Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #179 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c olive green, two singles and two vertical pairs, also 10c blue, four singles, all used, some on pieces, mostly with good margins and colors, fine-v.f. O Catalog #1,2 | Price Realized $1,000.00
 | Lot #180 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c green, block of four, h.r., margins all around, some creasing and toning, otherwise fine-v.f.,
* Catalog #1 Catalog Value $ 1,750 | Price Realized $600.00
 | Lot #181 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c yellow green, red cancel, margins all around, v.f., O Catalog #1 Catalog Value $ 175 | Price Realized $110.00
 | Lot #182 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c green, margins all around, v.f., canceled by "Bayou Sara, La" on cover to Laurel Hill, La.
Catalog #1 | Price Realized $140.00
 | Lot #183 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c green, three large margins, canceled by blue departure pmk on cover to Lynchburg, Va, minor toned spot at left, backflap incomplete, fine,
Catalog #1 Catalog Value $ 300 | Price Realized $140.00
 | Lot #184 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c green, two singles, ample margins, the right copy just in at top, tied by Vicksburg (Apr) 1862 double circle pmks on back of small cover to a Captain with the 2nd Mississippi Battalion in Yorktown, Va, some hinge remnants and toning, otherwise fine
Catalog #1 | Price Realized $475.00
 | Lot #185 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c green, horizontal pair, ample margins, slightly in at upper right corner, right stamp vertical crease and some toning, tied by cds and addressed to Marion C.H., South Carolina,
Catalog #1 Catalog Value $ 500 | Price Realized $150.00
 | Lot #186 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c green, horizontal pair, ample margins all around, used on cover (backflap missing, filing fold away from the stamps), some toning, sent from Woodville, Ms, addressed to Edward M. Burrus, care of 21st Mississippi Regt, McLaws Division, Barksdale's Brigade, Richmond, Va. (cover was probably sent in August, 1862; McLaws division was left in the Richmond area to cover McClellan's army until it withdrew in mid-August)
Catalog #1 | Price Realized $230.00
 | Lot #187 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c green, cut close all around, used in combination with 5c blue on somewhat worn and little defective cover addressed to Edward M. Burrus, care of 21st Mississippi Regt, McLaws Division, Richmond, Va. (cover was probably sent in August, 1862; McLaws division was left in the Richmond area to cover McClellan's army until it withdrew in mid-August)
Catalog #1,6 | Price Realized $260.00
 | Lot #188 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c green, margins all around, tied by faint Knoxville, Tenn. cds on cover addressed to N.A. Patterson, Postmaster of Kingston, Tenn., cover stains, otherwise fine
Catalog #1 | Price Realized $150.00
 | Lot #189 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c green, three margins, a little rugged at right, tied by Montgomery, Ala. Dec.8, 1861 cds on cover to Selma, Ala., fine
Catalog #1 | Price Realized $150.00
 | Lot #190 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c green, horizontal strip of four, margins around, small nick at upper right, canceled by pen and used on cover (slightly reduced at left) paying 20c from Waynesboro, Ms (March 28, 1862) to Gallatin, Ms, manuscript docketing and legal notations, fine
Catalog #1 | Price Realized $1,400.00
 | Lot #191 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c olive green, single and vertical pair canceled on piece, ample to large margins all around, sharp and distinct impression, fine-v.f., O Catalog #1c Catalog Value $ 650 | Price Realized $260.00
 | Lot #192 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c olive green, vertical pair canceled on piece, large margins all round, sharp and distinct impression, v.f., O Catalog #1c Catalog Value $ 450 | Price Realized $575.00
 | Lot #193 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 5c green, variety showing a major flaw between "I" and "V" of "FIVE", margins all around, tied by New Orleans, LA 26 Feb cds on cover to Port Gibson, Ms, fine and scarce plate flaw on cover
Catalog #1var | Price Realized $140.00
 | Lot #194 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 10c blue, block of four, h.r., small thin at lower right, fresh and v.f.,
* Catalog #2 Catalog Value $ 1,750 | Price Realized $625.00
 | Lot #195 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 10c blue, block of four, h.r., creases at left, small thin at bottom right, good color, v.f. appearance,
* Catalog #2 Catalog Value $ 1,750 | Price Realized $450.00
 | Lot #196 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 10c blue, block of four, penciled positions on back, minor toning, otherwise v.f.,
* Catalog #2 Catalog Value $ 1,750 | Price Realized $575.00
 | Lot #197 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1861 10c blue, canceled on piece by Charleston, S.C. Nov 8, 1862 cds, v.f. O Catalog #2 | Price Realized $150.00
 | Lot #198 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1862 2c green, horizontal strip of three, unused without gum, margins all around, left stamp with a small ink mark, otherwise fine and scarce multiple (catalogued as singles) (*) Catalog #3 Catalog Value $ 3,000 | Price Realized $800.00
 | Lot #199 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1862 5c blue, horizontal pair, h.r., large margins all around, fresh and v.f. * Catalog #4 | Price Realized $260.00
 | Lot #200 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1862 5c light blue, block of four, h.r. at top, bottom pair n.h., fresh and v.f.,
*/** Catalog #4 Catalog Value $ 1,300 | Price Realized $600.00
 | Lot #201 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1862-64 2c,5c,10c and 20c blocks of four, four different, l.h. or n.h., occasional scattered toned spots, mostly v.f.
