "This War is Jewsh War" and "Teheran", canceled "London", fine-v.f.,
Catalog #Mi.1-8
Catalog Value €670
Bidding Closed
Lot #5227
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 King George VI, crown with Star of David, set of six, also "This War is Jewsh War" and "Teheran", canceled "London Special Stamp" on two "Special Stamp in Memory of Invasion" (in English and Russian) propaganda sheetlets, fine-v.f.,
Catalog #Mi.1-8
Catalog Value €1,200
Bidding Closed
Lot #5228
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 King George VI, crown with Star of David, set of six, also "This War is Jewsh War" and "Teheran", canceled "London Special Stamp" on two "Special Stamp in Memory of Invasion" (in English and Russian) propaganda sheetlets, fine-v.f.,
Catalog #Mi.1-8
Catalog Value €1,200
Bidding Closed
Lot #5229
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Liquidation of Empire", issues complete, 14 different sets, with Singapore, Sta.Lucia, Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad, "Bahama-Is", "Bermuda-Is", "Hongkong", Rabaul, Borneo, Grenada, Rangoon, Bougainville, St. Vincent, mostly unused without gum as issued, fine-v.f., seldom offered complete,
Catalog #Mi.9-14 IV-Va-f
Catalog Value €12,800
Bidding Closed
Lot #5230
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Liquidation of Empire", six different overprints (Singapore, Sta.Lucia, Barbados, Trinidad, "Bahama-Is", "Bermuda-Is") on a "Special Stamp in Memory of Invasion" (in English and Russian) propaganda sheetlet, v.f., scarce,
Catalog #Mi.9-14 Iva-f
Catalog Value €700
Bidding Closed
Lot #5231
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Liquidation of Empire", six different overprints (Singapore, Sta.Lucia, Jamaica, Trinidad, "Bahama-Is", "Bermuda-Is") on a "Special Stamp in Memory of Invasion" (in English and Russian) propaganda sheetlet, v.f., scarce,
Catalog #Mi.9-14 Iva-f
Catalog Value €700
Bidding Closed
Lot #5232
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Liquidation of Empire Singapore", complete set of six, mostly unused, fine-v.f.,
Catalog #Mi.9-14IVa
Catalog Value €800
Bidding Closed
Lot #5233
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Liquidation of Empire Sta. Lucia", complete set of six, mostly unused, fine-v.f.,
Catalog #Mi.9-14IVb
Catalog Value €800
Bidding Closed
Lot #5234
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Liquidation of Empire Barbados", complete set of six, unused, fine-v.f.,
Catalog #Mi.9-14IVc
Catalog Value €800
Bidding Closed
Lot #5235
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Liquidation of Empire Jamaica", complete set of six, mostly unused, fine-v.f.,
Catalog #Mi.9-14IVd
Catalog Value €800
Bidding Closed
Lot #5236
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Liquidation of Empire Trinidad", complete set of six, mostly unused, fine-v.f.,
Catalog #Mi.9-14IVe
Catalog Value €800
Bidding Closed
Lot #5237
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Liquidation of Empire "Bahama-Is", complete set of six, mostly unused, fine-v.f.,
Catalog #Mi.9-14IVf
Catalog Value €800
Bidding Closed
Lot #5238
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Liquidation of Empire Bermuda-Is", complete set of six, mostly unused, fine-v.f.,
Catalog #Mi.9-14IVg
Catalog Value €800
Bidding Closed
Lot #5239
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Liquidation of Empire Hongkong", complete set of six, unused, fine-v.f.,
Catalog #Mi.9-14IVh
Catalog Value €800
Bidding Closed
Lot #5240
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Liquidation of Empire Rabaul, Borneo, Grenada, Rangoon, Bougainville, St. Vincent", vertical cross-gutter sheet margin block of six, unused without gum as issued, v.f., extremely rare composite block consisting of all six overprints
Box *
Catalog #Mi.13Va-f
Bidding Closed
Lot #5241
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Murder/Ruin Cathedral of Rouen, San Marino, Cathedral of Cologne", 1/2d green, horizontal se-tenant gutter strip of three, unused without gum as issued, v.f. Only 30 of each issued, few combination strips exist
Catalog #Mi.9Ia/f
Bidding Closed
Lot #5242
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Come-on Germany Expects You!", 1/2p green, upper left sheet corner margin single, unused without gum as issued, fine and rare, only 6(!) issued,
Catalog #Mi.9 IIId
Catalog Value €2,500
Bidding Closed
Lot #5243
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Come-on Germany Expects You!", 3p purple, unused without gum as issued, fine and rare, only 6(!) issued,
Catalog #Mi.14 IIId
Catalog Value €2,500
Bidding Closed
Lot #5244
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "England Bleeds on the Order of Moscow", 1 1/2p brown, unused without gum as issued, fine and rare, only 6(!) issued,
Catalog #Mi.11 IIIc
Catalog Value €2,500
Bidding Closed
Lot #5245
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "England has lost the War", 1p carmine, upper left sheet corner margin single, unused without gum as issued, fine and rare, only 6(!) issued,
Catalog #Mi.10 IIIe
Catalog Value €2,500
Bidding Closed
Lot #5246
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Murder/Ruin Cathedral of Rouen, San Marino, Monte Cassino", 1 1/2d brown, vertical se-tenant gutter strip of three, unused without gum as issued, v.f. Only 30 of each issued, few combination strips exist
Catalog #Mi.11 Ia/f
Bidding Closed
Lot #5247
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Murder/Ruin Cathedral of Rouen, San Marino, Cathedral of Cologne", 2d orange, horizontal se-tenant gutter strip of three, unused without gum as issued, v.f. Only 30 of each issued, few combination strips exist
Catalog #Mi.12 Ia/f
Bidding Closed
Lot #5248
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Murder/Ruin San Marino, Monte Cassino, Cathedral of Rouen", 2 1/2d blue, vertical se-tenant gutter strip of three, unused without gum as issued, v.f. Only 30 of each issued, few combination strips exist
Catalog #Mi.13 Ia/f
Bidding Closed
Lot #5249
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "World-Bolshevism, World Capitalism, World-Judaism, The Bluff-Charta, Empire Liquidation at Teheran, World-Slavery", 2 1/2p blue, vertical sheet margin gutter strip of six, unused without gum as issued, v.f. Only 30 of each issued, few complete combination strips exist
Catalog #Mi.13 IIa-f
Bidding Closed
Lot #5250
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "But Who Will Return?", 2 1/2p blue, sheet margin on three sides, unused without gum as issued, fine and rare, only 6(!) issued,
Catalog #Mi.13 IIIa
Catalog Value €2,500
Bidding Closed
Lot #5251
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "England Bleeds on the Order of Moscow", 2 1/2p blue, unused without gum as issued, fine and rare, only 6(!) issued,
Catalog #Mi.13 IIIc
Catalog Value €2,500
Bidding Closed
Lot #5252
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German Propaganda Forgeries for Great Britain
1944 "Murder/Ruin Schaffhausen (Switzerland), San Marino, Cathedral of Cologne", 3d violet, horizontal se-tenant gutter strip of three, unused without gum as issued, v.f. Only 30 of each issued, few combination strips exist
Catalog #Mi.14 Ia/f
Bidding Closed
Lot #5253
1939 (29 June) cover used in London, with Mosley's label, used alongside the George VI 1 1/2p adhesive, shown on an exhibit page, along with British Fascist Party in Britain propaganda folder
Bidding Closed
Lot #5254
1920-22 British Army and Navy in Danzig, selection of 8 covers or cards on exhibit pages, with British Naval markings on cards sent by British sailors during visits by their ships, Field Post Office H.2 cover endorsed "British Plebiscite Force", with corresponding oval "British G.H.Q. Danzig" oval cachet, "On His Majesty's Service" cover bearing the only recorded "D.A.D.R.T. Baltic Plebiscite Area", and "Danzig" handstamp (Deputy Ass't Director of Railway Transportation), addressed to his German counterpart, another with "Camp Commandant British H.G.H.Q. Danzig". Two covers display oval cachets in blue & green inscribed "Allied Administration/Danzig" cachets, extremely rare
Bidding Closed
Lot #5255
GREAT BRITAIN British Forces Abroad (Post World War I)
1918-20 collection on 19 exhibit pages, with 43 covers or cards, British military units in Occupied Central Powers, including Austria, Hungary, including cards from the gunboats patrolling the Danube from Budapest and Vienna, with "Received from H.M.Ship No Charge to Be raised" handstamps, British Naval Transport Office Fiume, etc., British troops in Bulgaria, also Germany, various FPO and censor markings, military mail, British Army of the Rhine, etc., fine and interesting military exhibit
Bidding Closed
Lot #5256
GREAT BRITAIN British Forces Abroad (Post World War I)
1919-20 collection on 15 exhibit pages, with 32 covers or cards, starting with a postcard sent from APO S.100, British contingent in Montenegro, cover from a member of the British Force in Belgrade, mail from British personnel in France, utilizing APOs S.2, S.4, S.87, S.48, S.38 and others, registered "On his Majesty's Service" cover from Paris, also Belgium, one with oval "Commandant of British Troops/Brussels" handstamp, various Field Post Offices, "British Military Intelligence Commission Brussels" handstamps, Luxembourg, Netherlands, card from Army Post office S.105 in Rotterdam, boxed Censor handstamp, three cards from Denmark, showing different postal markings applied in Copenhagen for mail from a small British contingent sent to assist in the evacuation of freed POWs from camps in Northern Germany, also three cards and cover from British Military Mission in Poland
Bidding Closed
Lot #5257
GREAT BRITAIN British Occupation of Germany (Post World War I)
1919-27 collection on 21 exhibit pages, with 50+ covers or cards showing British military markings in Cologne, Army Post Office S40, oval "Army of the Rhine", "Local Commission for the British Occupation Zone", "Imperial War Graves Commission Rhine Area", "General Staff", "Rhine Army Dairy Farm", incoming mail to the BAOR, one from Italian Fieldpost Office in Smyrna, another from a German Civilian in Wiesbaden; Royal Air Force mail, one sent to London through APO S40 in Cologne, by a member of the No.2 Balloon Wing of the RAF, bag tag "to be dropped at Cologne"; Naval mail from Hamburg, Helgoland and Kiel, the latter with "Fortification Sub-Commission" cachet, Rhine Flotilla markings, Military Mission in Berlin cachets, Occupation of the Ruhr Valley, one with "Essel Coal. Bureau Reparation Commission" cachet, another with pre-printed "Inter-Allied Rhineland High Commission British Department A.P.O. S40 British Army of the Rhine" return address, Inter-Allied Aeronautical Commission, official O.H.M.S. cover from the Armaments Sub-Commission in Munster, with "A.P.O. G.R." Registry label (only a few recorded), plus others, interesting and uncommon presentation
Bidding Closed
Lot #5258
GREAT BRITAIN British Occupation of Germany (Post World War I)
1920-21 collection of 11 covers or cards from Upper Silesia, written-up on pages, with "H.Q. 1st Silesian Brigade British Silesian Force", "Interallied Commission Upper Silesia", different markings of the Controller of Railways, Army Post Offices, various frankings and destinations
Bidding Closed
Lot #5259
GREAT BRITAIN British Occupation of Germany (Post World War I)
1920-35 selection of seven covers or cards from Saar, written-up on pages, with a "Registered 4 1/2p" stationery envelope from Fieldpost 10 to another member of British Saar Force at Saarbrucken, H.Q. British Contingent Saar Force markings, inbound Military Mail, cover sent on the final day of the British Military Postal Service in Germany (FPO 10, 21 Feb 1935), etc., mixed condition (Michel €5,000)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5260
GREAT BRITAIN British Military Mission in Siberia
1919-20 four covers or cards from the British Military Mission in Vladivostok to England or Canada, showing "British Mission Post Office" and "Field Post Office 201" pmks, mixed condition, neatly described on two exhibit pages
Bidding Closed
Lot #5261
GREAT BRITAIN British Military Mission in Siberia
1921 (26 Feb) cover endorsed "On Active Service", sent from Kobe Japan to West Quaco, New Brunswick, Canada, sender's "British Mission Vladivostok" docketing at bottom, with transit and arrival pmks on back. After departure of the British Military Mission, a small number of personnel remained in Vladivostok to perform relief and intelligence functions. These personnel were attached to the British (Diplomatic) Mission and were forced to rely on the diplomatic bag or civilian postal arrangements. The sender, Sgt.Brown, was the Secretary of the Canadian Red Cross, attached to the British Mission
Bidding Closed
Lot #5262
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 (6 Mar) 2p registered letter to Cambridge, canceled "Army Post Office P.B.1", with corresponding Registry label, violet "X11" censor and London arrival (16 Mar) datestamp (Postage was not required for cards and letters up to 4 oz within the theatre and the British Empire, but the Registry fee (2 pence minimum) had to be paid. Registered covers from the North Russia Campaign are quite scarce, less than 10 (!) recorded
Bidding Closed
Lot #5263
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 (16 May) cover to England, franked with 1p-10p George V, seven different, tied by "Army Post Office P.B.2" cds, with corresponding Registry label, violet "X20" censor mark, fine and attractive
Bidding Closed
Lot #5264
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 (30 Aug) cover addressed to Klivy, Minsk province (then under Polish Occupation), franked on back with single 50k Coat of Arms, tied by Archangelsk departure cds, "Opened by Censor/Base Censor No.1" British label, also with Polish censor handstamp, signed Mikulski
Bidding Closed
Lot #5265
