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Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #5393 SERBIA Serbian Troops Abroad 1916-18 Salonica Front, collection of 50 covers or cards on expertly described 22 exhibit pages showing Field Post Offices established for the Serbian Army at Salonica, Serbian Army Radio Station "S.P.504", with bilingual French/Cyrillic "Controle Postal Militaire Serbe", variety of censor markings, illustrated military stationery cards, Morava and Drina Division markings, regimental cancelations, Registered card with "two heads" stamps of Serbia franking, another registered cover with Greek franking, sent by a Captain Branko Zdelar, second in command of the Serbian Navy at Salonica from the gunboat "Solaire" (only recorded example of naval mail from this period), incoming mail, cover from the Liberation of Bitolia to Salonika, etc. An unusual collection, with many rare items
| $900.00 Bidding Closed |
| Lot #5394 SERBIA Serbian Troops Abroad 1916-18 an 18-pages exhibit with 40 covers or cards, showing variety of cancelations and illustrated stationery cards from France (Fontainebleau, Rennes, Evian les Bains, Le Havre, Jausiers, Toulon, Vichy, Marseille, Paris, Francheville), also diplomatic mail, Serb troops in Corsica; Algeria (Bouzareah); Tunisia (Bizerte, Mogrine), cards from wounded soldiers in Monte Carlo, "Serbian Rest Camp Flowerdown Camp, Winchester" (Great Britain); card each from Italy and Romania. Truly exceptional material
| $900.00 Bidding Closed |
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