| Lot #5106 BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA Austrian Occupation 1878-87 collection of 30 covers, cards, Money orders and Telegrams, neatly written-up on 18 exhibit pages, with fieldpost markings "K.u.K. Hauptfeldpostampt d.II Armee", "Feldpost-Expositur No.1" and "18" (First Division in Sarajevo, 18th Division at Mostar), incoming mail to an Austrian engineering Sargent in Mostar, "K.u.K.Etappen-Postampt" cds from various FPOs (Kiseljak, Bihac, Livno, Gorazde, Maglaj), Registered mail with Bosnian franking, cover from FPO No.V (Zenica) to Italy, military franking not recognized and cover charged penalty rate of 50c Postage Due at "Mel", Money Order for 24 Gulden from FPO No.6 (Trebinje) to Opuzen, Dalmatia, another with Hungarian franking from Livno to Spalato, also receipts for money orders, cover and FL with Hungarian franking, canceled "K.u.K. Etappen-Postampt XI" from Banjaluka, No.VII from Kiseljak), covers used during Muslim Uprising (1882), also "K.u.K. Milit.Post XXXII Serajevo", registered FL from Banjaluka to Trieste, etc. A fine showing (in 1878, as a consequence of an international summit in Berlin, Austria-Hungary was permitted to occupy the troubled Ottoman provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. An invasion by 150,000+ troops, was followed by four decades of civil administration and eventually in 1908, annexation by the Habsburg Monarchy)
| $5,000.00 Bidding Closed |