Rare Stamps and Postal History of the World
January 7-8, 2025

Cherrystone Auctions January 7-8, 2025 Sale of Rare Stamps and Postal History of the World will take place at our Teaneck, N.J. Galleries and via CherrystoneLIVE There are 1,481 lots which will be offered in four sessions, starting with United States, featuring a large collection of U.S. sheets and modern errors. Worldwide sections include an exceptional holding of Israel, including Forerunners and Interim Period. There are solid sections of France, Germany, Italy and Italian States, British Commonwealth, with many individual rarities. Eastern Europe offers a collection of Poland, with many better Krakow overprints, as well as Imperial Russia, with rare inverted backgrounds, Romanov correspondence, followed by Soviet Union, including Air Post and Civil War issues. There are 165 Large Lots and Collections, ranging from single country albums, specialized holdings, multi-carton worldwide groups and large cover lots offered intact

ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #1055
1766 (22 June) outer FL from St. Petersburg to Pernau, with straight-line "St.Petersbourg" ("v" for "u"), with departure and arrival (8 July) docketing, minor ageing tone spots, excellent early strike, with Dobin's (2000) certificates ("rare early postmark of St. Petersburg"). The straight-line postmark of St. Petersburg in Latin letters was introduced in 1765 and used only for one year (Dobin 01/01.001a, rarity factor "8")
Price Realized

Lot #1056
1812 (26 July) complete FL datelined "Bieszenkowicze" (today a small city in Belarus), full text in French, from an officer with Napoleon's Army, on the way to Kamen, addressed Brigadier General Count de Castellane in Ardes, charged "16" (decimes), interesting contents discussing Napoleon's movements in Russia and personal matters, fine and scarce historical document, with full transliteration and German translation
Price Realized

Lot #1057
1820 (ca) FL opened for display, with handstamp "Vasilkov" (Kiev gov.) to Mirgorod (Poltava gov.), endorsed "via Belaya Tserkov", scarce usage, showing a handwritten routing (when there were several possible routes, postal clerks used endorsements of preferred route)
Price Realized

Lot #1058
1836 (1 July) FL from St. Petersburg (pre-printed business text, also written in German) to Bordeaux, red L.P.B. 5 and framed "Hollande par Thionville" and arrival cds on back, fine
Price Realized

Lot #1059
1845 (5 May) 10k stationery entire envelope with black indicia on backflap, canceled by pen, with boxed St. Petersburg departure datestamp in red, sent to Tetyshi (Kazan gouv.), fine
Price Realized

Lot #1060
1849 An autograph mourning envelope sent by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, wife of Emperor Nicholas I, to His Royal Highness Prince Wilhelm of Prussia, uncle of the king, in Berlin. With her wax seal and the rare oval postmark of the Office of the Postal Director in St. Petersburg (15.2.49), which managed mail to and from the imperial family. Illustrated in Rossica No.177
Lot #1061
1849 (10 Jan) cover (petition) from Odessa to Riga, with boxed two-line ornamental departure datestamp (without year), intact wax seal of the Odessa Post Office and boxed "arrived in Riga 22 January 1849", fine and scarce (Dobin 1.11, rarity factor "6")
Price Realized

Lot #1062
1850 (6 May) registered cover containing a secret report (repaired with archival tape) sent from Baku to Emperor Nicholas I in St. Petersburg. Inscribed "into his own hands." The postmark has the town and month misspelled (only recorded example). Postage was 43 kopecks (2x20 kopecks for weight and 3 kopecks for the receipt). With the wax seal of the Baku District Post Office. Illustrated in Rossica No.177
Price Realized

Lot #1063
1852-55 two stationery entire 10k envelopes, indicia on backflap, each canceled by pen, first sent locally in Moscow, bearing "Polucheno : Utra" (received in the morning); the second sent from Moscow to St. Petersburg, departure datestamp on front, with round "Polucheno Pold" (received in the afternoon) on back, wax seals mostly intact, some toning, otherwise fine-v.f.
Price Realized

Lot #1064
1857 10k brown and blue, large margins all around, indistinct cancel, v.f.
Catalog #1
Lot #1065
1857 10k brown & blue, margins all around, canceled by "374" in rectangle of dots (Khorol, Poltava Province), v.f., signed Ebel
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1066
1857 10k brown & blue, thin paper, margins all around, canceled by "254" in rectangle of dots (Slutsk), v.f., signed Friedl
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1067
1857 10k brown & blue, thin paper, canceled "52" (Sebezh) in rectangle of dots, large margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Raybaudi certificate
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1068
1857 10k brown & blue, thin paper, Plate II, canceled single line "Mitawa", margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Mikulski certificate
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1069
1857 10k brown & blue, canceled on piece, deep color and large margins all around, v.f., with Raybaudi certificate
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1070
1857 10k brown & blue, thick paper, used, v.f., with Raybaudi certificate
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1071
1857 10k brown & blue, thick paper, used, v.f., signed Kosack, etc., with Raybaudi certificate
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1072
1857 10k brown & blue, thin paper, canceled "239" (Libava) in rectangle of dots, large margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Raybaudi certificate
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1073
1857 10k brown & blue, thin paper, canceled "220" (Kamrat) in rectangle of dots, large margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Hovest certificate
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1074
1857 10k brown & blue, thin paper, canceled on piece by "241" (Tukkum) in rectangle of dots, large margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Hovest certificate
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1075
1857 10k brown & blue, thick paper, canceled "54" (Alexandrov) in rectangle of dots, large margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Hovest certificate
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1076
1857 10k brown & blue, thick paper, canceled "180" (Novoalexandrovsk) in rectangle of dots, large margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Diena certificate
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1077
1857 10k brown & blue, thick paper, canceled by oval "Tula" postmark, margins all around, good color, fresh and v.f., with Hovest certificate
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1078
1857 10k brown & blue, thin paper, used, margins all around, v.f., with Mikulski certificate
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1079
1857 10k brown and blue, margins all around, placed upside down on cover, tied by Berdyansk datestamp, addressed to Odessa, cover mending and slight toning, otherwise fine
Catalog #1
Price Realized

