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Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #5305 ISRAEL - HOLYLAND Ottoman Empire 1900-17 selection of 13 covers or cards on exhibit pages, one with round negative seal of "Office of State Inspectorate in Jerusalem" in blue, another with oval negative seal of the "4th Army Headquarters Post Office" tying 5pa stamp on postcard to Istanbul, with Pancalti arrival (signed Nakri), FPO 23 and FPO 59 markings on military mail from Tel Sharia, two cards with Ottoman franking (both signed Nakri), different Jerusalem bilingual departure pmks, card from Accra, with Ottoman stamp tied by "Akkia St. Jean d'Acre" departure pmk, Octagonal postmark of "Safed" on piece, card and cover with Caiffa and Jaffa departure cds, also Tiberiade (Tiberias)
| $1,500.00 Bidding Closed |
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