Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #1531 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1840-1960 large collection in 10, mostly old Scott Specialty albums cover the world, with Central and Latin America, better Mexico, Costa Rica, Brazil, including first issues, Great Britain, mostly used, with 1d black, Queen Victoria, line-engraved, £1 brown violet (110), Seahorses, extensive British Commonwealth, better British North America, with Bahamas, Bermuda (to £1), extensive Canada, also St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Falkland Islands, British Guiana, British Asia, India, some with certificates, etc. In addition, there are collections of Portugal and Colonies, Spain and Colonies, France and Colonies, Italy and States, Germany, Switzerland, stock book with additional British Commonwealth, mixed condition, overall a comprehensive showing *O
| Price Realized $10,000.00
 | Lot #1532 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1845-1920 collection on stock pages, with individual Classics with Scott number, including selections from Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, France, German States, Great Britain and some British Commonwealth including Australian States, Bermuda, Canada (including no. 1, no. 8 sound with Greene certificate), Cape of Good Hope, Hong Kong (including Scott no. 1), Greece, Italian States, Mexico, Norway, Peru, Romania, Switzerland, etc., used or unused, mixed condition with faults noted, otherwise fine-v.f., high catalogue value *O
| Unsold
 | Lot #1533 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1850-1945 selection of better individual items on auction lot sheets, mostly European countries, also Armenia, with occasional pre-philatelic covers, plus countless better sets, proofs, errors, varieties and covers, from Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Latvia, Estonia, Germany, Austria, Italy, Fiume, Trieste Zone A, Albania, Yugoslavia, Greece, Hungary, Carpatho-Ukraine, some items with certificates, mostly fine-v.f., all described and ready for resale
| Price Realized $2,200.00
 | Lot #1534 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1850-1950 selection of better singles and sets neatly arranged on cards, with British Commonwealth, including Canada, European countries, France & Colonies, South America, etc. There are many auction items including Aegean Islands World Cup, Antigua Seal of the Colony, Australia Coat of Arms set of four, France 5fr Napoleon (5), 50fr Burelage, Great Britain 10sh (No.74 used, with clear APS certificate), several Queen Victoria £1 singles, PUC £1, Greece Olympics, Greenland 1945 set (2), Hong Kong George VI to $10, French Indochina to 5fr, Iran Shah set to 20r, Israel 1-6 with Tabs, Italy Manzoni, 2L Postage Due (with 1974 Fiecchi certificate), Nyasaland George VI, Switzerland NABA souvenir sheet, Singapore George VI, South Africa George V £1 (used), San Marino 134-138, Vatican City 35-40 (with PFCs), etc., mixed condition with some faults noted, but generally fine-v.f. A clean, well organized holding, ready for immediate resale. Owner's catalogue value $115,000 *O
| Unsold
 | Lot #1535 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1850-1950 balance of a consignment, with small collections of Cyprus and Grenada, Canada with four Tobacco large die proofs and Alberta Law Stamp proofs with security punches, 5c-$10, thirteen different, French India 1947 3fr unissued Airmail stamp (26 copies), Greenland 70o violet Parcel Post sheet of 25 (with Kaiser certificate), Great Britain Scott 28a on cover, DDR Karl Marx souvenir sheets (used), selection of Gabon proofs and imperf. Liberia sheets, fine-v.f. *O
| Price Realized $525.00
| Lot #1536 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1850s-1960s Aden-Zululand, collection of many hundreds in five Scott International (blue) albums, arranged alphabetically, occasional better items, mostly used *O
| Unsold
 | Lot #1537 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1870-1950 balance of a consignment, in carton, several stock books and albums with collections of Australian States, French Colonies, Germany, etc., wide range of singles and sets, some better items, mixed condition, inspection recommended *O
| Unsold
 | Lot #1538 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1879-2010 large collection in 70+ albums and stock books, strength in South and Latin America, Asia, including Republic of China, Korea, Japan, French Colonies, with Polynesia, TAAF, modern issues from European Countries, sets and singles, tens of thousands of stamps, many in mounts, ready to be placed onto the album pages, enormous value *O
| Unsold
 | Lot #1539 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1890-1990s large balance of a consignment, housed in 6 cartons (banker's boxes), with collections of European Countries, mostly unused, Luxemburg (two Lighthouse albums, issues to 1991), Aland Island (apparently complete in PALO album), Austria 1945-99 (two Lighthouse albums), Lithuania collection, Albania, Independent Nations of Africa, many hundreds of singles and sets, collections of Algeria, Morocco, Angola, Chad, Cameroun, including German Occupation, Upper Volta, South Africa, Togo, Swaziland, Tanzania, Gabon, plus others. Also included are topical collections of Ships on Stamps, Wine on Stamps, plus a large holding of Worldwide used and unused singles, sets and multiples, 3-volume collection of United Nations to 2005 (face value $800+), mixed condition, fine and desirable holding *O
| Unsold
 | Lot #1540 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1900-80s balance of a consignment, with collections of Germany, strength in Third Reich, including sets and souvenir sheets, as well as covers and cards; collection of Iceland, good showing of Commemoratives and better items, Parliament set of trial color imperfs on a Hessheimer page, two albums of China, with Taiwan, PRC, Liberated Areas, FDCs, etc. Also included is an album with hundreds of picture postcards, vintage and recent, variety of subjects
| Price Realized $1,600.00
 | Lot #1541 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1900-80s Collection in 19 stock books, used and unused singles and sets, many better items, United States with full sheets, Greece Olympics, British Commonwealth, Liechtenstein and much more, occasional faults noted, mostly fine or better, high catalogue value, worth careful inspection
| Price Realized $5,750.00
 | Lot #1542 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1910-60 single property offered intact, with collections of Greece, Italy, Liechtenstein, mixed condition, with occasional better items (cat. $5,000+), also a nice showing of Brussels Fair issues, including France imperf. block of four and trial color singles, Hungary perf. and imperf. souvenir sheets, many FDCs and maximum cards, plus a group of 62 picture postcards (mostly WWI Germany), mixed condition *O
| Price Realized $750.00
 | Lot #1543 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1930s-2017 large selection of singles and sets on cards and lot sheets, 1,000+ different items, including France, FSAT, French Polynesia, Monaco, New Caledonia, Vietnam, Albania, Australia, Iraq, Italy & Trieste, Luxembourg, British Colonies, many better items, Saar sets and souvenir sheet (CB1a), Liechtenstein (C1-6,7-8), all on cards or in glassine envelopes, also a dealer's stock of many hundreds of mostly n.h. sets from Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, souvenir sheets, better booklets, some varieties, also Austria, Switzerland, with better Semi-Postals, all in glassine envelopes or on cards, priced and ready for sale, owner's cat. $13,000+
| Unsold
 | Lot #1544 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS and BALANCES 1930s-40s collection on pages and envelopes, mostly War-related sets, including Russia, 1934 Anti-War set of five (n.h.), other sets to 1945, Hungary, Bulgaria, including better Sports sets, Romania, Italy, with some Colonies, including Italian East Africa, France, French Colonies overprinted "France Libre", Belgium, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Finland, Japan, Manchukuo, United States, Canada, Slovakia, Japanese Occupation of North Borneo (Scott N16-28), small collection of Swiss Soldier stamps, miscellaneous items, fine-v.f., attractive group
| Price Realized $1,900.00