Images | Description | Current Bid |
| Lot #4612 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GERMANY - WWII Postal History 1933-45 Commemorative and Semi-Postal Issues of the Third Reich, exhibit on 145 pages, showing 275+ covers and cards, special postmarks, complete sets on cover, including many better items (Wagner Operas complete set on registered cover), also Bohemia & Moravia, Generalgouvernement Occupation of Poland, Olympics and Zeppelin pmks, Brown-Ribbon Horse Races, souvenir sheets, Hitler's Birthday, Nazi Party propaganda and slogans, etc., colorful and attractive assembly
| $2,300.00
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| Lot #4613 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GERMANY - WWII Postal History 1940-45 balance of the large exhibit showing mail from German Occupied "Low Countries", 28 covers or cards from Netherlands, "Deutsche Dienstpost" official and business correspondence, used as early as 2 June, 1943, registered mail from Amsterdam, one with Hitler's Birthday cachet, parcel card from the Dienstpost office in the Hague, others used from Rotterdam, Utrecht, Arnhem, Dutch National Socialist Party covers, one with a patriotic label, another with "NSDAP in den Niederlanden" cachet; Belgium, covers from Bruxelles, Brugge, Eupen-Malmedy, including Parcel card with German franking, mail from smaller towns in the area which were ceded to Germany, Kapellen, Andeflues; Luxembourg, including specially prepared Deutsche Dienstpost markings, registered mail with overprinted Luxembourg stamps, postal stationery, propaganda cards
| $230.00
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| Lot #4614 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS GERMANY - WWII Postal History 1941-45 balance of the collection on exhibit pages, 100+ covers and cards from German Occupied Serbia, Lithuania, Estonia, Soviet Union, Poland, Macedonia, Latvia, censored mail from Laibach, Greece, Adria, Ukraine, with better frankings, commercial mail, postal stationery, parcel cards and much more. Every item has been chosen for this exhibit with a specific purpose, neatly described, occasional stamps included. A solid collection, well suited for expansion or break-up
| $2,300.00
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