Rare Stamps and Postal History of the World
July 9-10, 2024
Welcome to our July 9-10, 2024 Sale of Rare Stamps and Postal History of the World. With 1,554 lots, this auction features properties of various owners and estates from all over the world, including selections from the philatelic stock of Larry Brassler, with a solid selections of United States, Great Britain & British Commonwealth, Latin and South America, European Countries, including Austria, France, Germany, Italy, as well as Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Other areas are well represented, with China, Japan, Korea and Pakistan. As always, the sale contains 190+ large lots and collections, with individual country albums, worldwide accumulations in cartons, cover lots and much more. The sale will be held live via CherrystoneLIVE.
Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #325 BULGARIA 1899 (Feb) mourning cover addressed to Tunis, franked with Large Lion and Small Lion issues, fine and attractive combination franking to an unusual destination, with arrival cds
Catalog #12,28,29,32 | Price Realized $300.00
 | Lot #326 BULGARIA 1901 Ferdinand I, 1L type II, complete cross-gutter sheet of 100, "1905" year date printed at top left, folded along the gutters, minor flaws in outer margins, stamps n.h., v.f. Probably unique, catalogue value for hinged singles (Mi.59II, €9,000)
** Catalog #67 Catalog Value $7,500 | Price Realized $2,900.00
 | Lot #327 BULGARIA 1917 Liberation of Macedonia, 5s, 25s and 30s, imperf. marginal blocks of four, n.h., fresh and v.f., listed but unpriced in Michel, with 2001 Karaivanoff certificates (Mi.112,114-5U)
** Catalog #122,124-5var | Price Realized $450.00
 | Lot #328 BULGARIA 1931 Balkan Games, complete set of seven blocks of four, bottom pairs n.h., 50L all n.h., with perf separations, one stamp with sealed tear, otherwise fine-v.f. (Mi.242-248)
*/** Catalog #237-243 Catalog Value € 1,280 | Price Realized $290.00
 | Lot #329 BULGARIA 1931 Balkan Games, complete set of horizontal marginal plate number and inscription strips of five, marginal flaws and perf. separations, stamps n.h., fine-v.f. (Mi.242-248) ** Catalog #237-43 Catalog Value € 1,600 | Price Realized $550.00
 | Lot #330 BULGARIA 1931 Balkan Games, complete set in panes of 25, some perf. separations, fine-v.f.,
Catalog #237-43 Catalog Value $2,012 | Price Realized $450.00
 | Lot #331 BULGARIA 1933 Balkan Games, set of seven, blocks of four, n.h., one 50L with faint offset on gum, otherwise fresh and v.f., signed "Zagor VOB" (Mi.252-258)
** Catalog #244-250 Catalog Value € 4,400 | Price Realized $1,800.00
 | Lot #332 BULGARIA 1935 Balkan Soccer Tournament, complete set in blocks of four, mostly corner margin, n.h., natural gum inclusion at lower left stamp of 50L, fine-v.f. (Mi.274-279)
** Catalog #267-72 Catalog Value € 2,200 | Price Realized $700.00
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