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 (20 Sep) Field Service Post Card to England, Army Post Office P.B.2 departure and violet "Passed by Censor No.35R" hs alongside, fine. Fieldpost cards were not supposed to be censored, this card may be the only recorded exception
Bidding Closed
Lot #5266
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 (23 Sep) "On Active Service" Russian 5k stationery card with the additional 15k franking, canceled "Army Post Office P.B.2", sent from Archangel to England, with violet "Passed by Censor No.35R" hs. Also included is 5sh Seahorse, sheet margin single canceled on piece by "APO PB 12 Sp 18, 19" cds, with censor hs alongside, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5267
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 Travelling Post Office (12 July) YMCA corner card cacheted cover endorsed "Officer's Mail", sent by U.S.Capt. Montgomery (with the American North Expeditionary Corps) to his wife in Minneapolis, with "Army T.P.O. No.1 / N.R.E.F." pmks, violet "Passed as Censored" handstamp at bottom, fine. In October 1918, the British Intervention Forces in North Russia found a functioning railway car and used it to carry mail on a weekly basis between Murmansk and Soroka. When the Transportation Corps arrived in April 1919, a special TPO postmark was supplied to be used on mail processed on the train. Only five (!) examples of this cancel have been recorded
Bidding Closed
Lot #5268
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 (2 July) Registered 2p stationery entire envelope addressed to Montreal, with corresponding Registry label, two strikes of "P.B.33" (located in Pechenga (a small town in Murmansk oblast, Northwestern European Russia), red London transits and Montreal (9 Aug) arrival pmk, censor label at right, fine. Registered mail from the North Russia campaign is seldom encountered, especially from the P.B.2 (Archangel) post offices
Bidding Closed
Lot #5269
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 incoming mail, card and two covers to the British Expeditionary Force in Russia, one from France, addressed to Brig.General F.W.H.Walshe HQ Archangel, others from England and India, the latter marked on back "Evacuated U.K.", with "Army Post Office P.B.2" and other markings, fine. Incoming mail to N.R.E.F. are scarce (General Walshe served with Denikin and Wrangel during the Russian Civil War and was Aide-de-camp to King George V, between 1920 and 1928)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5270
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia
1919 two "On His Majesty's Service" covers, one addressed to Officer of Records N.R.E.F. Archangel, with "Royal Army Service Corps" hs, "Field Post Office P.B.55" (located at Beresnik), Passed by Censor No.30R, with Army Post Office P.B.2 (Archangel) arrival pmk on back. The other cover is addressed to London, bears Army Post Office P.B.66 (located at Oberzerskaya), censored "X20"
Bidding Closed
Lot #5271
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in North Russia Naval and Maritime Mail
1919 (Hospital Ship Mail) card to Scotland, mailed from North Russia and carried on "H.M.H.S. Garth Castle", also cover from Durban to North Russia, with 1p franking, carried on "H.M.H.S. Braemar Castle", with Bombay transits and "Address Unknown Return to Sender" markings, fine examples of usages from the Royal Army Medical Corps specially equipped ships at base hospitals in North Russia
Bidding Closed
Lot #5272
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in South Russia
1919-23 incoming mail, three covers to South Russia, one from "Kotah Agency", India to "British Army of the Black Sea" at Batum (cover mending), the others from England to "British Military Mission General Denikin's Army" and "British Mission Tiflis", last two with "Present Location Uncertain" and "Inconnu" handstamps, one with "Died in Hospital" in red ink, last one with Moscow transit pmk, scarce group of incoming covers to British Troops in Batum, South Russia and Tiflis
Bidding Closed
Lot #5273
GREAT BRITAIN British Intervention in South Russia Naval and Maritime Mail
1919 "On His Majesty's Service" envelope addressed to Mr. Mackinder, M.P., British High Commissioner, South Russia, showing his penciled "Received JJMackinder" signature, handstamped "H.M.S. Marlborough" on back (Sir Halford John Mackinder was the British High Commissioner in Southern Russia in late 1919 and early 1920 and stressed the need for Britain to continue her support to the White Russian forces, which he attempted to unite) ("HMS Marlborough", a British warship arrived in Yalta on April 7, 1919 under orders of the British Royal Navy to evacuate Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna, sister of Queen Alexandra, and members of the Russian Imperial Family)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5274
GREAT BRITAIN British Forces in the Turkish Empire Military Mail
1915-16 British Forces in Dardanelles (Gallipoli), small exhibit, eight covers or cards showing "Field Post Office 88" card from Cape Helles, two "On Active Service" covers sent by members of the First Newfoundland Regiment to St. John's, ANZAC forces, home-made envelope from Gallipoli to England, cover and card from the Australian Forces, one to South Australia, the other to Egypt, with "Lt.Col. O.C. No.5 Field Ambulance" handstamp, also two inbound covers addressed to "British Mediterranean Expeditionary Force", with "Killed in Action", "Unable to Trace" and "Present Location Uncertain" markings, scarce group (the equivalent of 16 British, Australian, New Zealand, Indian and French divisions took part in the Gallipoli campaign. British Commonwealth casualties were 213,980. The campaign failed to produce decisive results because of poor military leadership, faulty tactics, inexperience of the troops and inadequate equipment)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5275
GREAT BRITAIN British Forces in China
1900-01 China Expeditionary Force, balance of a collection, 10 covers or cards on pages, India stamps overprinted "C.E.F.", variety of Field Post markings, cover carried from Peking to Newchwang, franked with OHMS overprinted stamps, Hong Kong Civil Post, card locally addressed to Chief Medical officer, cover from 28th Madras Infantry to London, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5276
1921 (11 Jan) registered cover from Randwick Military Hospital (Sydney), routed "Via Batoum" to Sir Andrew Fisher, M.D. in Tiflis, Georgia, short-paid with a single 6p Kangaroo (small faults) (UPU rate was 4p postage and 3p Registration), handstamped "Registered Service Suspended" and "Undelivered for Reason Stated", London transit and with arrival back in Australia (2 March 1921), interesting usage from Australia to Georgia during the Russian Civil War
Bidding Closed
Lot #5277
1900 collection of 14 covers or cards displayed on 13 exhibit pages, with a cover from FPO 4 (Tientsin), with C.E.F. franking, addressed to a Staff Surgeon Nickson in Newcastle, paying 1p concessionary rate to NSW military personnel, cover from FPO 1 (Peking Legation Gate), with 1a C.E.F. franking, addressed to Sydney, with "New South Wales Naval Contingent in China" handstamp (the only recorded (!) example), Chinese 1c stationery card with C.E.F. and 1c and 2c Coiling Dragons franking, sent from FPO 1 (Peking Legation Gate), via Hong Kong to New South Wales, Naval Contingent mail, three covers with "N.S.W. Naval Contingent" cachet, sent from FPO 7 (Tartar City) and FPO 1 (Legation Gate) to Sydney; C.E.F. 1/2a stationery entire envelope with additional 1/2a franking, sent to a Naval Officer in Newcastle, Concessionary rate not recognized and "3d" Postage Due assessed on arrival in NSW (this is the only recorded example of Postage Due charged on Naval Contingent mail); also incoming mail, two covers (one quite fragile, missing some of the coverback) addressed to Contingent members in Peking (only two covers and two coverfronts recorded). In addition, there is a cover from South Australia inbound to "H.M.C.S. Protector" at Hong Kong (the only recorded example of mail related to South Australian participation in suppressing the Boxer uprising), two covers from FPO 4 and Base Office B (both at Tientsin), sent by members of the Victorian Naval Contingent (only eight such covers recorded). An important collection, usual condition, extremely rare (as part of the British contribution to putting down the Boxer uprising, the Australian Colonies sent a number of expeditionary forces to China. At the time, the majority of Australian forces were engaged in the Boer War in South Africa so Naval contingents from three Australian states (South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria), including reservists and ex-navy personnel, were sent to offer support through coastal defense. The first Australian contingents, mostly from New South Wales and Victoria, sailed in August 1900. Australian personnel sent to northern China arrived too late to be engaged in combat. Six Australians died of sickness and injury and none were killed as a result of enemy action)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5278
1919 (9 July) Registered 2p stationery entire envelope addressed to London, with corresponding blank-type Registry label, two strikes of "Army Post Office SX 22" (located in Batum), octagonally framed "Passed by Censor 372", with red arrival pmk, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5279
1946 registered cover to England, franked with B.M.A. overprinted North Borneo and Sarawak stamps, with Brunei Registry handstamp, Singapore transit pmk on back, fine and rare mixed franking combination usage
Bidding Closed
Lot #5280
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Canadian Expeditionary Force in Siberia
1918 (4 Dec) cover mailed aboard "RMS Monteagle", with letter headed "Canadian Pacific Railway Co. R.M.S. Monteagle" explaining that the writer is posting letter on ship to speed delivery, cover franked with 3x1c green, canceled Vancouver (Jan 22, 1919), handstamped "Passed by Censor 001", with Martins, New Brunswick Jan 30, 19 arrival pmk on back, ex-Brown correspondence, earliest recorded Canadian Siberian Expeditionary Force censored cover
Bidding Closed
Lot #5281
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Canadian Expeditionary Force in Siberia
1919-20 four covers and card to Canada or USA, canceled "Field Post Office Canadian Siberian Exp.Force", "On Active Service" endorsements, different Censor markings, described on two exhibit pages
Bidding Closed
Lot #5282
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Canadian Expeditionary Force in Siberia
1920 collection (expertly described on pages), Postal History of the Canadian Contingent in Siberia, 24 covers or cards from the well known "Brown correspondence" to West Quaco, New Brunswick, corner cards of the "Canadian Red Society" Vladivostok, three sent unfranked, one endorsed "On Active Service", the others charged "T" and "6" or "10 cents" by hand, many sent via Japan, one via Yokohama by British Consular bag, others carried by favor to Harbin and Shanghai, China, usually date-lined "Vladivostok" and then via Changchun and Shanghai, also cover carried by favor to Vancouver, others from Manchuria City, one sent via the Russian system, with 1r franking, plus incoming mail to Vladivostok. There is a printed "The Mag" (British Middlesex Regiment magazine), published in Vladivostok July 1919 (fascinating contents), corner card of the Palace Hotel in San Francisco (on the way back home), additional ephemera, Menu, postcards of the "Empress of Japan" (Ocean liner ordered by Canadian Pacific Ocean Services Ltd), registered covers from Russia and Far Eastern Republic, Newspaper clipping, 14 covers or cards from the Canadian training Depots, mail en-route to Siberia, one from Fort William, Ont., regimental crests, photographs, charity label and more. In addition, there are 16 covers or cards which were not mounted or described, mostly the Brown correspondence, mixed condition, with some interesting items. This collection was formed by Robert C.Smith and acquired by Al Kugel for further study and educational exhibits. A most appealing glimpse into this largely forgotten piece of Canadian history, thanks to this exhibit showing letters from Sgt-Maj. Douglas Marr Brown who served with the Canadian Red Cross in Siberia, distributing relief supplies to refugees fleeing Bolsheviks along the Trans-Siberian Railway and Vladivostok
Bidding Closed
Lot #5283
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Canadian Intervention in South Russia Military Mail
1919 cover and card to Canada, first with "Field Post Office 80" (2 Feb 19) departure pmk, endorsed "On Active Service", sent from the British fieldpost office in Batum to the Liverpool Red Cross Society in North Scotia, the latter from Ekaterinodar with faint "BMM 1" departure pmk, addressed to Ontario (while Canada did not have any organized military units in South Russia, several Canadian officers served there in British units)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5284
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Canadian Expeditionary Force in North Russia
1818 (11 Nov) "O.A.S." cover to Markham, Ontario, with clear "Field Post Office P.B.44" (Bakharitza) departure cds, violet "Censor R.A. School" (Royal Artillery School) handstamp and signature below, Dec 17, 18 arrival pmk on back
Bidding Closed
Lot #5285
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Canadian Expeditionary Force in North Russia
