Carl Kilgas Collection of China Part II
August 23-24, 2023

We are proud to present Part II of the Carl A. Kilgas collection of China, with 762 lots to be sold on August 23-24, 2023 at 10:00 A.M. each day, at our Teaneck, New Jersey Galleries.

Mr. Kilgas authored a number of articles for the China Clipper from 1976 to 1985. As a member of the Collector's Club of New York, he presented in the CCNY journal, outlining China's postal history, with illustrations of stamps and covers of from his own collection to tell the story. In 1984, he was selected to lend some of his rarities to the 1984 ROCPEX exhibition in Taipei. Carl's few proteges who are still alive (the youngest of whom is now 73) remember him as a very private person, who was embarrassed that his collection had become legendary. He was regarded by his peers as an expert in Chinese Philately. Almost forty years later, we continue to offer selections from Carl's extensive holding of his Large and Small Dragons, Dowagers, Chinese Imperial Post Coiling Dragons, Republic and Nationalist Issues, as well as Japanese Occupation and selection of Alien Offices. All of the collecting areas of the Kilgas collection contain important items, including some that have never been listed, even in specialized catalogues. Many of these "new discoveries" have in fact been hibernating in this collection for over 80 years, mounted on personalized type-written pages, with minimal annotations in pencil.

ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #4662
CHINA Wuhu Postage Dues
1895 5c red first printing perf. 12, inverted "Postage Due" overprint (Livingston D6Bvar, Chan D37var), unused with original gum, small faults, fine appearance. A great rarity, apparently unrecorded in the available literature, with 2023 Frumkin certificate
Catalog #J6var

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