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ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #5383
SERBIA Military Mail
1914-15 World War I, selection of 15 covers or cards on pages, variety of Serbian military mail from Kombinovana (Combined) Division, Komanda Odbrane Beograda (Belgrade Defense Command); Timok., Morav. Division; Drina Division; Limska Brigade; Uzice Brigade, Money Order envelopes, different censor markings, handstamps, etc.
Bidding Closed
Lot #5384
SERBIA Military Mail
1914-17 Austro-Hungarian Invasions and Occupations (2) of Serbia, 60 covers or cards on exhibit pages displaying various FPO markings used by the Austrian army in Serbia, two cards sent by troops in Belgrade, with "Tabori Postahivatal 40" markings used 6-7 December 1914, one with an excellent cachet of "Commando K.u.K Donau Flotille" (Danube Flotilla), "Loznica" datestamps, "Etappenpost Umka", Usce, Uzice (Registered, censored cover to Belgrade), Aleksandrovac in Serbien, Arangjelovac, Valjevo, Velika Plana, Veliko Orasje, Vucitrn, Zabrez in Serbien, Bosnian stamps overprinted "Serbien", used on registered covers from Belgrade to Sarajevo, cover with "mixed" horizontal and diagonal overprints, used from Belgrade to Vienna, Money order form, complete Telegraph form sent by department of the military government in Belgrade, Fieldpost card from Grocka (rare), others with early and late usages, 1917 (15 Nov) from Ljubovia, registered cover from "Mitrovica am Kosovo", with corresponding Registry label, as well as other usages from small towns and communities in Serbia
Bidding Closed
Lot #5385
SERBIA Military Mail
1915 Official cover of Serbian Red Cross society from Palnaka to the International Red Cross in Geneva, also two Russian Red Cross cards, with special cachets, posted from Cuprija and Vrnjci in April and July 1915, one to Estonia, the other within Serbia to Nish and forwarded to Oreovica (the Russians provided humanitarian assistance through their Red Cross missions. Examples of actual mail from those missions is extremely rare)
Bidding Closed
Lot #5386
SERBIA Military Mail
1916 cover and card with "Serbien" overprinted stamps, each with "Zensuriert K.u.K. Zensurstelle Belgrad" and additional markings, sent from FPO 131 to Zepce (Bosnia) and Vienna, fine
Bidding Closed

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