U.S. and Worldwide Stamps & Postal History
September 5-6, 2018
Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #168 United States - Officials Specimen overprints 1875 1c-90c Justice, Specimen overprinted in blue, complete set of 10, without gum as issued, nice colors, 6c scissors separated perforations, 12c small thin, 15c with tear, otherwise fine-v.f., extremely rare, only 152 of each printed, S Catalog #O25S-O34S Catalog Value $ 10,088 | Price Realized $3,250.00
 | Lot #169 United States - Officials Specimen overprints 1875 Navy, 15c ultramarine, Specimen overprinted in red, without gum as issued, nicely centered, few perf faults, otherwise v.f., (*) Catalog #O42S Catalog Value $ 1,750 | Price Realized $500.00
 | Lot #170 United States - Officials Specimen overprints 1875 State, 1c-12c, seven values, Specimen overprinted in red, without gum as issued, few minor flaws, otherwise fine-v.f., (*) Catalog #O52-63S Catalog Value $ 1,887 | Price Realized $425.00
 | Lot #171 United States - Officials Specimen overprints 1875 War, 1c-90c Specimen overprinted in blue, without gum as issued, 15c straight edge at right, 90c short perfs at right, otherwise fine-v.f. set of War Department Special Printings overprinted Specimen. Other than the 1c, 2c and 7c values, between 104 and 119 copies of the War Department Special Printings were sold (the 30c has the smallest sale quantity). It ranks fifth in rarity, just after the Navy Department set, 12c ex-Golden, S Catalog #O83S-93S Catalog Value $ 11,785 | Price Realized $2,600.00
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