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Lot #5094
AUSTRIA Military Mail
1914 Registered cover from the abortive first Austrian invasion of Serbia, registered from "Loznica" to Skalice, franked with two Bosnian stamps and tied by framed "K.u.K.Militar Postampt Loznica" pmk, with Registered and "K.u.K. Militar-Telegraphen" handstamps, fine and rare registered cover from the Austrian foothold during the second invasion of Serbia (One of the bloodiest battles fought in the Balkans was the Battle of the Drina, near Loznica, Serbia. After a first failed invasion of Serbia where he lost 40,000 men, Oskar Potiorek, the Austro-Hungarian commander, launched a new offensive across the River Drina, where he faced strong Serbian defensive positions. A counterattack pushed the Austrians back to the Drina, but a small force remained at Loznica)
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