Rare Stamps and Postal History of the World
January 7-8, 2025

Cherrystone Auctions January 7-8, 2025 Sale of Rare Stamps and Postal History of the World will take place at our Teaneck, N.J. Galleries and via CherrystoneLIVE There are 1,481 lots which will be offered in four sessions, starting with United States, featuring a large collection of U.S. sheets and modern errors. Worldwide sections include an exceptional holding of Israel, including Forerunners and Interim Period. There are solid sections of France, Germany, Italy and Italian States, British Commonwealth, with many individual rarities. Eastern Europe offers a collection of Poland, with many better Krakow overprints, as well as Imperial Russia, with rare inverted backgrounds, Romanov correspondence, followed by Soviet Union, including Air Post and Civil War issues. There are 165 Large Lots and Collections, ranging from single country albums, specialized holdings, multi-carton worldwide groups and large cover lots offered intact

ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #409
FRANCE 1870-71 Siege of Paris - Par Ballon Monte
1870 five FLs carried on different Ballons Monte, with "Le Fulton" to London (Longhi certificate),"Le Franklin" to Tours,"Le General Uhrich" (cover opened for display, with letter) to Liege, Belgium, "Godefroy-Caraignac" to Olette and "Vaubon" to Angouleme, usual franking, fresh, fine-v.f. group
Price Realized

Lot #410
FRANCE 1870-71 Siege of Paris - Par Ballon Monte
1870 (6 Oct) small FL with 10c+20c Laure, tied by Paris star pmk, with Rue Montaigne departure cds alongside, sent on "Le Jean Bart No.2" to Brussels, red "PD" and arrival (19 Oct) cds on back, signed Calves, with 2019 Roumet certificate
Price Realized

Lot #411
FRANCE 1870-71 Siege of Paris - Par Ballon Monte
1870 (5 Nov) "Gazette des Absents No.5", with printed "Par Ballon Monte", franked 30c Laure, tied by Paris star "30", Paris Ministere des Finances departure cds alongside, carried on "La Ville de Chateaudun" to Jersey, with ""No.10, 70 Jersey" arrival pmk on back, fine cover to uncommon destination, with 2004 Robineau certificate
Price Realized

Lot #412
FRANCE 1870-71 Siege of Paris - Par Ballon Monte
1870 (14 Nov) small FL with 30c Laure, tied by Paris star "24", with Rue de Clery departure cds alongside, sent on "Le General Uhrich" to London, with red 23 Nov.70 arrival pmk, v.f., with 2019 Roumet certificate
Price Realized

Lot #413
FRANCE 1870-71 Siege of Paris - Par Ballon Monte
1870 (19 Nov) "Gazette des Absents No.9", with printed "Par Ballon Monte", franked single 30c Laure, tied by Paris star pmk, with Rue St.Lazaire departure cds alongside, red "PD", carried on "General Ulrich" to Prangins, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland, with 28 Nov 70 arrival pmk on back, fresh and v.f., signed Lamy, etc.
Price Realized

Lot #414
FRANCE 1870-71 Siege of Paris - Par Ballon Monte
1870 (1 Dec) "Gazette des Absents No.12", with printed "Par Ballon Monte", franked 10c+20c Laure, tied by indistinct Paris departure markings, carried on "Le Franklin" to Norwich, England, red "PD" and arrival (Dec 12) pmk on back
Price Realized

Lot #415
FRANCE 1870-71 Siege of Paris - Par Ballon Monte
1870 (8 Dec) small cover with 30c Laure, tied by red "Paris 8 Dec" departure cds, endorsed "Par Ballon Monte", carried on "La Ville de Paris" to Lausanne, Switzerland, fine and scarce, signed Diena, with his 1981 certificate ("La Ville de Paris" strayed into German held territory and the entire correspondence found on board was confiscated. As such, these covers do not bear arrival markings)
Lot #416
FRANCE 1870-71 Siege of Paris - Par Ballon Monte
1871 (20 Jan) "Gazette des Absents No.29", with printed "Par Ballon Monte", franked single 20c Laure, tied by Paris star "27", with Gros-Caillou departure cds alongside, carried on "General Bourbaki" to Boulogne, with 23 Jan 71 arrival pmk on back, fresh and v.f.
Lot #417
FRANCE 1870-71 Siege of Paris - Par Ballon Monte
1871 (28 Jan) "Gazette des Absents No.30", with printed "Par Ballon Monte", franked 10c+20c Laure, tied by "2635" numeral cancels, Neuilly-s-Seine departure cds alongside, addressed to London, with 14 Feb Lille transit and London Feb 15 arrival pmks, fine and interesting item, with 2005 Sismondo certificate. This letter was intended to be posted on Ballon Monte, but Paris capitulated on same day (28 Jan 71) and with the resumption of regular postal service, the cover was transported by normal means to England
Price Realized

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