Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #25 United States 1867 Grill Issue 1867 3c rose, C.Grill, used, well centered, reperforated vertically, v.f. appearance, with 1981 PFC, O Catalog #83 Catalog Value $ 1,050 | Price Realized $120.00
 | Lot #26 United States 1867 Grill Issue 1867 2c black, Z.Grill, unused (regummed), well centered for this difficult issue, reperforated at bottom, two small toned spots, v.f. appearance, with 2000 PFC (catalogued as unused without gum) (*) Catalog #85B Catalog Value $ 6,750 | Price Realized $800.00
 | Lot #27 United States 1867 Grill Issue 1867 2c black, Z.Grill, unused without gum, fairly well centered for this issue, fine, with 2012 PSAG certificate, (*) Catalog #85B Catalog Value $ 6,750 | Unsold
 | Lot #28 United States 1867 Grill Issue 1867 small cover to England, franked with 2c black, Z.Grill, and 1861 10c green (Scott 68), black cork cancels, endorsed "Per Steamer Mar 11, 1868", with neat London transit, 10c with corner crease and the cover missing side flap at right, otherwise a fine and rare "mixed" franking, with 2016 PFC
Catalog #85B | Price Realized $600.00
 | Lot #29 United States 1867 Grill Issue 1867 12c black, E.Grill, h.r., fairly well centered for this tough issue, some facial stains and several short perfs, otherwise fine, with 2013 Weiss certificate, * Catalog #90 Catalog Value $ 4,750 | Unsold
 | Lot #30 United States 1867 Grill Issue 1867 1c pale blue, F.Grill, small h.r., fresh color, gum soaks and irregular perfs, otherwise fine, with 2009 APS certificate, * Catalog #92a Catalog Value $ 2,300 | Price Realized $260.00
 | Lot #31 United States 1867 Grill Issue 1867 15c black, F.Grill, slightly disturbed original gum, well centered, v.f., with 2016 PFC, * Catalog #98 Catalog Value $ 4,000 | Price Realized $2,100.00
 | Lot #32 United States 1867 Grill Issue 1867 15c black, F.Grill, unused without gum, fine, with 1994 PFC, (*) Catalog #98 Catalog Value $ 1,500 | Unsold
 | Lot #33 United States 1867 Grill Issue 1867 24c gray lilac, F.Grill, part original gum, well centered for this tight margined issue, fine, v.f., with 2016 PSE certificate, * Catalog #99 Catalog Value $ 8,500 | Unsold
 | Lot #34 United States 1867 Grill Issue 1867 24c gray lilac, F.Grill, disturbed part original gum, fresh color, diagonal crease, fine appearance, with photocopy of a 2003 PFC for a block of four from which this originated, * Catalog #99 Catalog Value $ 8,500 | Unsold