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Images | Description | Current Bid |
 | Lot #5219 GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German WWII Fieldpost - Rhodes (Dec.1944) 1944 cover franked with "Weinachten 1944" type I, tied by Feldpost departure pmk, addressee's FPO No. 68063B at left, minor cover wear, rare usage, signed Zierer,
Catalog #Mi.12 I Catalog Value €1,600 | $475.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5220 GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German WWII Fieldpost - Rhodes (Dec.1944) 1944 Fieldpostcard used locally in Rhodes, with Italian 60c adhesive and "Weinachten 1944" type III, canceled by Feldpost (24.12.44) pmk, fine, signed Diena,
Catalog #Mi.12 III Catalog Value €3,000 | $900.00 Bidding Closed |
 | Lot #5221 GERMAN WORLD WAR II OCCUPATION ISSUES German WWII Fieldpost - Rhodes (Dec.1944) 1944 Italian stationery 30c RODI card, additionally franked with "Weinachten 1944" type III, used in combination with Vukovar (Mi.6) and Agram Inselpost overprints, tied by "Rodi Egeo 25.12.44" pmks, addressed locally, fine and attractive
Catalog #Mi.12 III | $700.00 Bidding Closed |
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