Images | Description | Current Bid |
| Lot #5003 United States Intervention in China 1900-41 Postal History of the American Forces in China, exhibit documenting the history of the American military involvement in China, from participation in the multinational intervention to suppress the Boxer Uprising until the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The story gives emphasis to the large variety of postal markings used on mail from the U.S. Army, Navy and Marine personnel deployed to China, with earliest and latest known postmarks, Registered mail, incoming markings, various Military Stations, studies of rates and other relevant information, eloquently conveyed by Mr. Kugel, who spent several decades acquiring this material. The collection includes a cover from General Chafee (commander of the U.S. forces in China Relief Expedition) to General Randolph in South Carolina, forerunner mail sent through the Japanese Post Office, U.S. Postal Station in Tientsin, registered cover from Germany, with rare "Received Military Postal Station No.1 China" pmk (less than 5 recorded), plus many others. With over 180 covers and cards, this collection can be easily transformed into a gold-medal presentation
| $13,000.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5004 United States Intervention in China 1900 (20 Sep) Legation of the United States of America, Peking, China diplomatic cover sent from Peking without postage, assessed Postage Due of 2 cents when handled at the Military Postal Station in Tientsin, with "Due Cents" and "2" in blue crayon, returned to sender, with Oct.4 M.P.S. No.1 arrival, fine, one of the only two (!) recorded examples of the Due marking on China Relief Expedition mail
| $2,200.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5005 United States Intervention in China 1900 (20 Sep) cover to Port Carbon, Pa, endorsed "Soldier's Mail", franked with C.E.F. Indian stamps prepaying the UPU rate, nevertheless not recognized and assessed Postage Due of 2 cents when handled at the Military Postal Station in Tientsin, with "Due Cents" and "2" in blue crayon, fine, with arrival (21 Oct) pmk on back, one of the only two (!) recorded examples of the Due marking on China Relief Expedition mail
| $3,250.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5006 United States Intervention in China 1904 (30 June) cover from New York to Kobe, Japan, franked with 5c Louisiana-Purchase, seized by the Russians during its Trans-Pacific journey on "S.S. Calchas", recaptured during the Russian retreat from Southern Manchuria in August, when it received "Delayed in Transmission having been Intercepted by Russians on board "CALCHAS", various blue crayon markings, finally arriving Kobe on 9 Sep 04, filing fold and some hinge marks, interesting cover used during the Russo-Japanese War
| $625.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5007 United States Intervention in China 1905 (28 July) cover from Captain John Pershing (later General "Black Jack" Pershing, commander of the AEF in WWI), an observer in the Russo-Japanese War attached to General Kuroki Tamemoto's Japanese First Army in Manchuria, initially addressed to his wife care of American Legation in Tokyo, forwarded care of "Taft Party" in Manila (where then Secretary of State William Howard Taft was on an inspection tour), transit and arrival pmks, some cover wear, scarce and appealing item
| $750.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5008 United States Intervention in China 1906 (15 June) cover (opened for display) from Buffalo, NY to Batavia, Dutch East Indies, with a manuscript direction "Please forward to Pekin, China", backstamped at Batavia, Weltevreden and Soerabaja, Hong Kong, Tientsin, Peking, where it was endorsed "Not in American Legation Guard, Peking, China", turned over to the Japanese Post Office and returned back to sender after five months. A well traveled cover
| $1,000.00 Bidding Closed |