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Lot #5204
GERMAN COLONIES German Military Mission in Palestine
1917-18 collection of 25 covers or cards, neatly written-up on exhibit pages, German Fieldpost in Jerusalem, "Feldpost A.O.K.4" with Registry label "Militar-Mission Feldpost 4.Armee", addressed to Vienna, another cover with Ottoman franking, endorsed "Feldpost" and addressed to Sweden (unusual destination), First Expeditionary Corps cards, one with "Feld-Flieger Abteilung" (Air Service) cachet, large part of a registered cover from "Bir-es-Seba", with "Feldpost d.Militar-Mission 1.Expeditionskorps No.164" Registry label, other cards from Beersheba, registered mail used by Austrian Army units with the German Mission in Jerusalem, A.O.K.4 dispatches from Jerusalem, Military Mission from Emmaus (El Kubebe), covers from Bethlehem, Haifa, official Registered Mail from the Prussian Survey Unit to A.O.K.8, with "Deutsche Feldpost 663" Registry label, mailed from Aleppo and Damascus, also Amanus and Rayak, as well as a registered cover from Amman, with "Deutsche Feldpost 372" Registry label (stated to be the only(!) recorded example of Registered mail from the German Forces in Transjordan), other FPO markings, possibly from a German liaison officer with the Turkish 8th Army in Dera and Amman, fine and rare archive
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