Lot #1080
1858 20k blue & orange, thick paper, canceled by pen on cover addressed to St. Petersburg, with straight-line "Boguchar" departure handstamp on back, date completed by hand, with "Polucheno 20 March 1858" (afternoon) applied on arrival, some hinge marks at sides of the envelope, with wax seal on back, fine and rare Russia No.3 on cover, probably only known from Boguchar, ex-Mikulski collection, with 2021 Buchsbayew certificate,
Catalog #3
Catalog Value $13,500
Price Realized

Lot #1081
1861 10k stationery entire envelope, with embossed indicia on back, canceled "484" in rectangle of dots and sent from Kashin to Elisavetgrad, with departure and arrival pmks on front, fine internal usage
Price Realized

Lot #1082
1862 10k brown & blue, tied by "30" in diamond of dots (Nizhny Novgorod Yarmark) on FL to St. Petersburg, with "Nizhny Novgorod Yarmark" Post Office (3 Aug 1862) departure cds and 10 August arrival pmks on back, fine scarce usage from the temporary post sub-office at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair
Catalog #8
Price Realized

Lot #1083
1869 (2 Oct) outer FL from Odessa to Vienna, franked with 1k, 3k and 10k (horizontally laid paper), tied by red departure pmks, with "frankirovano" (franked) and Moscow transits, all in red, small Wien arrival pmk on back, fine
Price Realized

Lot #1084
1871 (7 Oct) FL from Odessa to France, franked with 3k, 5k and 20k (horizontally laid paper), tied by cds, with boxed "Aus Russland Franco" and blue French entry markings, "Breslau 2410 V Berlin" train station, Marseille transit and Montpellier arrival pmks
Price Realized

Lot #1085
1871 (7 Jan) an invitation to a Winter Palace ball sent to Eugene Schuyler, Secretary of the American Legation in St. Petersburg, from the Ministry of the Imperial Court, Direction of Ceremonies "By order of His Majesty the Emperor, the Grand Master of Ceremonies has the honor to inform Mr. Schuyler that His Majesty invites him to a ball which will take place at the Winter Palace on 11 January about 9 o'clock in the evening. Arrive by the Emperor's steps facing the Admiralty. Come in uniform. In case of an obstacle R.S.V.P"
Price Realized

Lot #1086
1874 (3 Jan) registered cover from the chancellery of Maria Feodorovna, wife of future Emperor Aleksander III, to the Viault Este women's shoe store in Paris, wax seals reading "Chancellery of Her Imperial Majesty the Tsarevna." Registered mail to France required five wax seals. The postage was paid in cash in the amount of 32 kopecks (2x10 kopecks for weight, 7 kopecks for registration, and 5 kopecks for a receipt). Illustrated in Rossica No.177
Lot #1087
1875 (4 July) registered cover (petition) from Ushchitza to Kamenetz, paying 39k with three each 3k and 10k, fine-v.f., with arrival pmk on back
Price Realized

Lot #1088
1876 (14 Mar) wrapper from England (British franking faulty) to Emperor Alexander II in St. Petersburg, postmarked at the Office of the Postal Director which oversaw mail to and from the Imperial family. Illustrated in Rossica No.177
Lot #1089
1877 (31 May) large registered cover (petition) from Novgorod to St. Petersburg, paying 39 kopecks with 1k, 8k and 30k (horizontally laid paper), filing folds and some toning on back, full wax seal and arrival pmk, scarce franking
Price Realized

Lot #1090
1882 (17 Feb) cover from Moscow to Ireland, franked on back with 1k (2) and 5k, tied by departure cds, with Dublin arrival alongside, carelessly opened with some creases, otherwise fine, uncommon destination (Ireland)
Price Realized

Lot #1091
1884 3.50r black & gray, 7r black & orange, unused with original gum, h.r., fine,
Catalog #39-40
Catalog Value $2,000
Price Realized

Lot #1092
1886 (15 Dec) registered cover sent from St. Petersburg by Charles Heath to his niece in Chesham, England (Heath, an Englishman, spent most of his life at the Russian court as a tutor, first to the younger children of Emperor Alexander II and then to all the children of Emperor Alexander III. On the backflap of the envelope he wrote K.O.Gis, the Russian version of his name, and Anichkin Palace, his place of residence)
Price Realized

Lot #1093
1886 (28 May) residency permit issued by the Liteiny Women's Gymnasium under the auspices of the Office of the Institutes of Empress Maria. The certificate grants Mr. Thormeyer, a French language teacher at the Gymnasium, permission to live anywhere in the Russian Empire for a period of one year starting 2 October 1885. It is signed by the school's inspector and bears the school seal. A 60 kopeck revenue stamp was attached on front and on back is a 30k St. Petersburg city government stamp, canceled by a police hs, also showing Thormeyer's address. A second police hs gives his address as the Peterhof palace (Thormeyer was hired as the French tutor for the children of Emperor Alexander III on 14 August 1886 when the Imperial family was at the Peterhof palace, their summer residence)
Lot #1094
1887 (10 Feb) registered cover sent by the secretary of Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich in St.Petersburg to the Secretary of the Zoological Society of London. The wax seal reads, "Administrative Office of His Imperial Majesty Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich." Grand Duke Nicholas was a grandson of Emperor Nicholas I. He was murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1919. Illustrated in Rossica No.177
Lot #1095
1887 (6 Sep) registered autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich in Moscow to Count Alexey Borisovich Perovsky in Carlsbad, Austria. Backflap embossed with imperial crown and "Ilinskoye," the name of the country estate near Moscow belonging to Vladimir's brother Grand Duke Sergey. Illustrated in Rossica No.177
Price Realized

Lot #1096
1887 (4 Dec) small registered cover from Vitebsk to Varvara Shebeko in Paris, franked on back with pair of 7k blue, showing an interesting backflap imprint and full wax seal on reverse (Shebeko was the companion and confidante of Catherine Dolgorukova, second wife of Emperor Alexander II. Shebeko orchestrated the affair between the Tsar and Dolgorukova which lasted from 1865 until their marriage in 1880, shortly after the death of the Emperor’s first wife. After the Emperor was assassinated in 1881, Shebeko and Dolgorukova settled in Paris)
Price Realized