1918-19 two "On Active Service" covers to Canada, one "Field Post Office PB 55" (Bereznik) cds (rounded upper left corner), the other with embossed "the Royal Canadian Field Artillery" emblem on reverse (also two uncanceled Russian stamps) "Field Post Office PB 88" pmk, two different censor cachets, faint arrival pmk, fine and rare pair of covers, with the only recorded Canadian Intervention mail from Berezniki and Medvezhya Gora (after Lenin agreed to the terms of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on 3 March 1918, the Allies sent troops to Northern Russia. The stated goal was to prevent the Germans from using Murmansk as a submarine base, but in reality, the Allies intended to support the White Russian (anti-Bolshevik) forces against the Red Army. There were two companies under the command of a Canadian officer, Lieutenant-Colonel J.B. Leckie, one sent to Murmansk and the 16th Canadian Artillery Brigade to Archangel. The Canadians fought alongside the White Army. The 67th and 68th Batteries distinguished themselves during a Red Army assault at Tulgas, 200 kilometers south of Archangel. Before their departure in 1919, ten Canadians received the St. George's Cross, the Russian equivalent of the Victoria Cross, and a further 10 received the St. George's Medal. They were the only Allied troops to be decorated by the Russians)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5286
1912-20 selection of 12 covers or cards on exhibit pages, cover from Dodecanese Island of Leros (May 1912), WWI covers from Thessalonica to Italy and Switzerland, overprinted "E.T." (Greek Posts) on Provisional Government stamps, Military Mission in Turkey, FPO 920 markings, incoming mail from Turkey and Switzerland, addressed to Greek military internees, mixed condition
Bidding Closed
Lot #5287
GREECE Occupation Issues
1914 cover franked with 25 lepta blue, tied by large circular cancelation showing Coat of Arms and Greek "Administration of Tenedos" in violet, sent via Piraeus (31 Jan) to Constantinople, with arrival (15 Feb) pmk on back, stamp with a minor stain, otherwise fine, with 2010 Nakri certificate stating that "this is the only recorded cover showing this extremely rare occupation cancelation" of Tenedos (present-day Bozcaada, a Turkish island in the northeastern part of the Aegean Sea)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5288
GREECE Lemnos Naval and Maritime Mail
1913 cover mailed from a Greek cruiser "Georgios Averof" stationed at Lemnos, franked with three overprinted adhesives paying 10 lepta to Piraeus, with 20 Apr 1914 arrival pmk, cover creases, otherwise fine and unusual example of Balkan Naval mail from a Greek cruiser (with the bequest of the wealthy benefactor George Averoff, Greece acquired the ship from Italy in 1909. The most modern warship in the Aegean at the time, she served as the flagship of admiral Pavlos Kountouriotis and played a major role in the establishment of Greek predominance over the Ottoman Navy and the incorporation of many Aegean islands to Greece)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5289
GREECE Dedeagatch
1913 selection of five covers on three exhibit pages, one registered cover from Kavalla, unauthorized "Greek Administration 25 lepta" overprint on Bulgarian stamp, used from Kavalla to Piraeus, provisional stamp on a Hotel cover from Dedeagatch, overprinted Bulgarian stamps, one used on cover to Athens, fine and scarce group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5290
1920 cover and card posted from Dedeagatch and Dimoteka, the former with provisional Postage Dues (handstamped "T" on regular stamps), the latter with overprinted "Thrace Interallie" on Bulgarian stationery card and stamps
Bidding Closed
Lot #5291
1920-22 (Western Thrace) selection of 12 covers or cards on six well described exhibit pages showing Bulgarian and Greek cancelations from Gumurdjina, Xanthy, Drama, Dimotika, Fere, Orestias, Kouleli-Mpourgas, Mikron Derveni, Porto Lagos and Souflion, some scarce Registered usages, mostly fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5292
1920-22 (Eastern Thrace) selection of 30 covers or cards on eighteen well described exhibit pages showing variety of postmarks from Hairebolou, Gallipoli, Arkadoupolis, FPO 914, Ainos, Anaktoria, Demir-Keuy, Eletherai, Harioupolis, Kallipolis, Kirk Kilisse, Station Lule-Bourgaz, "Administration of Thrace" overprints with new Greek postmarks from Enos and Anaktoria, Evres, Eletherai, Evres, etc., also Kessani, Kilid Mpachr, Saranta-Ekklisia, other small town cancels, some on pieces or coverfront, mixed condition, mostly fine, several signed Nakri. A rare group of this elusive postal history material
Bidding Closed
Lot #5293
GREECE Greek Military Mission in Bulgaria
1918-20 selection of six covers or cards, both incoming and outgoing mail by military pouch, Field Post Office Nos 921 and 940, covers headed "Mission Militaire Hellenique en Bulgarie", also "Greek Military Mission in Sofia/Post Office 921" pmk, etc., interesting group, all described on exhibit pages
Bidding Closed
Lot #5294
GREECE Balkan Wars
1912-13 collection of 31 covers or cards extensively written-up on 14 exhibit pages, with provisional usages from Ikaria, including "Free State of Ikaria" handstamps on cover franked with unoverprinted Ottoman stamps, another cover with "Greek Administration" overprints, commercial mail from Imbros, one with a special label indicating "no stamps available", another with manuscript "Greek Administration" marking on registered cover to Egypt, special negative cachets on mail from Castellorizo, one to Smyrna, also local issue overprints, bilingual pmks, Ottoman stamps overprinted "E.D." (Greek Administration) and surcharged with new values, negative markings from Lemnos, postmarks from Moudros and Kastron, Midii, Mytilene, Local Issues from Vathy, registered mail from Greek-occupied Tenedos, Thasos, Kavalla and Drama, fine and splendid representation, with many extremely rare items
Bidding Closed
Lot #5295
GREECE Balkan Wars
1912 collection of 18 covers or cards written-up on seven exhibit pages, with 1912 cover to Larissa, franked with unoverprinted pair of 10 lepta stamps, tied by bilingual Ottoman "Serfidje" departure pmk, covers showing negative Reserve Field Post Office markings, cards from newly acquired Salonika, different "Thessaloniki" pmks, including registered mail with "Greek Administration" overprints, usages from Greek occupied Prevezam, Philippias, Janina, Edessa, Yenitsa and Chios, fine and interesting showing
Bidding Closed
Lot #5296
GREECE Greek Campaign in Asia Minor
1919-20 selection of 12 covers or cards on exhibit pages, showing Field Post Office markings used in Smyrna, FPO 902, outbound mourning cover to Athens, straight-line and round cachets of "Military Pay Office of Smyrna base", "Railway Station Garrison" markings from Pountas and Monavak, Medical Corps cachets of Greek Red Cross, FPO 903 at "Magnesia", inscribed "Military Court Magnesia Division" (stated to be the only recorded military cachet from this location), FPO 915 and FPO 926, the former to Alexandria, other cachets from "Mikras Asias", also a cover from Xanthi to USA, mixed condition, excellent specialist group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5297
GREECE Greek Campaign in Asia Minor
1919-22 highly advanced 50 page exhibit, seventy covers or cards showing Greek Post Offices in Asia Minor, with a variety of cancelations and postal rates for domestic and foreign destinations (United States, Canada, Belgium, Egypt, France), large variety of markings, including elusive Greek High Commission in Smyrna, Kiniton, Voutza, Vournova, Alasata, Krini, Nymfeon (only three examples of this cds are recorded), Mainemeni (the only recorded cover with this pmk), Pargamus, Vaindirion, Kydonia, Thira (only cover reported), Ali-Aga (one of only three covers recorded), Soma, Adrsmyton Garrison, Sokion, Artaki (the only cover with this marking), Moudania with Turkish stamps and handstamp, Tsediz with negative Turkish handstamp, Panomos, Turkish Guenen, Same on piece, Garrison Kios, Dorileon, Karahissar bilingual, Panormos, FPO 905, FPO 940, FPO 907, different censor markings, Greek Red Cross, variety of military cachets, Air Force units, Naval Mail (HHMS "Kilkis" and "Chief of Fleet"), POW cover, TPOs mail and others. Truly an exceptional collection with great items and rarities from this fascinating area
Bidding Closed
Lot #5298
GREECE Greek Campaign in Asia Minor
1919-22 collection on 18 exhibit pages, variety of postmarks and censor markings on 30 covers and cards, with or without Ottoman franking, used from Greek-occupied Proust, Panormos, including FPO 917, Guenon, different versions of "Greek M Military Censorship" handstamps, Ezine, Ousak, "Railway Station Garrison Baloukesir", "Garrison Kios", Dorileon, Kioutahia, Karahissar, FPO 905, FPO 906, FPO 915, fine (after World War I, the Greeks attempted to extend their territory beyond Eastern Thrace and Smyrna (Izmir). The Greek army launched an offensive in Anatolia against the nationalist Turks and advanced beyond the Afyonkarahisar-Eeskihir railway line towards Ankara. The Turks, however, commanded by Kemal Ataturk, defeated them at the Sakarya River (Sep 1921), assumed control of Smyrna and drove the Greeks out of Anatolia a year later)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5299
GREECE Greek Campaign in Asia Minor Military Mail
1919-22 two covers with FPO 908 departure pmks, each with a censor handstamp, one sent from FPO 908 (Smyrna) to FPO 909 (Acharion), with a three-line "1st Moundain Artillery Group" censor cachet, the latter from FPO 908 to Smyrna, with two-line "B Aviation unit" handstamp, fine pair of covers with specific unit censor markings
Bidding Closed
Lot #5300
GREECE Greek Campaign in Asia Minor Military Air Post
1919 (30 Dec) picture postcard with "Naval Aviation Service / Smyrna Unit" cachet, with Anchor in the middle, departure pmk alongside, triangular distribution mark, some ink toning, otherwise a fine marking used from the Naval Aviation unit based at Paradisi. There are only two recorded examples of this cachet
Bidding Closed
Lot #5301
1938-44 "Justice for Hungary - Liberation Period", a 10-frames exhibit of 300+ covers or cards presented chronologically in pages, organized into four separate chapters covering the distinct events that resulted in territory being "restored" to Hungary just prior to and during World War II. This involved Upper Hungary (Felvidek), Ruthenia (Karpatalja), Transylvania (Erdely) and Bacska (Delivdek). The material shown includes Commemoratives on cover or FDC, Liberation postmarks, Military markings, numbered postmarks, provisional and standard cancels, Official and Postage Due mail, with a number of unusual and scarce items included (after the break-up of the Austro-Hungarian empire at the end of World War One, historic Hungary was forced to cede what is now Slovakia, Vojvodina, Croatia, part of Slovenia, Ruthenia, the Burgenland and Transylvania to the new states of Yugoslavia, to a much-enlarged Romania, and even to Austria, a fellow loser in the war. During the inter-war period, Hungarian foreign policy was devoted to Attempts to recover "lost territory, with the primary theme being "Justice for Hungary", mainly for being wronged by the Trianon Treaty)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5302
HUNGARY Occupation Issues
1918-20 collection of 29 covers or cards on exhibit pages, registered mail with Baranya overprints, Serbian Occupation of Bacsa Territory, various military censor handstamps from Ofutak, Zombor, unauthorized overprints on Hungarian stamps used on covers, FPO markings applied to mail sent by Serbian soldiers during the Occupation of Temesvar, plus many others
Bidding Closed
Lot #5303
HUNGARY Occupation Issues
1919 two covers with Baranya overprints, both with violet Censor markings, one used locally, the other Registered from Pecs to Paris, fine usage during Serbian Occupation
Bidding Closed
Lot #5304
ICELAND Naval and Maritime Mail
1918 two postcards to France, one with 1e green, tied by Reykjavik 12 July 1918 cds, showing "Station Navale d'Islande Croiseur Lavoisier" cachet alongside, the other unfranked, with a slightly different version of the "Lavoisier" cachet, some card creases, otherwise fine ("Lavoisier" was a protected cruiser of the French Navy frequently operating with the French Mediterranean Squadron, where she conducted training exercises. In 1903, she began a decade of service with the Newfoundland and Iceland Naval Division, where she typically patrolled the fishing grounds. At the start of WWI, "Lavoisier" was attached to the Light Squadron in the English Channel and was conducting anti-submarine patrols in Iceland, presumably in violation of Danish neutrality)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5305
ISRAEL - HOLYLAND Ottoman Empire
1900-17 selection of 13 covers or cards on exhibit pages, one with round negative seal of "Office of State Inspectorate in Jerusalem" in blue, another with oval negative seal of the "4th Army Headquarters Post Office" tying 5pa stamp on postcard to Istanbul, with Pancalti arrival (signed Nakri), FPO 23 and FPO 59 markings on military mail from Tel Sharia, two cards with Ottoman franking (both signed Nakri), different Jerusalem bilingual departure pmks, card from Accra, with Ottoman stamp tied by "Akkia St. Jean d'Acre" departure pmk, Octagonal postmark of "Safed" on piece, card and cover with Caiffa and Jaffa departure cds, also Tiberiade (Tiberias)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5306
ITALY Air Post
1933 Balbo "I-NAPO" Triptych, used on registered, flown cover from Rome to New York, various transit and arrival pmks (Chicago and New York), minor cover fold at bottom, well away from the stamps, fine-v.f. (Sass. €5,000)
Catalog #C48
Catalog Value $ 3,000
Bidding Closed
Lot #5307
ITALY Air Post Officials
1933 Servizio de Stato triptych, tied by Rome 14.6.33 pmks on registered, flown cover addressed to the Italian Ambassador in Washington, with Balbo handstamp, arrival (July 20, 1933) duplex pmk on back, v.f., signed Diena, Bolaffi, rare (Sass. €35,000)
Catalog #CO1
Catalog Value $ 21,000
Bidding Closed
Lot #5308