*/** Catalog #6,8,11,13 | Price Realized $250.00
 | Lot #202 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1862 5c light blue, lower right sheet corner margin pane of 25, h.r. at bottom, most of the stamps n.h., v.f.
*/** Catalog #6 | Price Realized $230.00
 | Lot #203 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1862 5c blue, block of four, used in combination with 10c dark blue on legal size cover (address partly excised), addressed to Virginia,
Catalog #6 Catalog Value $ 900 | Price Realized $675.00
 | Lot #204 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1862 5c blue, local print, three blocks of four, used, various pmks, margins mostly all around, one cut in at top, good colors, fine-v.f.,
Catalog #7 Catalog Value $ 1,050 | Price Realized $450.00
 | Lot #205 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1862 5c blue, local print, block of 12, used, cut in at top and at left, good color, scarce multiple
Catalog #7 | Price Realized $525.00
 | Lot #206 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1862 2c brown red, left sheet margin block of nine, mostly n.h., some mild creasing, otherwise v.f.
*/** Catalog #8 | Price Realized $450.00
 | Lot #207 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1863 2c brown red, n.h., jumbo margins with parts of adjoining stamps showing on all sides, with 2020 PSE certificate graded "Gem 100J" (SMQ $700) ** Catalog #8 | Price Realized $280.00
 | Lot #208 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1863 2c brown red, three large margins, just touching at bottom, tied by Richmond Dec.31 cds on cover to Charlottesville, Va, some cover mending, otherwise fine,
Catalog #8 Catalog Value $ 1,500 | Price Realized $450.00
 | Lot #209 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1863 10c (Ten Cents) milky blue, large margins all around, v.f., tied by "Canton, Ga July 7" cds and addressed to Greenville, Tenn., minor backflap tears, fine and attractive,
Catalog #9 Catalog Value $ 1,500 | Price Realized $625.00
 | Lot #210 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1863 10c milky blue, Frame Line complete at right and at bottom, showing partly at left, canceled by two pen strokes on small (re-used) cover, endorsed "Locust Dale" (Va), with May 10th (1863) departure in manuscript, addressed to Gordonsville, Va, some toning at right, otherwise fine Frame Line "10 Cents" on cover,
Catalog #10 Catalog Value $ 3,500 | Price Realized $1,500.00
 | Lot #211 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1863 10c dark blue, left sheet margin pane of 30, few l.h., most of the stamps n.h., few scattered toned spots, v.f. multiple
*/** Catalog #11 | Price Realized $230.00
 | Lot #212 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1863 10c blue, left sheet margin pane of 30, few l.h., most of the stamps n.h., few scattered toned spots, v.f. multiple
*/** Catalog #11 | Price Realized $280.00
 | Lot #213 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1863 10c blue, used on a Patriotic cover from "Washington, Va Aug 8", overall toning,
Catalog #11 Catalog Value $ 1,200 | Price Realized $450.00
 | Lot #214 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1863-64 10c dark blue, block of 25, few l.h., most of the stamps n.h., few scattered toned spots, v.f. multiple
*/** Catalog #12 | Price Realized $250.00
 | Lot #215 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1863-64 20c green, upper left sheet corner margin block of 20, mostly n.h., middle strip of four creased, with some toning and additional creasing at upper right, mostly fine-v.f.
*/** Catalog #13 | Price Realized $400.00
 | Lot #216 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1863 20c green, three ample margins, just in at top, tied by Fayetteville, NC. July 24 cds on legal size envelope addressed to Sheriff of Rowan County, Salisbury, N.C., scattered toned specks, fine cover,
Catalog #13 Catalog Value $ 1,250 | Price Realized $280.00
 | Lot #217 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1863 20c green, horizontal pair, ample margins, some wrinkles and corner creases, tied on heavily stained (backflap missing) defective cover by "Waco Village, Texas" cds, addressed to Virginia, used as 40 cents to cover postage of the Letter Express operating from Texas by the Trans-Mississippi Department of the Eastern Section of the Confederacy after the fall of Vicksburg and the blockade of the river (only about 20 covers franked with a pair of 20c green, paying the 40c Trans-Mississippi Express rate are known, majority of which are heavily stained and damaged, see "The Trans-Mississippi Mails After the Fall of Vicksburg", by Richard Krieger)
Catalog #13 Catalog Value $ 4,500 | Price Realized $450.00
 | Lot #218 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1862 1c orange, horizontal strip of three, h.r., good color, margins all around, v.f. * Catalog #14 | Price Realized $190.00
 | Lot #219 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1862 1c orange, lower left sheet corner margin block of four, l.h., v.f.,
* Catalog #14 Catalog Value $ 475 | Price Realized $270.00
 | Lot #220 CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA General Issues 1863 (7 May) FL addressed to Governor Pettus in Jackson, Miss., interesting contents regarding the Vicksburg Campaign and advance of Union troops on Jackson, sent locally with "Drop 2 Cents" handstamp to pay for local delivery, rare
| Price Realized $675.00