Rare Stamps and Postal History of the World
January 7-8, 2025
Cherrystone Auctions January 7-8, 2025 Sale of Rare Stamps and Postal History of the World will take place at our Teaneck, N.J. Galleries and via CherrystoneLIVE There are 1,481 lots which will be offered in four sessions, starting with United States, featuring a large collection of U.S. sheets and modern errors. Worldwide sections include an exceptional holding of Israel, including Forerunners and Interim Period. There are solid sections of France, Germany, Italy and Italian States, British Commonwealth, with many individual rarities. Eastern Europe offers a collection of Poland, with many better Krakow overprints, as well as Imperial Russia, with rare inverted backgrounds, Romanov correspondence, followed by Soviet Union, including Air Post and Civil War issues. There are 165 Large Lots and Collections, ranging from single country albums, specialized holdings, multi-carton worldwide groups and large cover lots offered intact
Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #904 LATVIA 1768 (16 Mar) outer FL from Riga to Pernau, with straight-line framed "Riga" handstamp, with departure and arrival (the next day) docketing, fine and scarce early strike. The framed postmark of Riga in Latin letters was introduced in 1767 and continued in use only for one year (Dobin 01/0.001, rarity factor "6")
| Price Realized $450.00
 | Lot #905 LATVIA 1838-39 two FLs, one from "Post-Hilgensfer" (sent 3 Jan.38) to Ubbernorm, the other from "Post-Stackeln" (1 Nov.39) to Terickaten, all in the Lifland gouv., with clear markings, red wax seals, dates inserted by hand, fine and rare pair of covers, neatly written-up on exhibition page and stated "the earliest recorded date of postmark" for each
| Price Realized $450.00
 | Lot #906 LATVIA 1938 two unexploded 2,02 Ls booklets, one with 18 November 1938 cancel on front cover, v.f.
| Price Realized $280.00
 | Lot #907 LATVIA 1938 3s brown orange, two vertical pairs, each variety imperf. at bottom, different shades, fine-v.f. ** Catalog #200var | Price Realized $230.00
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