Lot #1097
1889 (8 Aug) cover and letter sent to Grand Duke Sergey Alexandrovich at his estate in Ilinskoye near Moscow, via Khimki station on the Nikolai Railway. Postmarked in Postal Wagon No.34 (Kostroma-Moscow rail line). The sender, Daria Tyutcheva, former lady-in-waiting to Empress Maria Alexandrovna (mother of Sergey and wife of Emperor Alexander II) informs Sergey about the illness of her sister Anna, who had been lady-in-waiting to Empress Maria from 1853 to 1858 (when Daria replaced her), after which she was Sergey's governess (Anna died on 11 August 1889 in Sergievsky Posad. Sergey was assassinated by a terrorist bomb in 1905. Anna and Daria were daughters of the poet Fyodor Tyutchev). Illustrated in Rossica No.177
Price Realized

Lot #1098
1889 Horizontally Laid Paper, 4k rose, groundwork inverted, neat partial 1895 St. Petersburg cancels, well centered, fresh and v.f. example of this error, with 2000 Mikulski certificate. A rarity from Imperial Russia, only a few recorded,
Catalog #41a
Catalog Value $16,000
Price Realized

Lot #1099
1890 (25 Jan) registered cover sent from Tiflis to Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolayevna (born Princess of Montenegro), in St. Petersburg. (Anastasia, known as "Stana," was the daughter of the King of Montenegro. She married George Maximilianovich, Duke of Leuchtenberg, in 1889, divorced him in 1906, and married Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolayevich in 1907. She and her sister Militsa introduced Rasputin to Empress Alexandra). Illustrated in Rossica No.177
Price Realized

Lot #1100
1890 (9 Dec) registered cover sent from the office of the St. Petersburg Postal Director to Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich on his yacht "Tamara", care of the Russian Consulate in Colombo, Ceylon. With the wax seal of the "St. Petersburg pochtamt", transit Brindisi and Colombo (12.1.91) pmks (Grand Duke Alexander and his brother Sergey toured the Mediterranean and Black Seas and the Indian Ocean for seven months until their mother's death on 31 March 1891 forced an early return to Russia. For an account of the trip, see 23,000 Miles in the Yacht "Tamara" by G. I. Radde). Illustrated in Rossica No.177
Price Realized

Lot #1101
1890 (20 Dec) wrapper front sent from St. Petersburg to Grand Duke Sergey Mikhailovich on his brother's yacht "Tamara" care of the Russian Consulate in Colombo, Ceylon (Sergey and his brother, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, toured the Mediterranean and Black Seas and the Indian Ocean for seven months, until their mother's death on 31 March 1891 forced an early return to Russia. For an account of the trip, see "23,000 Miles in the Yacht "Tamara" by G. I. Radde. Sergey was murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1918)
Lot #1102
1891 (29 Jan) registered cover sent from St. Petersburg by Prince Alexander Petrovich Oldenburgsky to Charles Rabourdin in Hericy, France, with embossed seal reading, "Offices of the Courts of His Highness Prince Alexander Petrovich of Oldenburg and His Wife, Her Imperial Highness Princess Eugenia Maximilianovna." (the prince was the great-grandson of Tsar Paul I, and the Princess was the granddaughter of Tsar Nicholas I. The prince's son, Peter Alexandrovich, married Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna, sister of Tsar Nicholas II, in 1901. Prince Alexander was an adjutant general, commander of the Imperial Guard and medical chief of the Russian Army in WWI. Rabourdin, a Crimean War veteran, was an archaeologist and poet)
Lot #1103
1891 (5 July) registered cover sent by the future Emperor Nicholas II to his cousin Prince George of Greece in Athens, forwarded to Bernstorff Palace in Gjentofte near Copenhagen. Inscribed "from the heir apparent Tsarevich.", postmarked at the Nizhny Novgorod railway station in Moscow, with Odessa, Athens, Brindisi, Copenhagen and Gjentofte transit and arrival markings. One 5k stamp has been removed (Nicholas was returning from his nine-month trip to Asia. While he was in Japan, an assassin who tried to kill him was thwarted by Prince George, his traveling companion. George returned to Europe via America while Nicholas went home via Siberia. George was the son of King George I of Greece. He lived with his uncle in Bernstorff Palace). Illustrated in Rossica No.171
Price Realized

Lot #1104
1891 (25 June) cover from a French jeweler at the "French Exhibition in Moscow", franked with 10k dark blue and showing a good strike of Moscow "French Exhibition" temporary postmark, sent to Vienna, re-addressed to Paris, fine (a few temporary offices were opened at special events, such as Congress and Exhibitions, including this one)
Price Realized

Lot #1105
1893 (14 May) cover from Washington DC to Colonel and Mrs. William P. Orr in Piqua, Ohio, with enclosed invitation from Senator and Mrs. Calvin S. Brice to a dinner and ball for Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich at the Corcoran House on Lafayette Square. The Grand Duke, who arrived in New York on 25 April, was on a goodwill visit in honor of the 400th anniversary of America's discovery, and to thank the USA for its help during the Russian famine of 1892. (Orr was an Ohio businessman and Brice represented Ohio in the Senate from 1891 to 1897, during which time he rented the Corcoran House), illustrated in Rossica No.177
Lot #1106
1894 (8 Apr) registered cover sent from the court office of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich in St. Petersburg to his wife Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna in Coburg, Germany, with a wax seal reading "Office of the Court of His Imperial Majesty Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich." (Grand Duke Vladimir was a brother of Tsar Alexander III. They were in Coburg for the wedding of Grand Duke Ernst of Hesse and Princess Victoria Melita ("Ducky") of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, which took place on 7 April. Ernst was the brother of the future Empress Alexandra of Russia, and Ducky was the granddaughter of both Queen Victoria and Tsar Alexander II. Nicholas and Alexandra became engaged at this event on 8 April), illustrated in Rossica No.177
Price Realized

Lot #1107
1895 signed autograph letter from Queen Olga of Greece (formerly Grand Duchess Olga Konstantinovna of Russia) to Countess De La Warr, on mourning stationery embossed with "Olga" and crown
Lot #1108
1896 (12 Nov) autograph cover sent to Gatchino by Grand Duke George Alexandrovich in Abas-Tuman, postmarked at the Office of the Postal Director (Grand Duke George, who was heir to the throne, lived in the Caucasus from 1891 until his death from tuberculosis in 1899, the envelope is palace stationery and bears George's wax seal. The addressee, Ferdinand Thormeyer, had been George's tutor), illustrated in Rossica No.166
Price Realized

