Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #467 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1850 (Jan 5) Lithographed by Thomas Ham, Half-Length 2p lilac mauve, a used example with four good to large margins, neatly canceled by "1" Butterfly handstamp of Melbourne in black, nice color, fine, O Catalog #SG 3 Catalog Value £500 | Price Realized $375.00
 | Lot #468 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1852 Recess printed by Thomas Ham 1852/54 "'Queen on Throne", 2p reddish brown, unused with original gum, margins all around, thin, fine appearance, * Catalog #SG 18 Catalog Value £650 | Price Realized $270.00
 | Lot #469 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1854 Lithographed by J. S. Campbell and Fergusson, 2p gray lilac, unused without gum, large margins all around, creased, fine appearance, (*) Catalog #SG 22 Catalog Value £700 | Price Realized $240.00
 | Lot #470 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1854 1d orange red, unused without gum, good color and large margins, repaired at right, fine appearance, with 2014 RPS of Victoria certificate, (*) Catalog #SG 23 Catalog Value £3,000 | Price Realized $425.00
 | Lot #471 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1854 1p orange red, oval cancel, large margins all around, beautiful color, v.f. O Catalog #SG 23 | Price Realized $300.00
 | Lot #472 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1854 6p orange yellow, 6p "too late", 1sh "registered" and 2sh dull blue, four different used, margins all around, nice colors, v.f., O Catalog #SG 32-35 Catalog Value £669 | Price Realized $260.00
 | Lot #473 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1855 1s blue canceled by the barred oval "82" of Hepburn (rated "R") on a small cover addressed to the United States, Australia Liverpool packet and New York American packet markings, some faults
| Unsold
 | Lot #474 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1857 1p yellow green, unused, margins all around, good color, v.f., with 2006 Rodney Perry certificate, (*) Catalog #SG 41 Catalog Value £200 | Price Realized $220.00
 | Lot #475 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1857 4p dull rose, a remarkable upper right sheet corner margin horizontal pair, showing portion of adjoining stamp at left, unused with full original gum, light ironed-out horizontal crease, beautiful color, v.f. A rare and spectacular, largest recorded multiple (Geoff Mellow on page 114 states that the only recorded unused multiple of any Star Watermark 4d is a strip of three in dull rose. This is the same item, with the once defective portion excised at left), ex-JRW Purves, Rodney Perry, with his 2006 certificate (last realized AUS $2,500 hammer at 2014 Prestige Auction) * Catalog #SG 44 Catalog Value £1,000 | Price Realized $2,400.00
 | Lot #476 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1857 2p gray lilac, block of four, canceled "2" (Geelong), margins mostly all around, except at the right where the outer frame is just touched, ironed-out horizontal crease towards the bottom, rare multiple, ex-CL Pack, BD Forster, Rodney Perry, with his 2006 certificate
Catalog #SG 45a | Price Realized $400.00
 | Lot #477 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1857 1p yellow-green, Rouletted 6 1/2-7 1/2 with rouletting at the sides, large margins at top and bottom, part-Barred Oval cancel (Geoff Kellow on page 114 states "the penny is a very scarce stamp"), with Rodney Perry certificate, O Catalog #SG 46 Catalog Value £110 | Price Realized $210.00
 | Lot #478 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1857 4p vermilion, Rouletted 7 1/2-9, rejoined horizontal pair, remarkably rouletted clear of the design on all sides, neat "9" (Beechworth), rare (Geoff Kellow on page 114 states "The roulettes usually appear on only one or two sides, and most genuine examples are cancelled at Melbourne, all three shades occur but the vermilion is rare"), ex Forster, Rodney Perry, with his certificate, O Catalog #SG 50 Catalog Value £200 | Price Realized $555.00
