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Images | Description | Current Bid |
| Lot #5423 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GREECE 1900-20s accumulation of 300+ covers or cards, mainly Greek Post Offices in Asia Minor, some with Ottoman franking, Corfu, Epirus, various overprints, Occupation usages from Bulgaria, registered and censored mail, Money Orders, Parcel cards, military mail and much more. Assembled over a period of many years, many acquired at substantial cost, mixed condition, excellent potential for a military historian, with sufficient material to build a number of exhibits
| $8,500.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5424 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GREECE 1919-22 Greek Military Post Offices in Asia Minor, collection on pages, 23 covers or cards, some with Ottoman franking, one to Constantinople, with "Garrison of Mudanya" departure, Greek military censor mark on back, stampless letter from "Syntrigi" to Istanbul, "Bank of Athens" cover from Smyrna to Kos Island, Italian 20c Postage Due added on arrival, covers with Greek postage sent from Smyrna to Germany, France, USA, etc., also loose stamps, some on pieces, various pmks, mixed condition, interesting lot
| $900.00 Bidding Closed |
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