Lot #1109
1896 (9 Dec) autograph cover, sent from Abas-Tuman to Gatchino by Grand Duke George Alexandrovich. The envelope is palace stationery and bears George's wax seal. The addressee, Ferdinand Thormeyer, had been George's tutor
Lot #1110
1897 (3 Feb) registered cover sent by Alexander Vasilyevich Astashev, commander of the Imperial yacht "Zarnitsa" in Batum, to the German-owned varnish manufacturing company Conrad Wm. Schmidt (F. A. Glaeser) in London (during World War I, this company was sold to British owners and was renamed London Varnish & Enamel Co. The "Zarnitsa" was built in 1891 and was acquired by Grand Duke George Alexandrovich in 1896. The yacht was docked in Batum for his use. George lived in Abas-Tuman, a small town in Georgia, until his death in 1899, when the yacht was inherited by his brother, Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich. Astashev was murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1918)
Price Realized

Lot #1111
1897 (12 Oct) registered cover sent by the St. Petersburg Postal Director to the Emperor of Russia (Tsar Nicholas II) in Darmstadt, Germany. Postmarked at the Office of the Postal Director, which managed mail to and from the imperial family, and in Darmstadt on arrival. The wax seal reads."St. Petersburg Postal Director". Nicholas and Alexandra were visiting her hometown to dedicate the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, a chapel for the private use of the Russian imperial family when they were in Darmstadt. Illustrated in Rossica No.177
Lot #1112
1899 (11 Nov) registered cover inscribed "From the Chancellery of Her Imperial Majesty Empress Maria Feodorovna", sent from St. Petersburg to Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. With paper seal reading "Chancellery of her Imperial Majesty Empress Maria Feodorovna", illustrated in Rossica No.166
Lot #1113
1899 (14 May) autograph cover sent from Gatchino by Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna to her former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope has an embossed crown and Olga's wax seal
Price Realized

Lot #1114
1899 (7 June) signed autograph cover and letter sent from by Grand Duchess Yelisaveta Mavrikievna in Strelna to her father in Bad Gastein, Austria. Postmarked at the Office of the Postal Director, with an embossed crown on the envelope backflap and on the notepaper, which also has the embossed signature Yelisaveta. The letter is addressed to His Highness Prince Moritz von Sachsen-Altenburg in Wildbad-Gastein
Lot #1115
1899 (24 June) cover sent by Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna in Peterhof to the palace of her brother Grand Duke George Alexandrovich in Abas-Tuman. The addressee, Ferdinand Thormeyer, was visiting his former pupil George who had died of tuberculosis two days before this letter arrived. Olga was in Peterhof for the baptism of her niece Grand Duchess Maria Nikolayevna. Illustrated in Rossica No.166
Price Realized

Lot #1116
1900 (29 Mar) autograph envelope sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich in St. Petersburg to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope has an embossed crown, Michael's cipher and a wax seal ("Adjutant on duty"). Michael was named adjutant to Tsar Nicholas II in 1899. He was heir to the throne
Lot #1117
1900 (1 Jan) autograph mourning envelope sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich in St. Petersburg to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope has an embossed crown and Michael's cipher (Michael became heir to the throne when his brother Grand Duke George died of tuberculosis in the Caucasus in June 1899. Michael was murdered by the Bolsheviks in 1918)
Price Realized

Lot #1118
1900 (3 July) autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich from Krasnoye Selo to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. Postmarked at the Office of the Postal Director, the envelope has an embossed crown and Michael's cipher and wax seal. The Office of the Postal Director oversaw mail to and from the imperial family. Michael, heir to the throne, was in Krasnoye Selo for the annual review of the army by the Tsar
Lot #1119
1900 (3 Sep) autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich from the Imperial hunting preserve at Spala to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope is stationery from another imperial hunting preserve at Belovezh and is so embossed. The Spala post office was open only for a few weeks in September or October when the imperial family was hunting there. In 1900 they arrived on 30 August and left on 14 September. This is one of only three recorded covers from Spala, illustrated in Rossica No.166
Price Realized

Lot #1120
1901 (22 Mar) registered cover sent from Ivanov-Bor to General Baron Vladimir Frederiks, Minister of the Imperial Court, in St. Petersburg. The envelope was resealed with paper seals of the Office of the Minister of the Imperial Court. Frederiks was minister from 1897 to 1917
Lot #1121
1901 (4 Apr) an address card that accompanied a parcel insured for 100 rubles sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich from St. Petersburg to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. With the St. Petersburg pochtamt wax seal for foreign insured mail, and a second seal reading "Office of His Imperial Majesty and Heir to the Throne Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich." (the parcel contained "Easter eggs," made by the Imperial Porcelain Factory). Illustrated in Rossica No.166
Lot #1122
1901 (19 Aug) autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich from his estate at Brasovo to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope has an embossed crown and Michael's cipher. Michael inherited the estate from his brother George, who died in 1899, making Michael heir to the throne
Lot #1123
1901 (27 Feb) registered cover sent from St. Petersburg to Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. Postmarked at the 11th city branch office, envelope imprinted with "From the Administrator of His Imperial Majesty's Palace." (the palace in question was the Anichkov, home of Emperor Nicholas II's mother. The administrator from 1897 to 1912 was Maj. Gen. David Alexandrovich Ozerov. The 11th city branch office was the post office closest to the palace. Thormeyer tutored the children of Emperor Alexander III from 1886 to1899)
Lot #1124
1901 (3 Nov) money letter sent by Andrey Alekseyevich Kudinov from St. Petersburg to Copenhagen. The letter contained 303 rubles. Postage was 75k (20k for weight, 40k for insurance, 10k for registration and 5k for sealing wax). The correct insurance fee was 30 kopecks. The letter was mailed at the 11th city postal branch office which was the closest to the Anichkov Palace (in 1878, Kudinov was appointed chamber-Cossack (bodyguard) of future Empress Maria Feodorovna. He lived in the Anichkov Palace in her service until his death in 1915. In 1912 Tsar Nicholas II commissioned Faberge to make a statuette of Kudinov)
Lot #1125
1901 (21 Mar) autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich from Tsarskoye Selo to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope has an embossed crown and Michael's cipher and wax seal. Michael was heir to the throne
Lot #1126
1902 (22 July) cabinet photograph by Levitsky of the Russian imperial family, sent as a postcard from St. Petersburg to La Paz, Uruguay by an Argentinian naval officer. The photograph shows Nicholas and Alexandra and their first four children: Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia (born 5 June 1901). Levitsky's name is embossed in the lower right corner
Price Realized

