U.S. and Worldwide Stamps & Postal History
September 5-6, 2018
Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #885 SAUDI ARABIA - Hejaz 1922 1pi deep violet, 1 1/2pi rose brown, 2pi plum, 3pi brown red and 5pi scarlet, imperforate blocks of four, eventually issued in 1925 handstamped Nejd Sultanate Post, h.r., each block with one pair creased, otherwise fine-v.f., with 1994 Peter Holcombe certificate. A rare set of proofs
| Price Realized $525.00
 | Lot #886 SAUDI ARABIA - Hejaz 1924 1pa dull purple, red overprint inverted, lower right sheet corner margin block of 10, unused without gum, fine-v.f., with 1994 Holcombe certificate,
(*) Catalog #L55a Catalog Value $ 825 | Unsold
 | Lot #887 SAUDI ARABIA - Hejaz 1925 2pi orange, blue overprint double, one inverted, horizontal block of six, unused without gum, fine-v.f., with 1994 Holcombe certificate,
(*) Catalog #L86a Catalog Value $ 870 | Unsold
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