1926 "Tangeri" overprint, 40c Victor Emmanuel III, imperforate horizontal pair, unused without gum as issued, minor crease, still v.f., signed Raybaudi. In anticipation of being permitted to open a Post Office Abroad in Morocco, the Italians produced proof overprints reading "Tangeri" (Tangier). The proposed issue never materialized as the necessary permission was not granted by the Sultan. Only 400 printed, most subsequently destroyed (Sass. €3,200)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5309
1938-43 Exhibit collection of 13 covers or cards, essentially detailing the story of the Postal Service set up by the Italian Consul General in Tangier, during the Spanish Civil War. This facility was operated by the personnel of the Royal Italian Naval Wireless Station in that important port near the Straits of Gibraltar. Postal service commenced in May of 1938 and continued until Italy's surrender to the Allies in September 1943, at which time the Wireless Station was shut down. Although the Tangier office operated for over five years, covers are difficult to find and it has taken Mr. Kugel well over a couple of decades to acquire the items shown here, including censored mail franked with unoverprinted Italian stamps, other with "R.S.R.T.- PA R.Stazione R.T. Tangeri" overprints (three covers, each with Chiavarello certificate), commercial mail, 1943 cover with unoverprinted "Imperiale" definitives (Raybaudi certificate), etc. An in-depth study of this little known facet of Italian history
Bidding Closed
Lot #5310
1939 Italian "Imperiale" stamps, 75c-1.75 Lire, eleven different, each overprinted "R.S.R.T.-P.A./Italiana/Tangeri" ("Regia Stazione Radio-Telegrafica-Posta Aerea (Royal Wireless Station-Air Mail), l.h. or h.r., fine-v.f., extremely rare, only a few "sets" have been recorded
Bidding Closed
Lot #5311
1939 (30 Dec) cover to Rome, franked with five Italian stamps, each overprinted "R.S.R.T.-P.A./Italiana/Tangeri" ("Regia Stazione Radio-Telegrafica-Posta Aerea (Royal Wireless Station-Air Mail), tied by "R. Stazione R.T. / Tangeri" pmks, backstamped 9.5.40 on arrival, fine and extremely rare cover, signed Diena, with 1991 Chiavarello certificate
Bidding Closed
Lot #5312
1900 unused patriotic picture postcard celebrating Italian participation in suppressing the Boxers, with oval "Comando Truppe Italiane in Cina" handstamp
Bidding Closed
Lot #5313
1902-18 selection of eight covers or cards (also one coverfront) on exhibit pages, showing Italian military markings used during and after the Boxer uprising, including "Regie Truppe Italiane in Cina", "R.Truppe Italiane nello Estremo Oriente", "Distaccamento R.Marina Italiana in Cina", one registered cover to Spezia (rare), overprints for "Tientsin", registered cover to France, "Pechino", registered "4 Cents"/10c stationery card, censored, addressed to Rome, rare group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5314
ITALY Italian Intervention forces in North Russia
1918-19 selection of 10 covers or cards on exhibit pages, variety of military markings "Corpo de Spedizione Russia Seettentrionale Comando" from Murmansk, "Penisola di Cola" (Kola Peninsula), "Medveya Gora" (350 miles south of Murmansk), incoming mail, the only recorded Registered cover from the Italian Expedition, sent via the British PB 1 Army Post Office (28 Jan 19) to Torino, incoming mail from Italy to "Murmania" (Murmansk), censor handstamps, one on card addressed to Asmara (Eritrea), fine showing (the Italian contingent of 1,350 men in the "Corpo di spedizione italiano in Murmania" was commanded by Colonel Sifola. Their mail was not postmarked, but rather endorsed with the special cachet (equivalent to "North Russia Expeditionary Corps Headquarters") which granted free-frank privileges. The Italians evacuated North Russia in September 1919)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5315
ITALY Italian Intervention in South Russia
1920 (7 Feb) cover with enclosure, pre-printed "Missione Italiana in Transcaucasia" stationery, sent from the Italian Mission in Transcaucasia, datelined "on board", sent by military pouch to Naval Headquarters at Taranto, where it was placed in the mail stream
Bidding Closed
Lot #5316
1930-43 an eclectic range of 36 covers or cards with range of commemorative issues sent abroad (England, Portugal, Italy, America, France, Somaliland, Egypt), 1931 Eucharistic Congress set, Virgil airmail set to Portugal, Dante set, 100L da Vinci on flown cover, Garibaldi and Special delivery set on cover, Football 20c on postcard, 1935 Holy Year set on flown cover, 1938 Augustus Caesar, also a strong selection of military mail FPO 550 (Serv. Volant N.1 & N.2), postage due on cover, 1937 Parcel form with parcel stamps, ship mail, etc. An exceptional array of material, high Sassone catalog value value
Bidding Closed
Lot #5317
ITALIAN COLONIES Aegean Islands - Rhodes
1930 Hydrological Congress, complete set of nine, used on registered and flown cover from Rhodes (22.1.31) to Genova, filing fold away from the stamps, fine and scarce complete set on one cover (Sass.12-30, €5,200)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5318
ITALIAN COLONIES Aegean Islands - Rhodes
1932 Anniversary of the Colony, complete set of 10, used on registered and flown cover from Rhodes (11.5.33) to Helsinki, with arrival (14.6.33) pmk on back, filing folds away from the stamps, fine and scarce complete set on cover to uncommon destination (Sass.65-74, €4,400)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5319
ITALIAN COLONIES Aegean Islands - Rhodes Zeppelin Flights
1933 Roma Flight cover, with the complete set of six Zeppelin stamps, used with additional franking on registered and flown cover to Friedrichshafen, with Rome (29.V.33) and Friedrichshafen (30.5.33) arrival pmks, v.f., scarce complete set on one cover (Sass. €6,500)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5320
1921-43 collection of 11 covers or cards on exhibit pages, starting with a cover sent from Castelrosso to the French cruiser "Joan d'Arc", franked with a Greek adhesive, tied by a large "Castelorizo Occupation Francaise" cachet, then unoverprinted Italian stamps used on registered cover from "Castelrosso/Egeo", 1929 flown cover from Castelrosso, via Beirut to Athens, 1930 flown cover to Italy, franked with 1L Italian Air Post stamp (rare), Ferucci overprinted stamps on registered cover to France, Garibaldi set of 10 (Scott 17-26) used on two registered covers to USA, 1938 flown cover to Lebanon, censored mail used during WWII, including official cover from the Military Headquarters on the island sent to Fascist National Insurance Institute on Rhodes, etc., fine and interesting assembly
Bidding Closed
Lot #5321
1925-60 collection of 11 covers or cards on exhibit pages, including a picture postcard sent from Mogadiscio to Giumbo, showing "Kismayo/E.A.P." transit pmk, 1931-39 usages with Italian Somaliland franking, censored mail to Danzig and Hamburg, with mixed franking Italian East Africa and Somaliland adhesives, British Occupation E.A.F. registered cover used locally in Chismayo to a British officer at the Agricultural Office of Jubaland, B.M.A. Somalia cover from Kismayu to Malmo, Sweden, pre-Independence usages to Mogadiscio and Aden, fine and representative group (Oltre Giuba (Trans-Juba) was a short lived Italian colony in the south-western part of today's Somalia. The Colony was awarded to Italy in 1924, with part of the northern portion of the Kenya territory, commonly called Jubaland or Trans-Juba, ceded to Italy)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5322
1941-43 selection of 10 covers or cards on exhibit pages, Military mail from Prevesa, Rodi, FPO markings, including 28 (Volos), 61 and 76 (Athens), Greek franking on censored mail from Karditsa, Volos and Athens, Naval HQ at Argostoli, specially prepared stationery "Ospedo Militare Italiano di Atene", etc., fine and insightful assembly
Bidding Closed
Lot #5323
1941-43 two cards and one cover, FPO 106 (Nauplia), special cachets reading "Supreme Headquarters of the Armed Forces in Greece", Fieldpost from Turin to a high Italian Authority showing oval "Direzione Postale Intendenza Grecia" cachet (a rarity), supported by "Posta Militare Comando Superiore FF.AA. Grecia", fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5324
ITALIAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES Italian Occupation of Ionian Islands
1941 selection of 14 covers or cards on exhibit pages, including postal stationery, showing variety of specially prepared (Al Kugel calls it "an orgy of overprinting of the existing stamps of the Greek Kingdom") overprints, used from Argostoli, Ithaca, Sami, FPO 167, Kerkura (Corfu), with military markings, censor handstamps, also "Corfu" overprints, including cover with the scarce 10dr brown, mostly fine-v.f. group, seldom offered
Bidding Closed
Lot #5325
ITALIAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES Italian Occupation of Ionian Islands
1941-42 selection of 18 covers or cards on nine exhibit pages, including postal stationery, with "Isole Jone" overprints, used on mail from Kerkura, Argostolion, Chionata, Gaios, Karousades, Ithaca, Levkas, Zakynthos, also FPO 62 from Sporades, card from Samos, etc., expertly written-up, fine-v.f. and attractive
Bidding Closed
Lot #5326
1941 selection of 13 covers or cards on exhibit pages, showing Rodi stationery card with additional Italian "P.M." 50c, tied by "Ufficio Telegrafico Italiano Creta Egeo" (22.9.41) pmk (stated to be the only (!) recorded example), also a picture postcard to Milan, mixed Greek and Italian Rhodes franking, tied by Posta Militare No.550A (30.6.41) pmk, with supporting "Comando Militare Truppe Italiane CRETA" cachet (the only known Military cache specifically prepared for Troops in Crete), censored mail from Agios Nikolaos, FPO markings, flown cover from Sitea, registered and censored cover with Italian definitives, sent from Sitea to Athens, cover from Mariser-Pireo, card from FPO 106 (Nauplia), military mail from Cyclades, including cover with a specially prepared label "Franchigia Postale Truppe Occupazione Cicladi", supported by the corresponding two-line cachet, civil and military mail to Italy, one cover defective, others fine or better
Bidding Closed
Lot #5327
1941-43 selection of 36 covers or cards, written up on 20 exhibit pages, showing commercial and military mail from Sibenik, FPO 97, Split, Lissa (Vis), Trau (Trogir), Krk-Veglia, Blato-Curzola (Korcula), FPO 10, FPO 91, variety of postal rates for registered and insured mail, Air Post, censored mail to different destinations, including United States. There are usages from Baosic-Balsa, Bijela, Genovizzo (Djenovic), Herceg Novi, Gruda, Marcine, Piastre (Plocice), Risano, Teodo (Tivat), Zelenica, Kotor, rare "Cattaro Telegrafo Dalmazia", Podgorica, Naval station at Cumbor, FPO 22 (Pogradec), FPO 60, 99 (Bijelo Polje), FPO 142, Montenegro, etc. An interesting and unusual group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5328
ITALIAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES Italian Occupation - Fiume and Kupa Zone
1941-43 selection of 15 covers or cards on exhibit pages, mostly with "Zona Occupaton Fiumano Kupa" overprints on Yugoslav stamps, used on covers from Moravice, FPO 81 (Ljubljana), Skrad, Lokve, some rare franking (30d on large cover from Lokve to Skrad, signed Diena, etc.), "Buccari" overprints on cover from Lokve, plus regular Italian franking on censored mail from Susak, one to Germany with censor tape and Oberkomando der Wehrmacht hs, others to Switzerland and Zagreb, also a card from Arbe (Fiume) to Ljubljana and a registered cover (opened for display) from Malinsca to New York, censor tape and arrival pmk. A fine and uncommon presentation
Bidding Closed
Lot #5329
1941-42 two exhibit pages, with four postal stationery cards including German Occupation 1.5D/1d franked with Italian 50c, sent through FPO 700 situated at Priboj at the time, military postal stationery sent from the "Italian Transportation Security Office / Lapovo" in Serbia, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5330
1941-43 selection of five covers or cards on three exhibit pages, usages from Bencovazzo (Benkovac), Chistagne (Kistanje), Maddalena (Mandalin), S.Filipio Giacomo (Filipjakov) and Scardona (Skradina), fine and scarce group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5331
JAPAN Japanese Occupation of Caroline Islands
1928-31 cover and card, first from a missionary on Palau to Germany, the latter with 1 1/2sn franking, tied by "Truk No.1" Ship Post Office pmk, sent to Yokohama. Also included is a special commemorative picture postcard for the 10th Anniversary of the establishment of the South Seas Islands Administration
Bidding Closed
Lot #5332
JAPAN Japanese Occupation of Marshall Islands
1927-29 two registered covers from Jaluit to USA, each franked with 2x13sn, Japanese or English departure pmks, "Registered" handstamps and Yokohama overprinted labels, censor chops, transit and arrival pmks, neatly displayed on exhibit page
Bidding Closed
Lot #5333
LATVIA Military Mail
1918-21 group of 12 covers or cards on exhibit pages, Allied Forces in Latvia after the Armistice, with "Mission Militaire Francaise dans le Pays Baltes", French Naval cachet on card from Riga to Cherbourg; British "Military Mission/Baltic States/Latvia" and "Headquarters" markings, one addressed to British East Africa, British Naval Mail, with "Received from H.M.S. Ship No Charge to Be Raised" handstamps sent from Riga to Kisumu, with arrival datestamp (a truly unusual destination)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5334
1919-15 Liberian Frontier Force, cover addressed to Capt. James Phillips, Officer in Charge of the LGG at Camp Johnson in Monrovia, with Harper Nov 14 departure and Monrovia 17 Nov, 1910 arrival pmks, partial wax seals on reverse, also a picture postcard (Dakar) written by a Sailor aboard an American warship "U.S.S. Chester" (sent to quell the uprising of the Kroo tribe in Sinoe and Maryland Counties), franked with two Liberian stamps canceled in Monrovia, some cover wear, otherwise fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5335