 | Lot #479 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1857 2p pale lilac, Serrated 18-19 (pale lilac shade unrecorded in this issue), rejoined horizontal pair, well centered but partly cut from the sheet resulting in trimmed serrations at left, canceled "1" ( Melbourne), used examples are even rarer than the unused stamps (Geoff Kellow on page 116 states "Four used singles are known"), ex-Purves, Rodney Perry, with his certificate. Also illustrated on page 115 of "Stamps of Victoria" (last sold for AUS $5,500 at Prestige 2014 auction) O Catalog #SG 59var Catalog Value £1,200 | Price Realized $3,000.00
 | Lot #480 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1858 1p emerald-green, block of four, barred oval "1" cancels of Melbourne. An exceptional and rare multiple, ex-Rodney Perry, with his 2006 certificate,
Catalog #SG 62a | Price Realized $525.00
 | Lot #481 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1858 4p rose pink, unused without gum, good color, small inconsequential shallow thin, with 2006 Rodney Perry certificate (Geoff Kellow states on pages 117-8 "Unused copies are scarce and no multiples seem to be recorded") (*) Catalog #SG 63 Catalog Value £425 | Price Realized $550.00
 | Lot #482 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1858 1p pale emerald, 4p rose pink imperforate, unused without gum, some toning and small thins, fine appearance, with Rodney Perry certificates, (*) Catalog #SG 64,65 Catalog Value £925 | Price Realized $675.00
 | Lot #483 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1858 Rouletted 5 1/2-6 1/2, 2p brown lilac, horizontally laid paper, h.r., fine, signed W.H.C. (Colson), with 2006 Rodney Perry certificate, * Catalog #SG 69 Catalog Value £300 | Price Realized $450.00
 | Lot #484 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1858 Rouletted 5 1/2-6 1/2, 2p violet, horizontally laid paper, also vertically laid paper 4p dull rose red, each with h.r., small thin spots, fine appearance, * Catalog #SG 70,71 Catalog Value £700 | Price Realized $550.00
 | Lot #485 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1858 Rouletted 5 1/2-6 1/2, 2p dull violet, horizontally laid paper, unused without gum, slight corner bend, nice color, fine and rare stamp, with 2006 Rodney Perry certificate, (*) Catalog #SG 70a Catalog Value £425 | Price Realized $450.00
 | Lot #486 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1858 Rouletted 5 1/2-6 1/2, 4p rose red, vertically laid paper, block of four canceled on piece, minor blemishes, otherwise fine and rare multiple, ex-Boker, with 2006 Rodney Perry certificate
Catalog #SG 71c | Price Realized $325.00
 | Lot #487 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1858 6p blue, unused without gum, good color, fine, (*) Catalog #SG 73 Catalog Value £500 | Price Realized $220.00
 | Lot #488 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1859 1p yellow-green, irregular "L-Shaped" block of three, h.r., few pinholes, otherwise fine & very fresh, the largest recorded unused multiple, ex-Geoff Kellow ("the only unused multiples are a few pairs"), with 2006 Rodney Perry certificate, * Catalog #SG 76 Catalog Value £1,275 | Price Realized $750.00
 | Lot #489 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1859 Unwatermarked good quality wove paper 2p pale lilac, horizontal pair, very well centered, left stamp with a tiny natural paper inclusion at upper left, light central strike of "1" of Melbourne, fine and rare multiple, one of only two used pairs recorded (G. Mellow), ex-Purves, with Rodney Perry and 1997 Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria certificates. Illustrated in "Stamps of Victoria" on page 115 (last sold in 2014 Prestige auction at AUS $5,520) O Catalog #SG 77 | Price Realized $2,600.00
 | Lot #490 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1859 Smooth vertically laid paper, 4p rose red shade, unused without gum, small thins and a pinhole, tiny blemishes, otherwise fine, unlisted and the only recorded example in this shade, either unused or used (Geoff Kellow on page 119 "there is one unused example"), ex-Purves, with Rodney Perry and 1997 Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria certificates (last sold in 2014 Prestige auction at AUS $3,600) (*) Catalog #SG 80 | Price Realized $3,250.00
 | Lot #491 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1859 2sh dull bluish green, perf. 12, unused with redistributed gum, slight toning, not mentioned on the accompanying 1991 Royal certificate (listed as SG No. 51 which has subsequently been changed) * Catalog #SG 82 Catalog Value £650 | Price Realized $350.00