Lot #1127
1902 5k red violet, vertically laid paper, groundwork inverted, lightly canceled, well centered with nice margins, fresh color, one slightly shorter perf. at top, still very fine. This is a great rarity, ex-Ferrary, Rothschild and Goss collections, possibly one of only two existing examples,
Catalog #58b
Catalog Value $30,000
Price Realized

Lot #1128
1902-05 2k green, variety Groundwork Omitted, used in combination with 1k and 7k Arms on back of a registered cover sent locally in Riga 7.5.07, with oval Railroad cancels, corresponding Registry label on front, filing fold away from the stamps, fine and extremely rare Groundwork Omitted on cover, with 2021 Buchsbayew certificate
Catalog #56b
Lot #1129
1903 (9 Aug) registered autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich, who was attending the 1903 grand army maneuvers near Pskov, to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The postmark (only recorded example) reads "Pochtovo-Telegr.Otden/ Glavn.Kvartira" (the final day of the maneuvers). It was applied at the headquarters of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, who commanded the maneuvers. This is the only(!) recorded registered mail from army maneuvers. The envelope has an embossed crown and Michael's cipher and wax seal. Michael was heir to the throne. Illustrated in Rossica No.165
Price Realized

Lot #1130
1903 (10 Sep) signed autograph postcard sent from the Imperial hunting preserve at Belovezh, by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich to his former tutor in Carouge, Switzerland (the message reads, "10/23 Sept. 1903. My Dear Siocha (a nickname for Thormeyer), We leave today for Skernevitse (another hunting preserve). Sad to leave here. Hunting was remarkably good the whole time. In all, I killed 2 aurochs, 2 elk, 12 deer, 10 goats, 7 boars, 4 foxes, 1 rabbit. After tomorrow I leave from Warsaw for Libau and expect to be in Fredensborg (Denmark) by Sunday. Goodbye. Your M. A."). The photograph shows the Imperial Belovezh palace, illustrated in Rossica No.166
Price Realized

Lot #1131
1903 (31 Dec) autograph cover sent from Athens, by Princess Alice of Battenberg to Empress Maria Feodorovna in St. Petersburg, postmarked at the Office of the Postal Director, with embossed "Alice" and crown on the backflap (Princess Alice was a great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria, a niece of Empress Alexandra, and the mother-in-law of Queen Elizabeth II. She married Prince Andrew of Greece on 6 October 1903)
Price Realized

Lot #1132
1903 (2 Nov) autograph cover sent from Ramon, by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope is stationery, with Michael's seal from Olgino, his sister Grand Duchess Olga's estate near Ramon
Lot #1133
1904 (19 Apr) autograph cover and signed note sent from St. Petersburg by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The envelope has an embossed crown and Michael's wax seal, illustrated in Rossica No.166
Price Realized

Lot #1134
1904 (1 June) cover from St. Petersburg to Mt. Afon in Turkey. The envelope, stationery of the Chancellery of Her Imperial Majesty Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and the Administrative Office of the August Children of Their Imperial Majesties, is addressed to the father-superior of the Holy Monastery of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Virgin. The seal on back reads, "Chancellery of her Imperial Empress Alexandra Feodorovna". Imperial mail was postage-free only within Russia, so postage was due. Illustrated in Rossica No.171
Price Realized

Lot #1135
1904 (16 June) picture postcard from Evreux, France to Her Majesty the Tsarina, Empress of Russia in St. Petersburg. Postmarked at the Office of the Postal Director. Unfortunately, the French stamp was removed, obliterating most of the Evreux postmark. With large oval green handstamp of the Chancellery of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. The message reads, "The sender would be delighted if Her Majesty deigned to condescend to exchange postcards." Illustrated in Rossica No.171
Lot #1136
1904 10k dark blue, background inverted error, with further variety imperf. at bottom, which is explained by the fact that the stamp has a pre-print paper fold (plis d'accordeon), which made it shorter, escaping perforation at bottom, possibly only 5/10 can exist, with Mikulski and Buchsbayew certificates
Catalog #60a,var
Price Realized

Lot #1137
1905 (4 Jan) postcard with a photograph of Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich taken at the Winter Palace costume ball in February 1903, mailed to Brussels from St. Petersburg
Lot #1138
1905 (23 Apr) postcard sent from St. Petersburg to Ferdinand Thormeyer, in Carouge, Switzerland. The sender was Maj. Gen. David Alexandrovich Ozerov, administrator of the Anichkov Palace, home of Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna. The painting on the back by Samokish shows members of the Blue Cuirassiers, the guards' regiment to which Grand Duke Michael belonged
Lot #1139
1905 (25 Sep) postcard sent from St. Petersburg to Ivanovo-Voznesensk by a crew member on the imperial yacht "Strela" owned by Grand Duke Alexey Alexandrovich, the head of the Russian Navy. With handstamps reading "Yacht Strela". The message reads, "From the day you receive this postcard, write to me at the old address: Petersburg, Guards equipage, 2nd engine company, Petersburg Guards Garrison." The Guards equipage served as crews on imperial yachts. The "Strela" was built in 1891 and was used for trips to Peterhof, Kronstadt and Revel
Price Realized

Lot #1140
1905 (14 Dec) registered cover sent from the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg to the Russian Imperial Mission in Copenhagen. Inscribed "Palais d'Hiver" (Winter Palace). With a paper seal of the Palace Administration, located at the Winter Palace (Lt. Gen. Sergey Ivanovich Speransky was head of the St. Petersburg Palace Administration from 1891 to 1914)
Lot #1141
1906 (7 Jan) autograph cover sent by Grand Duchess Ksenia Alexandrovna from Yalta to her former tutor in Carouge, Switzerland. Ksenia and her husband Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich lived at Ai-Todor, near Yalta. They were virtual prisoners because of revolutionary disturbances in the area
Price Realized