LITHUANIA Military Mail
1920-21 group of 11 covers or cards on exhibit pages, Allied Forces in Lithuania after the Armistice, with picture postcard from Vilnius to Paris, endorsed "F.M." and handstamped "Groupement de Personnel Francaise Le General Commandement Nr.15" (with Polish Eagle in the center), others with "Mission Militaire Francaise en Lituanie" unit cachets, British "Military Mission/Baltic States/Lithuania" cachets on cards to Oxford, also 1920 French Occupation "Territoire de Memel" cards, two different cachets, fine and well described selection
Bidding Closed
Lot #5336
1920-23 selection of 11 covers or cards on exhibit pages, with 50pf uprated Money Order card from Stonischken to Heyderkrug, mail from Ramutten, Bismarck, Memel, Lankuppen, Saugen, Gross Schilleningken, with Registry labels, Lithuanian Occupation franking, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5337
1844 (10 Mar) cover (backflap missing) sent by Bishop-Prince Njegos from Vienna to Count Vujic London, "Wien Recommande" departure datestamp, red "Registered" applied on arrival in London, French transit and red wax seals mostly intact on reverse, overall ageing, fine cover, one of only two (!) surviving from the most famous Montenegrin in history (Petar II Petrovic-Njegos was a Montenegrin prince-bishop, philosopher and poet, recognized for his significant influence on Montenegro's cultural and political landscape. His most notable work is the epic poem "The Mountain Wreath" ("Gorski vijenac"), a patriotic and philosophical exploration of Montenegro's history and struggles. Njegos played a crucial role in shaping Montenegro's identity during a crucial period in the 19th century)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5338
1874 (8 July) cover to Trieste, franked with single 7 novcica light lilac, tied by Cetinje cds, with Cattaro transit and Trieste (14.7.74) arrival pmks on back, fine and very scarce usage of the First issue 7n Prince Nicholas stamp, sent just two months after issue-date, paying the concession letter rate to Austria. Covers franked with the first printing Nicholas stamps are quite elusive as the quantity of mail handled in the early years was very limited (due to a high rate of illiteracy and the fact that the populace was not accustomed to using a postal service)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5339
1876 (24 Jan) FL to Belgrade, franked with horizontal pair of 5 novcica rose red, canceled by Cetinje thimble cds, Cattaro transit and arrival pmks on back, filing fold away from the stamps, fine (Postal service to Serbia was established on January 1st, 1876 and this is possibly the Earliest Recorded example of mail from Cetinje to Serbia)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5340
1880 (27 Apr) address label for a parcel (2kg & 258gr), value-declared (204 Florins in silver), sent from Rieka to Trieste, franked with 5 novcica First Printing Prince Nicholas stamp, tied by departure cds, manuscript annotation indicates payment in cash for value declared letter abroad, collected 48n (Montenegro postage) plus 52n for Foreign postal service, and 25n Parcel fee from Rieka to Cattaro, some paper mending and wrinkles, elusive early handwritten postal form sent abroad (use of the first definitives on mail matter other than letters or postcards is rare)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5341
1880 (28 Sep) cover from Cetinje to Belgium, paying the International 10n postage with 2n and 3n (First printing), used in combination with similar 2n and 3n (Second printing), all tied by Cetinje departure cds, with Brussels (5 Oct 1880) arrival pmk on back, fine and extraordinary mixed issues franking, one of the premier rarities of the country (Fleck handbook states that "mixed franking of the first printing with later issues is exceedingly scarce") (Mi.1 I/II, 2I/II) (ex-David Feldman auction 26 May 2000, SFr 2,200 hammer)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5342
1888 (12 June) registered cover from Cetinje to Germany, franked with single 25 novcica lilac gray, tied by departure cds, with "Recommender" handstamp and "Charge" at left, blue crayon directional mark, Hannover 18.6.88 arrival pmk on back, v.f. example of the highest denomination First Printing stamp on cover, one of only two or three recorded
Bidding Closed
Lot #5343
1888 (17 Nov) registered cover from Cetinje to Sierra Leone, franked with 5n+10n+15n (Second printing Prince Nicholas), paying the proper 20n letter rate for overseas mail (including 10n registration fee), tied down by departure cds, endorsed "Via Liverpool", with "Charge" handstamp, alongside, red oval London (24 Nov) transit, Liverpool datestamp and Freetown (Dec 13) arrival pmks on back, small stain at top of the 5n adhesive, fine and highly attractive Montenegro cover to uncommon destination
Bidding Closed
Lot #5344
No lot
Bidding Closed
Lot #5345
1919 Krakow Issue, 10kr deep violet, error "POEZTA POLSKA" (instead of "Poczta Polska"), Form IVB, position 8, tied by "Krakow 1" 24.II.1919 departure pmk on money letter (opened for display), sending 2,860kr to a local address, various crayon and pencil directional markings, two largely intact wax seals on back, without arrival pmk, with 2024 Korszen certificate, stating the stamp was immersed in water and is discolored, nevertheless fine and undoubtedly only known "POEZTA" single 10kr franking on cover (well detailed in an article by Josef Tyslowitz in "Filatelista 6/1973", titled "O Niektorych Zagadnieniach Dotyczajacych Znaczkow Wydania Krakowskiego" (some questions regarding Krakow Issue). An icon of Polish philately
Catalog #55var
Bidding Closed
Lot #5346
1919-20 eight covers or cards on exhibit pages, including 5pf and 10pf on registered cover from Strzalkowo to Posen (Dr.Kronenberg certificate), others from Poznan, Inowroclaw, Bydgoszcz, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5347
1914-15 The Siege of Przemysl, selection of six light-weight cards, with "Fliegerpost Przemysl" and "Ballonpost 1915" markings, outgoing, censored flights dated 25 November, 1914, 20 December 1914 and 10 January, 15 January, 22 February, 3 March, 1915, fine-v.f.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5348
1918 (21 Mar) picture postcard from Kiev (via Lemberg, Proskurov and Krakow) to Vienna, franked with Austrian 4kr Gray Air Post stamp, tied by Kiev, Cyrillic departure (21.3.18 Julian calendar, equivalent to 3 April, 1918), with "K.u.K. Fliegerkurierlinie Wien-Kiew Flugstation Kiew", corresponding "K.u.K.Flieger Kourierlinie Flugstation Kiew" cachet, re-addressed to Przemysl, fine, stated to be the only known card from Kiev to Vienna with Austrian Air Post franking (Ferchenbauer "LP")
Bidding Closed
Lot #5349
POLAND Military Mail
1914 three covers with Austrian franking, two canceled "Miechow" (date filled-in by hand), addressed to Krakow, last one from "Wolbrom", each with "K.u.K. Militarzensur" handstamps, fine. This provisional pmk was used at Miechow and Wolbrow, from 5-14 September, 1914 when the Austrian troops were withdrawn to meet the threat from the Russian invasion of Galicia
Bidding Closed
Lot #5350
POLAND Military Mail
1919-20 selection of seven covers or cards, showing various Fieldpost markings, including registered cover from "Twierdza Grodno", "Poczta Polowa" to and from the troops in Warszawa area, registered cover from Ostrowo, various censor markings, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5351
POLAND Bug and Styr River Flotillas Military Mail
1916-17 three cards, one each from Vistula, Bug and Styr Flotillas, showing violet "Weichselflotille Kommando der K.u.K." (Headquarters), "K.u.K.Bugflotille Betrebszug" and "K.u.K.Styrflottille Betriebszug" markings, fine and scarce group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5352
POLAND German Occupation - World War I
1916-18 collection of 25 covers or cards written-up on 11 exhibit pages, official mail from Warsaw, Lodz, Czestochowa, Grojec, Kalisz, overprinted stamps reading "Russich Polen" and "Gen.Gouv.Warschau" on covers and postal stationery, Warsaw and Lodz ("L.F.F." Lodzer Freiwillige Geuerwehr) local delivery service mail, administrative official military cachets used in "Nowo-Georgiewsk", "Nowo Radomsk", Sidlice, "Jasna Gora" Monastery ("Kloster Jasna Gora" and "Enklave Jasna Gora" cachets used by the Austrian Military within the General Government of Warsaw), fine and uncommon group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5353
POLAND WWI - Allied Forces in Poland Military Mail
1919-24 collection of 21 covers or cards on exhibit pages, showing mail generated by the Allied military forces in Poland following the Armistice. There are covers from the British Contingent, two sent to London, endorsed "On Active Service" with "Allied Railway Mission to Poland" cachets in red and blue, others with "Mission for Supply & Relief of Poland" and "British Committee for Relief/Poland" cachets; French Military Mission, showing various cachets for Transportation and Resupply units, FPO 311 markings for mail from Lodz, Warsaw and Lublin, bilingual cachet on card from "Misya Francuska" Headquarters in Krakow, Artillery Schools in Torun and Kielce, Aviation and Naval cachets, plus "Poste aux Armee" FPO 190 usages from Danzig.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5354
POLAND Generalgouvernement - WWII German Occupation Military Mail
1942-43 four cards sent by Italian soldiers stationed in Poland, one with 30c franking, canceled Posta Militare 90, with two-line handstamp "Comando Militare Stazione Italiana KRAKAU", additional round marking, sent May 5, 1943 to Rome, others with "Comando di Tappa Principale/Leopoli" (HQ Principal Office Lemberg), fine (Italian troops were deployed to Poland to maintain line of communication with troops fighting on the Eastern Front. Mail was routed through FPO 90 in Lemberg (Lwow), also through Warsaw and Krakow)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5355
PORTUGAL Military Mail
1917-18 Portuguese Expeditionary Corps in France, collection of 55+ covers or cards showing various "C.E.P." (Corpo Expedicionario Portugues) and "S.P.C." (Seccao Postal de Camanha), censored mail, registered covers, destinations, incoming mail, some photographs (not counted), mixed condition, interesting historical footnote (The Portuguese Expeditionary Corps, over 50,000 men, set sail for France early in 1917. Not ready for trench warfare, further training was required, leading to early disagreements with British military authorities. The Portuguese Expeditionary Corps operated as an independent army corps within the British First Army zone, in the frontlines in French Flanders, north of the La Bassee canal and south of Armentieres)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5356
1916 cover franked with six Ottoman adhesives, tied by negative seals reading "Bucharest 1" and additional marking of "Kaiserlich Osmanische Feldpost 65 Bukarest", addressed locally, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5357
1917 cover to Germany, with negative Ottoman FPO 73N (Braila), with bilingual German departure pmks alongside, fine and rare, signed Nakri
Bidding Closed
Lot #5358
ROMANIA Military Mail
1917-18 Austro-Hungarian Occupation of Romania, 30 covers or cards on exhibit pages displaying various FPO markings used by the Austrian army in Romania, "K.u.K.Feldpostampt" unit handstamps from Bucharest, Braila, Dragasani, Focsani, Petresti, Giurgiu, including a registered cover from "Agentie der L.R.K. Priv. D.D.S.G. Giurgiu" (agent of the Danube Steam Navigation company at Giurgiu) to Vienna, other military mail from Caracal, Corabia, Craiova, Ploesti, Reni, Rimnicul-Sarat, "K.u.K. Kontrolkommission Verclorowa", "K.u.K.Schiffsstationkommando Turn Severin", Targoviste, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5359
ROMANIA German Occupation
1917-18 collection on 14 exhibit pages, 34 covers or cards, also a set of three unissued surcharges without "M.V.i.R." (with Mikulski certificate), Postal Stationery, censor markings, military mail from Calafat, Cararasi, Colentina, Craiova, Focsani, Giurgiu, Petresti, Sinaia, Turnu Severin, Vida, Dobrudja, overprints on Postage Dues, various destinations, interesting lot
Bidding Closed
Lot #5360
RUSSIA Russo-Japanese War
1904 (16 June) registered cover to Berlin, paying 40k with 4x10k dark blue, all tied by "Headquarters Field Post Office" departure pmks, corresponding "574" Registry label (Field Post Office attached to the Headquarters), round "R", framed "Permitted by the Colonel" censor handstamp and negative army cachet unit applied on reverse, arrival (22.7.04) pmk alongside, cover wrinkles and hinge marks, extremely rare example of registered mail from the Russian HQ at Mukden to a foreign destination
Bidding Closed
Lot #5361
RUSSIA Russo-Japanese War
1904-05 selection of 33 covers or cards, some on exhibit pages, with representative items from Liaoyang FPO, violet cachet of Manchurian Army on card from Mukden to Warsaw, another from Mukden to Anichkov Palace in St. Petersburg, FPO 4 red-band envelope to Russia, two cards from Russo-Dutch Medical Detachment, markings of "Klyukvennaya" and "Makushino", Field Post Office cover from a Japanese soldier in Korea, two Gunji Yubin cards, FPO 1 postcard and cover from Japanese Occupied Sakhalin, British Military Observer cover addressed to Lt Col Wingate, Deputy Assistant Adjutant General Intelligence, North China Command in Tientsin, Post War cards from Japanese Occupied Dairen and Port Arthur, as well as miscellaneous items, some ex-Dr.Casey, mixed condition, excellent basis for further study and expansion
Bidding Closed
Lot #5362
RUSSIA Russo-Japanese War