 | Lot #492 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1859 4p dull rose, 1p green, unused, the former without gum, latter h.r., minute flaws as always, scarce and undercatalogued stamps, with 2006 Rodney Perry certificates, (*)* Catalog #SG 83,84a Catalog Value £650 | Price Realized $1,300.00
 | Lot #493 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1859 4p rose carmine, horizontal pair, good color, h.r., right stamp with ironed-out crease, fine appearance, with 2006 Rodney Perry certificate, * Catalog #SG 85 Catalog Value £700 | Price Realized $575.00
 | Lot #494 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1860 Beaded Oval 3p dark blue, horizontally laid paper, perf. 12, fine unused example, fresh color, h.r., usual slightly aged gum, * Catalog #SG 88 Catalog Value £650 | Price Realized $400.00
 | Lot #495 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1860 Beaded Oval on Saunders paper, perf. 13, 3p maroon, fine unused example, fresh color, h.r., usual slightly brown gum, * Catalog #SG 91a Catalog Value £400 | Price Realized $190.00
 | Lot #496 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1860 Beaded Oval on Saunders paper, perf. 12, 6p gray black, unused without gum, wing margin at left, fine, (*) Catalog #SG 94a Catalog Value £425 | Price Realized $260.00
 | Lot #497 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1860 1p bright green, horizontally laid paper, horizontal pair, canceled "239" of Dunolly, left stamp with deformed "ONE", plus a crack from the base of the neck through the "Y" of PENNY (which is obscured by the postmark), fine and interesting variety, ex-Purves, with 2006 Rodney Perry certificate, Stanley Gibbons unpriced O Catalog #SG 96,96var | Price Realized $375.00
 | Lot #498 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1860 1p yellow green, block of four, unused without gum, some toning caused by the so-called "blackboy gum" (used for this and a number of other contemporary issues was a wattle daub derivative that imparted a dark brown stain to the stamps. Removal of the gum is to be encouraged, left in situ the gum will inexorably & inevitably destroy the stamps). A rare multiple, with 2006 Rodney Perry certificate (last sold in 2014 Prestige auction for AUS $2,400)
(*) Catalog #SG 98 Catalog Value £560 | Price Realized $2,300.00
 | Lot #499 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1860 Beaded Oval on De La Rue paper, perf. 12, 2p gray lilac, also 2p gray violet, h.r., brilliant colors, fine, with 2006 Rodney Perry certificates, * Catalog #SG 101a,101b Catalog Value £625 | Price Realized $260.00
 | Lot #500 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1860 2d gray-lilac, with Error of Watermark Single-Lined "6", well centered, neat Melbourne duplex date head of OC26,63. One of the great Victorian rarities, and almost certainly the finest recorded example (Geoff Kellow on page 124 states "Only three or four used copies are known, one being in the Royal Collection. All are used in Melbourne and one is dated 26 October 1863"). The third example was discovered in 1897 but has not been seen by modern collectors. The bona fides of the reputed fourth example have not been established. Thus, this is the only example confirmed in private hands, ex-JRW Purves, illustrated in "Stamps of Victoria" on color Plate 8, also ex- Rodney Perry, with his 2006 certificate, also 2014 Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria certificate (last sold in 2014 in Prestige Auction No.192, lot 3169, hammer AUS $23,000) O Catalog #SG 101ab Catalog Value £6,500 | Price Realized $11,000.00
 | Lot #501 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1864 4p deep rose, perf. 12, error of watermark single-lined "8" (instead of "4"), canceled Sandhurst duplex, 7 November 1864, fine. This error is described on page 163 (illustrated on color page 11 of Geoff Kellow's "The Stamps of Victoria"). Kellow states that this stamp has been discovered in 1980, but an example of the error was first recorded in 1894 (but is know to have been irretrievably lost). Based on the postmark, it is evident that the error resulted from a sheet of "8" paper being included in the "4" consignment. An opportunity to acquire the only surviving copy of the 4p Error of Watermark "8", certainly one of the greatest rarities from Victoria, ex-Rodney Perry, Rodwell, O Catalog #SG 110ca Catalog Value £8,000 | Price Realized $4,250.00
