Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #249 FRANCE 1807 Grande Armee No.20 in red, struck on four-page letter headed "Empire Francais / Au Quartier General" (at Headquarters) in Berlin, addressed to Strasbourg, appropriate due markings, v.f. Napoleonic letter, with 2017 Roumet certificate
| Price Realized $150.00
 | Lot #250 FRANCE 1807 Grande Armee No.20 in red, struck on four-page FL from Berlin to Strasbourg, appropriate due markings, fine Napoleonic letter, with 2017 Roumet certificate
| Unsold
 | Lot #251 FRANCE 1849 20c black, selection of eight used, including a horizontal pair, various shades, two canceled on pieces, v.f. O Catalog #3 | Price Realized $150.00
 | Lot #252 FRANCE 1849 20c black on buff ("Chamois Fonce"), l.h., large margins all around, v.f., with handstamped guarantee (YT 3c, €2,200) * Catalog #3b Catalog Value $ 1,100 | Unsold
 | Lot #253 FRANCE 1849 20c black on buff, block of four with sheet margin at left, h.r., fine, signed (Maury 3b, €6,750)
* Catalog #3b | Unsold
 | Lot #254 FRANCE 1849 20c black, yellowish, 1862 Re-issue, right sheet margin example, v.f. (YT 3R, €550) * Catalog #3d Catalog Value $ 375 | Unsold
 | Lot #255 FRANCE 1849 1fr vermilion, used, margins all around, good color, closed tear and other repairs, fine appearance, with 2018 Roumet certificate, O Catalog #8 Catalog Value $ 13,750 | Price Realized $2,200.00
 | Lot #256 FRANCE 1849 1fr pale vermilion, Sperati reproduction, with handstamp on back
| Unsold
 | Lot #257 FRANCE 1849 1fr carmine brown, margins all around, v.f., tied by "3029" in square dots on small cover from St. Clauds-le-son to Confolens, with 1852 arrival pmk, pencil signed, 2016 Roumet certificate (YT 6, €1,750)
Catalog #9b Catalog Value $ 1,150 | Price Realized $375.00
 | Lot #258 FRANCE 1852 25c blue, 1862 Re-issue, v.f. (YT €550) * Catalog #11a Catalog Value $ 350 | Price Realized $150.00
 | Lot #259 FRANCE 1853 1c bronze green ("mordore"), imperf. and perf. examples, beautiful colors, fresh and fine * Catalog #12a,22b | Unsold
 | Lot #260 FRANCE 1853 1fr lake, Sperati reproduction, handstamped on back
| Unsold
 | Lot #261 FRANCE 1853 1fr lake, horizontal pair, Sperati reproduction, handstamped on back
| Unsold
 | Lot #262 FRANCE 1853 1fr lake, tete-beche horizontal pair, Sperati reproduction
| Unsold
 | Lot #263 FRANCE 1863 5fr gray lilac, used with additional franking on Charge cover from Paris to Gannat, with 1873 cds on back, fine and colorful,
Catalog #37 Catalog Value $ 1,450 | Price Realized $700.00
 | Lot #264 FRANCE 1870 Bordeaux Issue, 5c emerald green, used, margins all around, minute thins, v.f. appearance, signed Roumet, etc., O Catalog #41b Catalog Value $ 1,250 | Price Realized $250.00
 | Lot #265 FRANCE 1870 Bordeaux Issue, 5c yellowish green, Report I, unused without gum, margins all around, fresh and v.f., signed Calves, etc., with 1976 Royal certificate (YT 42A, €1,875) (catalogued as unused without gum) (*) Catalog #41c Catalog Value $ 1,650 | Unsold
 | Lot #266 FRANCE 1870 Bordeaux Issue, 40c orange vermilion, h.r., v.f., signed Calves, Brun (YT 48e, €1,550) * Catalog #47f Catalog Value $ 1,000 | Price Realized $230.00
 | Lot #267 FRANCE 1871 5c black, imperforate die essay, v.f. E Catalog #53E | Price Realized $240.00
 | Lot #268 FRANCE 1871 25c blue, used in combination with Germany 2gr Large Shield, on FL from Strasbourg to Belfort, fine Franco-Prussian War letter, with 1872 cds
Catalog #58 | Price Realized $180.00
 | Lot #269 FRANCE 1872 Bordeaux Issue, 10c bistre, rose, also 15c bister, l.h., fresh and v.f., signed Calves (YT 58, 59 €955) * Catalog #60,61 Catalog Value $ 645 | Price Realized $220.00
 | Lot #270 FRANCE 1876 Type Sage, 20c lilac brown, l.h., fine and well centered, signed Roumet, with 2018 certificate, * Catalog #70 Catalog Value $ 575 | Unsold
 | Lot #271 FRANCE 1876 Type Sage, 75c carmine, rose, h.r., good color, fine, signed Roumet, with 2014 certificate, * Catalog #75 Catalog Value $ 950 | Price Realized $150.00
 | Lot #272 FRANCE 1876 Type Sage, 75c carmine, rose, h.r., good color, fine, signed Calves, with 2014 Roumet certificate, * Catalog #75 Catalog Value $ 950 | Unsold
 | Lot #273 FRANCE 1877 Type Sage, 5fr violet, imperforate single, Regents Issue, v.f., with 2018 Roumet certificate P Catalog #96P | Unsold
 | Lot #274 FRANCE 1929 Le Havre, single on special Exhibition unaddressed FDC, minute toned specks, still v.f., with 2018 Roumet certificate,
Catalog #246 Catalog Value $ 750 | Unsold
 | Lot #275 FRANCE 1929 Le Havre, block of four on special Exhibition FDC, unaddressed, v.f., with 2018 Roumet certificate (catalogued as used singles)
Catalog #246 Catalog Value $ 2,400 | Price Realized $950.00
 | Lot #276 FRANCE 1929 Le Havre, single on special Exhibition FDC, folded in the middle and roughly opened, stamp v.f., with 2018 Roumet certificate,
Catalog #246 Catalog Value $ 750 | Unsold
 | Lot #277 FRANCE 1929 Reims Cathedral, 3fr dark gray, types II and IV, blocks of four, n.h., v.f., with Roumet certificates,
** Catalog #247A,248 Catalog Value $ 1,260 | Unsold
 | Lot #278 FRANCE 1929 Reims Cathedral, 3fr dark gray, type IV, also 10fr light ultramarine type I, blocks of four, n.h., v.f.,
** Catalog #248,251 Catalog Value $ 1,100 | Unsold
 | Lot #279 FRANCE 1929 Pont du Gard, 20fr orange brown, type I, white paper, lower right sheet corner margin block of four, n.h., v.f., with Roumet certificate (YT 262A, €2,300)
** Catalog #253 Catalog Value $ 2,000 | Unsold
 | Lot #280 FRANCE 1929 Pont du Gard, 20fr orange brown, type I, lower right sheet corner margin block of four, n.h., v.f., with Roumet certificate (YT 262A, €2,300)
** Catalog #253 Catalog Value $ 2,000 | Unsold
 | Lot #281 FRANCE 1929 Pont du Gard, 20fr orange brown, type III, lower left sheet corner margin block of four (date is incorrect "16.9.37"), n.h., v.f., with Roumet certificate (YT 262, Maury 262 IIB, €3,750)
** Catalog #254A Catalog Value $ 1,800 | Unsold
 | Lot #282 FRANCE 1945 London Issue, complete set of six in blocks of four, n.h., v.f.,
** Catalog #YT 701A-F Catalog Value €3,800 | Unsold