1905 (16 Mar) registered cover to Berlin, paying 50k with five each 1k, 2k and 7k, all tied by "Headquarters Manchurian Army" departure pmks, corresponding "675" Registry label (Field Post of the HQ Manchurian Army), round "R" and five-line Censor marking in Cyrillic letters applied to the right of the address, minor toned spot, fine and uncommon Registered cover from the General Headquarters in Harbin to a foreign destination
Bidding Closed
Lot #5363
RUSSIA Russo-Japanese War
1905 (15 Oct) postcard to HRH Maria Feodorovna in Anichkov Palace St. Petersburg, sent by a soldier in Harbin, showing "Harbin Korpusn. Gorodok" (Army Corps Quarter or Harbin Camp) departure pmks in blue, with 12.X.05 departure pmk, fine and rare usage (Tchilinghirian Fig.619, rated "RRR")
Bidding Closed
Lot #5364
Georgia Military Mail
1918 German Fieldpost, selection on nine covers or cards on pages, including framed "Legationsrat Dr.Erich Zugmayer Delegation Kaukasus Deutsche Feldpost 555" (Poti), also a registered (4.8.18) "Heeressache!" (Army Matter) cover with "Deutsche Feldpost 555" Registry label (with 2000 Rolf Haspel certificate "Beleger dieser Feldpoststation sind sehr selten", possibly the only registered cover known from this location), another cover endorsed "Feldpost", with bilingual "Kaiserl. Deutsches Kommando Poti" (the only recorded example of this unit cachet marking), postcard datelined "Batum, 16 July, 1918" to Berlin, Fieldpost cover from Tiflis, with "Imperial German Delegation in Caucasus" unit cachet, with Berlin (10.7.19) and Belgian military censor hs, mixed condition, rare group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5365
1935 Administrative Mail of the Allied Plebiscite in the Saar Territory, partial exhibit of 24 covers of cards, displayed on 13 pages, showing League of Nations mail, British Forces (FPO 10 on "His Majesty's Service" registered cover to England, Mi. €500), Dutch Forces, four covers or cards with TPO markings (Michel €16,000), one incoming cover from Rotterdam to a Dutch Marine in Saar (extremely rare, listed but unpriced in Michel), Italian Forces (six covers or cards, Mi.€3,000), one violet "Comando Delle Truppe Italiane Nella Saar Battaglione Carabinier Reali" and other markings, Swedish Forces (six covers or cards, Mi.l €2,000), etc., mixed condition, seldom offered collection of the Postal History of 1935 Saar Plebiscite
Bidding Closed
Lot #5366
1947 surcharges on the original stamps ("Urmarke"), the complete set of 13, each canceled by Mettlach 22 Jan 1948 cds and lightly hinged on unaddressed cover, signed "L.Zach", fresh and mostly v.f., rare (catalogued as used off cover)
Catalog #Mi.226z-238z
Catalog Value €28,000
Bidding Closed
Lot #5367
SAAR Semi-Postals
1948 Flood Relief Issue, complete set of five, including Air Post, used on registered "Alfred Kugel" cover, flown 2.12.48 cover from Saarbrucken to St. Louis, v.f., with arrival pmk
Catalog #B61-64,CB1
Bidding Closed
Lot #5368
SAAR Semi-Postals
1948 Flood Relief Issue, souvenir sheets, used with additional franking on registered "Stamp Studio" covers from Saarbrucken (26.11.48) to New York, v.f., with arrival pmks, scarce (Mi.Block 1-2, €12,000)
Catalog #B64a,CB1a
Bidding Closed
Lot #5369
1920 collection of 15 covers or cards, including Interallied Commission, French Forces Issue, three covers with "C.I.S." overprinted stamps, one headed "Commission Internationale Slesvig", registered and used locally in Flensburg, franked with 10pf and 40f, with Registry label alongside, the others with 2 1/2pf, 5pf and 7 1/2pf, canceled Flensburg 9.2.20 and addressed to Paymaster Commander Adams, and with a single 20pf blue on "Slesvig Commission Internationale" cover. Others include cachets of Surveillance Commission, the Prefect of Police and Gendarmerie, British Field Post and Naval markings, etc., fine-v.f.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5370
1879 two covers displayed on exhibit page, both mailed by a British Military Mission advisor to his wife in Scotland, one sent on 4th May, correctly franked with 50para (10+40p as postage increased from 40p to 50p after the 30th of March 1879), tied by "Vojna Posta Vrh.Komande" cds (Military Post Headquarters) cds, with Edinburgh arrival pmk, the other franked with single 50para green, tied by "Naplaceno" (Paid) handstamp (which was in usage at Pirot), Belgrade transit and Barnam (July 19, 79) arrival pmks on back, minor cover flaws, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5371
1880 Prepared but unissued 1 para indigo blue, h.r., fine (this denomination was intended for the potential use on newspapers, which were free of postage up to that time. This rate was not actually implemented until 1896, at which time King Milan adhesives were no longer valid)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5372
1880 (24 Mar) registered cover from Pirot to Sarajevo, Bosnia, correctly franked with Prince Milan 10 para (Vth printing), used in combination 2x40 para (IV printing perf. 9 1/2), canceled by boxed "PREPORUCENO" (Registered) handstamp, with "K.SRB.POSTA PIROT" departure cds alongside, ms "3dr" indicated double weight, Belgrade and "Zimony" (Hungary) transits and Austrian Military P.O. at Sarajevo arrival (14.4.80) pmks on back, fine cover from the Royal Serbian Post at Pirot (during the Russo-Turkish War, the Serbian army entered Pirot, which was ceded to Serbia under the Treaty of Berlin in 1878)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5373
1883 (17 Jan) value declared cover (opened for display) sent from Belgrade to Genova, franked with 1 dinar violet, used in combination with 20pa and 25pa denominations, all tied by special framed departure datestamps, sent insured for 400 francs, with nine intact wax seals, arrival pmk on back, one of the very few surviving covers with 1 dinar franking
Catalog #29,30,32
Bidding Closed
Lot #5374
1894 (14 July) registered cover from Belgrade to Modena, franked with a horizontal pair of King Alexander 1 dinar dull lilac, tied by bilingual departure pmk, with Bologna transit and Modena arrival pmks on back, minor backflap tears, with intact wax seal, fine and important high value franking cover, ex-Diena family archive
Bidding Closed
Lot #5375
1896 (12 Dec) cover franked with right half of 20p orange, used as 10p from "Tchatchak" (Cacak) to Belgrade, with arrival pmk (13 Dec) on back, fine and scarce provisional usage, Rasic reports "not more than a half dozen covers have been reported"
Catalog #43a
Bidding Closed
Lot #5376
1904-12 King Peter Issues, collection of 23 covers or cards on exhibit pages, with Centenary set on registered cover to Budapest, Registered mail from Valjevo, Belgrade and Sabac, 1905 "bareheaded" King Peter I definitives on covers to the Netherlands, Croatia, France, Germany, Austria, also a Telegraph form, Money orders, Newspaper stamps on covers and wrappers, etc.
Catalog #79/97,P1/11
Bidding Closed
Lot #5377
1905 "bareheaded" King Peter I, unissued 2 1/2 para value in bluish gray, large die proof on glazed card, v.f., rare
Bidding Closed
Lot #5378
1911 The "King with cap", 35pa gray black, unissued value prepared in anticipation of a change in postal rates, Die Essay on wove paper, large margins, minor wrinkles, unreported in Rasic handbook, possibly unique
Bidding Closed
Lot #5379
1911 The "King with cap" Issue, 1p-5d, twelve different canceled Belgrade (17 July 1912) on a registered coverfront addressed to Austria, fine and attractive
Catalog #109/129
Bidding Closed
Lot #5380
1911-14 The "King with cap" Issue, selection of 13 covers or cards on exhibit pages, various combination frankings, origins and destinations, COD parcel card, Registry markings, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5381
1919-20 Liberation of Serbia, selection of 11 covers or cards on exhibit pages, military mail from different units at Bitolj, Krusevac, Skopje, Tsarevo Selo, Cetinje, Podgorica, Berane, Veles, Belgrade, Uzice & Vranje, some censored, various destinations, fine and well described group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5382
1921 (4 July and 12 Sep) two covers were sent by Lt. Col Frank Giles of the Royal Engineers, member of the "British Delegation Serbo-Bulgarian Boundary Commission", oval cachet and "British Commissioner Serbo-Bulgarian Boundary Commission" four-line cachet, each with 2p franking, sent by diplomatic pouch to London, one with central toning, unusual diplomatic mail pieces
Bidding Closed
Lot #5383
SERBIA Military Mail
1914-15 World War I, selection of 15 covers or cards on pages, variety of Serbian military mail from Kombinovana (Combined) Division, Komanda Odbrane Beograda (Belgrade Defense Command); Timok., Morav. Division; Drina Division; Limska Brigade; Uzice Brigade, Money Order envelopes, different censor markings, handstamps, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5384
SERBIA Military Mail
1914-17 Austro-Hungarian Invasions and Occupations (2) of Serbia, 60 covers or cards on exhibit pages displaying various FPO markings used by the Austrian army in Serbia, two cards sent by troops in Belgrade, with "Tabori Postahivatal 40" markings used 6-7 December 1914, one with an excellent cachet of "Commando K.u.K Donau Flotille" (Danube Flotilla), "Loznica" datestamps, "Etappenpost Umka", Usce, Uzice (Registered, censored cover to Belgrade), Aleksandrovac in Serbien, Arangjelovac, Valjevo, Velika Plana, Veliko Orasje, Vucitrn, Zabrez in Serbien, Bosnian stamps overprinted "Serbien", used on registered covers from Belgrade to Sarajevo, cover with "mixed" horizontal and diagonal overprints, used from Belgrade to Vienna, Money order form, complete Telegraph form sent by department of the military government in Belgrade, Fieldpost card from Grocka (rare), others with early and late usages, 1917 (15 Nov) from Ljubovia, registered cover from "Mitrovica am Kosovo", with corresponding Registry label, as well as other usages from small towns and communities in Serbia
Bidding Closed
Lot #5385
SERBIA Military Mail
1915 Official cover of Serbian Red Cross society from Palnaka to the International Red Cross in Geneva, also two Russian Red Cross cards, with special cachets, posted from Cuprija and Vrnjci in April and July 1915, one to Estonia, the other within Serbia to Nish and forwarded to Oreovica (the Russians provided humanitarian assistance through their Red Cross missions. Examples of actual mail from those missions is extremely rare)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5386
SERBIA Military Mail
1916 cover and card with "Serbien" overprinted stamps, each with "Zensuriert K.u.K. Zensurstelle Belgrad" and additional markings, sent from FPO 131 to Zepce (Bosnia) and Vienna, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5387
SERBIA Prisoner of War Mail
1915-18 Selection of Austro-Hungarian POW mail, 6 covers or cards from Kramata, Budapest, Belanovitza, Nish, Velika Plana and Parchim, addressed to Germany, Trieste, Szeged, Geneva, also inbound mail, with or without franking, different censor markings, fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5388
SERBIA Postal History
1919-20 King Peter Issue, selection of 20 covers, cards, Postal Money receipts, etc., neatly displayed on 14 exhibit pages, philatelic and commercial mail, registered covers, including one from Pojega to Shanghai, another with single 1d franking, sent from Belgrade to USA, some extraordinary covers franked with multiples, bisect of 50pa on receipt for registered mail from Obrenovac to Valjevo, provisional postal markings, late usages, mixed frankings with stamps of Yugoslavia, etc.,
Bidding Closed
Lot #5389
SERBIA Postal Stationery
1882-1904 collection on 17 pages, with 47 mostly used postal cards, reply cards, Money Order forms and lettersheets, all issues represented, showing numerous origins and destinations, provisional government issues, etc., fine and well presented exhibit
Bidding Closed
Lot #5390
SERBIA Local Issues
1919 Prekomurje, two covers from Lendvavasarhely and Belatnicz, with locally overprinted Hungarian stamps, the former missing backflap, the latter addressed to Ljubljana, signed Marjanovic (Prekomurke (across the Mura) is in present-day Slovenia)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5391
SERBIA Serbo-Bulgarian War
1885-86 selection of seven military stationery cards used from Bela Palanka, Belgrade, FPO 3 and FPO 4, also Nish and Leskovac, both special military postal cards supplied free to the troops and sent to Belgrade, with arrival pmks (Rasic states that "Fieldpost correspondence of the Serbian army during this short war is rare") (Serbia and Bulgaria, both felt that the Treaty of Berlin should have awarded them more territories at the Ottoman Empire's expense. King Milan Obrenovic demanded that Bulgaria cede some of its territory to Serbia and declared war. A swift Serbian victory was expected, but Prince Alexander of Bulgaria won the decisive battle at Slivnitsa (Nov 17-19, 1885), defeating the invading Serbs and subsequently pursuing them back into Serbia. He accepted an armistice only when Austria intervened in Serbia's defense. Milan abdicated in 1889, passing the Serbian crown to a regency in the name of his son Alexander)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5392
SERBIA Balkan Wars
1912-14 a 42-page exhibit with 79 covers and cards, starting with military forerunner usages by soldiers utilizing Ottoman cards and postmarks prior to their own fieldpost services being established (Ktirchovo, Pristina, Mitrovitza, Monastir, Guevgelia, Uskub), Manuscript markings from Pirot (receipt for telegram), TPO Railway cancelations, Military Post HQ markings (Alexandrovo, Katchanik, Kumanovo), Military hospitals, Sanitary Train handstamps. FPOs from Biotolj, Debar, Djevdjelija, Ferizovic, Gilyane, Gostivar, Katchanik (stated to be the most elusive of the 26 town postmarks introduced during the Balkan War, with fewer than five example recorded), Kichevo, Karatovo, Nova Varosh, Ohrid, Prijepolje, Prilip, Radoviste, Tetovo, Vucitrn, Weles; Serbian troops in Greece (Salonica in manuscript and cds, two postcards and telegram form); troops in Montenegro (Djakovica, Istok, Plevlje); troops in Albania (Drac, Lesh); troops in Bulgaria (Kustendil, Jedrene, Kadikej-Jedrene straight line and two circular types); troops in Romania (Caracal), annexed territories postmarks (Kavadar, Pristina, Prizren, Preshevo, Skoplje, Radoviste), also a postcard from Military Headquarters showing Russian Red Cross hospital cachet, sent to Kiev, Ukraine. A splendid presentation, all items extensively described, creating a virtual tour illuminating this highly interesting period of European history leading up to World War One
