U.S. and Worldwide Stamps & Postal History
September 5-6, 2018
Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #602 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH INDIA 1852 1/2a white, Scinde Dawk, heavy cancel, large margins all around, strong embossing, fine example of this popular rarity (SG S1) O Catalog #A1 Catalog Value £2,500 | Price Realized $1,400.00
 | Lot #603 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH INDIA 1854 4a blue & red, Die III, margins all around, canceled (not tied) on FL from Calcutta to London, boxed "India" in red on front, also framed 1860 departure and arrival pmks, fine
Catalog #6 | Unsold
 | Lot #604 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH INDIA 1902 KEVII 3p-15r complete set of 17, plus additional 3r red brown & green, fresh colors, l.h. or h.r., fine-v.f. and exceptional set (SG 119/47) * Catalog #60-76 Catalog Value £3,500 | Price Realized $2,000.00
 | Lot #605 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH INDIA 1948 Gandhi, set of four, n.h., v.f. (SG 305-08) ** Catalog #203-06 Catalog Value £425 | Price Realized $250.00
 | Lot #606 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH INDIA 1948 Gandhi, set of four, n.h., v.f. (SG 305-08) ** Catalog #203-06 Catalog Value £425 | Price Realized $250.00
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