 | Lot #502 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1865 10p gray watermarked single-lined "8", unused without gum, large margins all around, fine, with 1991 Royal certificate (listed as SG 134, which has subsequently been changed) (*) Catalog #SG 119 Catalog Value £1,000 | Price Realized $575.00
 | Lot #503 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1868-80 5sh blue & carmine, also 5sh gray blue (lavender) & carmine, two different unused, the latter without gum, fine, with 2012 certificates, *(*) Catalog #SG 140a,140d Catalog Value £1,300 | Price Realized $325.00
 | Lot #504 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1871 surcharged 9p on 10p purple brown, pink, h.r., fine, signed Diena, * Catalog #SG 171 Catalog Value £800 | Price Realized $375.00
 | Lot #505 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1884 Postal Fiscals 1sh-£1, eleven different, unused (mostly without gum) except for 3p and 2sh6p used, also surcharged 1/2d on 1p green, mostly fine or better, (*)O Catalog #SG 215/234 Catalog Value £7,714 | Price Realized $2,900.00
 | Lot #506 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1884 Postal Fiscals £5 black & yellow green, watermark upright, black (presumably fiscal) cancel, fine and attractive, O Catalog #SG 233 Catalog Value £350 | Price Realized $550.00
 | Lot #507 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1884 Stamp Duty Series, 1p, 1sh6p, 4sh and 6sh, four different, h.r., fine-v.f., * Catalog #SG 235,236,238,239 Catalog Value £1,270 | Price Realized $625.00
 | Lot #508 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1884 Postal Fiscals £5 pink, perf. 12 1/2, well centered, small faults, appears unused, O Catalog #SG 278a Catalog Value £1,500 | Price Realized $600.00
 | Lot #509 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1884 Postal Fiscals £10 mauve, watermark sideways, nice color, light cancels, handstamped "R.P." on back, O Catalog #SG 279 Catalog Value £250 | Price Realized $220.00
 | Lot #510 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1884 Postal Fiscals £10 dull mauve, watermark sideways, Melbourne Ja 11, 01 cancel, light vertical crease, fine stamp, O Catalog #SG 279a Catalog Value £250 | Price Realized $225.00
 | Lot #511 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1884 Postal Fiscals £100 aniline crimson, manuscript (fiscal) cancel, attractive stamp, O Catalog #SG 285c Catalog Value £300 | Price Realized $200.00
 | Lot #512 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1884 Postal Fiscals £25, £50 and £100 used, each with Melbourne 1900 cds, £50 defective (repaired), others fine-v.f., O Catalog #SG 289-291 Catalog Value £2,100 | Price Realized $650.00
 | Lot #513 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1885 1sh blue overprinted "Stamp Duty" in blue, canceled "20 Feb 85" (fiscal), fine, with 2012 Ceremuga certificate ("very rare") O Catalog #SG 306b | Price Realized $350.00
 | Lot #514 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1886 Postal Fiscals £5-£9 five different, each Melbourne 1900 cds, fresh and fine-v.f., O Catalog #SG 324-38 Catalog Value £1,205 | Price Realized $475.00
 | Lot #515 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1897-1900 Diamond Jubilee and Boer-War Fund sets of two, with additional 1p olive brown, l.h. or h.r., fine-v.f., * Catalog #SG 353-54,374-75 Catalog Value £725 | Unsold
 | Lot #516 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1901 KEVII £1 rose, £2 deep blue, well centered, l.h. or h.r., v.f., * Catalog #SG 399,400 Catalog Value £1,100 | Price Realized $575.00
 | Lot #517 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1901 3d dull orange brown, inverted watermark, compound perf. 12x12 1/4x12x11, light cancel, well centered, fine, with 2014 BPA certificate, O Catalog #SG 413 Catalog Value £1,400 | Price Realized $290.00
 | Lot #518 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1905-13 1/2d-£2 complete, with additional shades of several values, including 5sh, l.h. or h.r., mostly fine-v.f., * Catalog #SG 416-32 Catalog Value £1,458 | Price Realized $575.00
 | Lot #519 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AUSTRALIAN STATES - Victoria 1905-13 £1 salmon and £2 dull blue, l.h., well centered, v.f., * Catalog #SG 444,445 Catalog Value £1,775 | Unsold