Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #1086 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1847-2005 comprehensive collection in 4 Lighthouse hingeless albums, 19th Century mostly used, with 1847 5c and 10c (1,2), 1851 issue with 10c, 12c, 1857-67 issues, both to 30c, 1869 Pictorials complete to 90c, Bank Note issues to 90c throughout, 1890-93 Bureau Issues, Columbians complete to $5, last two unused, 1894-95 definitives with both $5 (263,278), also unused $2 (277), Trans-Mississippi to $1, mixed used and unused from there, with Commemoratives and Washington-Franklins, Coils, singles, also many pairs and line-pairs, $2 and $5 Franklins (523,524,547), 5c carmine error (505) in middle of strip of three, 1922-25 Liberty Series to $5, White Plains souvenir sheet, complete from there, with Kansas-Nebraska, Air Post complete (C1-6, C13-15 n.h.), Special Delivery, Postage Dues, complete set of Shanghai overprints, used and unused Hunting Permit stamps, solid Confederate States, etc., mixed condition, faults noted among early issues, high catalogue value *O
| Price Realized $11,000.00
 | Lot #1087 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1847-1999 collection in two large Scott specialty albums, 19th Century mostly used, with 1847 5c and 10c (1,2), 1861-62 unused 1c blue, 3c rose, 2c Blackjack, 1867 Grills, 1869 to 15c, also 30c, 1870-71 Bank Note Issues, Commemoratives, with Columbians to 50c unused, $2 used, Trans-Mississippi to 10c unused, 50c used, Pan-American unused, 1895 to $1 (last one unused), also $5 used, other definitives, Louisiana Purchase and Jamestown unused, Coils including pairs and line pairs, 1909 perf. and imperf., Washington Franklins, some better unused (422,423), booklet panes, 1916-17 perf. 10 (478,479), 5c carmine error in block of nine (505), 1922-25 Liberty Series to $5 (two sets), White Plains souvenir sheet, complete from there, with Kansas-Nebraska, Air Post (C1-6,C13-15), Postage Dues, few Shanghai surcharges, Parcel Post complete, some Revenues, etc., plus a fine showing of mostly unused Stationery Cut Squares from 1853-1932, with many better singles items, including U1-3, values to 90c, Officials, etc., mixed condition, with some usual faults noted among early issues, some certificates included, fine U.S. collection, high catalogue value *O
| Price Realized $5,500.00
 | Lot #1088 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1847-1977 collection in three Minkus albums, No.1 used, No.2 on FL from Philadelphia, 1851-69 imperf. and perf. singles, mostly with faults, including Pictorials to 90c, Bank Note issues to 90c, 1894-98 with $2 and $5 used, 1902-03 to $2, Washington-Franklins to $5 unused (523,524,547), Liberty Issue to $5 and other sets to Presidentials, Air Post with C1-6,C13-15 (l.h.), Shanghai surcharges complete (K1-18), Confederate States, etc. Commemoratives are mostly unused, with Columbians 50c, $1 and $4, Trans Mississippi to 50c, Pan-American, Louisiana Purchase, Panama-Pacific, White Plains souvenir sheet, Plate Blocks (Air Post with C7-9,12,20-22,24), Back of book album, with Postage Dues, fairly complete Special Delivery (mixed condition), Parcel Post Postage Dues, Duck Stamps, booklet panes, some Postal Stationery, mixed condition, high catalogue value *O
| Price Realized $6,500.00
 | Lot #1089 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1851-1940 collection/show dealer's stock in 34+ small 3-ring binders, thousands of used and unused singles on display pages, good showing of 1857 to 30c, 1861 to 90c, Blackjacks, Bank Note Issues, Fancy Cancels, some covers, few Columbians (including $3 used), Trans-Mississippi and Pan-Americans, 1902-03 and Bureau Issues, Washington-Franklins to $5 (mostly used), better coil pairs (many with certificates), imperforate singles and pairs, booklet panes, Commemoratives, better items, Back of book, Special Delivery, Duck stamps, few better covers, etc., mixed condition, huge catalogue value *O
| Price Realized $24,000.00
 | Lot #1090 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1857-1946 balance of the collection in two Scott albums, with 1857 1c, 5c and 10c (Scott 35 with clear 2011 PFC), 1861 with 1c (2002 PSE certificate), 2c and 3c, 1869 Essay of the 1c Pictorial, Bank Note Issues to 30c (with a few certificates), 1890 to 90c, 1893 Columbians including 50c, $2 and $5, 1894-95 with values to $2, 1898 Trans-Mississippi 1c-10c and $2, Pan-Americans, 1902-3 to 50c (50c with clear 2004 PFC), nice selection of Washington-Franklins including several 50c and $1, some Coils with certificates, Panama-Pacific complete, 1917 $2 and $5, 1922-25 to $5, White Plains souvenir sheet, Kansas-Nebraska, etc. Back of book, include Air Post (C1-6, Zeppelin set of three), Special Delivery complete, Registration, Parcel Post, Postage Dues including 1879 1c, 3c, 5c and 50c, few other better items with certificates, Officials including some better items including Interior and Navy complete, 90c State, Confederate States, Canal Zone, Revenues, plus a few flight covers, mixed condition with faults/regummed items noted, though some n.h. material noted as well, high catalogue value, a fine and useful lot *
| Price Realized $10,000.00
