The Carl Kilgas Collection of China
Part Three
November 29, 2023

Part III of the Carl A. Kilgas collection of China, with 385 lots will be sold on November 29th, 2023 at 10:00 A.M. on CherrystoneLIVE, at our Teaneck, New Jersey Galleries. Please note this is an online sale only - there is no printed catalog.

ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #2189
CHINA Imperial China - Postal History
1901-02 two covers, each franked with 25c Type Sage overprinted "Chine", first from Shanghai to Belgium, part of backflap missing, with Paris transit and Ciney arrival pmks, the other to New York, endorsed "Per SS Alhenian", with Nagasaki and Yokohama transits, fine-v.f. (as of early 1900, Chinese stamps were no longer required on outgoing mail)

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