Rare Stamps and Postal History of the World
March 12-13, 2024
Cherrystone Auctions March 12-13, 2024 Sale of Rare Stamps and Postal History of the World will take place at our Teaneck, N.J. Galleries and over the internet via CherrystoneLIVE. The sale contains 1,316 lots and will be offered in four sessions, beginning with United States, with a specialized collection of Postal History of the South, ex-Dabney. Worldwide sections include an exceptional collection of Bavaria, with stamps and covers, offered for the first time at auction. There are solid sections of France, Italy, British Commonwealth, all with many individual rarities. Also featured is a collection of Sweden, with exceptional First Issues. There are 200 Large Lots and Collections, ranging from single country albums, specialized holdings and featuring a comprehensive collection of Indian Feudatory States (estimated to realize $100,000), multi-carton worldwide groups and large cover lots offered intact. Kindly note that we will continue adding images for many lots. If scans for the lot you are interested in are unavailable, please check again in a few days.
Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #489 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1886 native Chinese cover from German destroyer "Iltis I", endorsed "An Bord S.M. Kbt. Iltis, Hong Kong China", franked with 10pf carmine canceled "Kiel 3.4/I 86" and blue crayon, with additional Kiel and Stettin arrival pmks, rare usage
| Unsold
 | Lot #490 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1893 (6 May) Germany 10pf rose and 50pf brown, handwritten "Tientsin" and canceled "Kaisrl. Deutsche Postagentur" on small piece, fine and rare forerunner O
| Unsold
 | Lot #491 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1893 Shanghai Local Post stationery 1c lettersheet, faint blue cancel, endorsed "Feldpostbrief" with "Deutsche Post Agentur Shanghai" 13/10/93 pmk and sent to Dusseldorf, where "T" handstamp was applied and "40" charge in blue crayon imposed on arrival, some toning, interesting usage
| Price Realized $240.00
 | Lot #492 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1894 (31 May) cover franked with unoverprinted Germany 10pf vertical pair, tied by "Deutsche Postagentur Shanghai" cancels, addressed to "Coast Guard Station (near Maldon), Essex, England", with arrival pmk, marked "Retour", also "Gone Away" blue crayon, sent back via Bremen (where it was opened and resealed with two official labels), marked "Absender Unbekannt", showing return address of William R.Faries in Wei-Hien, via Chefoo, North China, with Shanghai Local Post pmks on arrival back in China, overall ageing, well traveled cover from German Missionaries in Wei-Hien, China
| Unsold
 | Lot #493 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1895 (30 Aug) cover from Tientsin to Kobe, franked with unoverprinted 10pf, 20pf and 50pf German Eagle, tied by two clear strikes of Tientsin KDPA forerunner pmks, with Japanese arrival (10 Sep) on back, fine three-color forerunner usage from Tientsin, China
| Unsold
 | Lot #494 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1900 (10 Dec) cover franked with Hong Kong 10c Victoria, canceled "Marine Schifspost No.35" addressed to Germany, with Kassel arrival pmk, showing return address of a sailor on board S.M.S. Weissenburg, Hong Kong-Woosung-Shanghai, filing fold away from the stamp, fine cover (SMS Weissenburg was one of the first ocean-going battleships of the Imperial German Navy and was deployed to China during the Boxer Uprising)
| Price Realized $475.00
 | Lot #495 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1900 (19 Oct) "Feldpostbrief" free-frank cover addressed to a field hospital in China, sent from Southampton, with violet "Paquebot" handstamp, sent from a German national on a boat to England, carried free because of the Boxer Rebellion, with Base Post Office and "Singapore to Hong Kong" (Nov.19, 00) markings
| Unsold
 | Lot #496 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1900 (16 Feb) Shanghai Municipal Council envelope, franked with 7x3pf ocher brown, tied by Shanghai Deutsche Post cds, sent to Hannover, with arrival (22/3/00) cds on back, fine and scarce cover, signed Steuer (Mi.IIc)
| Price Realized $240.00
 | Lot #497 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1900 (24 Oct) Army & Navy Dept of YMCA cover franked with 5pf (2),10pf and 20pf "China", diagonal overprints, paying 40pf from Tientsin to San Diego, Nagasaki and Yokohama transits, San Diego arrival (Nov 23,1900) pmks on back, minor cover wear, scarce usage during the Boxer Rebellion
| Price Realized $180.00
