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ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #256
ALBANIA Albanian Locals - Korce
1914 10pa red handstamp on black "Commission De Controle Provisoire Korca", struck twice on cover (backflap missing), canceled Korce 12.4.1914, addressed to Elbasan, with (erroneous year-date) arrival (15.4.1911), filing folds, rare, signed Diena
Catalog #52Ac

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Lot #257
ALBANIA Albanian Locals - Korce
1918 French Administration of Koritsa, surcharges on stamps of North Epirus, complete set of five, each canceled on piece "12 Jan 1917" and "27 Dec. 1916", some irregular perforations, mostly fine-v.f., rare,
Catalog #Mi.I-V
Catalog Value EUR 5,800

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Lot #258
ALBANIA Albanian Locals - Korce
1918 10c on 2L rose, l.h., fine, signed Diena, etc.,
Catalog #Mi.II
Catalog Value EUR 1,000

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