Rare Stamps and Postal History of the World
July 9-10, 2024
Welcome to our July 9-10, 2024 Sale of Rare Stamps and Postal History of the World. With 1,554 lots, this auction features properties of various owners and estates from all over the world, including selections from the philatelic stock of Larry Brassler, with a solid selections of United States, Great Britain & British Commonwealth, Latin and South America, European Countries, including Austria, France, Germany, Italy, as well as Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Other areas are well represented, with China, Japan, Korea and Pakistan. As always, the sale contains 190+ large lots and collections, with individual country albums, worldwide accumulations in cartons, cover lots and much more. The sale will be held live via CherrystoneLIVE.
Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #874 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH VIRGIN ISLANDS 1915 (22 May) picture postcard to Italy, franked with George V 1/2d on picture side, tied by Road Town cds, with "Paid at Tortola" Crowned circle, with Road Town cds alongside, both overstruck by "Bologna Posta Estera" arrival in violet, fine, SG
Catalog #SG CC2 Catalog Value £ 750 | Price Realized $280.00
 | Lot #875 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH VIRGIN ISLANDS 1916 picture postcard (Tortola) franked on picture side with pair of 1/2d, tied by "Road Town Tortola" cancel, additional cds on the message side, along with an excellent strike of the "Paid at Tortola" crown circle in black, sent to France, with Paris arrival pmk, card creases, otherwise fine example of this rare strike used as Official Paid mark between 1900-1918,
Catalog #SG CC2 Catalog Value £ 750 | Price Realized $450.00
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