Current Auction

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ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #5223
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German WWII Fieldpost - East Prussia Postal Stationery
1945 (9 Apr) folded stationery lettersheet, Feldpost 9.4.45 pmk, showing addressee's FPO 15978B at left, fine and rare,
Catalog #Mi.F1
Catalog Value €1,500
Bidding Closed
Lot #5224
GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German WWII Fieldpost - East Prussia Postal Stationery
1945 (5 Mar) two "Ostpreussen-Feldpost" cards, different origins and destinations, one with archival punches at left, fine and scarce,
Catalog #Mi.P2c,P2e
Catalog Value €2,000
Bidding Closed

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