Current Auction

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ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #1089
1925 (18 Sep) incoming cover, registered from Vladivostok, with handstamped address of the Far-Eastern Representative of the Commissioner for Philately and Vouchers, correctly franked with 2x20k Lenin, paying foreign registered letter rate, addressed to Urga, with Philatelic 5k on 5r Tax stamp on back, tied by boxed handstamp, with excellent arrival strike "Urga in Mongolia", also "410" in manuscript (content value?), fine usage to uncommon destination
Bidding Closed
Lot #1090
1928 (ca) registered cover (opened for display), used internally (probably between government agencies), with violet framed Mongolia registry marking, fine and apparently unrecorded handstamp. An important item from Mongolia
Bidding Closed
Lot #1091
1928 (17 July) red band cover from Ulan Bator, via Manchouli to Peking, franked with 5m & 20m Ying Yang, Peking transit cds and Chinese 4c Junk added on arrival and paying the required postage due, v.f., with transit and arrival pmks (3 August)
Bidding Closed

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