Bidding Closed
Lot #5393
SERBIA Serbian Troops Abroad
1916-18 Salonica Front, collection of 50 covers or cards on expertly described 22 exhibit pages showing Field Post Offices established for the Serbian Army at Salonica, Serbian Army Radio Station "S.P.504", with bilingual French/Cyrillic "Controle Postal Militaire Serbe", variety of censor markings, illustrated military stationery cards, Morava and Drina Division markings, regimental cancelations, Registered card with "two heads" stamps of Serbia franking, another registered cover with Greek franking, sent by a Captain Branko Zdelar, second in command of the Serbian Navy at Salonica from the gunboat "Solaire" (only recorded example of naval mail from this period), incoming mail, cover from the Liberation of Bitolia to Salonika, etc. An unusual collection, with many rare items
Bidding Closed
Lot #5394
SERBIA Serbian Troops Abroad
1916-18 an 18-pages exhibit with 40 covers or cards, showing variety of cancelations and illustrated stationery cards from France (Fontainebleau, Rennes, Evian les Bains, Le Havre, Jausiers, Toulon, Vichy, Marseille, Paris, Francheville), also diplomatic mail, Serb troops in Corsica; Algeria (Bouzareah); Tunisia (Bizerte, Mogrine), cards from wounded soldiers in Monte Carlo, "Serbian Rest Camp Flowerdown Camp, Winchester" (Great Britain); card each from Italy and Romania. Truly exceptional material
Bidding Closed
Lot #5395
SERBIA Serbian Troops in Russia
1916-19 four exhibit pages with 6 covers or cards showing mail from Serbian soldiers, volunteers serving in the Russian army, military and patriotic cards from Ekaterinoslav, Kagul (Bessarabia), Odessa with straight line censor handstamp "SERB.V.KONT" (Serbian Military Control), censored card from the "First Serbian Volunteer Division in Russia", sent from Voznesensk to Tunisia; only reported illustrated Serbian patriotic postcard of the "Second Serbian Volunteer Division in Russia"; "Canadian Siberian Expedition" patriotic envelope from a soldier at Yugoslav Volunteer HQ at Vladivostok to his friend of the 1st Battalion, Second Yugoslav Regiment based in Chelyabinsk, franked on back with Imperial and Kolchak stamps, fine and most unusual group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5396
SERBIA Corfu Exile Government
1916-18 selection of 18 covers and cards on exhibit pages, showing Ministerial Postal Station cancelations, censor marks, "POSTES SERBES" handstamps on French and Greek stamps used on commercial covers sent abroad (United States, England, France, Switzerland), French "TRESOR ET POSTES 504" and "512" cds, official mail, incoming mail from Italy and England, postal stationery cards sent by Serbian soldiers, etc. An attractive group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5397
1894-96 Spanish Philippines, 8c single, also 2c (four), used on address fronts of parcels addressed to Germany, each with "Marianas" departure handstamps, rare
Bidding Closed
Lot #5398
1894-96 selection of 13 different proofs of Military cancelations, displayed on pages, showing Military postmarks in Bulgaria, Sofia Railway Station mark, Turkish Danube Stage Trains, Military cancels in Saudi Arabia, Russia, Holyland and Libya, each signed Nakri, v.f., undoubtedly very rare
Bidding Closed
Lot #5399
TURKEY Military Mail
1917 Ottoman Fieldpost stamps overprinted for use by Officers, collection of 12 covers or cards, including Postal Stationery, also five large pieces, with stamps overprinted with Crescent and Star for the officer's military program, various Field Post Offices and Galata pmks, four cards with German "Marine Schiffspost" markings from "SMS Lorelei", each addressed to Albert Friedemann (famous philatelist) in Leipzig, one from "Adjutant to Field Marshall von der Goltz Pasha", fine and interesting collection from this little known World War I Ottoman and German Offices in Turkey area
Bidding Closed
Lot #5400
TURKEY Ottoman Empire - "Lost Territories" postmarks
1900-13 balance of an exhibit on pages (items have been previously removed), 21 covers or cards, plus some items on piece, with Turkish Occupation of Serbia, Libya (negative military seal from Djebeli Garbi), Aegean Islands, Albania, Greece and Greek Islands, Bulgaria, Western Thrace and Syria, some interesting and elusive items, mostly fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5401
UKRAINE Military Mail
1917-18 Austro-Hungarian Occupation of Ukraine, 24 covers or cards on exhibit pages displaying various FPO markings used by the Austrian army in Ukraine, including "Army of the East", "Transport Service Ukraine", "Ukrainian Construction Units", "K.u.K.377" ("Niederlassung Elisabethgrad" straight-line handstamp on cover franked with 10k Trident overprint), "K.u.K.Banhofkommande Jekaterinoslaw", cards from Brest-Litowsk, Kiev, including cover and card with perfect circular and straight-line cachets "K.u.K. Flieger Kourierlinie Flugstation Kiew" Air Post markings, both used April 1918 and flown from Kiev to Austria, also handstamps and cachets on mail from Wladimir-Wolynsk, Odessa, "Transport Office Zmerinka" and "Station Headquarters Molodia", fine and highly desirable selection
Bidding Closed
Lot #5402
UKRAINE Military Mail
1918 German Fieldpost, collection of 28 covers or cards on pages, showing variety of markings used by German troops on Ukrainian territory, rare "Deutsche Kommandatur Kiew" straight-line handstamp on value declared insured cover from German Headquarters Kiev to German Headquarters Riga (FPO 886 to FPO 383), violet "Deutsche Feldpost No.2010", mute cancels, registered and censored mail unit cachet markings from Odessa, Kharkov, Ekaterinoslav, Wladimir-Wolynsk, Berdichev, Poltava, German Navy in the Crimea, including a postcard from "S.M.S. Goeben" at Sevastopol, "Kaiserlich Deutsche Kommandatur Sewastopol" and other German Naval Unit Crimea handstamps, also Imperial German Headquarters on cards from Kerch. An excellent group for a military historian
Bidding Closed
Lot #5403
1920 (31 Mar) registered, locally addressed cover franked with vertical pair of 50Pf on 5m, surcharge type V, tied by Oppeln departure pmks, with Registry label at bottom, fine and quite scarce on cover (Mi.12)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5404
1920 (29 Feb) cover addressed to a Maj.Gen. Malcolm, British Military Commission, Berlin, franked on both sides with unoverprinted Deutsches Reich stamps and "C.I.H.S." handstamped 20pf, 35pf, 50pf, 60pf and 1M carmine, all tied by Oppeln cds, fine and extremely rare usage of the CIHS officials on cover, with 1989 Mikulski certificate ("eine grosse Seltenheit von Oberschlesien") (Mi.D8/14,17, €21,280 for the 1M value on cover, others as used)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5405
1920 (15 Feb) cover headed "Commission Interalliee de Gouvernement et de Plebiscite de Haute-Silesie", franked with C.I.H.S. overprinted 5pf, 10pf and 15pf adhesives, each tied by Oppeln cds, addressed to Gleiwitz, cover folded vertically, away from the stamps, fine. These stamps were in use for only a few days and are exceedingly elusive on covers (Mi.4,6,7, €15,000+++)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5406
1921 October/November two covers were sent from Piskopeja (Piskopi in Albania), one registered during Serbian Occupation of the disputed area around Piskopi from September to December 1921, when the Serbian army was pressured by the League of Nations to withdraw, fine. Mail, especially registered covers from this period are extremely rare
Bidding Closed
Lot #5407
YUGOSLAVIA Yugoslav Forces in Siberia Military Mail
1920 two exhibit pages with three cards and one cover to Yugoslavia, showing Ljubljana Red Cross cachets and arrival pmks, usages from Tomsk and Chelyabinsk, sent by Yugoslav soldiers (1sy Yugoslav Rifle Regiment) in the Czechoslovak Legion in Siberia, fine and scarce group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5408
1898-1918 balance of a collection, 30+ covers or cards on exhibit pages or loose, Philippines, Cuba, Danish West Indies, some postcards, letters, patriotic folder, etc., mixed condition
Bidding Closed
Lot #5409
1914-18 Austria-Hungary in World War One, exhibit on pages, showing 65 military cards or letters used by the Austro-Hungarian troops during the "Great War", beginning with "Guns of August" mobilization cards (1-6 August 1914) from Budapest, Theresienstadt, Jagendorf, Oderberg, "Portofrei" overprinted Bosnia-Herzegovina Postal Stationery lettersheets and cards, various K.u.K. Fieldpost Offices and Regimental unit postmarks and handstamps, one from the Supreme Headquarters of the General Staff, with imprint corner card of Royal Bulgarian Representative, High Numbers of the FPOs, including "650" and "1064", censor markings "IX" (Galicia), "X" (Bukovina), also "I/125" (unrecorded handstamp used in Vienna, possibly the only known example), sorting station and collection points (Sammelstellle) markings from Graz, Prag, Czernowitz, Sibenik, Lebring and others. The military railways "K.u.K.Heeresbahn Nord" handstamps used on the Northern Division which operated in "Russian Poland" are shown, along with Southern Division (Serbia), Southeast (Romania) and Southwest (Italy), also TPO markings (Lublin-Trzebinia, Kowel-Trzebina, Galizien-Westfahrt and Transkarpathen Sudfahrt), Austrian Navy, with example of handstamps and pmks from "SMS Chamaleon", "SMS Orjen", "Kaiser Franz Josef", "Erzherzog Ferdinand Max", hospital ships, torpedo boat, German FPOs, Hospital train, artillery and infantry units and more
Bidding Closed
Lot #5410
1883-1918 collection of 219 covers, cards, Money orders, variety of uprated postal stationery cards, Parcel forms, picture postcards, registered, with a good range of early Eagle issue on commercially used mail, all mounted and written-up on exhibit pages (some items have been removed by Mr. Kugel for other purposes). The exhibit shows Numbered and Unnumbered postmarks used during the Military Administration, some rare usages include Svinjar, Bosnaska Krupa, Military Rail station Ivanjska, Branjevo, Drinjaca, Han Kumpanija Vitez, Janja, Lukavac, Ljubinje, Lusci Palanka, Sutorina, Turbe, Vracar Vakuf, Vares Werk, Windhorst, Rudolfsthal/Bosn, Trnovo, Ulok, Arezin Brijeg, Bos. Kobas, Tesanj. There is a good section of "POST ABLAGE" markings from Budimlic Jara, Nozicko, Bos. Svinjar, Kalesia, Klasnica, Glogovac, Papraca, Han Bulatovic, mostly fine or better, highly interesting collection with hidden treasures
Bidding Closed
Lot #5411
1912-14 selection of ca500 cards, picture postcards and covers, generally Balkan Wars oriented military and Patriotic themes, good range of Bulgarian Occupation of Greece, Serbia, etc., elusive censor markings, otherwise mostly unused picture postcards of military personalities, battle scenes, Royalty, political figures and more, mixed condition, fine and scarce group
Bidding Closed
Lot #5412
1943-45 selection of 12 covers or cards, mostly on Euro-Yu Stamp Collecting sales pages, with District Court mail, fiscal overprints on Court Fees invoice, registered mail, printed matter and parcel cards, anti-Royalist propaganda cards, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5413
1918-21 selection of 13 covers or cards on exhibit pages, showing Fieldpost usages during the Finnish Civil War, military mail to Karelia, Swedish Aland Detachment, American Relief Organizations, inbound Military Mail, various cachets and military markings, interesting lot
Bidding Closed
Lot #5414
1920-50s small box with 300+ covers or cards, occasional WWI, mostly WWII and later, with various Military markings, French Corps in Sudan, Rhodes, some Liberation overprints, Maritime and Naval handstamps, censored mail, Patriotic picture postcards and more, with a number of $100+ items
Bidding Closed
Lot #5415
1940-50 group of 325+ covers or cards, with an excellent showing of mail from German occupied Poland (Generalgouvernement), registered mail, postal stationery Warsaw Ghetto and mail, clandestine mail to Sweden, followed by AMG issues, some rare combination frankings, Saar, French Zone Occupation, early DDR postal stationery, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5416
1940-50 accumulation of 350+ covers or cards, Third Reich, Occupied Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, Poland, some SS-mail, official notices, Russian Occupied Poland and Romania, registered covers, post-WWII Airletter sheets, some AMG, few modern items, Italian WWII Occupation covers and more, completely unpicked, with some undiscovered treasures possible
Bidding Closed
Lot #5417
LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GERMANY - A.M.G. (Allied Military Government)
1945-57 "Military & Administrative Mail of the Western Allies in Germany During and After World War II" - 10-Frames exhibit, with 300 covers and cards covering American Occupation Mail during the initial invasion and advance through Germany, Post-Surrender Mail, Berlin District, British and French Occupation Mail, Military Missions of other Allies (Australia, Canada, Belgium, China, Brazil, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Denmark, India, South Africa, Norway), Administrative Mail, showing various APO markings, censored mail, War-Crimes Tribunal mail, various destinations, including Australia, Costa Rica, Middle East Forces, incoming mail, Royal Navy, American Commander in Germany (Lt Gen Lucius Clay) APO 742 covers, Military Government for Bavaria, Wurttemberg-Baden, Lower Saxony, administration of German and Austrian Businesses, Official Mail and much more. All expertly described, with clear markings, some exceptionally scarce. A historical archive
