Rare Stamps and Postal History of the World
March 12-13, 2024
Cherrystone Auctions March 12-13, 2024 Sale of Rare Stamps and Postal History of the World will take place at our Teaneck, N.J. Galleries and over the internet via CherrystoneLIVE. The sale contains 1,316 lots and will be offered in four sessions, beginning with United States, with a specialized collection of Postal History of the South, ex-Dabney. Worldwide sections include an exceptional collection of Bavaria, with stamps and covers, offered for the first time at auction. There are solid sections of France, Italy, British Commonwealth, all with many individual rarities. Also featured is a collection of Sweden, with exceptional First Issues. There are 200 Large Lots and Collections, ranging from single country albums, specialized holdings and featuring a comprehensive collection of Indian Feudatory States (estimated to realize $100,000), multi-carton worldwide groups and large cover lots offered intact. Kindly note that we will continue adding images for many lots. If scans for the lot you are interested in are unavailable, please check again in a few days.
Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #1 United States Stampless covers 1788 (26 Jan) incoming FL from Cognac, France to Philadelphia, with straight-line BOSTON and matching "22 MA" Franklin mark, rated 3/1 in manuscript, trivial erosion within the straight-line marking, otherwise v.f. and attractive cover
| Price Realized $140.00
 | Lot #2 United States Stampless covers 1830 (20 Dec) FL with red "Newark New Jersey Dec 20" and fancy "Paid" handstamp at upper right, manuscript "50", sent to Natchez, Mississippi, filing folds, scarce
| Price Realized $210.00
 | Lot #3 United States Stampless covers 1833 (21 Jan) "Warrior Bridge Washington Co. AL., Jan 21", two line handstamp, FL (basically a real estate dispute, with a reply from sender) sent in 1833 to Washington, Mississippi, handstamped "FREE" and signed by "Huber P.M" (Postmaster), minor, partly mended paper erosion, filing folds, otherwise fine and rare
| Price Realized $1,600.00
 | Lot #4 United States Stampless covers 1835 (3 Nov) City of Washington, red departure cds, endorsed "Treasury Dept. P. Hagner", "Free" handstamped alongside, addressed to Gabriel Tichenor, Natchez, Ms ("Your accounts as Agent for paying invalids and Revolutionary Pensioners" "a balance is found due from you to the United States of $1,524"), filing folds away from the clear markings, interesting balance due notice from the U.S. Government
| Price Realized $300.00
 | Lot #5 United States Stampless covers 1846 FL (printed "A Circular" "The Southern and Western Literary Messenger and Review") with red Richmond, (Va) July 23 departure cds, charged "2" in red, addressed to Woodsville, Miss., some toning, otherwise fine
| Price Realized $140.00
 | Lot #6 United States Stampless covers 1847 cover with red "40" and corresponding "Sacramento City, Cal." Mar 26 departure pmk, addressed to John R. Siddell, Trinity Catahoula Parish, Louisiana, overall toning, clear markings (St. John Richardson Liddell (1815-1870) was a prominent Louisiana planter, General in the Confederate States Army and an outspoken proponent of Southern emancipation of slaves). Also included is an illustrated "Mining Scene" gold-rush cover with "Paid 10", Sept 16 manuscript markings, addressed to Wilkinson County, Mississippi
| Price Realized $600.00
 | Lot #7 United States Stampless covers 1849 (23 July) Wash. City, red departure cds, endorsed "Treasury Dept. A. Crawford", "Free" handstamped alongside, addressed to The Secretary to the State of Mississippi, Natchez, filing folds, further endorsement "for the Secy of Treasury U.S. to the Secy of State"
| Price Realized $240.00
 | Lot #8 United States Stampless covers 1849 (10 Dec) FL from "New Holland, PA" to Washington, Ms, green "PAID" and endorsed "10", with corresponding New Holland, PA (date filled-in by hand), filing folds, fine, with interesting pre-printed boarding school (tuition $55) regulations, principal applying for the position in Jefferson College in Washington, Mississippi
| Price Realized $250.00
 | Lot #9 United States Stampless covers 1850 (1 Nov) registered (legal deposition) cover with red New Orleans, La. Departure pmk, addressed to Liberty, Miss., "Paid 12" and "Registered", mostly intact wax seals on reverse, fine. Also another "registered" deposition cover to Vicksburg, Miss., red New Orleans Sep 20 (1850) departure, some toning, otherwise fine
| Price Realized $230.00
 | Lot #10 United States Stampless covers 1853 (16 Mar) FL endorsed "Valuable", with red New Orleans departure and "Registered" handstamp alongside, addressed locally, with "10" at right, fine
| Price Realized $150.00
 | Lot #11 United States Stampless covers 1855 (1 May) Washington, D.C. Free, red departure cds, with straight-line "Department of State Official Business" handstamp at top, addressed to "His Excy the governor of Mississippi, Jackson, Mi", fine cover (the governor at the time, John Jones McRae (1815-1868), also served in the Mississippi House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate)
| Price Realized $280.00