Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #5370 SERBIA 1879 two covers displayed on exhibit page, both mailed by a British Military Mission advisor to his wife in Scotland, one sent on 4th May, correctly franked with 50para (10+40p as postage increased from 40p to 50p after the 30th of March 1879), tied by "Vojna Posta Vrh.Komande" cds (Military Post Headquarters) cds, with Edinburgh arrival pmk, the other franked with single 50para green, tied by "Naplaceno" (Paid) handstamp (which was in usage at Pirot), Belgrade transit and Barnam (July 19, 79) arrival pmks on back, minor cover flaws, fine
| $950.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5371 SERBIA 1880 Prepared but unissued 1 para indigo blue, h.r., fine (this denomination was intended for the potential use on newspapers, which were free of postage up to that time. This rate was not actually implemented until 1896, at which time King Milan adhesives were no longer valid) *
| $425.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5372 SERBIA 1880 (24 Mar) registered cover from Pirot to Sarajevo, Bosnia, correctly franked with Prince Milan 10 para (Vth printing), used in combination 2x40 para (IV printing perf. 9 1/2), canceled by boxed "PREPORUCENO" (Registered) handstamp, with "K.SRB.POSTA PIROT" departure cds alongside, ms "3dr" indicated double weight, Belgrade and "Zimony" (Hungary) transits and Austrian Military P.O. at Sarajevo arrival (14.4.80) pmks on back, fine cover from the Royal Serbian Post at Pirot (during the Russo-Turkish War, the Serbian army entered Pirot, which was ceded to Serbia under the Treaty of Berlin in 1878)
| $585.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5373 SERBIA 1883 (17 Jan) value declared cover (opened for display) sent from Belgrade to Genova, franked with 1 dinar violet, used in combination with 20pa and 25pa denominations, all tied by special framed departure datestamps, sent insured for 400 francs, with nine intact wax seals, arrival pmk on back, one of the very few surviving covers with 1 dinar franking
Catalog #29,30,32 | $525.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5374 SERBIA 1894 (14 July) registered cover from Belgrade to Modena, franked with a horizontal pair of King Alexander 1 dinar dull lilac, tied by bilingual departure pmk, with Bologna transit and Modena arrival pmks on back, minor backflap tears, with intact wax seal, fine and important high value franking cover, ex-Diena family archive
| $1,500.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5375 SERBIA 1896 (12 Dec) cover franked with right half of 20p orange, used as 10p from "Tchatchak" (Cacak) to Belgrade, with arrival pmk (13 Dec) on back, fine and scarce provisional usage, Rasic reports "not more than a half dozen covers have been reported"
Catalog #43a | $260.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5376 SERBIA 1904-12 King Peter Issues, collection of 23 covers or cards on exhibit pages, with Centenary set on registered cover to Budapest, Registered mail from Valjevo, Belgrade and Sabac, 1905 "bareheaded" King Peter I definitives on covers to the Netherlands, Croatia, France, Germany, Austria, also a Telegraph form, Money orders, Newspaper stamps on covers and wrappers, etc.
Catalog #79/97,P1/11 | $575.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5377 SERBIA 1905 "bareheaded" King Peter I, unissued 2 1/2 para value in bluish gray, large die proof on glazed card, v.f., rare P
| $500.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5378 SERBIA 1911 The "King with cap", 35pa gray black, unissued value prepared in anticipation of a change in postal rates, Die Essay on wove paper, large margins, minor wrinkles, unreported in Rasic handbook, possibly unique P
| $475.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5379 SERBIA 1911 The "King with cap" Issue, 1p-5d, twelve different canceled Belgrade (17 July 1912) on a registered coverfront addressed to Austria, fine and attractive Catalog #109/129 | $525.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5380 SERBIA 1911-14 The "King with cap" Issue, selection of 13 covers or cards on exhibit pages, various combination frankings, origins and destinations, COD parcel card, Registry markings, etc.
| $350.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5381 SERBIA 1919-20 Liberation of Serbia, selection of 11 covers or cards on exhibit pages, military mail from different units at Bitolj, Krusevac, Skopje, Tsarevo Selo, Cetinje, Podgorica, Berane, Veles, Belgrade, Uzice & Vranje, some censored, various destinations, fine and well described group
| $140.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5382 SERBIA 1921 (4 July and 12 Sep) two covers were sent by Lt. Col Frank Giles of the Royal Engineers, member of the "British Delegation Serbo-Bulgarian Boundary Commission", oval cachet and "British Commissioner Serbo-Bulgarian Boundary Commission" four-line cachet, each with 2p franking, sent by diplomatic pouch to London, one with central toning, unusual diplomatic mail pieces
| $270.00 Bidding Closed |