Lot #1142
1906 (14 May) postcard sent from Milford Haven, Wales to Charles Gibbes in St. Petersburg, with arrival docketing. Also included is an autograph cover and notecard sent in 1901 by Countess Elizaveta Vladimirovna Saburova Mr. Gibbes, who was at her daughter Alexandra Andreyevna Shidlovskaya's Volchy estate near Volokonovka (Gibbes, an 1899 Cambridge graduate, taught English in Russia from 1901, and served as the English tutor to the children of Tsar Nicholas II from 1908 to 1918. He accompanied the Imperial family when they were sent to Siberia in 1917 and was one of the first to visit their execution site in Yekaterinburg in the summer of 1918. Afterwards he lived in Harbin where he converted to Russian Orthodoxy and became a priest, adopting the name Nicholas in honor of the late Tsar. He returned to England in 1937)
Lot #1143
1906 (23 May) postcard sent from Milford Haven, Wales to Charles Sydney Gibbes in St. Petersburg (Gibbes taught English in Russia from 1901, and served as the English tutor to the children of Tsar Nicholas II from 1908 to 1918)
Lot #1144
1907 (23 Mar) cover front sent from the Office of the Postal Director in St. Petersburg to Maria Feodorovna, Empress of Russia in Biarritz, France. The Dowager Empress arrived in Biarritz in March and stayed for several weeks. One of only two recorded covers with this postmark canceling the stamps
Lot #1145
1907 (10 Dec) registered autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich from the telegraph office in Gatchino Palace to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The registration label (only recorded example) reads Gatchino Palace. Illustrated in Rossica No.166
Price Realized

Lot #1146
1907 (21 June) beautiful and decorative envelope & lettersheet franked with 7k, tied by Zmeinogorsk, Tomsk cds & sent to Kalyvanskoye, Siberia, v.f. and delightful cover
Price Realized

Lot #1147
1908 (21 Aug) registered cover from St. Petersburg to Nicolas Johnson in Paris. The printing on front and the wax seal read, "Administrative Office of His Imperial Majesty Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich." (Nicholas Johnson and Grand Duke Michael were graduates of the Mikhailovsky Artillery School. In late 1912 Michael chose Nicholas as his private secretary. Arrested at Gatchina on 7 March 1918, both were soon exiled to Perm and executed by the Communists on 13 June), illustrated in Rossica No.171
Lot #1148
1908 (25 Apr) registered autograph cover sent by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich from the telegraph office in Gatchino Palace to his former tutor in Carouge, Switzerland. The registration label (only recorded example) reads Gatchino Palace telegraph office. Illustrated in Rossica No.166
Price Realized

Lot #1149
1908 (13 Nov) signed autograph postcard sent from Pavlovsk by Grand Duchess Yelisaveta Mavrikievna to the wife of General von Loewe at Gern castle in Eggenfelden, Lower Bavaria. The German inscription above the message reads, "From Grand Duchess Constantine of Russia, Princess of Saxe-Altenburg." (the Grand Duchess was the wife of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich (a nephew of Tsar Alexander II). She was the royal patron of the Russian Blue Cross, a charitable organization which established schools, asylums, and hospitals for poor or ill children. Grand Duchess Vera Konstantinovna was Konstantin's sister)
Price Realized

Lot #1150
1909 (22 Dec) registered cover sent from Khabarovsk to Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland, then forwarded to Orel. When the cover arrived in Carouge, Thormeyer was visiting Grand Duke Michael in Orel. Thormeyer's brother Emile re-addressed and forwarded the cover to "Ferdinand Thormeyer with His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich in Orel, Russia," also adding his personal handstamp (the Tsar transferred Michael to Orel a few months earlier in response to his affair with Natasha Wulfert. The sender was Paul Pilicier, a native of Switzerland, who taught French at the Khabarovsk Women's Gymnasium and the Khabarovsk Corps of Cadets)
Lot #1151
1909 (10 Dec) autograph cover sent from St. Petersburg by Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna to Ferdinand Thormeyer at the residence of her brother Grand Duke Michael in Orel. Thormeyer was visiting his former pupil, who from 1909-1911 was in semi-exile in Orel as commander of the 17th Chernigov Hussar Regt. The Tsar had transferred Michael to Orel in response to Michael's affair with Natasha Wulfert, a commoner
Lot #1152
1909 (14 Oct) registered postcard sent from Yalta by Albert Niquille, the Swiss tutor of Grand Duchess Ksenia's children, to Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland (the message reads, "Ai-Todor 13 Oct. 1909. Dear Monsieur Thormeyer, This photo will undoubtedly remind you of familiar territory. It is here that after having studied dry conjugations, we limbered our spines with archaeology. The day this photo was taken, the bottom of an amphora was unearthed. Needless to say, the news of this amazing discovery made a noise in Landerneau." Ksenia and her husband Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich lived at Ai-Todor, near Yalta. Niquille returned to Switzerland in the spring of 1917), illustrated in Rossica No.166
Lot #1153
1909 (9 Feb) registered "Money Letter" cover (for 2 rubles), franked on back with 1k, 10k and 20k and sent from "Bulaevo", station on the Siberian Railway, with corresponding blue label No.74 Bulaevo Siberian Railway, stamps canceled by "St. Bulaevo Siberian", with mostly intact wax seals and St. Petersburg (15 Feb) arrival, minor cover tears, fine and rare usage
Price Realized