Bidding Closed
Lot #5418
1880-1918 German Offices Abroad, Morocco and Turkish Empire, group of 150+ covers and cards, with Registered mail, better origins and pmks, military mail, including German Fieldpost, "Jildirim" group, Bosanti, Aleppo, Beirut, Mosul, Damascus, Mamure, Kutahia, Konia, Mardin, offices in the Holyland (Jerusalem, Jaffa), Turkish censor markings, forerunners (including a FL with North German Confederation stamps), incoming mail, Naval covers and more. An uncommon assembly, many acquired a half century ago and sitting in one of Al Kugel's boxes awaiting processing. Today, at least half of these items can be lotted individually at auction, mixed condition, excellent potential and value
Bidding Closed
Lot #5419
1895-1916 balance of a collection, mostly on decommissioned exhibit pages, with dozens of better cancels from German East Africa and German South-West Africa, plus others, 50+ covers or cards from German Offices in China, with Boxer Rebellion, Kiauchau, Military usages, various Fieldpost stations, few rare Prisoner of War items, etc., many interesting and worthwhile items
Bidding Closed
Lot #5420
1900-15 Balance of a collection, with Cameroons and Togo postmarks, written-up on the original pages (subsequently decommissioned, items removed), consisting of 35+ covers or cards, plus countless singles on pieces, many better strikes, few multiples, Registry labels, etc., excellent break-up value
Bidding Closed
Lot #5421
1940-44 small group of covers, with exhibit pages prepared but unfinished, showing Fieldpost 712 and 937 from Channel Islands (9), Belgium Charleroi (3), Norway (7), Denmark (1). Aegean Islands (2), fine-v.f.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5422
1941-44 collection of 55+ covers or cards, partly described on pages prepared for further study and exhibit, mostly German Fieldpost in various European fronts, registered mail from the Kuban Bridgehead in Russia, Kurland, Channel Islands, Caucuses, France, Luxembourg, Albania, Macedonia, Central Russia (cover delivered by military courier from Rylsk to Kursk), also Stalingrad mail, Ukraine, Greece, Crete, Belgrade, Africa Corps, Italian Forces, cover from an officer in the Brazilian Forces in Italy (16 Dec 44), various SS units, "Nordland", "Viking", "Totenkopf", Italian SS, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5423
1900-20s accumulation of 300+ covers or cards, mainly Greek Post Offices in Asia Minor, some with Ottoman franking, Corfu, Epirus, various overprints, Occupation usages from Bulgaria, registered and censored mail, Money Orders, Parcel cards, military mail and much more. Assembled over a period of many years, many acquired at substantial cost, mixed condition, excellent potential for a military historian, with sufficient material to build a number of exhibits
Bidding Closed
Lot #5424
1919-22 Greek Military Post Offices in Asia Minor, collection on pages, 23 covers or cards, some with Ottoman franking, one to Constantinople, with "Garrison of Mudanya" departure, Greek military censor mark on back, stampless letter from "Syntrigi" to Istanbul, "Bank of Athens" cover from Smyrna to Kos Island, Italian 20c Postage Due added on arrival, covers with Greek postage sent from Smyrna to Germany, France, USA, etc., also loose stamps, some on pieces, various pmks, mixed condition, interesting lot
Bidding Closed
Lot #5425
1800s-1940 accumulation of 650+ cards and picture postcards, with Austro-Hungary, military mail, propaganda postcards, many WWII related, cards commemorating "Freedom for Hungary" fliers, special labels on cards, WWI Naval usages, Patriotic scenes, occasional other European countries, mixed condition, mostly fine-v.f. An uncommon holding with many scarce pieces
Bidding Closed
Lot #5426
1898-1910 Picture Postcards, 180+ different, used and unused from German, Austrian, French and Ottoman offices in Jerusalem and Jaffa, numerous "Gruss Aus" cards, also from Morocco, Egypt, etc., mixed condition, many quite colorful and attractive
Bidding Closed
Lot #5427
1890s-50s small box with 500+ covers or cards, mostly used in the 1930s, with Eritrea, Italian Occupation of Ethiopia, military mail, Flight covers, occasional better frankings, Registered and censored mail, also Libya, Tripolitania, WWII usages, Maritime and Naval handstamps and much more, many $100+ items, mixed condition, interesting holding
Bidding Closed
Lot #5428
1941-43 Italian military mail in Russia, 40 covers or cards used from the various Field Post Offices in Bulgaria, Hungary, Soviet Union, showing Red Cross markings, manuscript datelines "Leograd", Maritime mail, usages in German Occupied Poland and much more, with appropriate reference
Bidding Closed
Lot #5429
1912-43 extensive collection of 197 covers, cards, parcel forms, telegrams and wrappers on 125 pages, described as a specialized study and collection of postmarks, cancelations and postal markings applied on mail from beginning of the Italian Occupation through World War II, starting with Military Mail and Civil Post Offices in the 14 individual islands of Calimno, Caso, Castelrosso, Cos, Karki, Lero, Lipso, Niseros, Patmos, Rodi, Scarpanto, Simi and Stampalia. There are some outstanding destinations, including French Cameroun, Constantinople, various European countries, including Sweden, others to Egypt, United States, Italian Colonies of Cyrenaica, Somalia and others, numerous censor markings, many better frankings, including complete sets on cover (Garibaldi, Ferrucci, etc.), unoverprinted Italian stamps used in the Aegean, military markings, some reported to be unique. The entire collection has been expertly described by Mr.Kugel, who acquired these covers individually and over many years. A splendid presentation and an unusual opportunity to obtain a ready-made exhibit of special interest to collectors of both Greece and Italy
Bidding Closed
Lot #5430
1941-44 selection of 21 covers or cards, including Basa Atlantica, Sommergibili, "Forze Subacquee Italiane in Atlantico", censored mail from Italian Occupation of Mentone, others from Tunisia, Oran, etc., mixed condition, many signed Diena, Raybaudi and others, scarce
Bidding Closed
Lot #5431
1914-18 Austro-Hungarian invasion of Poland, extensive collection on exhibit pages comprising over 100 different Fieldpost and other military markings on covers or cards, including Generalgouvernement Lublin, official mail, registered "K.u.K.Warenverkehrszentrale fur das Osterreichisch-Ungarische Okkupationsgebiet in Polen" cover with "Von der Armee in Felde" handstamp, addressed to Witkowitz, various Austrian trade commissions in the German Zone, FPOs in Northern Poland, "Ettapenpost" offices at Belchatow, Bialobrzegi, Bilgoraj, Pusk, Checiny, Chelm, Cholm, Chmielnik, Dabrawa, Deblin, Dzialoszyn, Gorzkowice, Granicz, Hrubieszow, etc., various Austrian regular and military franking, registered cover from Szczekociny to Sweden, Fieldpost covers from Szczebrzeszyn, Szczergow, Wolborz, Wolbrom, Zamosc and many others
Bidding Closed
Lot #5432
1920 collection on exhibit pages (some partially decommissioned), with Allenstein (7), Marienwerder (7), Upper Silesia (11), various usages, including British Forces, Italian and French Forces, postal stationery, registered mail, some rare items, mostly fine
Bidding Closed
Lot #5433
1920 collection on exhibit pages, 25 covers or cards, with Allenstein (6), Marienwerder (8) and Upper Silesia (11), various usages, including British, Italian and French Forces, postal stationery, registered and military mail, officials, incoming mail, etc., some incredibly scarce cachets and usages
Bidding Closed
Lot #5434
LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS German Occupation - Generalgouvernement
1939-44 collection of 140+ covers and cards from various German Occupied/Annexed Cities and small towns in Upper Silesia, West Prussia, so-called Wartheland, Western Ukraine, etc., with German and Generalgouvernement franking, commercial mail, parcel cards, censor markings, etc., interesting and well described on exhibit pages
Bidding Closed
Lot #5435
LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS German Occupation - Generalgouvernement
1939-44 accumulation of 150+ covers and cards from various German Occupied/Annexed Cities and small towns Poland, mostly with Generalgouvernement franking, some high values (some up to Mi.€300), Fieldpost and SS mail, commercial covers, parcel cards, various censor markings, also some Russian Occupied Poland covers, and much more, mixed condition, excellent potential
Bidding Closed
Lot #5436
1923-44 selection of nine covers on exhibit pages, including O.M.F.1.25pi gutter pair from Aley to USA, various complete Air Mail sets on covers, three from Lebanon, mostly fine-v.f.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5437
1900s-40s small box, with 500+ covers or cards, mostly military mail WWI and WWII, strength in Italy and Italian Colonies, Occupation Issues, San Marino and Vatican City, as well as Campione, scattered British and United States, some Germany, including interesting Colonies, Russian Occupation of Baltic States (Latvia and Estonia) during WWI, propaganda postcards, Censored mail and much more, mixed condition, fascinating holding of considerable interest to a Postal Historian
Bidding Closed
Lot #5438
1910-60 accumulation of 300 covers, each purchased individually, many intended to be included in future exhibits, some with explanatory notes, wide range of countries and subjects, U.S. Possessions, Philippines (1920 soldier's letter to Norway), AEF in Europe, British Commonwealth, with 1953 registered military cover from Christmas Island to Hawaii, Egypt, South Africa, also Austria WWI Fieldpost in Poland, Serbia, Bosnia, Bulgaria, German Colonies, WWI and WWII Occupation covers from Poland, Serbia, Bohemia & Moravia, German stamps used in Austria, Jordan, plus many others, excellent holding for a postal historian
Bidding Closed
Lot #5439
1910-60 accumulation of 550+ covers or cards, each purchased individually, many intended to be included in future exhibits, some with explanatory notes, wide range of countries and subjects, Afghanistan, Baltic Countries, with 1920 military mail from Estonia, military mail from French Syria, Italy and Colonies, Belgian Congo, many covers from Katanga, Independent Congo, French Colonies, Ethiopia, U.S. Possessions, extensive showing of APOs in the Philippines, AEF in Europe, British Military markings, Austria, Albania, Germany WWI military, censored mail and much more. There are many items which deserve individual listings ($100-$200 range), the lot is however offered intact as gathered and stored by Al Kugel
Bidding Closed
Lot #5440
1910-60 accumulation of 650+ covers or cards, most purchased individually and destined for further study and potential inclusion in one of Mr. Kugel's exhibits, wide range of countries, South America, with Ecuador, Panama, Mexico, Brazil Condor Flights, commercial and registered mail, U.S. AEF in Europe, German WWII Occupation covers, Official Mail, Saar, censored mail, Internee mail (one from Japan to a Belgian internee in WWI Holland), Czechoslovakia (with 30+ Zieher cards), and much more. While there are some items with the original purchase prices, most are unpriced as they have mostly originated from old-time Mail auctions specializing in Postal History and militaria. As in the previous offering, there are many items which deserve individual listings ($100-$200 range), the lot is however offered intact as gathered and stored by Al Kugel
Bidding Closed
Lot #5441
1910-60 accumulation of 450+ covers or cards, most purchased individually (ages ago at auction) and destined for further study and potential inclusion in many of Mr. Kugel's exhibits, wide range of countries covering most of his collecting interests, good showing of British Commonwealth, South America, United States military mail from Haiti, Nicaragua, Great Britain military, various OHMS covers from WWI, Dunster Force and others, also postwar Campaigns in Germany and Levant. In addition, there is material from Bulgaria, Russian Offices in China, Switzerland, Romania, some 19th Century and more. At least half of the items qualify for individual listings in the current auction environment
Bidding Closed
Lot #5442
1920s-40s small box, with 300+ covers or cards, strength in German Plebiscite, Saar, good showing of Danzig, also Upper Silesia, French military mail, censor markings, wide range of Scandinavia, mostly Finnish Winter War (against Union), with mail from Swedish and English volunteers, also Karelia, mail from occupied Denmark, SS Legion covers, Norway, Swedish N.S.A.P. propaganda cards, plethora of rare and seldom offered items, mixed condition
Bidding Closed
Lot #5443
1914-20 Propaganda Picture Postcards, well over 1,000 different, used (some better military markings) and unused, from Austria, France, Italy, Russia, England, Germany, Serbia, Turkey and other combatants, mostly caricature-types, Patriotic, military struggles, nationalist movements, virtually all in color, some rare pull-out and mechanical cards, few WWII-related, some anti-Semitic, battle scenes, naval engagements, etc., occasional flaws possible, mostly fine-v.f. or better. An uncommon accumulation, years in the making and not seen in many years, with hundreds of very rare cards
Bidding Closed
Lot #5444
1940s-60s selection of 200+ covers or cards, Norway, Italy, Falkland Islands Dependencies, Russia, Japan, better early French Southern Antarctic Territories, some FDCs, flights, few earlier items, mixed condition, mostly fine or better
Bidding Closed

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