U.S. & Worldwide Stamps & Postal History
May 25-26, 2021
Our May 25-26, 2021 Auction will run live via CherrystoneLIVE. This 1,382 lot sale features United States and Worldwide countries, beginning with a solid selection of U.S. singles, sets, Postal History and Possessions. The Foreign section features a highly specialized collection of French Indochina, with 19th Century military and civilian mail from what is today Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand. This collection was formed by a former French Colonial resident, with an excellent eye for postal history and considered a foremost expert of the subject. From Germany, there are used and unused selections from an-old time collection formed with assistance from Herbert Bloch and the Friedl Expert Committee. Great Britain and British Commonwealth are followed by a collection of Imperial Japan, including the original collection formed in 1875 by Baron Maejima Hisoka, founder of the Japanese Postal System. Italian Offices in China include three rare Pechino and Tientsin items, including unique covers. The Poland selection features Krakow Issue, Locals, Polish Army Corps in Italy, with unique errors and varieties. Russia boasts a collection of 300+ lots of Zemstvo, with many ex-Baughman, Faberge, and Bianchi items. In addition, this sale includes a strong selection of 100+ large lots and collections ranging from single country albums to specialized collections, multi-carton worldwide properties and large cover lots
Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #209 AUTOGRAPHS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE 1796 WASHINGTON, George (1732-1799, U.S. President, General, leader of the Continental Army in the American Revolution, and the first to become U.S. President), signed ship's letter (15 3/4 x 12 3/4 inches, framed), text in three languages (English, French and Dutch), certifying the peaceful and legitimate voyage of the ship "Commerce" of Boston, carrying a cargo of rice and indigo, from Charleston, South Carolina to Falmouth, Massachusetts; signed and dated (5 February 1796) by Washington as President, also by Edmund Randolph, Secretary of State, other signatures of the port of Charleston authorities, notarized; printed on paper, completed by pen, with white embossed wafer seals of the United States and South Carolina, some intersecting folds and paper separations (partly mended on back), folds through the President's signature, still fine-v.f., strong presentation of George Washington's signature
| Unsold
 | Lot #210 AUTOGRAPHS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE 1812 NAPOLEON, Bonaparte (1769-1821), Emperor of France, one page letter to the Minister of War (dictated to Baron Faure, Napoleon's Secretary), dated 12 June, 1812 at Konigsberg, signed "NAP", fine. On 23rd June, 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia
| Price Realized $1,800.00
 | Lot #211 AUTOGRAPHS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE 1905 NICHOLAS II (1868-1918), Last Tsar of Russia (1894-1917), partly printed document in Cyrillic, one page certificate, awarding St. Anna Order 2nd degree with Sword, to Alexey Dobotvorsky, 1st Siberian Army Corps, Reserve Manchurian Army, 1905, signed "Nicolay", fine Imperial autograph, great Russo-Japanese War item
| Price Realized $2,500.00
 | Lot #212 AUTOGRAPHS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE 1929 ROOSEVELT, Franklin D. (1882-1945), U.S. President, 1929 typewritten judicial proposal, rejected by Roosevelt as governor of New York, with gold seal of the state affixed alongside, countersigned by the secretary, v.f.
| Price Realized $290.00
 | Lot #213 AUTOGRAPHS OF FAMOUS PEOPLE 1932 ROOSEVELT, Franklin D. (1882-1945, the only U.S. President to be elected four times. He led the United States through the Great Depression and World War II), 1932 typewritten judicial proposal, rejected by Roosevelt, still as governor of New York, with gold seal of the state affixed alongside, countersigned by the secretary, v.f.
| Price Realized $280.00
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