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ImagesDescriptionCurrent Bid
Lot #1204
RUSSIA Russia Used in Persia
1912 cover from Baku to Isfahan (bilingual printed address), with 10k franking on back, showing Teheran 23.IV.12 transits and oval arrival pmks
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Lot #1205
RUSSIA Russia Used in Persia
1914 (1 April) picture postcard franked with 3k red, tied by clear strike of Cyrillic "Gumbet-Kabuz Persian Possessions 1 4 14" cancel, with another strike alongside, addressed to St. Petersburg, v.f. The office in Gumbet-Kabuz probably opened to provide postal service to pilgrims visiting the tomb of King Kabuz (dates of use April 1 1914 (this cover) to Nov 21 1915); Tchilinghirian mentions this postmark known only on loose stamps making this card the discovery copy for the postmark. A rarity
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