Lot #1154
1910 (7 Apr) registered cover sent by Emile Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland to his brother Ferdinand who was visiting former pupil Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich in Orel. By the time this cover reached Orel, Ferdinand had moved to St. Petersburg to visit Michael's' sister Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna at her mansion at 46 Sergievskaya street. The cover was received by Ferdinand on 4 June
Lot #1155
1910 (3 May) cover sent by Emile Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland to his brother Ferdinand who was visiting former pupil Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna at her mansion at 46 Sergievskaya street in St. Petersburg. Olga's mansion had been owned by Field Marshal Prince Alexander Bariatinsky, the Caucasian Viceroy. Tsar Nicholas II bought the house and gave it to his sister as a wedding present in 1901
Lot #1156
1910-17 two postcards sent from Abas-Tuman with photographs of the palace of Grand Duke George Alexandrovich, son of Emperor Alexander III, who lived in Abas-Tuman in the Caucasus because of his tuberculosis and who died in 1899. Also, a third postcard sent from Abas-Tuman showing the chapel erected at the site where Grand Duke George Alexandrovich died
Lot #1157
1911 (6 Apr) registered autograph cover sent from Orel by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich to his former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. From 1909-1911 Michael was commander of a cavalry regiment in Orel. The Tsar had transferred him there in response to Michael's affair with Natasha Wulfert, a commoner
Lot #1158
1912 (2 Nov) large registered cover from St. Petersburg to Grand Duke Michael's former tutor Ferdinand Thormeyer in La Chapelle near Carouge, Switzerland. The printing on front and the wax seal read, "Administrative Office of His Imperial Majesty Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich." Illustrated in Rossica No.166
Lot #1159
1912 (2 Aug) signed autograph picture postcard to Pernov from the imperial yacht "Standard", sent by Baroness Sophie von Buxhoeveden, lady-in-waiting to Empress Alexandra. Postmarked "Rejd-Standard" ("Standard roadstead", one of three recorded examples). The message reads, "Greetings from the Standard, Sophie." (every summer from 1906-1914, Tsar Nicholas II, his family and retainers spent several weeks cruising on the imperial yacht along the southern coast of Finland between Kotka and Vyborg. The yacht was anchored in Pitkopas Bay when this card was written. During the summer visits of the Tsar, a temporary post office, subordinate to the Vyborg post office, operated on Hurppu pier, five miles from Pitkopas Bay. It used the "Rejd-Standard" postmark in the Finnish design with modern style dates. It opened no later than 1912 and permanently closed after the 1914 visit. Buxhoeveden documented her presence on the yacht during this summer in her 1938 autobiography "Before the Storm"). Illustrated in Rossica No.174
Price Realized

Lot #1160
1912 (29 Dec) cover sent from St. Petersburg by the Office of the Jubilee National Album in Commemoration of the 300-Year Reign of the House of Romanov, to the governor of Vyatka province in Vyatka. Sent at the printed matter rate of 2 kopecks. The paper seal on the back reads, "For the Jubilee Celebration of the 300-Year Reign of the House of Romanov (Office of the Jubilee National Album) 1613/1913." The red handstamp on the front means "Personal Information." Illustrated in Rossica No.171
Price Realized

Lot #1161
1912 (1 Mar) cover from St. Petersburg's Nikolai railway station to Yalta and forwarded to Sukhum. No postage was charged. Printed stationery with heading "Formed under the august patronage of His Imperial Majesty Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich, the committee for the construction in St. Petersburg of a church in commemoration of the three-hundred-year reign of the house of Romanov." The handstamp on the back has the same wording (the Cathedral of the Fyodor Icon of the Mother of God was built on Poltavskaya street near the Nikolai station between 1911 and 1914. It was closed in 1932 and used as a dairy plant. After major restoration work the cathedral reopened in 2013), illustrated in Rossica No.171
Price Realized

Lot #1162
1913 (15 Feb) registered autograph cover from St. Petersburg, sent by Prince Felix Yusupov to the Bank of Nyon, Switzerland. The printing on front reads, "Home of His Highness Prince Yusupov, Count Sumarokov-Elston, St. Petersburg, 94 Moika Quay", the location of his palace (Yusupov, the richest man in Russia, participated in the murder of Rasputin on 17 December 1916)
Price Realized

Lot #1163
1913 (6 Sep) cover sent from Kristiania, Norway to Empress Maria Feodorovna on her yacht "Polar Star" in Copenhagen. The Empress sailed to Copenhagen in September and stayed until 22 December
Price Realized

Lot #1164
1913 (20 Sep) three picture postcards sent by Ferdinand Thormeyer to his brother in Carouge, Switzerland during Ferdinand's' visit to his former pupil Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna at her Olgino estate. The cards, which were mailed in an envelope, show Olga's paintings, signed "OA 1912"
Lot #1165
1913 (15 Dec) signed autograph postcard sent from Pavlovsk by Grand Duchess Yelisaveta Mavrikievna to the "Hereditary Prince" in Altenburg, Germany. Postmarked at the imperial mail delivery section of the St. Petersburg post office. The message reads, "Happy New Year! Aunt Elisabeth." (Grand Duchess Yelisaveta Mavrikievna, formerly Princess Elisabeth of Saxe-Altenburg, was the wife of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich (a nephew of Tsar Alexander II). Their main residence was the Pavlovsk Palace. The addressee, Georg Moritz, was the oldest son of her brother Ernst II, Duke of Saxe-Altenburg. The house of Saxe-Altenburg became extinct when Georg died. The photograph on the back shows Elisabeth's youngest child, Princess Vera Konstantinovna)
Lot #1166
1913 (24 Dec) postcard with New Year wishes sent from St. Petersburg by Alexandra Kossikovskaya (Dina) to Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The card shows one of Grand Duchess Olga's paintings, signed "OA 1912." (Dina was lady-in-waiting to Olga when she became the girlfriend of Olga's brother Grand Duke Michael. Michael wanted to marry her in 1906, but the Tsar refused, Dina was dismissed and the police prevented a secret marriage in 1907. She died destitute in Berlin in 1923)
Lot #1167
1913 (27 Mar) large registered "value letter" cover (for 100 rubles and cash-on-delivery for 300r), used locally in Moscow, franked with Romanov adhesives 1k, 3k, 4k, 70k, 1r and 5r, paying 6.78r, red "Cash on Delivery" handstamp and blue registration label with number "408" of the "25th" Moscow town Post sub-office, intact wax seals and arrival pmk on back, considerable cover wear and tears away from the stamps, rare commercial usage of the 5r Romanov
Catalog #104
Price Realized

Lot #1168
1915 (21 Apr) registered charity picture postcard with Romanov franking (1k, 2k, 4k and 7k), paying 14k from St. Petersburg to France, with St. Petersburg registry "363" of "44th" Post sub-office, two censor cachets and 18.5.15 Bourbon-l'Archambault arrival pmk, scarce registered postcard to France
Price Realized

Lot #1169
1915-19 1r two imperf. proofs on gummed paper, one with dark brown background displaced to left, the other with greenish background, slightly displaced center, v.f.
Price Realized