 | Lot #1091 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1857-1932 collection on pages, 1857-61 Issue to 30c, with unused, mostly without gum 1c, 3c, 5c, 10c, 12c, also 10c green, 24c gray, 30c orange, 1869 1c-3c, Bureau Issues to 90c, Columbians to $5 complete, Trans-Mississippi to $1, Pan-American, Louisiana Purchase and Jamestown complete, some Washington-Franklins, Air Post with C1-6, C13, mixed condition, some faults noted *
| Price Realized $3,250.00
 | Lot #1092 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1857-1925 duplicated stock on cards and album pages, used and unused Bank Note and Regular Issues, Commemoratives, Washington-Franklins, Flat Plates, etc., mixed condition, faults noted, owner's cat. $12,000 *O
| Price Realized $950.00
 | Lot #1093 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1857-2004 collection of used singles in a well-filled Scott Minuteman Album, good showing of issues to 90c, including Bank Notes, Bureau Issues, Columbians to $2, Trans-Mississippi to $1, 1902-03 to $1 (also $2 and $5 perf. 10), Washington-Franklins, Kansas-Nebraska, plus others (there are no back of book issues), mixed condition, usual faults possible, clean and attractive collection *O
| Price Realized $2,500.00
 | Lot #1094 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1861-1960 single property offered intact, housed in 6 cartons, including a collection on Scott hingeless album pages, mixed with used and unused, with 1861 to 10c, 1869 to 12c, Ban Notes to 90c, 1898 Columbians to $2 (1c-8c and $1 unused), 1898 Trans-Mississippi to $2 ($1 h.r., $2 used), Pan-Americans, 1902-03 to $1, Louisiana Purchase, Panama-Pacific, Washington-Franklins to $5 (mostly used), 1922 Liberty to $5 (used), White Plains souvenir sheet, Kansas-Nebraska, etc., with Air Post including C1-6, Zeppelins (65c n.h. but creased, $1.30 and $2.60 used), Special Delivery, Parcel Post, Postage Dues, etc., also additional albums, with various issues, mostly used, plus many hundreds of covers, stock books, some face value, etc., mixed condition, faults noted, generally fine-v.f. *O
| Price Realized $3,250.00
 | Lot #1095 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1861-67 issues, 1c-90c mostly used on pages, few certificates included, mixed condition with usual faults noted, others fine or better, owner's cat. $12,000 O
| Unsold
 | Lot #1096 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1862-1925 balance of a consignment, used and unused on pages, 19th and 20th Century, Bank Note Issues, Commemoratives, Air Post, etc., mixed condition, faults noted, owner's cat. $25,000+ *O
| Price Realized $2,000.00
 | Lot #1097 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1893-1930 selection of unused singles, with or without gum, Columbians to $2, 1901 Pan-American set, Air Post with C13-15,C18, gum glazing, some faults noted (230-42,294-99,C13-15,C18) * Catalog #230/C18 | Price Realized $1,100.00
 | Lot #1098 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1895-1976 collection in a Scott Specialty album, regular issues mostly used to 1923, with coil singles and pairs, unused from 1920s, Air Post (C18), Special Delivery and other back of the book, mostly fine-v.f. *O
| Price Realized $450.00
 | Lot #1099 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1917-1940s sheets and part sheets, large holding, including Regular Issues, 2c Commemoratives, 1c Kansas, 1 1/2c Nebraska, a mostly complete set of Washington Bicentennial (missing 3c,4c), also complete sets of National Parks, Famous Americans, Army & Navy, etc., plus 1938 Presidentials 1c-50c (23 sheets) and blocks of 8 and 12x$5 Coolidge, later issues, some scrap Postage, Air Post (C10), etc., n.h., fine-v.f.
** Catalog #498/950 | Price Realized $4,750.00
 | Lot #1100 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1920s-1940s collection on pages, two volumes, with singles and sets, Regular Issues, Commemoratives, Kansas-Nebraska, White Plains souvenir sheet, some Plate Blocks, booklet panes, occasional varieties, few better, etc. Also included is a nice selection of First issue Revenues and other back of book items, mixed condition, interesting and appealing group *O
| Price Realized $1,100.00
 | Lot #1101 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1922-1996 collection in two Scott albums, Regular Issues, Commemoratives, Air Post (C1-6), Postage Dues, Transportation Coils, Regular Issues and Commemoratives (Kansas-Nebraska), mostly complete, l.h. or n.h., fine-v.f., also some Canal Zone, etc. (not counted), owner's cat. $7,500+ */**
| Unsold
 | Lot #1102 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1923-26 Perf. 10, 1c-10c accumulation of n.h. singles and multiples, various quantities, mostly fine-v.f.,
*/** Catalog #581/91 Catalog Value $ 9,000 | Unsold
 | Lot #1103 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1929 Kansas-Nebraska, small stock of singles, including a complete set, also blocks, 3c Plate Block, various quantities, mostly fine or better,
*/** Catalog #658/679 Catalog Value $ 3,500 | Unsold
 | Lot #1104 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1932 3c purple coils, two and a half rolls, n.h., fine-v.f.,
*/** Catalog #721-22 Catalog Value $ 3,700 | Unsold
 | Lot #1105 LARGE LOTS AND COLLECTIONS UNITED STATES 1945-67 3c-5c Commemoratives, group of 200+ PSE graded ("XF-Sup 95", "XF-Sup 98" and a few "Gem 100") singles, good assortment, up to 3 of each, stored on black cards with certificates, ready for immediate resale (SMQ $11,050) ** Catalog #936/1325 | Price Realized $3,000.00