 | Lot #498 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1900 5pf green, canceled on piece by Tientsin cds, v.f., signed Senf, Pfeninnger, Ebel, etc., O Catalog #18 Catalog Value $ 360 | Price Realized $230.00
 | Lot #499 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1901 (6 May) picture postcard from Singapore to Shanghai, franked with 10pf carmine "China" overprint, tied by German East Asia ship cancel, with Singapore departure, Hong Kong transit and Shanghai May 18, 01 arrival pmks. Also another ppc from German Shanghai to a British soldier in Kowloon, Hong Kong, with Canton transit and Victoria, Hong Kong arrival pmks, fine
| Unsold
 | Lot #500 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1901 (26 Feb) German stationery 5pf postal card, additionally franked with 2pf and 5pf Reichspost, canceled Peking Deutsche Post and sent to Gera, with 13.4.01 arrival cds below
| Price Realized $260.00
 | Lot #501 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1901 (19 Jan) philatelic "Internationaler Philatelisten-Verein, Sektion, Peking" illustrated card (showing German South-West Africa stamps, with dedications to each of the German Colonies) on back, with "Peking Deutsche Post" departure (date filled-in by hand), boxed "S.B. Ostas. Expeds. Bat. 2 Inf-Regmts." handstamp, addressed to Leipzig, fine and interesting card
| Unsold
 | Lot #502 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1901 50pf purple & black, horizontal strip of three canceled on piece by "Shanghaikuan Deutsche Post" cds (undated), v.f. O Catalog #31 | Unsold
 | Lot #503 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1902-06 two Registered stationery postcards, one 5pf from Shanghai, with 25pf China alongside, used from Shanghai to Hamburg, provisional "Shanghai" overprinted Registry label, the other card is from Kiauchau, 4pf carmine upfranked with 20c Yacht, "Tsingtau, Kiautschou" Registry label, fine pair of registered stationery cards
| Unsold
 | Lot #504 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1903 (2 Jan) picture postcard from Shanghai to a German soldier in Tangku, franked with 5pf China (Reichspost), canceled by "Deutsche Seepost" cds, with Shanghai departure pmk below, Hong Kong transits, large "I.P.O. - R.M.S. Peking Tangku No.1" bilingual cachet, additional pmks, including "Postdiennst", etc., fine and rare
| Price Realized $475.00
 | Lot #505 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1903 (25 June) stationery 10pf card to Germany, with oval "Deutsche Seepost Yangtse Linie" departure pmk, Flensburg (29 July) arrival cds at bottom, fine and scarce maritime pmk
| Price Realized $250.00
 | Lot #506 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1911 (27 May) red band cover franked with 4x1c China surcharges, tied by "Tschifu Deutsche Post" departure pmks, with Tsingtau Kiautschou (29.5.11) arrival cds, fine and unusual native cover from the German Post Office in Chefoo to Kiauchau
| Price Realized $240.00
 | Lot #507 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1914 (28 July) picture postcard from Tegernsee, Germany to Hermine v.Babbo in Chefoo, China, sent unpaid via Siberia, with bold framed censor handstamp applied in Vladivostok, from where the card was apparently forwarded and delivered to addressee, "T" and "8" charge markings, the latter in blue crayon (4c postage and 4c penalty postage due), fine and double signed Bothe. This card was sent on the day World War I broke out. The fact that it was released by the Russian authorities after being censored, makes it extremely rare
| Unsold
 | Lot #508 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1916 (26 June) registered cover from the German Post Office in Peking to Berlin, franking with 5c (5) and 20c surcharges, sent via New York, with 28.7.1916 transits, opened by censor and resealed, held for three years during the War, with violet "Released by the British Military Authorities" handstamp, arriving in Berlin 5.8.1919, cover somewhat faulty, rare war-time usage, with 2013 Jaschke-Lantelme certificate
| Unsold
 | Lot #509 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1917 (1 Jan) picture postcard from Shanghai to Germany, franked with 4c on 10pf carmine, tied by Shanghai cds, sent via the United States, where "Mail Service Suspended to Country addressed" violet handstamp was added, sent back to China, with Shanghai 30.10.19 arrival, fine card, very few survive with this War usage marking, 2009 Steuer certificate
| Price Realized $240.00
 | Lot #510 GERMAN COLONIES German Offices in China 1921 (22 July) printed matter card from Erfurt, franked with 30pf Deutsches Reich, addressed to Tsingtau, China, with Chinese and Japanese (Tsingtau I.J.P.O.) arrival pmks, red "Return to Sender Unknown" handstamps, late usage, unusual markings
| Price Realized $325.00