Lot #1170
1916 (31 Dec) official card sent by the Chancellery of Her Imperial Majesty Alexandra Feodorovna and the "Administrative Office of the August Children of Their Imperial Majesties", in the Winter Palace in Petrograd, to a prisoner Semyon Averyanov in the Saratov temporary hard labor prison. With the only recorded example of the postmark of the "Petrograd Winter Palace telegraph office" and handstamp of the "Chancellery of Her Majesty Empress Alexandra Feodorovna". The printed message on the back reads, "Notice. By command of Her Imperial Majesty Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, your petition has been forwarded by the director of the Chancellery of Her Imperial Majesty to the Minister of War." The handstamp, dated 9 January, reads, "This information has been given to me.", signed by Averyanov and Deputy Warden Nazarov. Averyanov was probably freed by the Provisional Government's amnesty in March 1917. Illustrated in Rossica No.171
Price Realized

Lot #1171
1917 1r imperf., two different panes of 22 , one with inverted background, the other with background significantly displaced, n.h., v.f.
Box **
Catalog #131e,var
Price Realized

Lot #1172
1918 70k brown, imperforate single, ample margins, close but in places, l.h., v.f., rare imperforate stamp, with Buchsbayew certificate
Catalog #150a
Price Realized

Lot #1173
1919 (28 Apr) registered cover sent from Yekaterinburg by Alexander Maximovich Simonov to Charles Sidney Gibbes, Secretary to the British High Commissioner in Siberia, at the British Consulate in Omsk, then forwarded by diplomatic bag to Vladivostok, with Yekaterinburg and Omsk (both of which were under White Russian control) transits, handstamped to indicate that postage of 1 ruble, 5 kopecks (the correct registered letter rate) was paid in cash, there being no stamps available. Also with manuscript "opened by me H. Davison." (Simonov was editor and publisher of the newspaper "Yekaterinburg Week" and until 1917, a member of the city council. Gibbes had been the English tutor of Tsar Nicholas's children. In January 1919, he accepted a position with Sir Charles Eliot, British High Commissioner in Siberia. He moved to Omsk briefly and then on to Vladivostok. Hugh Davison was British vice-consul in Vladivostok)
Lot #1174
1922 Star surcharges, seven different perforated cross-gutter panes of 100, five with full margins all around, some wrinkles and marginal flaws, stamps n.h., fine-v.f.
Box **
Catalog #216/22
Price Realized

Lot #1175
1925 definitives (watermarked), 5k lilac, top sheet corner margin pane of 20, horizontal invalidating perforations, n.h., fine-v.f.
Box **
Catalog #308var
Price Realized

Lot #1176
1933 Baku Commissars, 35k ultramarine, variety imperf. at top, canceled to order, v.f. and rare (Zagorsky 348Pa)
Catalog #522var
Price Realized

Lot #1177
1934 (6 Jan) signed autograph postcard sent from Ballerup, Denmark by Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna to Ferdinand Thormeyer in Carouge, Switzerland. The message reads, "Dear Siocha (Thormeyer’s nickname), The three postcards you sent me are quite pretty. Here we are re-celebrating Christmas. Good weather - sun every day then Venus rises. You say you can also see it. I think of you when I look at it. Old Countess Blucher spent the afternoon here. I won’t be able to write letters while the house is full of people. All my friendship and greetings, dear Siocha. I embrace you, Olga. I have only two Pro Juventute stamps." (Olga, a stamp collector, lived in Ballerup from 1932 to 1948 before moving to Canada. The card shows Olga's painting "Harbinger of Spring", signed Olga, dated 1931. Pro Juventute postage stamps were issued in Switzerland to raise money for children), illustrated in Rossica No.166
Lot #1178
1935 Tolstoy, 20k perf. 11, three vertical pairs imperf. between, used, slightly different shades, fine-v.f.
Catalog #579avar
Price Realized

Lot #1179
1937 definitives, 30k claret, imperf. single, n.h., heavy gum crease, otherwise fine (Zagorsky 577Pa, 62,000rub)
Catalog #618b
Catalog Value $950
Price Realized

Lot #1180
1938 Red Army, 80k Stalin Reviewing Cavalry, variety imperf. at bottom, canceled to order, heavy wrinkles, fine (Zagorsky 495Pb, 40,000rub)
Catalog #634var
Price Realized

Lot #1181
1944 Heroes of the Civil War, 30k green, vertical pair imperf. between, small h.r., fine (Zagorsky 838, 50,000rub)
Catalog #943var
Price Realized

Lot #1182
1945 Moscow Academy, 30k horizontal pair imperf. between, h.r., fine (Zagorsky 884, 50,000rub)
Catalog #987a
Price Realized

Lot #1183
1946 Elections, 60k green, vertical pair, imperf. between and at top, used, v.f. (Zagorsky 934, 30,000rub)
Catalog #1028var
Price Realized

Lot #1184
1946 20k light brown, horizontal strip of three, imperf. vertically between the stamps and at left, heavy hinge remnants, creases, otherwise fine (Zagorsky 983Pb,150,000rub)
Catalog #1062var
Price Realized

Lot #1185
1946 25th Anniversary of the first Soviet stamps, 15k variety imperf. at right, canceled to order, small inclusion, otherwise v.f., rare (this variety is not to be confused with the smaller size of a stamp commonly cut from the souvenir sheet)
Catalog #1080var
Price Realized

Lot #1186
1947 Arms of the Soviet Union, 30k Belarus, top margin vertical pair imperf. between, used, v.f. (Zagorsky 1024, 60,000rub)
Catalog #1107var
Price Realized

Lot #1187
1948 three varieties, including Surikov imperf. at top, 30k Artillery imperf. at bottom (creased) and 60k Military Class, imperf. at top, used, fine-v.f.
Catalog #1201,1205,1208var
Price Realized

Lot #1188
1957 Sputnik, 40k dark blue, left sheet margin block of 14, with seven varieties imperf. at left, n.h., folded between stamps, v.f., extremely rare (Zagorsky 2000Pc, 630,000rub)
Box **
Catalog #1992var
Price Realized

Lot #1189
1957 Sputnik overprint, sheet of 100, n.h., folded between stamps, v.f., rare (Zagorsky 2011, 300,000rub)
Box **
Catalog #2021
Catalog Value $4,000
Price Realized

Lot #1190
1990 Capitals, imperforate blocks of four, 12 different (missing Frunze; Riga and Erevan do not exist imperf.), n.h., v.f.
Box **
Catalog #5854/5868var
Price Realized

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